Why is Africa underdeveloped today?

Africa is a shithole because africans are a failure

The only time they've succeeded was when they were of use to White

They're too stupid to make use of the resources that the Whites once capitalized upon
Africa is a shithole because africans are a failure

The only time they've succeeded was when they were of use to White

They're too stupid to make use of the resources that the Whites once capitalized upon

Seriously, shut the hell up man, you're being ignorant as hell and making no sense and ignoring everything that Europeans have done to ravage the continent. How many times must it be stated to your dumb jackass that whites did not develop Africa when they came in, they simply exploited the region to enrich themselves as well as a place to flood their low quality cheap good into. Africans never succeeded when whites were there, they were oppressed and kept in a damn low status, pick up a damn history book and read jackass.

Before there was any known civilization in Europe and Europe proper, civilization existed in Africa first, there was no civilized France, Britain, Germany, etc, while Africa had a civilization, you ancestors were illiterate mostly, uneducated and still living in the Dark Ages for the most part before and even after the Romans swept across Europe, and if that isn't enough, the Moors of ruled Spain, who were *AFRICANS* brought Europe out of its Dark Ages. Europe was never always this so called highly civilized place you racist chimps think it to be, your own history books even say this.

After the Europeans left they are still using neocolonialism to control the countries resources in collusion with some select African sell outs who betray the masses, though not every country in Africa is doing this. Without the systematic rape of the continent by European colonists would not be underdeveloped and strangely during this period Europe became more developed.
Three Questions

1. how long has Africa been un-colonized?

The last African country to be decolonized was Guinea Bissau in 1974. Don't even sit up here and pretend that 35 years or more of independence is more that enough time to offset nearly 70 years of European imposed brutality, neglect and backwardedness.

2. How much foreign Aid has been sent to Africa in the last 50 years.

What foreign aid, you that money they give Africans in exchange for control of their resources and economy? The IMF for example plays a big role in underdeveloping African countries:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aY8SjSQI1Oc]YouTube - How the IMF underdevelops Africa (1/6)[/ame]
Africa is a shithole because africans are a failure

The only time they've succeeded was when they were of use to White

They're too stupid to make use of the resources that the Whites once capitalized upon

Seriously, shut the hell up man,

Now that's a fine refutation :rolleyes:
you're being ignorant as hell and making no sense and ignoring everything that Europeans have done to ravage the continent

Incorrect. You're ignoring the fact that they're pretty much gone now and any continued failure is the failure of the Africans. Hell, the ones we brought here seem to be doing just fine, thanks to the White man

How many times must it be stated to your dumb jackass that whites did not develop Africa when they came in

So now it' not good enough to have affirmative action in the Stares- now you expect Whites to carry the whole fucking continent of Africa? :cuckoo:

, they were oppressed and kept in a damn low status, pick up a damn history book and read jackass.

How about you put down your ****** pride glasses and accept that the time has come for africans to be responsible for their own damned selves? I'm sick and fucking tired of ******* bitching about the past and expecting the White man to carry them, only to turn around and bitch that they haven't done anything for themselves

Before there was any known civilization in Europe and Europe proper, civilization existed in Africa first,
Actually, it started in the Fertile Crescent

before and even after the Romans swept across Europe, and if that isn't enough, the Moors of ruled Spain, who were *AFRICANS*

Incorrect. The Moores were predominantly arab muslims. The ******* in the moorish armies were those who had been defeated and were forced to march at the front of the army and be the first to die ;)
brought Europe out of its Dark Ages.

Actually, that was Western scientific philosophy ad some technology we stole from the Asians ;)
After the Europeans left they are still using neocolonialism to control the countries resources

So we're supposed to be inferior... yet we dominated your asses? :cuckoo:
Incorrect. You're ignoring the fact that they're pretty much gone now and any continued failure is the failure of the Africans. Hell, the ones we brought here seem to be doing just fine, thanks to the White man

Thanks to themselves, not some white man you stupid monkey, its funny how you give the white man credit for everything blacks achieve yet was the hands of this same white man clean of the obvious oppession he has brought against blacks and the legacy after it, real grand you dumb monkey.


So now it' not good enough to have affirmative action in the Stares- now you expect Whites to carry the whole fucking continent of Africa? :cuckoo:

Who said that you dumb ape? If anything Africans need to keep the influence of the white man out of their countries and deal with these Western countries on terms favourable to themselves[the Africans that is]. Mugabe had the right idea, but he's incompetent as hell, but the opposition that opposing him are just going to be another bunch of sell out puppets which is why Mugabe would rather let the country rot as opposed to letting the white man run it de facto again.

