Why I don't believe in God

And if he
Yesterday a member posted a video about the horrible ways people were tortured.

I said before that rulers use religion to control the masses but maybe the lie also served another purpose. Maybe it got rulers to stop murdering their subjects. Religion certainly has its positives or it wouldn't exist
You never answered the man's question. Have some fucking respect you stupid fk!
It makes people sheep and ignorant to science. It gets them to be judgemental of people who aren't members of their club. And all too often the church is full of assholes who go to church 1 day a week to make up for being horrible people 6
I counter that the hatred of God makes people delusional and lie to themselves. Isaac Newton was a devout Christian. Bach said all his music was devoted to God.

Again, tell us why it is bad for society to be judgemental, especially since your being so judgemental yourself.
I don't hate God personally. I can't hate what I feel doesn't exist. I hate how being religious means that your view of morality and even truth has to take presedence above all others. You have ppl blowing themselves up in the name of god. Ppl killing doctors because they feel those doctors do immoral thing. Religious ppl trying to decide what knowledge is disbursed to our children even if that knowledge completly falls out of the realm of religion. If a person can be religious and are content in keeping that in their own personal space, there's nothing wrong with it. But nearly all organised religions in history have made attemps and most of the time succeeded in imposing their will on the populace they where imbedded in, most of the time with dissastrous consequences for those who didn't believe how they did.
If he doesn't understand that he doesn't want to.
You never answered the man's question. Have some fucking respect you stupid fk!
It makes people sheep and ignorant to science. It gets them to be judgemental of people who aren't members of their club. And all too often the church is full of assholes who go to church 1 day a week to make up for being horrible people 6
I counter that the hatred of God makes people delusional and lie to themselves. Isaac Newton was a devout Christian. Bach said all his music was devoted to God.

Again, tell us why it is bad for society to be judgemental, especially since your being so judgemental yourself.
I don't hate God. See that's where you get confused. You keep claiming we blame God for humans faults. Or that we hate God. You say we attack God. You don't understand that we simply don't think one exists. Then you want to know what the down side is to believing a lie? Nothing. Ignorance is bliss

So the only ones to attack are you theists because there is no god.

And keep in mind you aren't one harmonious group who all agree on anything.
You create strawmen to support your position, I said no such things. I merely pointed out you use humans to judge God.

And again you display your delusion and hatred. No one, believers and nonbelievers knows 100% of Gods existence.

Can you answer the question of what is the downside of one believing in Jesus or not?
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
Seems you are the one be
Yesterday a member posted a video about the horrible ways people were tortured.

I said before that rulers use religion to control the masses but maybe the lie also served another purpose. Maybe it got rulers to stop murdering their subjects. Religion certainly has its positives or it wouldn't exist
You never answered the man's question. Have some fucking respect you stupid fk!
It makes people sheep and ignorant to science. It gets them to be judgemental of people who aren't members of their club. And all too often the church is full of assholes who go to church 1 day a week to make up for being horrible people 6
It seems you are the one being judgmental, ah the hypocrisy
I have zero idea why some people use people to judge God.

Again, what's the downside to this belief?
If it is misused, for example if they use religion to discriminate or lead us to holy wars with the middle East.

No downside to teaching your message. Is that your only message?
What do you mean by using religion to discriminate? By saying murder is wrong or being told some things are wrong that you want to do anyway?
Is jc456 going to yell at me for not understanding your point?

Imagine how we could wipe out poverty if every week instead of putting money into the churches pot all that money went right to a general fund that helped the poor.

George Carlin was right. Greatest bs story ever told.
So Big Government is your God.
Name one member of government living in a remote third world village helping people and getting no salary. Name one government agency run efficiently with 85% of its revenue directly reaching those in need.
The vadican does a lot of good. Not nearly enough but a lot. They also have a fortune. Id be generous too.

