Why I don't blame "illegals"


Sep 9, 2012
This is one of those issues I think we're looking at in the wrong way. A lot of people complain about illegals crossing the border and stealing our jobs and using our tax dollars. I look at it a little differently....Let me explain.

First, I asked myself, Why are they coming here in the first place? Well, our media ignores it, but the fact is Mexico is a dangerous place to live with violence and poverty almost everywhere. And we have caused it. First, we have subsidized corn so much that Mexican corn farmers took a big dump. Much in the same way China is subsidizing solar panels and KILLED the solar panel manufacturing industry here in the States. Second, our drug policies fuel the cartels. Marijuana is the largest cash crop in the U.S. If we legalized it and taxed and regulated it as much as alcohol we would KILL the drug wars in Mexico. We would ship our LEGAL drugs to Mexico and make money! The cartels would die.

Anyway I went on a rant. That's why they come here. It's too dangerous for their families and they need to feed them. I personally can't blame them for something I've caused.

Now some also complain they are killing our economy by stealing our jobs and using our tax dollars.

Here's how I refute that.

They don't take the jobs that many are willing to do. See the other post about Illegals taking concrete work in this category for how I explain they aren't taking jobs in that industry. Many of the jobs they take are hard, labor intensive jobs. A lot of small business owners in the construction industry and farmers in the south can vouch for the fact they can never find good help, unless it is immigrants.

They aren't taking skilled labor jobs, technical jobs, engineering jobs, jobs that require higher education, public sector jobs like cops/firefighters/teachers/public works/etc.

Also, they aren't raping our tax system. They do pay taxes in fact. If they are here in the country illegally, they are here buying stuff. They buy all the same things we do. And guess what...they pay SALES TAX. A lot of it!

No they don't pay federal income tax, social security, or medicare. But guess what, they don't get those services! They don't get social security or medicare so guess what, they'll do that backbreaking hard work for as long as they can, and then get nothing when they "retire." (Or can't physically work anymore)

So that's just the way I look at. I personally don't have a problem with securing our borders. But if we do that then we need to fix the underlying cause of massive immigration. We caused it, we should fix it.

3 step approach.

1. Bring troops home from Afghanistan and the rest of our guys from Iraq and embassies abroad. Secure our borders across land and sea with the MASSIVE amounts of troops at our disposal. Use our defense money for DEFENSE and not world police.

2. Legalize marijuana. Tax it, Regulate it, Export it. Spend half the money were spending on the drug war now and use it to create rehab centers across the country, use the other half for the deficit.

3. Send aid to Mexico. Instead of giving billions to Egypt and other foreign countries with those in power who might not be our best interest. Send money to our closest neighbors!

Any supporters? Also I'd love to here why you wouldn't agree with this. Thanks!
You are a dumb ass! It is illegal to come here illegally! A country must inforce their laws or it becomes a shit hole like Mexico. I'm a tenth generation American, former US Marine - they take food off my table. They should be shot when they try to invade our country! I love the sovereign USA - I don't give a shit about Mexico or the Mexicans. Americans will do any job - they take construction jobs, and a plethora of others. They need to stay in their country , and make it better instead of stealing from us - you are a trader. You blame us for their criminality. Send Mexico aide- we don't have any money!
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You are a dumb ass! It is illegal to come here illegally! A country must inforce their laws or it becomes a shit hole like Mexico. I'm a tenth generation American, former US Marine - they take food off my table. They should be shot when they try to invade our country! I love the sovereign USA - I don't give a shit about Mexico or the Mexicans. Americans will do any job - they take construction jobs, and a plethora of others. They need to stay in their country , and make it better instead of stealing from us - you are a trader. You blame us for their criminality. Send Mexico aid - we don't have any money!

First, how do they take food off your table? Second you're a tenth generation American, former US Marine. But you're predecessor of 11 generations ago immigrated here. Probably for reasons similar to them. Third, I know you don't give a shit about them. That's why their country is in shambles. We don't care as a country what happens to the rest of the world, as long as we get ours. Right? And no, American's won't do any job. There's plenty of lazy American's. Fourth, you said we don't have any money so we shouldn't send them aid. Did you fail to read my post on the solution. Send the money we're sending to Egypt to Mexico. Based upon your post I could imagine you don't like the fact we send Egypt billions either.

Also I got a negative rep from Wolf that simply said they are law breakers, and my response to him,(I'm a noob so I can't PM yet!) is this.