Actually, it started in the Fertile Crescent

no, actually in Africa first, but either civilization did not start in Europe nor amongst white men, without the influence of African and Near eastern Civilizations there would be no civilization is Europe you dumb monkey.

Incorrect. The Moores were predominantly arab muslims. The ******* in the moorish armies were those who had been defeated and were forced to march at the front of the army and be the first to die ;)

Wrong, they were not Arabs, they were Islamicized North Africans, not Arab Muslims, the first Moorish conquerers came from across the sea from North Africa. Stupid monkeys like you claim to be superior Caucasians yet lack the capacity to read history.
There is no question that the brutal colonialism of a century ago has had an effect on Africa. However, at some point, Africans must cast aside the crutch of the past and start looking at themselves today.

Today, Africa is hobbled by grossly incompetent, venal and corrupt leaders who insist upon stealing the wealth and whisking it out of the country. The amount of money stolen by African leaders over the past 50 years is in the hundreds of billions. Some, such as whatshisname, the "Emperor" of the Central African Republican were utterly insane. Others, such as Charles Taylor, were brutal egomaniacs.

Until the leaders stop screwing their own people, Africa will never develop. Never.

BTW, as trendy as it is for leftist academics to blame America for all the world's problems, America has been a minor player in Africa, with the French, British and even the Dutch being more involved in the continent.

European Colonialism in Africa ended but a scant 60 or so years ago, in some countries even much less; that is considerably less than the amount of time many of the countries experienced the imperial yoke. All in all, it has been a very short time that Africans have actually been able to enforce their own model of development. In Latin America, the 'direct' imperial legacy still is the most fundamental force of underdevelopment [patterns of enormous wealth inequalities within countries], because of the patterns introduced by the imperial power (Spain) for hundreds of years, and which have reproduced and reproduced themselves since independence in the 1830s. It isn't that colonial powers are still fucking things over per se, but the patterns and institutional structures that are established and subsequently reproduced long after independence, and this can also been seen in Africa.

Similar things can even be seen in North America. The policy of "Salutary Neglect" and whatnot, Britain for most intents and purposes let the colonies do whatever they wanted, and the second they started to try impose more [still relatively very weak] muscular control, it was too late, and the Americans would have none of it. [Limited] Democratic rule and the rule of law, citizen initiative and actual self-development was allowed to flourish BECAUSE the imperial power simply... kept its hands off. These patterns were a virtuous cycle, as opposed to the vicious cycles that have plagued India, Latin America and now Africa among others. One could even look at Japan - it was never colonized, and as a result became the only non-Western country to fully industrialize, through its own self-development [even if undemocratically managed, of course].

Of course Leadership is important, but I believe leadership and leaders are a product of their society. Enlightened leaders are few and far between everywhere. It is more important to rely on the social relations that shape each society, and to keep in mind that the changes that are brought about are slow and painful. It is absolutely true that the leadership in many African countries, and also many Middle-Eastern and also Latin American, and Asian countries have failed their populations, and it should be held accountable. but these leaders are a product of their societies, and these societies have their roots more often than not in Imperial occupation and exploitation, unnatural patterns of development, the sucking of surplus from the population to the benefit of the occupying powers and the rulers. There is no longer any point in just blaming the people who occupied the country over 50, 60, 100 years ago, though. And that is why now it is the current and recent leaders who are in the spotlight and who do and continually will face more and more pressure.

Three Questions

1. how long has Africa been un-colonized?

2. How much foreign Aid has been sent to Africa in the last 50 years.

3. How has that worked out?

Africa's made up of many countries, they don't have a single "independence day". Most were decolonized during the 60s and 70s. A lot of foreign aid has gone to Africa, but it would be absolutely wrong to assume this says anything. Throwing money at Africa's problems won't solve them, if governments don't have the institutional capacity and checks and balances to do anything good with the money, or to prevent the very government to steal all the aid. So no, it hasn't worked out very well, but there are no simple answers. Some countries have done a lot of good with their aid and avoided widespread corruptions; some have been aid black-holes. The variation in African countries is enormous, and this is one of the huge problems with this thread and even with the international discussion on the problems of Africa - Africa is not one country. It is not a homogenous block. Africa is made up of ~50+ countries, each different from the next, with its own problems. Mauritius has a very high development index and infrastructure, GDP per capita, etc, while for example, Uganda or Zimbabwe are in the shitter. in between there is a huge spectrum, a gamut of countries with all sorts of levels of development. No one cure will fix "Africa's" problems. Even within Countries, a few have very high standards of living comparable to first world countries, some have mid-level standards of living of medium development countries, and most are dirt poor.

