Why Is Hillary & Obama So Much More Powerful Than Trump?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Next up: Investigation of Obama administration? - WND - WND

Since it has been proven beyond all doubt that the corrupt witch-hunt Mueller investigation completely exonerates Trump ---isn't it time that the real traitors be brought to justice?? As Trump's campaign manager so eloquently stated “Barr went on to testify that there was a ‘failure among a group of leaders there at the upper echelon [of the FBI]… [and] I feel I have an obligation to make sure that government power is not abused.’ Now that the collusion and obstruction conspiracy theories have been exposed for the pathetic hoaxes they always were, the Obama-era DOJ and FBI must answer for their misdeeds and the scam that they perpetrated against the American people. Justice will be served.”

However, there is something I can't understand....why is it taking so long to even so much as get a single indictment against anyone related to Clinton or Obama? Yea, I know Obama's former white house counsel got indicted, but it was for shit connected to Trump's campaign manager. I mean just compare them -- Trump's campaign never met with Russians, and if they did, it wasn't wrong or illegal -- Meanwhile, Obama met with Russians hundreds of times, who remembers when he met with the Russian president and told him how he would have flexibility? He was plotting even then a conspiracy to overthrow the next republican president -- the evidence is clear but there is more.

Trump never once obstructed justice or ordered anyone to mislead investigators and even if he did, it's not illegal because there was never a crime anyway -- but Hillary obstructed justice, destroyed evidence, ordered others to lie including the negro lesbian Attorney General, she also refused to testify under oath (unlike Trump, who had no problems testifying under oath) -- and if she did testify under oath, she committed perjury several times -- and that's before we even mention her role in PizzaGate, the Seth Rich assassination and also Uranium One.

So my frustration is...If the evidence against Obama and Hillary is so clear, why isn't Barr doing anything about it? There is no newly discovered evidence when it comes to their crimes, we knew about them for years -- why is Trump and Barr so ineffective when it comes to investigating and charging these people? The FBI already has the evidence to convict Hillary, why doesn't he just move forward with indictments now?

It's almost as if Hillary and Obama are still more powerful than Trump because they managed to get Trump's own personal attorney, campaign manager, deputy manager, national security advisor and a host of others convicted -- while they themselves have not even been investigated yet...How are these people this powerful -- more powerful than the strongest leader (Trump) we have had in 100 years...
Your whole world is a pack of lies.
Why isn't Hillary indicted yet then?

The FBI under Comey already had the evidence to indict -- all Barr has to do is move forward and indict.

Or is Hillary just that powerful still?
Hillary's career as a politician is over and done, she is irrelevant. She was also investigated by congress several times and they found nothing they could use. Move on. Trump is president now and he is screwing up bigly. Worry about that.
Your whole world is a pack of lies.
Why isn't Hillary indicted yet then?

The FBI under Comey already had the evidence to indict -- all Barr has to do is move forward and indict.

Or is Hillary just that powerful still?
Hillary's career as a politician is over and done, she is irrelevant. She was also investigated by congress several times and they found nothing they could use. Move on. Trump is president now and he is screwing up bigly. Worry about that.
Trump is exonerated -- and besides, a president can't commit a crime anyway -- unless he is Obama or some libtard.

Name a crime ever committed by a republican president? You can't..

However, Clinton committed crimes, Obama committed crimes, LBJ, Carter, JFK all of them did..Except Andrew Jackson -- he was the last great Democrat.
Your whole world is a pack of lies.
Why isn't Hillary indicted yet then?

The FBI under Comey already had the evidence to indict -- all Barr has to do is move forward and indict.

Or is Hillary just that powerful still?
Hillary's career as a politician is over and done, she is irrelevant. She was also investigated by congress several times and they found nothing they could use. Move on. Trump is president now and he is screwing up bigly. Worry about that.
Trump is exonerated -- and besides, a president can't commit a crime anyway -- unless he is Obama or some libtard.

Name a crime ever committed by a republican president? You can't..

However, Clinton committed crimes, Obama committed crimes, LBJ, Carter, JFK all of them did..Except Andrew Jackson -- he was the last great Democrat.
I really don't have a lot of time this morning, I work, but if that is your view of history I will simply restate that your world is a pack of lies.
Your whole world is a pack of lies.
Why isn't Hillary indicted yet then?

The FBI under Comey already had the evidence to indict -- all Barr has to do is move forward and indict.