"Hey Wolf, Thanks for the feedback. I didn't get much back from you besides the rep. I'm curious though.

You said, they are lawbreakers.

Well, yes I know this. But does this make them evil? Or should we be demonizing them? Think about it. How many laws have we all broken in our own life time.

Nobody's perfect.

Not to be scrutinizing or anything but just a reflection question here...

Have you ever broken a law? Was it a silly law? Was it an unjust law? Have you ever drank beer under age? Ever drove over the speed limit? Ever stolen...anything?

I'm just saying...I know they are law breakers. But I still can't blame them for that. Thanks though!"

If you can't afford to feed children, don't keep having them!

Mexico receives $316.7 million dollars in foreign aid from America.


Mexico is the 4th Richest Oil Nation in the World.


“Mexico is a major recipient of remittances, sent mostly from Mexicans in the United States. Remittances are a major source of foreign currency, totaling over $22.73 billion in 2011.

In 2011, Mexico was the second-largest supplier of oil to the United States.”


$200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.


Based on studies by the Pew Hispanic Center and the Heritage Foundation, households headed by less-educated illegal aliens use $40 billion more in public services each year than they pay in taxes.


If current trends continue, the population of the United States will rise to 438 million in 2050, from 296 million in 2005, and 82% of the increase will be due to immigrants. The non-Hispanic white population will increase more slowly than other racial and ethnic groups; whites will become a minority (47%) by 2050.

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Mexico receives $316.7 million dollars in foreign aid from America.


Mexico is the 4th Richest Oil Nation in the World.


“Mexico is a major recipient of remittances, sent mostly from Mexicans in the United States. Remittances are a major source of foreign currency, totaling over $22.73 billion in 2011.

In 2011, Mexico was the second-largest supplier of oil to the United States.”


$200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.


Based on studies by the Pew Hispanic Center and the Heritage Foundation, households headed by less-educated illegal aliens use $40 billion more in public services each year than they pay in taxes.


If current trends continue, the population of the United States will rise to 438 million in 2050, from 296 million in 2005, and 82% of the increase will be due to immigrants. The non-Hispanic white population will increase more slowly than other racial and ethnic groups; whites will become a minority (47%) by 2050.


Okay, here we go again....

316 million dollars in foreign aid is miniscule. We give Egypt Billions

Yes, Mexico is the fourth richest oil nation in the world. But do you really think It's a bunch of Mexicans that make the money of off that oil. Have you ever once heard of a Mexican oil company equal to BP or Chevron? Do you think the big oil companies sending us oil from mexico are paying the Mexican workers well? If so, why are the poverty levels so high there?

Your repressed wages of 200 billion is interesting. But I wonder, why would YOU of all persons not blame the employer of these repressed wages? If you have such a big problem of Mexicans working the jobs that Americans don't want to because they're too hard, then why shouldn't we be angry at the ones who hire them?

Illegals use 40 billion more than what they pay in taxes...LOL okay first off the a study by the Heritage foundation might be a little biased ya think? Secondly, how about they do a study of how much more money legal American's use than what they pay in Taxes. Oh yeah! That's called the deficit! Hmmm what is it now? Oh ya 16 trillion! Let's subtract 40 billion from that!

And you put a study that places whites becoming a minority. Yes, it doesn't surprise me that this worries you.

I'd hoped I would get some better responses to my OP than this. Thanks for your time though!
You are a dumb ass! It is illegal to come here illegally! A country must inforce their laws or it becomes a shit hole like Mexico. I'm a tenth generation American, former US Marine - they take food off my table. They should be shot when they try to invade our country! I love the sovereign USA - I don't give a shit about Mexico or the Mexicans. Americans will do any job - they take construction jobs, and a plethora of others. They need to stay in their country , and make it better instead of stealing from us - you are a trader. You blame us for their criminality. Send Mexico aid - we don't have any money!

There are a lot of unemployed Yanks around, and lots of jobs. So why don't they go for them?
you could add two more steps: forgive the debt racked up for military takeovers we instigated and funded, and insist on worker protections for all workers, including undocumented ones.
The moment they sneak across our borders they have committed a crime... How can you give a pass to people who do not respect our Laws? I have no sympathy for illegals.
IMO, How Mexico choses to treat their citizens and distributes their money is their business. American’s are NOT responsible for the Mexican government’s actions or the welfare of their citizens. Only a traitor would think otherwise.

