Why I like Rahm Emanuel

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
What is there not to like?

He is hated by the right wingnuts and the left wing moonbats loathe him. Like me he is attacked by goofy wingnuts who call him a leftist even as the left attacks him.

What is there not to like?

By virtue of his political successes and his outsized personality--the nickname “Rahmbo” sums it up--he is the object of near-constant mythologizing. On the right, there is a tendency to view him as a kind of Democratic Karl Rove--a brilliant if diabolical operative who excels in the dark art of psychological warfare. When Emanuel ran the House Democrats’ campaign operation in 2006, the Republican leadership had a habit of blaming him for the party’s freakish procession of scandals, such as the timing of the Mark Foley imbroglio and the indictment of Tom DeLay.

Meanwhile, to activists on the left, who have viewed Emanuel as a crypto-conservative since his Clinton-administration efforts to pass NAFTA, there is a persistent belief that he has maneuvered into the role of shadow president. In each passing disappointment--a too-small stimulus, a too-generous bank bailout, a variety of health care compromises--the left finds more evidence of his ascendant worldview. One prominent liberal radio personality refers to Emanuel as “Barack Obama’s Dick Cheney,” while Jane Hamsher, proprietor of the highly trafficked blog Firedoglake, has agitated for his ouster.

If anything, though, Emanuel is the anti-Cheney. The former Bush vice president was famous for leaving few fingerprints; often, senior White House aides weren’t even aware of his involvement on an issue. But his influence touched every major administration initiative. Emanuel, by contrast, leaves more fingerprints than a twelve-fingered larcenist--thick, greasy, deeply grooved fingerprints. And yet, going down the list of Obama initiatives, one is struck by the number that resist his designs.
-The Chief | The New Republic
You you like men in tights?

Oh! Did you mean baseball?

When photos do contain people related to the task at hand, or the content users are exploring, they do get fixations. However, gender makes a distinct difference on what parts of the photo are stared at the longest. Take a look at the hotspot below.

Although both men and women look at the image of George Brett when directed to find out information about his sport and position, men tend to focus on private anatomy as well as the face. For the women, the face is the only place they viewed.


This image of George Brett was part of a larger page with his biographical information. All users tested looked the image, but there was a distinct difference in focus between men and women.

Coyne adds that this difference doesn’t just occur with images of people. Men tend to fixate more on areas of private anatomy on animals as well, as evidenced when users were directed to browse the American Kennel Club site.

The friggin' Kennel Club? Men focus on the private parts of animals?

So much for the premise that we have evolved. :lol:
You you like men in tights?

Oh! Did you mean baseball?

When photos do contain people related to the task at hand, or the content users are exploring, they do get fixations. However, gender makes a distinct difference on what parts of the photo are stared at the longest. Take a look at the hotspot below.

Although both men and women look at the image of George Brett when directed to find out information about his sport and position, men tend to focus on private anatomy as well as the face. For the women, the face is the only place they viewed.


This image of George Brett was part of a larger page with his biographical information. All users tested looked the image, but there was a distinct difference in focus between men and women.

Coyne adds that this difference doesn’t just occur with images of people. Men tend to fixate more on areas of private anatomy on animals as well, as evidenced when users were directed to browse the American Kennel Club site.

The friggin' Kennel Club? Men focus on the private parts of animals?

So much for the premise that we have evolved. :lol:


snuff said
The thing I like about Rahm is that he is missing a middle finger, thus depriving him of half of his main method of communication.
The thing I like about Rahm is that he is missing a middle finger, thus depriving him of half of his main method of communication.

he can always do something you can't...pull out his pecker and salute the flag while telling people like you to go fuck yourselves.


It's not at all surprising that you are focused on his genitalia.

Just sayin'.
The thing I like about Rahm is that he is missing a middle finger, thus depriving him of half of his main method of communication.

he can always do something you can't...pull out his pecker and salute the flag while telling people like you to go fuck yourselves.


It's not at all surprising that you are focused on his genitalia.

Just sayin'.
Why not, when he's sticking it straight up in the air and saying... Fuck you, you dried up twat!:lol:
In today's NYT.

The Limits of Rahmism
In this season of discontent for Obama, Emanuel has emerged as the leading foil, the easy and most popular target for missiles flung at the White House from all sides. He is the bête noire of conservatives who see him as the chief architect of Obama’s big-government program and of liberals who consider him an accommodationist who undermines the very same agenda. The criticism has been searing and conflicting. He didn’t work enough across party lines. He tried too hard to work across party lines. He pushed for too much. He didn’t push for enough. The crossfire underscores his contradictions — how can Emanuel be so intensely partisan without being all that liberal and so relentlessly pragmatic without being bipartisan? And just as salient these days, how can he be so independent-minded and still remain loyal to a team operation?
What is there not to like?

He is hated by the right wingnuts and the left wing moonbats loathe him. Like me he is attacked by goofy wingnuts who call him a leftist even as the left attacks him.

What is there not to like?

By virtue of his political successes and his outsized personality--the nickname “Rahmbo” sums it up--he is the object of near-constant mythologizing. On the right, there is a tendency to view him as a kind of Democratic Karl Rove--a brilliant if diabolical operative who excels in the dark art of psychological warfare. When Emanuel ran the House Democrats’ campaign operation in 2006, the Republican leadership had a habit of blaming him for the party’s freakish procession of scandals, such as the timing of the Mark Foley imbroglio and the indictment of Tom DeLay.