Or is Hillary just that powerful still?
Hillary's career as a politician is over and done, she is irrelevant. She was also investigated by congress several times and they found nothing they could use. Move on. Trump is president now and he is screwing up bigly. Worry about that.
What is he screwing up?
Seems that you want to blame everything that happens in the world on Trump.
If somebody shoots up a Mosque in New Zealand, you blame Trump for it.
If somebody runs over some Anitfa assholes in Charlettesville SC, you blame Trump for it.
If somebody pays Central Americans to come to the US by the thousands.....you act like it's not happening.
If Congress can't get their shit together, you blame Trump.
Did Trump force Obama to spy on him?
Did Trump force Hillary to commit espionage and then start this Russian Collusion hoax?
Did Trump force Jussie Smollett to fake a racist attack?
Did Trump force people to resort to violence whenever they see a MAGA hat?

Next up: Investigation of Obama administration? - WND - WND

Since it has been proven beyond all doubt that the corrupt witch-hunt Mueller investigation completely exonerates Trump ---isn't it time that the real traitors be brought to justice?? As Trump's campaign manager so eloquently stated “Barr went on to testify that there was a ‘failure among a group of leaders there at the upper echelon [of the FBI]… [and] I feel I have an obligation to make sure that government power is not abused.’ Now that the collusion and obstruction conspiracy theories have been exposed for the pathetic hoaxes they always were, the Obama-era DOJ and FBI must answer for their misdeeds and the scam that they perpetrated against the American people. Justice will be served.”

However, there is something I can't understand....why is it taking so long to even so much as get a single indictment against anyone related to Clinton or Obama? Yea, I know Obama's former white house counsel got indicted, but it was for shit connected to Trump's campaign manager. I mean just compare them -- Trump's campaign never met with Russians, and if they did, it wasn't wrong or illegal -- Meanwhile, Obama met with Russians hundreds of times, who remembers when he met with the Russian president and told him how he would have flexibility? He was plotting even then a conspiracy to overthrow the next republican president -- the evidence is clear but there is more.

Trump never once obstructed justice or ordered anyone to mislead investigators and even if he did, it's not illegal because there was never a crime anyway -- but Hillary obstructed justice, destroyed evidence, ordered others to lie including the negro lesbian Attorney General, she also refused to testify under oath (unlike Trump, who had no problems testifying under oath) -- and if she did testify under oath, she committed perjury several times -- and that's before we even mention her role in PizzaGate, the Seth Rich assassination and also Uranium One.

So my frustration is...If the evidence against Obama and Hillary is so clear, why isn't Barr doing anything about it? There is no newly discovered evidence when it comes to their crimes, we knew about them for years -- why is Trump and Barr so ineffective when it comes to investigating and charging these people? The FBI already has the evidence to convict Hillary, why doesn't he just move forward with indictments now?

It's almost as if Hillary and Obama are still more powerful than Trump because they managed to get Trump's own personal attorney, campaign manager, deputy manager, national security advisor and a host of others convicted -- while they themselves have not even been investigated yet...How are these people this powerful -- more powerful than the strongest leader (Trump) we have had in 100 years...
Dont forget that James Comey was in the FBI under the bitch Lynch, both corrupt as a 3 dollar bill. Now that we dont have those 2 in the way of investigations, we might see some real justice met out, you know because "no one is above the law". Right?
Eric(the racist) Holder allowed 10,000 Mexican citizens to be killed by US guns he let the drug cartels purchase.
4 US citizens died by Al Qaeda(that Obama said was on the run) and no one did anything about it.
Your whole world is a pack of lies.
Why isn't Hillary indicted yet then?

The FBI under Comey already had the evidence to indict -- all Barr has to do is move forward and indict.

Or is Hillary just that powerful still?

More accurately, Trump is just that weak. You know he campaigned on incarcerating Hillary, so either his AG refuses to do what he says, or he just doesn't have the authority to do it. Poor little Trumpie Bear is just impotent in so many ways.
Your whole world is a pack of lies.
Why isn't Hillary indicted yet then?

The FBI under Comey already had the evidence to indict -- all Barr has to do is move forward and indict.