You want to know what's wrong with religion? Just look at Christian Americans voting patterns
Ah, so there it is. People should not believe in Jesus because it makes them believe in a limited government for the people and by the people.
It makes people sheep and ignorant to science. It gets them to be judgemental of people who aren't members of their club. And all too often the church is full of assholes who go to church 1 day a week to make up for being horrible people 6
I counter that the hatred of God makes people delusional and lie to themselves. Isaac Newton was a devout Christian. Bach said all his music was devoted to God.

Again, tell us why it is bad for society to be judgemental, especially since your being so judgemental yourself.
I don't hate God. See that's where you get confused. You keep claiming we blame God for humans faults. Or that we hate God. You say we attack God. You don't understand that we simply don't think one exists. Then you want to know what the down side is to believing a lie? Nothing. Ignorance is bliss

So the only ones to attack are you theists because there is no god.

And keep in mind you aren't one harmonious group who all agree on anything.
You create strawmen to support your position, I said no such things. I merely pointed out you use humans to judge God.

And again you display your delusion and hatred. No one, believers and nonbelievers knows 100% of Gods existence.

Can you answer the question of what is the downside of one believing in Jesus or not?
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
It makes people sheep and ignorant to science. It gets them to be judgemental of people who aren't members of their club. And all too often the church is full of assholes who go to church 1 day a week to make up for being horrible people 6
I counter that the hatred of God makes people delusional and lie to themselves. Isaac Newton was a devout Christian. Bach said all his music was devoted to God.

Again, tell us why it is bad for society to be judgemental, especially since your being so judgemental yourself.
I don't hate God. See that's where you get confused. You keep claiming we blame God for humans faults. Or that we hate God. You say we attack God. You don't understand that we simply don't think one exists. Then you want to know what the down side is to believing a lie? Nothing. Ignorance is bliss

So the only ones to attack are you theists because there is no god.

And keep in mind you aren't one harmonious group who all agree on anything.
You create strawmen to support your position, I said no such things. I merely pointed out you use humans to judge God.

And again you display your delusion and hatred. No one, believers and nonbelievers knows 100% of Gods existence.

Can you answer the question of what is the downside of one believing in Jesus or not?
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
I'm an atheist and I certainly don't feel that I'm a god. I do however believe in the fact that there are no absolute answers. I'll illustrate using abortion. The Cristian right believes that abortion is wrong, period. I feel I am not qualified to judge when we can talk about a living person. How I see it it's always gonna be an arbitrary line. Is a sperm cell alive, it has after all dna. Is it alive when the cell starts to divide, I don't know. Lucky for me there are bioligist and judges who make those decisions for me. Here is where religion becomes a problem. Religion feels it has the OBLIGATION to bypass the process. It basicly isn't different from sharia law in the middle east, it's view of moral right or wrong is absolute. Who do you feel thinks of himself as the more Godlike person?
I'll let
If it is misused, for example if they use religion to discriminate or lead us to holy wars with the middle East.

No downside to teaching your message. Is that your only message?
What do you mean by using religion to discriminate? By saying murder is wrong or being told some things are wrong that you want to do anyway?
Is jc456 going to yell at me for not understanding your point?

Imagine how we could wipe out poverty if every week instead of putting money into the churches pot all that money went right to a general fund that helped the poor.

George Carlin was right. Greatest bs story ever told.
So Big Government is your God.
Name one member of government living in a remote third world village helping people and getting no salary. Name one government agency run efficiently with 85% of its revenue directly reaching those in need.
The vadican does a lot of good. Not nearly enough but a lot. They also have a fortune. Id be generous too.

You want to know what's wrong with religion? Just look at Christian Americans voting patterns
Ah, so there it is. People should not believe in Jesus because it makes them believe in a limited government for the people and by the people.
I'll let you know every time Christians go off message. You know, beyond the love thy neighbor and be a better person stuff.

Just remember if there is no god, all I have to judge the concept by is the people who believe in him.

I know your delusion isn't as bad as Isis but like you they believe in God too and that their message is for the greater good.
I counter that the hatred of God makes people delusional and lie to themselves. Isaac Newton was a devout Christian. Bach said all his music was devoted to God.

