Why I sometimes think that the Muslims got it right once in a while?


VIP Member
Oct 15, 2016

A controversial Muslim cleric who lives off benefits is urging his followers to also sponge off UK taxpayers by claiming their 'Jihadseeker's allowance'.

Anjem Choudary, who in the past has planned to disrupt the minute's silence on Remembrance Sunday, also openly mocked hard-working Britons, calling them 'slaves'.

Read more: Anjem Choudary: Hate preacher pocketing £25,000 a year in benefits calls on fanatics to live off the state | Daily Mail Online
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What this guy said makes a lot of sense. Punishing the productive and rewarding parasites is so idiotic and idiots always end up becoming slaves. It makes perfect sense. To do it and expect any other outcome is what's bizarre.

And yes, religion, being made thousands of years ago, are free from liberal bullshit. There is no way any religion would teach giving away welfare. Religions that do that will have all their followers extinct.

When some idiots do, expect abuses.

While generally, follow-up reporting of The Sun's article was restricted to other tabloid newspapers, on 12 January Choudary was asked to clarify the matter by ITN reporter Angus Walker. Choudary replied "The money belongs to Allah and if it is given, you can take it. You don't lie and you don't cheat – that is what the prophet said. I am not doing anything illegal. --

He got a good point. So people are being paid to produce children while the rich cannot make as many children as they can afford. Genius.

Actually even if it's not given, if the society is so stupid that penalty for corruption is low anyway, why not do it?
religion, being made thousands of years ago, are free from liberal bullshit.
Yes, what was thought thousands of years ago is free from contemporary intellect, like sun NOT going around earth, or earth NOT being flat.
Keep your head in a hole.
Thinking that the sun going around the earth is stupid. However it doesn't hurt your pocket.

Giving welfare check to those who contribute little is another level of stupidity. That's what I am saying.

The Imam got a point.
and if it is given, you can take it. You don't lie and you don't cheat

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