Or is Hillary just that powerful still?
Hillary's career as a politician is over and done, she is irrelevant. She was also investigated by congress several times and they found nothing they could use. Move on. Trump is president now and he is screwing up bigly. Worry about that.
What is he screwing up?
Seems that you want to blame everything that happens in the world on Trump.
If somebody shoots up a Mosque in New Zealand, you blame Trump for it.
If somebody runs over some Anitfa assholes in Charlettesville SC, you blame Trump for it.
If somebody pays Central Americans to come to the US by the thousands.....you act like it's not happening.
If Congress can't get their shit together, you blame Trump.
Did Trump force Obama to spy on him?
Did Trump force Hillary to commit espionage and then start this Russian Collusion hoax?
Did Trump force Jussie Smollett to fake a racist attack?
Did Trump force people to resort to violence whenever they see a MAGA hat?


But Trump is so weak that he can only tweet about them...

His own people ignore his orders... They freely joke about him behind his back...

With all the evidence against Clinton and Obama no one will obey him and prosecute them... Real Weak...

Probably the weakest leader ever... Even the staff obeyed Carter...
Your whole world is a pack of lies.
Why isn't Hillary indicted yet then?

The FBI under Comey already had the evidence to indict -- all Barr has to do is move forward and indict.

Or is Hillary just that powerful still?
Hillary's career as a politician is over and done, she is irrelevant. She was also investigated by congress several times and they found nothing they could use. Move on. Trump is president now and he is screwing up bigly. Worry about that.
A booming economy is screwing up bigly?
Next up: Investigation of Obama administration? - WND - WND

Since it has been proven beyond all doubt that the corrupt witch-hunt Mueller investigation completely exonerates Trump ---isn't it time that the real traitors be brought to justice?? As Trump's campaign manager so eloquently stated “Barr went on to testify that there was a ‘failure among a group of leaders there at the upper echelon [of the FBI]… [and] I feel I have an obligation to make sure that government power is not abused.’ Now that the collusion and obstruction conspiracy theories have been exposed for the pathetic hoaxes they always were, the Obama-era DOJ and FBI must answer for their misdeeds and the scam that they perpetrated against the American people. Justice will be served.”

However, there is something I can't understand....why is it taking so long to even so much as get a single indictment against anyone related to Clinton or Obama? Yea, I know Obama's former white house counsel got indicted, but it was for shit connected to Trump's campaign manager. I mean just compare them -- Trump's campaign never met with Russians, and if they did, it wasn't wrong or illegal -- Meanwhile, Obama met with Russians hundreds of times, who remembers when he met with the Russian president and told him how he would have flexibility? He was plotting even then a conspiracy to overthrow the next republican president -- the evidence is clear but there is more.

Trump never once obstructed justice or ordered anyone to mislead investigators and even if he did, it's not illegal because there was never a crime anyway -- but Hillary obstructed justice, destroyed evidence, ordered others to lie including the negro lesbian Attorney General, she also refused to testify under oath (unlike Trump, who had no problems testifying under oath) -- and if she did testify under oath, she committed perjury several times -- and that's before we even mention her role in PizzaGate, the Seth Rich assassination and also Uranium One.

So my frustration is...If the evidence against Obama and Hillary is so clear, why isn't Barr doing anything about it? There is no newly discovered evidence when it comes to their crimes, we knew about them for years -- why is Trump and Barr so ineffective when it comes to investigating and charging these people? The FBI already has the evidence to convict Hillary, why doesn't he just move forward with indictments now?

It's almost as if Hillary and Obama are still more powerful than Trump because they managed to get Trump's own personal attorney, campaign manager, deputy manager, national security advisor and a host of others convicted -- while they themselves have not even been investigated yet...How are these people this powerful -- more powerful than the strongest leader (Trump) we have had in 100 years...
Dont forget that James Comey was in the FBI under the bitch Lynch, both corrupt as a 3 dollar bill. Now that we dont have those 2 in the way of investigations, we might see some real justice met out, you know because "no one is above the law". Right?
Eric(the racist) Holder allowed 10,000 Mexican citizens to be killed by US guns he let the drug cartels purchase.
4 US citizens died by Al Qaeda(that Obama said was on the run) and no one did anything about it.
Eric Holder, no longer AG
Loretta Lynch, no longer AG
James Comey, no longer FBI director

In case you haven't been keeping up, the FBI director was appointed by Trump and the Attorney General was appointed by Trump...

If Holder murdered 10,000 people, I am more than sure that Mexico will be prosecuting him, but I would also believe that it should be something Barr would have him prosecuted for too....when is that happening or are you going to say that "they won't allow it"?

