WHY is it anything less than criminal for the Obama Admin to misuse TARP funds for se


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
Labor Department spends stimulus funds for ads during Olbermann, Maddow shows
Contract shows no new jobs were created

The Labor Department paid out hundreds of thousands of dollars in federal stimulus funds to a public relations firm to run more than 100 commercials touting the Obama administration’s “green training” job efforts on two MSNBC cable shows, records show. * * * *


Question, GIVEN that the O' Administration created no jobs out of that shit, and aired the "ads" on lib-friendly but pathetically low rated MSLSD "shows," wouldn't it seem that the idiots were simply using the public's money to self promote, and to dispense a little redistribution of wealth for its political allies?

How is this not worthy of congressional investigation?
I think we will all be physically ill when we find out the things this administration has done behind the backs of the American people.

I wish that were true.

But lots and lots of liberal Democratics will, instead, be apologists for all the misdeeds of the Obama Administration.

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