Why I'm voting Democrat Part 2: Romney's insult to cops/firemen


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
The Real Message Behind Mitt Romney’s Anti-Police And Firefighters ‘Gaffe’ | Mediaite

All the right wingers of the political world who are in power (mayors, govs, councils) seem to share the same idea: It's open season on cops and firemen. Lump them into the evil "government worker" label, and start slashing away.

This story didn't get reported much at all. Why? Well, maybe because I used to watch mostly FoxNews, and they just didn't spend a lot of time on it. I'm sure CNN, NBC, etc, didn't either.

And the above article sums it up so well. Romney and the right wing TP need votes from the right wing and independents. Which are mostly middle and upper class, many live in suburbs, and many are white. Which is fine. But the article explains, perfectly, that THOSE voting groups aren't as dependent on cops and firemen as, say, those in inner city ghettos. It says in those places, reductions in cops wont cause "someone to die" as a result. Thus, the voters accept it and dont really care. Again....just government workers, which are BAD.

Which is why I personally think "they" dont get it. Many on the right and in the TP live in the suburbs or in safe rural areas. They see a cop here and there. Probably live in fairly safe areas, with the biggest problems being speeding, DUI, some minor thefts. To them, "more cops" not only makes no sense, but they see TOO MANY cops. (Note: Often the case in cities the cops have helped make safe, the locals feel they are no longer necessary). Same with firemen. No one needs a fireman until their house is on fire.

What they dont realize is most FD's also have certified paramedics on the truck. And respond to ALL medical calls. So a person having a minor medical problem has a paramedic show up. If he/she can treat it there, guess what? It's free. You dont pay for an ambulance ride. You dont pay for an ER visit. Which means healthcare costs never happen. Good for everyone involved.

Unless you're the rich TP'er who sees the fire truck stopped at Subway for lunch and think "what a waste of my tax dollars to have so many fire trucks".
Seriously, stop being a pussy. You're boring. You likely always were a closet Socialist/Progressive. So now you're out, good for you. Move on. SHEESH!
Seriously, stop being a pussy. You're boring. You likely always were a closet Socialist/Progressive. So now you're out, good for you. Move on. SHEESH!


This is hilarious. When a left winger decides voting GOP is better for him, he is cheered and congratulated and is said to simply have figured things out, or matured, etc. Never "he was always a closet rich Republican".

All I've done is take a few months (notice I haven't posted in a long while) and analyze my views with that of the current politicians in my city, county, state and nation.

And right now, my views are more represented by Democrats than Republicans.

Thats the foundation of non-partisan independence. Or as some call it, FREEDOM.

Thats all I did. And I'll do it again in 2014 and 2016.
And he could have just added this to the thread he already had going about flipping his vote.
Drama queen I guess.
Tell us, do you believe we need more firefighters? If so, why?

Do you believe the federal government has the authority to fund local firefighters? If so, where is that authority granted?
Seriously, stop being a pussy. You're boring. You likely always were a closet Socialist/Progressive. So now you're out, good for you. Move on. SHEESH!


This is hilarious. When a left winger decides voting GOP is better for him, he is cheered and congratulated and is said to simply have figured things out, or matured, etc. Never "he was always a closet rich Republican".

All I've done is take a few months (notice I haven't posted in a long while) and analyze my views with that of the current politicians in my city, county, state and nation.

And right now, my views are more represented by Democrats than Republicans.

Thats the foundation of non-partisan independence. Or as some call it, FREEDOM.

Thats all I did. And I'll do it again in 2014 and 2016.

You can vote for whomever you want.

You can vote on the basis of sound judgment or emotionalism.

You can try to persuade others of the rectitude of your opinion and the steadfastness of your motivations.

But in the end, your vote says an awful lot about you and your dedication to the fundamental principles associated with our Constitutional Republic.

There is NO vote FOR the incumbent that squares with those principles.
Tell us, do you believe we need more firefighters? If so, why?

Do you believe the federal government has the authority to fund local firefighters? If so, where is that authority granted?

More? No. But we need to keep the ones we have. And they deserve a decent salary and modest retirement. Union FD's have bloated it, and I accept there will be cutbacks in some of those. The non-union ones in the South, who already dont make much, shouldn't be cut or be cut as LAST resort along with PD. TP mayor are slashing like Edward Scissorhands.

Authority? I dont know. I'm not a Constitutional Law expert. But I'll take a guess. When the colonies won the Revolutionary War, they helped each other on US soil. They helped put out fires the Brits set. Their common folk in the non-regular militia fought off threats for each other, over state lines. I'd guess if George Washington was asked to send help to CHarleston to put out a massive fire, or to control violent crime waves, he would. Oh wait............HE DID.

So, yeah, I'd argue the Feds can send resources to a state for the protection of it's people if needed.
Seriously, stop being a pussy. You're boring. You likely always were a closet Socialist/Progressive. So now you're out, good for you. Move on. SHEESH!


This is hilarious. When a left winger decides voting GOP is better for him, he is cheered and congratulated and is said to simply have figured things out, or matured, etc. Never "he was always a closet rich Republican".