4 citizens died in Benghazi -- along with the 60 other citizens who died in the 13 previous embassy attacks that didn't have one single hearing....yet, Benghazi had 10 different hearings that produced no indictments, no charges -- in fact, they cleared the very person you folks were trying to go after more than you did Al Queda....are you going to say that the reason the republicans did that is because "they made them do it"?

We also have (according to InfoWars -World Net Daily, etc) -- proof that Obama coordinated the Sandy Hook shooting, planned terror attacks with ISIS, planned police shootings with BLM, conspired with Russia to take down Trump, sold all of our uranium to Russia, -- helped Hillary with her child sex trafficking operation, assassinated Seth Rich, planned the Jade Helm conspiracy to take martial law over Texas -- of all of these crimes that folks like Jerome Corsi and Alex Jones have mountains of evidence about -- why don't they just hand it over to Attorney General Barr so we can put Obama and Hillary and the dozens of other people responsible in jail? Or is that not going to happen because "they won't allow it"?
If you want to know, follow the frauds. How many Progs have become Conservatives? How many Conservatives have become Progs? You see the latter everyday on TV. Lying for decades fooling their voters or fans. Do you ever hear a word on that by the MSM? The MSM has pulled the Prog Socialist Stockholm Syndrome on people for decades. Combined with the education system ans you see the result. That is why Obama and Hillary have power or most importantly have gotten away with criminal acts.
Your whole world is a pack of lies.
Why isn't Hillary indicted yet then?

The FBI under Comey already had the evidence to indict -- all Barr has to do is move forward and indict.

Or is Hillary just that powerful still?
Hillary's career as a politician is over and done, she is irrelevant. She was also investigated by congress several times and they found nothing they could use. Move on. Trump is president now and he is screwing up bigly. Worry about that.
What is he screwing up?
Seems that you want to blame everything that happens in the world on Trump.
If somebody shoots up a Mosque in New Zealand, you blame Trump for it.
If somebody runs over some Anitfa assholes in Charlettesville SC, you blame Trump for it.
If somebody pays Central Americans to come to the US by the thousands.....you act like it's not happening.
If Congress can't get their shit together, you blame Trump.
Did Trump force Obama to spy on him?
Did Trump force Hillary to commit espionage and then start this Russian Collusion hoax?
Did Trump force Jussie Smollett to fake a racist attack?
Did Trump force people to resort to violence whenever they see a MAGA hat?

Hey remember now, if Trump gets two scoops it throws the libtards into a frenzy!
Your whole world is a pack of lies.
Why isn't Hillary indicted yet then?

The FBI under Comey already had the evidence to indict -- all Barr has to do is move forward and indict.

Or is Hillary just that powerful still?
I don't think that Hillary or Obama are that powerful, but the investigative teams (FBI, CIA) were. And they were in the tank for the Democrats, so no pressure on them.
If you want to know, follow the frauds. How many Progs have become Conservatives? How many Conservatives have become Progs? You see the latter everyday on TV. Lying for decades fooling their voters or fans. Do you ever hear a word on that by the MSM? The MSM has pulled the Prog Socialist Stockholm Syndrome on people for decades. Combined with the education system ans you see the result. That is why Obama and Hillary have power or most importantly have gotten away with criminal acts.

Why won't weak Trump prosecute them... Did he give orders and people just ignore him, seems the common way to deal with him...

There must a trash can outside the door of the oval office where you throw trump's orders in...

Look the Wall is not getting built, Obamacare still going, Clinton is not in Jail, Kim is still letting off Nuclear Bombs.... They are all laughing at him and thus his supporters...

Trump is the butt of half the jokes in the White Office... Why do you think he spends so much time in Florida...
Your whole world is a pack of lies.
Why isn't Hillary indicted yet then?

The FBI under Comey already had the evidence to indict -- all Barr has to do is move forward and indict.

Or is Hillary just that powerful still?
I don't think that Hillary or Obama are that powerful, but the investigative teams (FBI, CIA) were. And they were in the tank for the Democrats, so no pressure on them.

Think you need to wonder why Trump is so weak... JHis own staff think he is a joke and his orders are only good as a talking point for a day...
How insecure of a person do you have to be to consistently accuse Trump of being weak?
How insecure of a person do you have to be to consistently accuse Trump of being weak?

I don't know how you term weak but if my employees were laughing at me behind my back and ignoring my orders because tomorrow he will have another wish list...

This is all in the Mueller report under oath from his own staff...

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