Again, tell us why it is bad for society to be judgemental, especially since your being so judgemental yourself.
I don't hate God. See that's where you get confused. You keep claiming we blame God for humans faults. Or that we hate God. You say we attack God. You don't understand that we simply don't think one exists. Then you want to know what the down side is to believing a lie? Nothing. Ignorance is bliss

So the only ones to attack are you theists because there is no god.

And keep in mind you aren't one harmonious group who all agree on anything.
You create strawmen to support your position, I said no such things. I merely pointed out you use humans to judge God.

And again you display your delusion and hatred. No one, believers and nonbelievers knows 100% of Gods existence.

Can you answer the question of what is the downside of one believing in Jesus or not?
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
I counter that the hatred of God makes people delusional and lie to themselves. Isaac Newton was a devout Christian. Bach said all his music was devoted to God.

Again, tell us why it is bad for society to be judgemental, especially since your being so judgemental yourself.
I don't hate God. See that's where you get confused. You keep claiming we blame God for humans faults. Or that we hate God. You say we attack God. You don't understand that we simply don't think one exists. Then you want to know what the down side is to believing a lie? Nothing. Ignorance is bliss

So the only ones to attack are you theists because there is no god.

And keep in mind you aren't one harmonious group who all agree on anything.
You create strawmen to support your position, I said no such things. I merely pointed out you use humans to judge God.

And again you display your delusion and hatred. No one, believers and nonbelievers knows 100% of Gods existence.

Can you answer the question of what is the downside of one believing in Jesus or not?
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
I'm an atheist and I certainly don't feel that I'm a god. I do however believe in the fact that there are no absolute answers. I'll illustrate using abortion. The Cristian right believes that abortion is wrong, period. I feel I am not qualified to judge when we can talk about a living person. How I see it it's always gonna be an arbitrary line. Is a sperm cell alive, it has after all dna. Is it alive when the cell starts to divide, I don't know. Lucky for me there are bioligist and judges who make those decisions for me. Here is where religion becomes a problem. Religion feels it has the OBLIGATION to bypass the process. It basicly isn't different from sharia law in the middle east, it's view of moral right or wrong is absolute. Who do you feel thinks of himself as the more Godlike person?
They think they are always right. Why? Because God endorses them.
In thi
I don't hate God. See that's where you get confused. You keep claiming we blame God for humans faults. Or that we hate God. You say we attack God. You don't understand that we simply don't think one exists. Then you want to know what the down side is to believing a lie? Nothing. Ignorance is bliss

So the only ones to attack are you theists because there is no god.

And keep in mind you aren't one harmonious group who all agree on anything.
You create strawmen to support your position, I said no such things. I merely pointed out you use humans to judge God.

And again you display your delusion and hatred. No one, believers and nonbelievers knows 100% of Gods existence.

Can you answer the question of what is the downside of one believing in Jesus or not?
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
I don't hate God. See that's where you get confused. You keep claiming we blame God for humans faults. Or that we hate God. You say we attack God. You don't understand that we simply don't think one exists. Then you want to know what the down side is to believing a lie? Nothing. Ignorance is bliss

So the only ones to attack are you theists because there is no god.

And keep in mind you aren't one harmonious group who all agree on anything.
You create strawmen to support your position, I said no such things. I merely pointed out you use humans to judge God.

And again you display your delusion and hatred. No one, believers and nonbelievers knows 100% of Gods existence.