If the Mexican people want a change then they must work for a change in their own country. There are over 100 million Mexicans in Mexico. I think they could and should over take the Mexican government if they want change and more fairness. If they’re too cowardice then that’s their fault and they can stay in their 3rd world cesspool of a country and suffer.

Just because the illegal aliens have brown skin and they’re poor doesn’t mean that they can break any laws they want to. The illegal aliens are ALL criminal law breaking foreign nationals and they think that they have a permanent, “Get-Out-of-Jail-Free-Card” at every turn.

They don’t think that they should be punished for anything when they break the laws because their “Poor”. That’s a poor excuse that the pro-illegal alien supporter's use when they’re playing the "RACE CARD", it's the only defense that they have.

Well, the reality check is that everyone in America is subject to the Nation’s laws. The government doesn’t let American’s slide when they break the laws so why should they let the illegal aliens have a free pass. If they don’t like our laws then they can always go home. We are a nation of laws and everyone must play by the same rules and obey the same laws or face the consequences!

An illegal alien from Mexico rapes a 1-month-old infant to death

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IMO, People from Mexico think they’re the privileged people on earth. They think any foreign aid or monetary funds should go to them, they’re a greedy bunch. There are more needy and deserving countries in the world than Mexico!

We didn’t drag their asses over the border and make them work. Yet, they think we owe them for scrubbing our toilets and living off welfare. We provided them with free medical, housing and educated their kids and now their kids are turning against America in favor of Mexico.

We’re being taken over from the inside by the foreign national invaders who shouldn’t be in this country in the first place! This crap has to stop! We HAVE to end Birthright Citizenship and It's time to deport their sorry asses back to where they came from, and they can take their children with them!

October 29, 2011

According to President Obama's own Treasury Department, 2.3 million illegal immigrants who paid no income taxes in 2010 nevertheless received $4.2 billion in tax refunds.

Illegal aliens received 4.2 billion in tax refund
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IMO, How Mexico choses to treat their citizens and distributes their money is their business. American’s are NOT responsible for the Mexican government’s actions or the welfare of their citizens. Only a traitor would think otherwise.

No we aren't responsible for their actions or welfare of their citizens, I never said that. I did say that our policies have caused problems in their country. You cannot argue that subsidizing corn hasn't created problems in Mexico. Also, you cannot argue that if we legalized drugs here, the cartels would be hurt. No we aren't responsible for their welfare, in the same way we aren't for Egypt. Yet we give Egypt billions. It's called FOREIGN AID. That is all I said, give them aid, not support their whole system.

Just because the illegal aliens have brown skin and they’re poor doesn’t mean that they can break any laws they want to. The illegal aliens are ALL criminal law breaking foreign nationals and they think that they have a permanent, “Get-Out-of-Jail-Free-Card” at every turn.

How can you say you know what others think? Illegal immigrants don't come here non-shalantly(sp) across the border to work thinking, "Eh, if I get caught, I'll just use my get out of jail free card." Therefore when you make statements like the above, I can disregard you're opinion because it is clear to me you are out of touch with reality. The fact is they fear getting caught because they know they will be at risk for deportation. Why do you think they run from ICE. If they thought, "I'll use my get out of jail free card." then they wouldn't run. Nice try though.

They don’t think that they should be punished for anything when they break the laws because their “Poor”. That’s a poor excuse that the pro-illegal alien supporter's use when they’re playing the "RACE CARD", it's the only defense that they have.

Once again you imply what they are thinking. Go ahead, find me one ever documented case of an immigrant making the case for himself or claiming a right to be here because they are poor. Yet another stereotype of an uninformed closet racist.

Well, the reality check is that everyone in America is subject to the Nation’s laws. The government doesn’t let American’s slide when they break the laws so why should they let the illegal aliens have a free pass. If they don’t like our laws then they can always go home. We are a nation of laws and everyone must play by the same rules and obey the same laws or face the consequences!

If you think everyone in this country plays by the rules and doesn't break laws then you are once again out of touch. Does that mean that anyone who breaks the laws here should be deported?

An illegal alien from Mexico rapes a 1-month-old infant to death

I didn't even bother to open this link. The title is disturbing enough. But if you're trying to make a point, you didn't make a good one. There's cases like this all over the country. There are some sick people out there yes.

IMO, People from Mexico think they’re the privileged people on earth. They think any foreign aid or monetary funds should go to them, they’re a greedy bunch. There are more needy and deserving countries in the world than Mexico!