All I've done is take a few months (notice I haven't posted in a long while) and analyze my views with that of the current politicians in my city, county, state and nation.

And right now, my views are more represented by Democrats than Republicans.

Thats the foundation of non-partisan independence. Or as some call it, FREEDOM.

Thats all I did. And I'll do it again in 2014 and 2016.

No, you're being a pussy. You've bought into the Socialist/Progressive propaganda. You're only proving how weak-minded and cowardly you are. But hey, good riddance. Now you're where you belong. One more phony pussy gone. It's a good thing. Thanks.
Making necessary budgetary decisions has nothing to do with "hate", but has everything to do with fiscal responsibility............

If local and state bureaucrats had managed their resources better there wouldnt be a need for such measures.............

But the martyrdom of cops, firemen and teachers by leftists has been absolutely precious !!!!!!!!!

Civil servants UNITE ! lol
The Real Message Behind Mitt Romney’s Anti-Police And Firefighters ‘Gaffe’ | Mediaite

All the right wingers of the political world who are in power (mayors, govs, councils) seem to share the same idea: It's open season on cops and firemen. Lump them into the evil "government worker" label, and start slashing away.

This story didn't get reported much at all. Why? Well, maybe because I used to watch mostly FoxNews, and they just didn't spend a lot of time on it. I'm sure CNN, NBC, etc, didn't either.

And the above article sums it up so well. Romney and the right wing TP need votes from the right wing and independents. Which are mostly middle and upper class, many live in suburbs, and many are white. Which is fine. But the article explains, perfectly, that THOSE voting groups aren't as dependent on cops and firemen as, say, those in inner city ghettos. It says in those places, reductions in cops wont cause "someone to die" as a result. Thus, the voters accept it and dont really care. Again....just government workers, which are BAD.

Which is why I personally think "they" dont get it. Many on the right and in the TP live in the suburbs or in safe rural areas. They see a cop here and there. Probably live in fairly safe areas, with the biggest problems being speeding, DUI, some minor thefts. To them, "more cops" not only makes no sense, but they see TOO MANY cops. (Note: Often the case in cities the cops have helped make safe, the locals feel they are no longer necessary). Same with firemen. No one needs a fireman until their house is on fire.

What they dont realize is most FD's also have certified paramedics on the truck. And respond to ALL medical calls. So a person having a minor medical problem has a paramedic show up. If he/she can treat it there, guess what? It's free. You dont pay for an ambulance ride. You dont pay for an ER visit. Which means healthcare costs never happen. Good for everyone involved.

Unless you're the rich TP'er who sees the fire truck stopped at Subway for lunch and think "what a waste of my tax dollars to have so many fire trucks".
You are simply delusional.....

I suspect you are lacking attention. Seek medical help............
Tell us, do you believe we need more firefighters? If so, why?

Do you believe the federal government has the authority to fund local firefighters? If so, where is that authority granted?

More? No. But we need to keep the ones we have. And they deserve a decent salary and modest retirement. Union FD's have bloated it, and I accept there will be cutbacks in some of those. The non-union ones in the South, who already dont make much, shouldn't be cut or be cut as LAST resort along with PD. TP mayor are slashing like Edward Scissorhands.

Authority? I dont know. I'm not a Constitutional Law expert. But I'll take a guess. When the colonies won the Revolutionary War, they helped each other on US soil. They helped put out fires the Brits set. Their common folk in the non-regular militia fought off threats for each other, over state lines. I'd guess if George Washington was asked to send help to CHarleston to put out a massive fire, or to control violent crime waves, he would. Oh wait............HE DID.

So, yeah, I'd argue the Feds can send resources to a state for the protection of it's people if needed.

What part of 16+ trillion in debt do you not get? Jesus
Seriously, stop being a pussy. You're boring. You likely always were a closet Socialist/Progressive. So now you're out, good for you. Move on. SHEESH!


This is hilarious. When a left winger decides voting GOP is better for him, he is cheered and congratulated and is said to simply have figured things out, or matured, etc. Never "he was always a closet rich Republican".

All I've done is take a few months (notice I haven't posted in a long while) and analyze my views with that of the current politicians in my city, county, state and nation.

And right now, my views are more represented by Democrats than Republicans.

Thats the foundation of non-partisan independence. Or as some call it, FREEDOM.

Thats all I did. And I'll do it again in 2014 and 2016.

No, you're being a pussy. You've bought into the Socialist/Progressive propaganda. You're only proving how weak-minded and cowardly you are. But hey, good riddance. Now you're where you belong. One more phony pussy gone. It's a good thing. Thanks.

I did? Because I still despise Van Jones. And I still think we need to cut a shitload of government waste. And I still believe in the 2nd amendment. And God in schools. And pickup trucks. And I dont wanna live in Europe.

I just want Tea Party mayors and governors to stop fucking with cops and firemen. And Romney's knock on cops/firemen doesn't help.

They lost my vote.

This is hilarious. When a left winger decides voting GOP is better for him, he is cheered and congratulated and is said to simply have figured things out, or matured, etc. Never "he was always a closet rich Republican".

