why I'm against self driving cars at this point


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 22, 2016
New York
Tesla drove 7 miles using Autopilot as driver allegedly slept drunk behind the wheel
Tesla drove 7 miles using Autopilot as driver allegedly slept drunk behind the wheel
I can see this happening more as drunks use their cars to get home after drinking all night. There aren't enough fail-safes at this point and except for warning systems to alert drivers to avoid accidents, cars need fully engaged drivers.
High insurance costs will limit the use of self driving driving cars.
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Color me skeptical. Self-driving cars are problematic from a liability standpoint. EVERY SINGLE TIME a self-driving car is involved in an accident, the MANUFACTURER is at risk of a huge lawsuit, in a country and a culture where juries get their figurative rocks off awarding astronomical damages against such large firms. And consider, even the DRIVER'S INSURANCE CARRIER will have an interest in pinning this on the manufacturer.

The days when we can plop ourselves down in a car, set the GPS to a destination and take a nap are NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. There is simply too much tort risk.

And old bastards like me would want no part of such a car. But I guess we are dying out anyway.
if we can get aircraft to fly themselves, cars should be coming soon. As a pilot now you enter your altitude, speed and heading into the flight computer and don't touch the controls unless something goes wrong. Some airlines have rules that the pilot can't land the plane, barring failure, and airline safety has skyrocketed.

As for the current state, the issue is not letting better be the enemy of perfect. If someone's going to drive drunk or text is pedestrian detection, lane keeping and automatic braking a good or bad thing?

I havent known drunk drivers to say "well I would drive drunk but my car doesn't have those safety features so I will call a cab"

The issue I could see is they may be harder to catch if they aren't swerving.. but that's weighing the risk of catching a drunk running over a kid or him making it home safe without being caught.

In the end that better vs. perfect may be the issue.

If autonomous driving statistically saves 2000 lives a year but is responsible for 10 deaths which all make the news will that cause have enough backlash to stop it?

It's an intriguing situation
Color me skeptical. Self-driving cars are problematic from a liability standpoint. EVERY SINGLE TIME a self-driving car is involved in an accident, the MANUFACTURER is at risk of a huge lawsuit, in a country and a culture where juries get their figurative rocks off awarding astronomical damages against such large firms. And consider, even the DRIVER'S INSURANCE CARRIER will have an interest in pinning this on the manufacturer.

The days when we can plop ourselves down in a car, set the GPS to a destination and take a nap are NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. There is simply too much tort risk.

And old bastards like me would want no part of such a car. But I guess we are dying out anyway.
They will soon get the science down to where accidents are EXTREMELY rare in self driving cars. They wont have to pay out settlements often. I predict that in 20 years, most cars on the road will be completely self driven and very safe.
Color me skeptical. Self-driving cars are problematic from a liability standpoint. EVERY SINGLE TIME a self-driving car is involved in an accident, the MANUFACTURER is at risk of a huge lawsuit, in a country and a culture where juries get their figurative rocks off awarding astronomical damages against such large firms. And consider, even the DRIVER'S INSURANCE CARRIER will have an interest in pinning this on the manufacturer.

The days when we can plop ourselves down in a car, set the GPS to a destination and take a nap are NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. There is simply too much tort risk.

And old bastards like me would want no part of such a car. But I guess we are dying out anyway.
They will soon get the science down to where accidents are EXTREMELY rare in self driving cars. They wont have to pay out settlements often. I predict that in 20 years, most cars on the road will be completely self driven and very safe.

I think so too but I think it will be a lot slower going than it should be. Because even if a self driving car saves 100 lives, if one person does that will be all that people talk about.

I've known alcoholics who have driven cars when drunk. Whether their car has the ability to detect a kid in the street or not didn't factor in to their decision. But I'd rather that car have the ability to stop itself than not.
Sensors that fail or shutdown in inclement weather. Constant electrical and programming recalls on virtually every make and model.
No automated system will ever learn to deal with trailer towing in snow, black ice.
Best way to make roads safer is to quit licensing morons. I will drive myself rather than trust my life to some code writer.

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