Once again you imply what you think they are thinking. You call them greedy, but look at the greed in our country. They bust their balls in hard labor intensive job for crappy pay and you call them greedy?

We didn’t drag their asses over the border and make them work. Yet, they think we owe them for scrubbing our toilets and living off welfare. We provided them with free medical, housing and educated their kids and now their kids are turning against America in favor of Mexico.

In my OP I explained how they didn't get those services for free. They pay sales tax. The won't get medicare, social security, unemployment, workmans comp, or many other benefits we get.


Nice try.
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You're just grasping at straws hoping some sucker buys it. You’re not backing up your very false statements with documentation. You expect people just to take your pro-illegal alien word for it? Fat chance! You're like an illegal alien they will pull the wool over your eyes if you let them. They're not to be trusted under any circumstance.

In 2011 America gave Mexico $316.7 million in Foreign Aid and she gave Egypt $255.7 million in foreign aid. LINK What do you suggest we do not give the rest of the world foreign aid and give it all to Mexico? So, greedy, you guys better learn “Beggars can’t be choosers”.


The Mexican government is a Free-trade advocate and they believe the squeeze that Mexico's peasant farmers are feeling is an unfortunate but necessary byproduct of entering the global economy.

It’s the Mexican government that is allowing free trade with America and other countries. No one has a gun to their head. The Mexican people need to eat and the farmers are not producing enough crops. Two-thirds of the farmers in Mexico subsist on 12 acres or fewer and 90 percent of the farms lack irrigation. So, America gives them cheap corn so that Mexican families can eat and feed their kids. You want to take that away?

America is not the problem here it’s the Mexican politicians who are the problem. They hogged all the money and they don't take care of their people. The Mexican citizen's need a revolution as soon as possible and over take the Mexican government and start a new government with new leaders who will take care of their people.

The first thing they should do is shove birth control pills down the throats of all the women and twelve year old girls that are legal for the men to have their way with. If You Can’t Feed'em, Don't Breed''em!

A tourist pays sales tax in America but we don’t make them a citizen because they do. Foreign Diplomats who have children while working in the United States, their children are NOT automatic U.S. citizens and they don’t receive a birth certificate. So, why should the U.S. give the children of illegal alien's citizenship? That has to STOP!

The illegal aliens have received Medicare and social security in the U.S. The reason they don’t get other work related benefits is because their illegal alien criminals and they’re not U.S. citizens. Stealing some one’s identity is a felony. They commit about 5 felonies just to obtain a job and you want me to feel sorry for them, I think NOT!


$2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.

Based on studies by the Pew Hispanic Center and the Heritage Foundation, households headed by less-educated illegal aliens use $40 billion more in public services each year than they pay in taxes.

An illegal alien parent receives welfare benefits on behalf of his or her U.S. citizen child. Regardless of the parents immigration status they may receive welfare and other benefits and that may include social security checks. When such a child receives assistance, the aid also helps support the child’s family. SOURCE: Illegal Aliens Extent of Welfare Benefits, Page 1. http://www.gao..gov/archive/1998/he98030.pdf

In 2007, legal and illegal aliens cost the federal government more than $346 BILLION dollars and the U.S. taxpayers paid more than $ 9,000.00 for each immigrant in the country!

Identity theft is a Federal crime when anyone knowingly transfers or uses, without lawful authority, a means of identification of another person with the intent to commit, or to aid or abet, any unlawful activity that constitutes a violation of Federal law, or that constitutes a felony under any applicable State or local law.

One illegal alien arrested & 3 sought in the beheading of a man in Chandler, Arizona

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IMO, How Mexico choses to treat their citizens and distributes their money is their business. American’s are NOT responsible for the Mexican government’s actions or the welfare of their citizens. Only a traitor would think otherwise.

No we aren't responsible for their actions or welfare of their citizens, I never said that. I did say that our policies have caused problems in their country. You cannot argue that subsidizing corn hasn't created problems in Mexico. Also, you cannot argue that if we legalized drugs here, the cartels would be hurt. No we aren't responsible for their welfare, in the same way we aren't for Egypt. Yet we give Egypt billions. It's called FOREIGN AID. That is all I said, give them aid, not support their whole system.

Just because the illegal aliens have brown skin and they’re poor doesn’t mean that they can break any laws they want to. The illegal aliens are ALL criminal law breaking foreign nationals and they think that they have a permanent, “Get-Out-of-Jail-Free-Card” at every turn.

