Why I'm not voting Obama and my take on Republitards and deregulation

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
I'm not voting for Barack because the same criminals who concoted the financial collapse of our country under Bush he hired on his WH economic staff and or appointed to positions of power. Examples include Bernake, Larry Summers[who is gone, but still why did he tap that douchebag in the first place and his tax cuts plans? Not to mention he supported the crooks on Wall Street and profited from them]. He has done nothing to regulate Wall Street, his "reforms" have been very weak, the OWS movement should be targeting him since he has done nothing to really stop the 30 year trend of deregulation on Wall Street that not surprisingly correlated with a 30 year rise in the wealth of the richest and the poor getting poorer. Every president since that time has supported the crooks, Greenspan being another one.

The Republitards are retarded indeed arguing for less regulation and stating that government is too much involved, what we need is the exact opposite, more regulation is needed. The crooks took the money of investors[essentially your money in the bank and savings] gambled carelessly with it[thanks to the 30 year trend of continuous deregulation] and crapped out twice[the Housing bubble bursting and the dot.com crash, the latter thanks to deregulation of derivatives] took taxpayer money in the form of bailouts[your money and my money] and were not prosecuted for anything. As for the Housing collapse, blame the banks , blame govt for virtually no oversight, not for forcing banks to give loans to people who couldn't afford them. Banks can never have their hands force into predatory lending, Republitards.
When it comes to issues of macroeconomics?

Six of one half dozen of the other as it regards the D and R parties.
When it comes to issues of macroeconomics?

Six of one half dozen of the other as it regards the D and R parties.

It doesn't help that the same guys who advised the Wall Street crooks are teaching economics in colleges and emphasizing deregulation.
Regulations don't just come from the President. Many regulations are mandated by the courts. This is why Obama has had 5% fewer regulations than Bush at this point in Bush's first term.
The Republitards are retarded indeed .

Oh ho ho! Look how you change the name of the political party to make like the joke! Oh ho ho! You funny! You so clever! Oh ho ho!

Grow the fuck up you stupid fucking douchebag.

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