Can you answer the question of what is the downside of one believing in Jesus or not?
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
I'm an atheist and I certainly don't feel that I'm a god. I do however believe in the fact that there are no absolute answers. I'll illustrate using abortion. The Cristian right believes that abortion is wrong, period. I feel I am not qualified to judge when we can talk about a living person. How I see it it's always gonna be an arbitrary line. Is a sperm cell alive, it has after all dna. Is it alive when the cell starts to divide, I don't know. Lucky for me there are bioligist and judges who make those decisions for me. Here is where religion becomes a problem. Religion feels it has the OBLIGATION to bypass the process. It basicly isn't different from sharia law in the middle east, it's view of moral right or wrong is absolute. Who do you feel thinks of himself as the more Godlike person?
They think they are always right. Why? Because God endorses them.
I believe the basic difference between religious ppl and atheists is the simple fact that to a religious person "I don't know" is a scary concept. That's the whole basis of religion. It has an answer to every question, there is no uncertianty for a religious person he is secure in the knowledge of god. For me, not knowing isn't all that scary and alot of times it's exiting, because it gives me the chance to look for answers. At the same time I don't have a problem with the knowledge that I won't know the answer to some questions. I've seen that for most religious ppl that last sentence becomes unbearable.
I don't hate God. See that's where you get confused. You keep claiming we blame God for humans faults. Or that we hate God. You say we attack God. You don't understand that we simply don't think one exists. Then you want to know what the down side is to believing a lie? Nothing. Ignorance is bliss

So the only ones to attack are you theists because there is no god.

And keep in mind you aren't one harmonious group who all agree on anything.
You create strawmen to support your position, I said no such things. I merely pointed out you use humans to judge God.

And again you display your delusion and hatred. No one, believers and nonbelievers knows 100% of Gods existence.

Can you answer the question of what is the downside of one believing in Jesus or not?
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
I don't hate God. See that's where you get confused. You keep claiming we blame God for humans faults. Or that we hate God. You say we attack God. You don't understand that we simply don't think one exists. Then you want to know what the down side is to believing a lie? Nothing. Ignorance is bliss

So the only ones to attack are you theists because there is no god.

And keep in mind you aren't one harmonious group who all agree on anything.
You create strawmen to support your position, I said no such things. I merely pointed out you use humans to judge God.

And again you display your delusion and hatred. No one, believers and nonbelievers knows 100% of Gods existence.

Can you answer the question of what is the downside of one believing in Jesus or not?
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
I'm an atheist and I certainly don't feel that I'm a god. I do however believe in the fact that there are no absolute answers. I'll illustrate using abortion. The Cristian right believes that abortion is wrong, period. I feel I am not qualified to judge when we can talk about a living person. How I see it it's always gonna be an arbitrary line. Is a sperm cell alive, it has after all dna. Is it alive when the cell starts to divide, I don't know. Lucky for me there are bioligist and judges who make those decisions for me. Here is where religion becomes a problem. Religion feels it has the OBLIGATION to bypass the process. It basicly isn't different from sharia law in the middle east, it's view of moral right or wrong is absolute. Who do you feel thinks of himself as the more Godlike person?
They think they are always right. Why? Because God endorses them.

Religious people always think their right, yet you claim you're always right.
Religious people are not smart, yet when pointed out the greatest minds were religious you say never mind.
Religious people are judgemental, yet every post you make is judgemental.
I counter that the hatred of God makes people delusional and lie to themselves. Isaac Newton was a devout Christian. Bach said all his music was devoted to God.

Again, tell us why it is bad for society to be judgemental, especially since your being so judgemental yourself.
I don't hate God. See that's where you get confused. You keep claiming we blame God for humans faults. Or that we hate God. You say we attack God. You don't understand that we simply don't think one exists. Then you want to know what the down side is to believing a lie? Nothing. Ignorance is bliss

So the only ones to attack are you theists because there is no god.

And keep in mind you aren't one harmonious group who all agree on anything.
You create strawmen to support your position, I said no such things. I merely pointed out you use humans to judge God.

And again you display your delusion and hatred. No one, believers and nonbelievers knows 100% of Gods existence.

Can you answer the question of what is the downside of one believing in Jesus or not?
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
I counter that the hatred of God makes people delusional and lie to themselves. Isaac Newton was a devout Christian. Bach said all his music was devoted to God.

Again, tell us why it is bad for society to be judgemental, especially since your being so judgemental yourself.
I don't hate God. See that's where you get confused. You keep claiming we blame God for humans faults. Or that we hate God. You say we attack God. You don't understand that we simply don't think one exists. Then you want to know what the down side is to believing a lie? Nothing. Ignorance is bliss

So the only ones to attack are you theists because there is no god.