Aid isn't the answer to everything unless we are specified enough about what and where and how it is being used. The problems of the top 20% income-earners in Botswana are very different from the bottom 20% in the same place, or the top 20% in Angola. In the world of development there are no easy answers and no simple solutions to problems. Things go slowly, they rely on very slow social change and are hugely impacted by the historical perspective. This is why question in this thread is the subject of hundreds of articles and thick books. Saying "Africa is underdeveloped because blacks are an inferior race," as JBeukema does, is the answer of the ignorant, the stupid, and the intellectually challenged. It is the "easy answer."
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Why is Africa underdeveloped? Because the natives are incapable of even organising a piss-up in a brewery. Look at Zimbabwe as a case in point. Zim was, until recently known as the breadbasket of Africa. Its farming industry was second to none. Now, having kicked out the white farmers, the once fertile acres are turning into arid wastelands and Zim is no longer a producer of food and the natives are starving. They are fuckwits.

This idiot is actually trying to imply that Africa was better off when the whites controlled it, what a moron, the reason Zimbabwe is bad is because Mugabe is incompetent, not because of the removal of white farmers, who really had no right to that land to begin with. Had he replaced the white farmers with competent black farmers there would have been no drop off in production, instead he gave it to his careless cronies.

Why exactly did the white Zimbabweans not have a right to their own land??????? If a black moves to this country and buys land does that land not really belong to him??????

Whites have lived in Zimbabwe and South Africa for generations and have just as much a right to that land as anyone else.

Mugabe is ruining Zimbabwe, at least your right there, and population seems to be happy to let him do it. White farmers were murdered in their homes and run off their land all because Mugabe told them the whites were evil. Now the people starve and the gov. askes for food Aid.
Why exactly did the white Zimbabweans not have a right to their own land??????? If a black moves to this country and buys land does that land not really belong to him??????

Whites didn't exactly "move"to Zimbabwe, do you know how many Africans were forcefully removed from the best farm lands to make way for white settlers? It was not their land, they bought land from people who already stole it without even compensating the people they stole it from.

Whites have lived in Zimbabwe and South Africa for generations and have just as much a right to that land as anyone else.

Those thieves have no right to anything, they moved there as oppressors and exploiters and Zimbabwe didn't achieve full independence under black control until the 1980s. These people have no right to Africa's resources and control of the economy.
Unlike most of the people who posted in this thread, I have actually visited Africa. The reason it is so underdeveloped is twofold. First a lack of education and secondly, slavery.
After visiting Africa, I want to put forth an idea. We need to invest more in Africa. Back some African countries finanicially, to bump up the production of oil. Driving down the global price of gas.Africa is not reaching it's full potential. It has a lot of untapped resources.
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Why don't American blacks go to Africa and help educate the people that they feel more in touch with than Americans, after all, they call themselves African-Americans. Oprah, Spike Lee, Jeremiah Wright, Barrack Osama, etc. etc. If you consider yourselves Africans first, go back to where you obviously feel you belong. You will not be missed, believe me. I work with a shitload of American blacks and actual Africans, the Africans dislike American blacks, "they are too lazy". The Africans are great, tireless workers but there is a difference between them after a few years in America, they learn the ways of the lazy ass, a shame really.
I thought this thread was very sad.

The back and forths were pretty good. I couldn't believe you could go as far as some here do with the name calling and racist comments.

Yeah, I find it pretty unbelievable as well. It must be just SO easy, SO good for one's piece of mind to just be able to claim racial superiority and soew blatant racism, instead of having to worry about or go through the pains of having to acquire an actual grasp on an important and complex topic such as the development of nations.
The most modern nation in Africa is still... SOUTH Africa.... I'm sure once AIDS is cured by deflowing virgins and hocus pocus witchcraft bullshit that Africa will produce a stable, politically sustainable black nation.
Three Questions

1. how long has Africa been un-colonized?

The last African country to be decolonized was Guinea Bissau in 1974. Don't even sit up here and pretend that 35 years or more of independence is more that enough time to offset nearly 70 years of European imposed brutality, neglect and backwardedness.

2. How much foreign Aid has been sent to Africa in the last 50 years.

What foreign aid, you that money they give Africans in exchange for control of their resources and economy? The IMF for example plays a big role in underdeveloping African countries:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aY8SjSQI1Oc]YouTube - How the IMF underdevelops Africa (1/6)[/ame]

somehow I knew you would not be honest enough to answer the questions. oh well.
There is no question that the brutal colonialism of a century ago has had an effect on Africa. However, at some point, Africans must cast aside the crutch of the past and start looking at themselves today.

