Why I'm Getting Sick of Defending Obamacare

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
No, not me, that is the actual title of the piece from National Journal.

It's getting difficult and slinking toward impossible to defend the Affordable Care Act. The latest blow to Democratic candidates, liberal activists, and naïve columnists like me came Monday from the White House, which announced yet another delay in the Obamacare implementation.For the second time in a year, certain businesses were given more time before being forced to offer health insurance to most of their full-time workers. Employers with 50 to 99 workers were given until 2016 to comply, two years longer than required by law. During a yearlong grace period, larger companies will be required to insure fewer employees than spelled out in the law.
Not coincidentally, the delays punt implementation beyond congressional elections in November, which raises the first problem with defending Obamacare: The White House has politicized its signature policy.

Why I'm Getting Sick of Defending Obamacare - NationalJournal.com

The sad part is that most of the hacks on this site are still doing the defending it because they aren't smart enough to see that Obama has spit in their face.
No, not me, that is the actual title of the piece from National Journal.

It's getting difficult and slinking toward impossible to defend the Affordable Care Act. The latest blow to Democratic candidates, liberal activists, and naïve columnists like me came Monday from the White House, which announced yet another delay in the Obamacare implementation.For the second time in a year, certain businesses were given more time before being forced to offer health insurance to most of their full-time workers. Employers with 50 to 99 workers were given until 2016 to comply, two years longer than required by law. During a yearlong grace period, larger companies will be required to insure fewer employees than spelled out in the law.
Not coincidentally, the delays punt implementation beyond congressional elections in November, which raises the first problem with defending Obamacare: The White House has politicized its signature policy.

Why I'm Getting Sick of Defending Obamacare - NationalJournal.com

The sad part is that most of the hacks on this site are still doing the defending it because they aren't smart enough to see that Obama has spit in their face.

I suspect they're smart enough, it's just that they're ideologically obligated to lie for their party.

It should be easy to defend ObamaCare...
After all look at the 48 million people Obama said needed ObamaCare to pass so they can have insurance.


Well maybe tomorrow they will sign up....
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No, not me, that is the actual title of the piece from National Journal.

It's getting difficult and slinking toward impossible to defend the Affordable Care Act. The latest blow to Democratic candidates, liberal activists, and naïve columnists like me came Monday from the White House, which announced yet another delay in the Obamacare implementation.For the second time in a year, certain businesses were given more time before being forced to offer health insurance to most of their full-time workers. Employers with 50 to 99 workers were given until 2016 to comply, two years longer than required by law. During a yearlong grace period, larger companies will be required to insure fewer employees than spelled out in the law.
Not coincidentally, the delays punt implementation beyond congressional elections in November, which raises the first problem with defending Obamacare: The White House has politicized its signature policy.

Why I'm Getting Sick of Defending Obamacare - NationalJournal.com

The sad part is that most of the hacks on this site are still doing the defending it because they aren't smart enough to see that Obama has spit in their face.

I suspect they're smart enough, it's just that they're ideologically obligated to lie for their party.

I have seen nothing that would lead me to believe that on this site.
No, not me, that is the actual title of the piece from National Journal.

It's getting difficult and slinking toward impossible to defend the Affordable Care Act. The latest blow to Democratic candidates, liberal activists, and naïve columnists like me came Monday from the White House, which announced yet another delay in the Obamacare implementation.For the second time in a year, certain businesses were given more time before being forced to offer health insurance to most of their full-time workers. Employers with 50 to 99 workers were given until 2016 to comply, two years longer than required by law. During a yearlong grace period, larger companies will be required to insure fewer employees than spelled out in the law.
Not coincidentally, the delays punt implementation beyond congressional elections in November, which raises the first problem with defending Obamacare: The White House has politicized its signature policy.
Why I'm Getting Sick of Defending Obamacare - NationalJournal.com

The sad part is that most of the hacks on this site are still doing the defending it because they aren't smart enough to see that Obama has spit in their face.

Quick question for the class;

Will these employees be penalized, during these two years, for not being covered?
Clueless obama!! Clueless on everthing,economy, jobs,debt,military, abortion,same sex marrage,perversion clueless on everything.
He's clueless, just trying different things suggested to him by his commie friends who don't know what the fuck they're doing either. He's dictating as he goes along.
These are challenging times to be an Obama supporter/defender. It was about this same time in Bush's second term that many people became exhausted from defending him, and started to turn away. I'm not convinced yet that the same thing will happen with Obama because his fans have long preached the mantra that those who disagree with him do so because they can't stomach a black man in the WH. I think many would be willing to fall on their own sword rather than betray such an historical figure.
These are challenging times to be an Obama supporter/defender. It was about this same time in Bush's second term that many people became exhausted from defending him, and started to turn away. I'm not convinced yet that the same thing will happen with Obama because his fans have long preached the mantra that those who disagree with him do so because they can't stomach a black man in the WH. I think many would be willing to fall on their own sword rather than betray such an historical figure.



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