How can you say you know what others think? Illegal immigrants don't come here non-shalantly(sp) across the border to work thinking, "Eh, if I get caught, I'll just use my get out of jail free card." Therefore when you make statements like the above, I can disregard you're opinion because it is clear to me you are out of touch with reality. The fact is they fear getting caught because they know they will be at risk for deportation. Why do you think they run from ICE. If they thought, "I'll use my get out of jail free card." then they wouldn't run. Nice try though.

Once again you imply what they are thinking. Go ahead, find me one ever documented case of an immigrant making the case for himself or claiming a right to be here because they are poor. Yet another stereotype of an uninformed closet racist.

If you think everyone in this country plays by the rules and doesn't break laws then you are once again out of touch. Does that mean that anyone who breaks the laws here should be deported?

I didn't even bother to open this link. The title is disturbing enough. But if you're trying to make a point, you didn't make a good one. There's cases like this all over the country. There are some sick people out there yes.

IMO, People from Mexico think they’re the privileged people on earth. They think any foreign aid or monetary funds should go to them, they’re a greedy bunch. There are more needy and deserving countries in the world than Mexico!

Once again you imply what you think they are thinking. You call them greedy, but look at the greed in our country. They bust their balls in hard labor intensive job for crappy pay and you call them greedy?

We didn’t drag their asses over the border and make them work. Yet, they think we owe them for scrubbing our toilets and living off welfare. We provided them with free medical, housing and educated their kids and now their kids are turning against America in favor of Mexico.

In my OP I explained how they didn't get those services for free. They pay sales tax. The won't get medicare, social security, unemployment, workmans comp, or many other benefits we get.


Nice try.
They compete with citizens. They bring wages down. They do crappy work. They don't respect us. They breed like rats. They don't embrace our culture. They send our money back home to recruit more.
If you havn't heard, we are 16+ trillion in debt. We owe the rest of the world nothing! As soon as a pioneer creates something here come the parasites. You have no respect for our laws. Do you understand the rule of law - how important it is? No you don't! These people are invading criminals. Let them sneek into N. Korea. Your arguments are moot. Every illegal needs a bounty on them. My 7th great granfather came here legally. You Libs sure are generous with other peoples stuff - your ideology sucks!
from wolfmoon:
If the Mexican people want a change then they must work for a change in their own country. There are over 100 million Mexicans in Mexico. I think they could and should over take the Mexican government if they want change and more fairness. If they’re too cowardice then that’s their fault and they can stay in their 3rd world cesspool of a country and suffer.

There's a few problems with what you suppose. The US sponsored terror operations in Latin America before and during the Cold War to depose democratically elected leaderships and replace them with military dictatorships more amenable to business interests within the US.

Read [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Latin-America-History-Politics-Policy/dp/0830413987]Amazon.com: Latin America: History, Politics, and U.S. Policy (9780830413980): James Cockcroft: Books[/ame]

The second edition of thius informative text, formerly titled Neighbors in Turmoil: Latin America, is fully updated to address the question of U.S. policy in apost-Cold War world. Cockcroft introduces students to modern Latin American politics, history, culture, and geography. Three distinct perspectives are presented on a number of issues: the official U.S. position; typical nationalist responses from Latin American countries; and different views expressed by U.S. citizens or groups opposed to the official U.S. position. Trends and themes include the impact of revolutions, nationalism, the role of elite families, export commodities, human rights issues, and unequal distribution of wealth.

For Mexico specifically, start at page 81, but what was done to Guatemala (starts at pg 121) and El Salvador (starts at pg 125) would be (or should be) a HUGE wake up call to your simplistic ramblings.

The [Salinas] administration offers the US an implicit deal, of which free-trade is the latest step. Mexico will indiscriminately put in place the type of economic reforms [privatization] that the US always wanted for Mexico, but the US will accept and protect the existing political system. The Mexican people want a friendly and balanced relationship with the US, but not at the cost of bailing out Mexico's authoritarian government. - Cuauhte'moc Ca'rdenas, 1990

Poor Mexico - So far from God, so close to the United States. -Mexican saying.