And keep in mind you aren't one harmonious group who all agree on anything.
You create strawmen to support your position, I said no such things. I merely pointed out you use humans to judge God.

And again you display your delusion and hatred. No one, believers and nonbelievers knows 100% of Gods existence.

Can you answer the question of what is the downside of one believing in Jesus or not?
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
I'm an atheist and I certainly don't feel that I'm a god. I do however believe in the fact that there are no absolute answers. I'll illustrate using abortion. The Cristian right believes that abortion is wrong, period. I feel I am not qualified to judge when we can talk about a living person. How I see it it's always gonna be an arbitrary line. Is a sperm cell alive, it has after all dna. Is it alive when the cell starts to divide, I don't know. Lucky for me there are bioligist and judges who make those decisions for me. Here is where religion becomes a problem. Religion feels it has the OBLIGATION to bypass the process. It basicly isn't different from sharia law in the middle east, it's view of moral right or wrong is absolute. Who do you feel thinks of himself as the more Godlike person?
OK, let's use your example of abortion.
Neither you nor I know when a fetus becomes a free thinking human being.
So the only moral decision to make is you must error on the side of life.

But there is that M word. Moral.

If there is no God, your version of morality is just as valid as Pol Pot's or Osama Bin Ladens. To argue point is just intellectual dishonesty.
You create strawmen to support your position, I said no such things. I merely pointed out you use humans to judge God.

And again you display your delusion and hatred. No one, believers and nonbelievers knows 100% of Gods existence.

Can you answer the question of what is the downside of one believing in Jesus or not?
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
You create strawmen to support your position, I said no such things. I merely pointed out you use humans to judge God.

And again you display your delusion and hatred. No one, believers and nonbelievers knows 100% of Gods existence.

Can you answer the question of what is the downside of one believing in Jesus or not?
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
I'm an atheist and I certainly don't feel that I'm a god. I do however believe in the fact that there are no absolute answers. I'll illustrate using abortion. The Cristian right believes that abortion is wrong, period. I feel I am not qualified to judge when we can talk about a living person. How I see it it's always gonna be an arbitrary line. Is a sperm cell alive, it has after all dna. Is it alive when the cell starts to divide, I don't know. Lucky for me there are bioligist and judges who make those decisions for me. Here is where religion becomes a problem. Religion feels it has the OBLIGATION to bypass the process. It basicly isn't different from sharia law in the middle east, it's view of moral right or wrong is absolute. Who do you feel thinks of himself as the more Godlike person?
They think they are always right. Why? Because God endorses them.

Religious people always think their right, yet you claim you're always right.
Religious people are not smart, yet when pointed out the greatest minds were religious you say never mind.
Religious people are judgemental, yet every post you make is judgemental.
First of I didn't claim I was always right, I claimed that I don't feel I'm qualified to make decisions for everybody, that's why I'm happy to live in a society that has ppl available and trained in making decisions that are based on rational thinking.
Everybody judges and the way I see it, when I judge I always try to put in, it's my opinion for the simple reason that I know there's always the chance I'm wrong. Like my last post suggested I have no problem admitting that I don't have the answer to all questions. Wich is even if I do say so myself more then a religious person is usually wiling to admit.
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
I'm an atheist and I certainly don't feel that I'm a god. I do however believe in the fact that there are no absolute answers. I'll illustrate using abortion. The Cristian right believes that abortion is wrong, period. I feel I am not qualified to judge when we can talk about a living person. How I see it it's always gonna be an arbitrary line. Is a sperm cell alive, it has after all dna. Is it alive when the cell starts to divide, I don't know. Lucky for me there are bioligist and judges who make those decisions for me. Here is where religion becomes a problem. Religion feels it has the OBLIGATION to bypass the process. It basicly isn't different from sharia law in the middle east, it's view of moral right or wrong is absolute. Who do you feel thinks of himself as the more Godlike person?
They think they are always right. Why? Because God endorses them.