All I've done is take a few months (notice I haven't posted in a long while) and analyze my views with that of the current politicians in my city, county, state and nation.

And right now, my views are more represented by Democrats than Republicans.

Thats the foundation of non-partisan independence. Or as some call it, FREEDOM.

Thats all I did. And I'll do it again in 2014 and 2016.

No, you're being a pussy. You've bought into the Socialist/Progressive propaganda. You're only proving how weak-minded and cowardly you are. But hey, good riddance. Now you're where you belong. One more phony pussy gone. It's a good thing. Thanks.

I did? Because I still despise Van Jones. And I still think we need to cut a shitload of government waste. And I still believe in the 2nd amendment. And God in schools. And pickup trucks. And I dont wanna live in Europe.

I just want Tea Party mayors and governors to stop fucking with cops and firemen. And Romney's knock on cops/firemen doesn't help.

They lost my vote.

Nah, you sold out. And that's very sad. But i do understand. The Socialist/Progressive Media propaganda is very powerful. You finally gave into it. But hey, if it makes you happy, so be it i guess.
I never argued that we shouldnt address that. Not for a second.

I'm arguing that, especially locally, we can find ways to do so....without fucking with cops and firemen. ESPECIALLY in non-union states in the South where they dont have bloated contracts like Cali and Jersey. I accept the bankrupt cities out West and up North with bloated union deals have to cut. Cops were never meant to make 100K a year.

But when a filthy rich city in SC (Charleston/Mount Pleasant) tells their cops who make 35-38 a year they're gonna have to take a cut, while the cities spend MILLIONS on parks and opera auditoriums other pet projects........well, it's time for a change. The SC governor supports cuts for cops/firemen also, going against her legislator's budget, just to "send a message". Ideology, not necessity. Thats not gonna keep my vote.
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The Real Message Behind Mitt Romney’s Anti-Police And Firefighters ‘Gaffe’ | Mediaite

All the right wingers of the political world who are in power (mayors, govs, councils) seem to share the same idea: It's open season on cops and firemen. Lump them into the evil "government worker" label, and start slashing away.

This story didn't get reported much at all. Why? Well, maybe because I used to watch mostly FoxNews, and they just didn't spend a lot of time on it. I'm sure CNN, NBC, etc, didn't either.

And the above article sums it up so well. Romney and the right wing TP need votes from the right wing and independents. Which are mostly middle and upper class, many live in suburbs, and many are white. Which is fine. But the article explains, perfectly, that THOSE voting groups aren't as dependent on cops and firemen as, say, those in inner city ghettos. It says in those places, reductions in cops wont cause "someone to die" as a result. Thus, the voters accept it and dont really care. Again....just government workers, which are BAD.

Which is why I personally think "they" dont get it. Many on the right and in the TP live in the suburbs or in safe rural areas. They see a cop here and there. Probably live in fairly safe areas, with the biggest problems being speeding, DUI, some minor thefts. To them, "more cops" not only makes no sense, but they see TOO MANY cops. (Note: Often the case in cities the cops have helped make safe, the locals feel they are no longer necessary). Same with firemen. No one needs a fireman until their house is on fire.

What they dont realize is most FD's also have certified paramedics on the truck. And respond to ALL medical calls. So a person having a minor medical problem has a paramedic show up. If he/she can treat it there, guess what? It's free. You dont pay for an ambulance ride. You dont pay for an ER visit. Which means healthcare costs never happen. Good for everyone involved.

Unless you're the rich TP'er who sees the fire truck stopped at Subway for lunch and think "what a waste of my tax dollars to have so many fire trucks".

Yet, the police and firefighters are generally shot at in urban area! Go figure, it's the rural areas that don't like cops. Okay.

Now if you think that if you call for emergency help you won't get a bill, you merely need to be educated. Not only will you get a bill for the service, but you will be billed separately just for making the 911 call. The cost may vary but is usually around $300.00.

Calling 911? That'll Be $300 | Techdirt

What is really happening is that public service workers like the police and firefighters are demanding more and more from people with less and less to give them. A lot of resentment is building up at supporting public service workers . Especially now when so many people are scraping by, struggling with the bills, then finding that their taxes are going up because the police want more. When will they have enough? The answer is never. If Romney is addressing this issue, he will definitely find a nerve to strike.
No, you're being a pussy. You've bought into the Socialist/Progressive propaganda. You're only proving how weak-minded and cowardly you are. But hey, good riddance. Now you're where you belong. One more phony pussy gone. It's a good thing. Thanks.

I did? Because I still despise Van Jones. And I still think we need to cut a shitload of government waste. And I still believe in the 2nd amendment. And God in schools. And pickup trucks. And I dont wanna live in Europe.

I just want Tea Party mayors and governors to stop fucking with cops and firemen. And Romney's knock on cops/firemen doesn't help.

They lost my vote.

Nah, you sold out. And that's very sad. But i do understand. The Socialist/Progressive Media propaganda is very powerful. You finally gave into it. But hey, if it makes you happy, so be it i guess.

Haha, so you think watching MSNBC all of a sudden made me wanna vote Democrat? Ok, sure.

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