Jump to page 94 for the readers digest version of our "interventions" into Mexico
and from Salon:

America’s trinity of terrorism - Salon.com
In the decades after Greene wrote “Our Man in Havana,” Latin Americans coined an equally resonant word to describe the terror that had come to reign over most of the continent. Throughout the second half of the Cold War, Washington’s anti-communist allies killed more than 300,000 civilians, many of whom were simply desaparecido — “disappeared.” The expression was already well known in Latin America when, on accepting his 1982 Nobel Prize for Literature in Sweden, Colombian novelist Gabriel García Márquez reported that the region’s “disappeared number nearly one hundred and twenty thousand, which is as if suddenly no one could account for all the inhabitants of Uppsala.”

Like rendition, disappearances can’t be carried out without a synchronized, sophisticated and increasingly transnational infrastructure, which, back in the 1960s and 1970s, the United States was instrumental in creating. In fact, it was in Latin America that the CIA and U.S. military intelligence agents, working closely with local allies, first helped put into place the unholy trinity of government-sponsored terrorism now on display in Iraq and elsewhere: death squads, disappearances and torture.

WE funded and directed the subjugation of Latin American people, then our banks charged the victims of the assaults interest payments on the loans they offered dictators to make those assaults possible.

In neither El Salvador nor Guatemala was there even a whiff of serious rural insurrection when the Green Berets, the CIA and the U.S. Agency for International Development began organizing the first security units that would metastasize into a dense, Central America-wide network of death-squad paramilitaries.

Once created, death squads operated under their own colorful names — an Eye for an Eye, the Secret Anticommunist Army, the White Hand — yet were essentially appendages of the very intelligence systems that Washington either helped create or fortified. As in Vietnam, care was taken to make sure that paramilitaries appeared to be unaffiliated with regular forces. To allow for a plausible degree of deniability, the “elimination of the [enemy] agents must be achieved quickly and decisively” — instructs a classic 1964 textbook Counter-Insurgency Warfare — “by an organization that must in no way be confused with the counterinsurgent personnel working to win the support of the population.” But in Central America, by the end of the 1960s, the bodies were piling so high that even State Department embassy officials, often kept out of the loop on what their counterparts in the CIA and the Pentagon were up to, had to admit to the obvious links between U.S.-backed intelligence services and the death squads.
Why all the voluminus BS. It's simple - uphold are laws! You don't like are laws then change them legally or haul ass to a place where you like them.
Why all the voluminus BS. It's simple - uphold are laws! You don't like are laws then change them legally or haul ass to a place where you like them.

Perhaps you should look to upholding our basic spelling and usage of words. Spell check is not your friend.

The "[voluminous] BS" was a free history lesson. Context is important to consider before you open up your ignorant pie hole.
Why all the voluminus BS. It's simple - uphold are laws! You don't like are laws then change them legally or haul ass to a place where you like them.

Perhaps you should look to upholding our basic spelling and usage of words. Spell check is not your friend.

The "[voluminous] BS" was a free history lesson. Context is important to consider before you open up your ignorant pie hole.

IMO, STFU you despicable traitor! Who are you the Nazi spelling police you act a communist! Why don’t you and friend lead your people home where they belong? If the Hispanic’s are thinking about reparations they better get in line behind the Native American’s and the Black’s and don’t hold your breath because it’s never going happen.

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Why all the voluminus BS. It's simple - uphold are laws! You don't like are laws then change them legally or haul ass to a place where you like them.

Perhaps you should look to upholding our basic spelling and usage of words. Spell check is not your friend.

The "[voluminous] BS" was a free history lesson. Context is important to consider before you open up your ignorant pie hole.

IMO, STFU you despicable traitor! Who are you the Nazi spelling police you act a communist! Why don’t you and friend lead your people home where they belong? If the Hispanic’s are thinking about reparations they better get in line behind the Native American’s and the Black’s and don’t hold your breath because it’s never going happen.


The Mexican territories and the Native American lands were pretty much in tandem. Look up "manifest destiny."
Why don’t you take your communist propaganda and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine. If you want to be an American be one but don’t think you can play both sides of the fence at the same time. For the record the Native American’s don’t share the same DNA with the people from Mexico or Central America.

For one of the previous posts saying it's simple, well it isn't simple. I explained that in my OP. They're coming here for a reason. I'm not saying we should keep letting people in. Read my post. We secure our borders with our own guys to keep new illegal immigrants out. Let's also fix two problems at once by legalizing marijuana. Those two solutions don't give immigrants anything. There's nothing communist about it. The third solution I said was to give them more foreign aid. I can see where that would be a problem, but that doesn't make the first two things I proposed "communist."

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