Today, Africa is hobbled by grossly incompetent, venal and corrupt leaders who insist upon stealing the wealth and whisking it out of the country. The amount of money stolen by African leaders over the past 50 years is in the hundreds of billions. Some, such as whatshisname, the "Emperor" of the Central African Republican were utterly insane. Others, such as Charles Taylor, were brutal egomaniacs.

Until the leaders stop screwing their own people, Africa will never develop. Never.

BTW, as trendy as it is for leftist academics to blame America for all the world's problems, America has been a minor player in Africa, with the French, British and even the Dutch being more involved in the continent.

European Colonialism in Africa ended but a scant 60 or so years ago, in some countries even much less; that is considerably less than the amount of time many of the countries experienced the imperial yoke. All in all, it has been a very short time that Africans have actually been able to enforce their own model of development. In Latin America, the 'direct' imperial legacy still is the most fundamental force of underdevelopment [patterns of enormous wealth inequalities within countries], because of the patterns introduced by the imperial power (Spain) for hundreds of years, and which have reproduced and reproduced themselves since independence in the 1830s. It isn't that colonial powers are still fucking things over per se, but the patterns and institutional structures that are established and subsequently reproduced long after independence, and this can also been seen in Africa.

Similar things can even be seen in North America. The policy of "Salutary Neglect" and whatnot, Britain for most intents and purposes let the colonies do whatever they wanted, and the second they started to try impose more [still relatively very weak] muscular control, it was too late, and the Americans would have none of it. [Limited] Democratic rule and the rule of law, citizen initiative and actual self-development was allowed to flourish BECAUSE the imperial power simply... kept its hands off. These patterns were a virtuous cycle, as opposed to the vicious cycles that have plagued India, Latin America and now Africa among others. One could even look at Japan - it was never colonized, and as a result became the only non-Western country to fully industrialize, through its own self-development [even if undemocratically managed, of course].

Of course Leadership is important, but I believe leadership and leaders are a product of their society. Enlightened leaders are few and far between everywhere. It is more important to rely on the social relations that shape each society, and to keep in mind that the changes that are brought about are slow and painful. It is absolutely true that the leadership in many African countries, and also many Middle-Eastern and also Latin American, and Asian countries have failed their populations, and it should be held accountable. but these leaders are a product of their societies, and these societies have their roots more often than not in Imperial occupation and exploitation, unnatural patterns of development, the sucking of surplus from the population to the benefit of the occupying powers and the rulers. There is no longer any point in just blaming the people who occupied the country over 50, 60, 100 years ago, though. And that is why now it is the current and recent leaders who are in the spotlight and who do and continually will face more and more pressure.

Three Questions

1. how long has Africa been un-colonized?

2. How much foreign Aid has been sent to Africa in the last 50 years.

3. How has that worked out?

Africa's made up of many countries, they don't have a single "independence day". Most were decolonized during the 60s and 70s. A lot of foreign aid has gone to Africa, but it would be absolutely wrong to assume this says anything. Throwing money at Africa's problems won't solve them, if governments don't have the institutional capacity and checks and balances to do anything good with the money, or to prevent the very government to steal all the aid. So no, it hasn't worked out very well, but there are no simple answers. Some countries have done a lot of good with their aid and avoided widespread corruptions; some have been aid black-holes. The variation in African countries is enormous, and this is one of the huge problems with this thread and even with the international discussion on the problems of Africa - Africa is not one country. It is not a homogenous block. Africa is made up of ~50+ countries, each different from the next, with its own problems. Mauritius has a very high development index and infrastructure, GDP per capita, etc, while for example, Uganda or Zimbabwe are in the shitter. in between there is a huge spectrum, a gamut of countries with all sorts of levels of development. No one cure will fix "Africa's" problems. Even within Countries, a few have very high standards of living comparable to first world countries, some have mid-level standards of living of medium development countries, and most are dirt poor.

Aid isn't the answer to everything unless we are specified enough about what and where and how it is being used. The problems of the top 20% income-earners in Botswana are very different from the bottom 20% in the same place, or the top 20% in Angola. In the world of development there are no easy answers and no simple solutions to problems. Things go slowly, they rely on very slow social change and are hugely impacted by the historical perspective. This is why question in this thread is the subject of hundreds of articles and thick books. Saying "Africa is underdeveloped because blacks are an inferior race," as JBeukema does, is the answer of the ignorant, the stupid, and the intellectually challenged. It is the "easy answer."

Thank you for your answer I appreciate it. and I agree. intellect is not the root of the problem. political and governmental corruption seems to be the root of the problem and throwing money at that will not fix it.

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