Meanwhile, to activists on the left, who have viewed Emanuel as a crypto-conservative since his Clinton-administration efforts to pass NAFTA, there is a persistent belief that he has maneuvered into the role of shadow president. In each passing disappointment--a too-small stimulus, a too-generous bank bailout, a variety of health care compromises--the left finds more evidence of his ascendant worldview. One prominent liberal radio personality refers to Emanuel as “Barack Obama’s Dick Cheney,” while Jane Hamsher, proprietor of the highly trafficked blog Firedoglake, has agitated for his ouster.

If anything, though, Emanuel is the anti-Cheney. The former Bush vice president was famous for leaving few fingerprints; often, senior White House aides weren’t even aware of his involvement on an issue. But his influence touched every major administration initiative. Emanuel, by contrast, leaves more fingerprints than a twelve-fingered larcenist--thick, greasy, deeply grooved fingerprints. And yet, going down the list of Obama initiatives, one is struck by the number that resist his designs.
-The Chief | The New Republic
Whatever floats your boat!

Better enjoy your lil' crush with the corrupt lil' moron while you can. Obama's abject failures are going to cause him to start tossing his fellow corrupt cronies under the bus, and lil' Rham will no doubt be the next corrupt lil' bastard to get tossed. Well actually, Holder will most likely be the next, but lil' Rham will no doubt follow forthwit!
What is there not to like?

He is hated by the right wingnuts and the left wing moonbats loathe him. Like me he is attacked by goofy wingnuts who call him a leftist even as the left attacks him.

What is there not to like?

By virtue of his political successes and his outsized personality--the nickname “Rahmbo” sums it up--he is the object of near-constant mythologizing. On the right, there is a tendency to view him as a kind of Democratic Karl Rove--a brilliant if diabolical operative who excels in the dark art of psychological warfare. When Emanuel ran the House Democrats’ campaign operation in 2006, the Republican leadership had a habit of blaming him for the party’s freakish procession of scandals, such as the timing of the Mark Foley imbroglio and the indictment of Tom DeLay.

Meanwhile, to activists on the left, who have viewed Emanuel as a crypto-conservative since his Clinton-administration efforts to pass NAFTA, there is a persistent belief that he has maneuvered into the role of shadow president. In each passing disappointment--a too-small stimulus, a too-generous bank bailout, a variety of health care compromises--the left finds more evidence of his ascendant worldview. One prominent liberal radio personality refers to Emanuel as “Barack Obama’s Dick Cheney,” while Jane Hamsher, proprietor of the highly trafficked blog Firedoglake, has agitated for his ouster.

If anything, though, Emanuel is the anti-Cheney. The former Bush vice president was famous for leaving few fingerprints; often, senior White House aides weren’t even aware of his involvement on an issue. But his influence touched every major administration initiative. Emanuel, by contrast, leaves more fingerprints than a twelve-fingered larcenist--thick, greasy, deeply grooved fingerprints. And yet, going down the list of Obama initiatives, one is struck by the number that resist his designs.
-The Chief | The New Republic

bin Laden is hated by the rightwingers. I guess you like him, too, eh dante?
Whatever floats your boat!

Better enjoy your lil' crush with the corrupt lil' moron while you can. Obama's abject failures are going to cause him to start tossing his fellow corrupt cronies under the bus, and lil' Rham will no doubt be the next corrupt lil' bastard to get tossed. Well actually, Holder will most likely be the next, but lil' Rham will no doubt follow forthwit!

here's the difference between Dante and a trollish attempt to be a jester (you rate as a mime at best), you think others are as pathetic as you are in having a personal investment of ideological compatriots.

your projection(S) are so revealing and lead us an opening to prod your weaknesses.

so your emotions get crushed when your ideological soul mates get thrown under a bus? :lol:
Whatever floats your boat!

Better enjoy your lil' crush with the corrupt lil' moron while you can. Obama's abject failures are going to cause him to start tossing his fellow corrupt cronies under the bus, and lil' Rham will no doubt be the next corrupt lil' bastard to get tossed. Well actually, Holder will most likely be the next, but lil' Rham will no doubt follow forthwit!

here's the difference between Dante and a trollish attempt to be a jester (you rate as a mime at best), you think others are as pathetic as you are in having a personal investment of ideological compatriots.

your projection(S) are so revealing and lead us an opening to prod your weaknesses.

so your emotions get crushed when your ideological soul mates get thrown under a bus? :lol:
Seriously, you need to lay off the :booze::cuckoo:
Check out the latest on Rahm..........He cornered a defecting Demo Congressman in the shower room, in his birthday suit, and the congressman was also not clothed.........was poking the congressman in the chest with his finger threatening him with some kind of banishment from the Demo club. Why? Cause the congressman wasn't going to vote "yes" on the Health bill.

Rahm is going down with this one. I realize that Obama's administration is filled with ideologues, but this last episode by Rahm has taken it to another level.

Check Drudge.........It's making headlines there, and it will be hitting the rest of the news waves soon-after.
I am a huge Rahm fan.

Look at the mess this administration is in as it accelerates down that Jimmy Carter slippery slope to oblivion. And Rahm is Barry's WH Chief of Staff, the president's right hand man. So he's either giving the boss a whole lot of bad advice, or he's giving him good advice and Barry is too dumb to recognize it. Which ever it is, Rahm is the right guy in the right job at the right time. And I certainly hope there is no change.

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