Religious people always think their right, yet you claim you're always right.
Religious people are not smart, yet when pointed out the greatest minds were religious you say never mind.
Religious people are judgemental, yet every post you make is judgemental.
First of I didn't claim I was always right, I claimed that I don't feel I'm qualified to make decisions for everybody, that's why I'm happy to live in a society that has ppl available and trained in making decisions that are based on rational thinking.
Everybody judges and the way I see it, when I judge I always try to put in, it's my opinion for the simple reason that I know there's always the chance I'm wrong. Like my last post suggested I have no problem admitting that I don't have the answer to all questions. Wich is even if I do say so myself more then a religious person is usually wiling to admit.
You need to see who the post responded to, it was not you.
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
I'm an atheist and I certainly don't feel that I'm a god. I do however believe in the fact that there are no absolute answers. I'll illustrate using abortion. The Cristian right believes that abortion is wrong, period. I feel I am not qualified to judge when we can talk about a living person. How I see it it's always gonna be an arbitrary line. Is a sperm cell alive, it has after all dna. Is it alive when the cell starts to divide, I don't know. Lucky for me there are bioligist and judges who make those decisions for me. Here is where religion becomes a problem. Religion feels it has the OBLIGATION to bypass the process. It basicly isn't different from sharia law in the middle east, it's view of moral right or wrong is absolute. Who do you feel thinks of himself as the more Godlike person?
They think they are always right. Why? Because God endorses them.

Religious people always think their right, yet you claim you're always right.
Religious people are not smart, yet when pointed out the greatest minds were religious you say never mind.
Religious people are judgemental, yet every post you make is judgemental.
First of I didn't claim I was always right, I claimed that I don't feel I'm qualified to make decisions for everybody, that's why I'm happy to live in a society that has ppl available and trained in making decisions that are based on rational thinking.
Everybody judges and the way I see it, when I judge I always try to put in, it's my opinion for the simple reason that I know there's always the chance I'm wrong. Like my last post suggested I have no problem admitting that I don't have the answer to all questions. Wich is even if I do say so myself more then a religious person is usually wiling to admit.
Do you know what the definition of Israel is? To struggle with God. As in God, you really ticked me off or God I don't agree with this or God do you exist.

Very few atheists will say they there is a probability God exists. That's intellectual dishonesty with ones self.
I don't hate God. See that's where you get confused. You keep claiming we blame God for humans faults. Or that we hate God. You say we attack God. You don't understand that we simply don't think one exists. Then you want to know what the down side is to believing a lie? Nothing. Ignorance is bliss

So the only ones to attack are you theists because there is no god.

And keep in mind you aren't one harmonious group who all agree on anything.
You create strawmen to support your position, I said no such things. I merely pointed out you use humans to judge God.

And again you display your delusion and hatred. No one, believers and nonbelievers knows 100% of Gods existence.

Can you answer the question of what is the downside of one believing in Jesus or not?
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
I don't hate God. See that's where you get confused. You keep claiming we blame God for humans faults. Or that we hate God. You say we attack God. You don't understand that we simply don't think one exists. Then you want to know what the down side is to believing a lie? Nothing. Ignorance is bliss

So the only ones to attack are you theists because there is no god.

And keep in mind you aren't one harmonious group who all agree on anything.
You create strawmen to support your position, I said no such things. I merely pointed out you use humans to judge God.

And again you display your delusion and hatred. No one, believers and nonbelievers knows 100% of Gods existence.

Can you answer the question of what is the downside of one believing in Jesus or not?
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
I'm an atheist and I certainly don't feel that I'm a god. I do however believe in the fact that there are no absolute answers. I'll illustrate using abortion. The Cristian right believes that abortion is wrong, period. I feel I am not qualified to judge when we can talk about a living person. How I see it it's always gonna be an arbitrary line. Is a sperm cell alive, it has after all dna. Is it alive when the cell starts to divide, I don't know. Lucky for me there are bioligist and judges who make those decisions for me. Here is where religion becomes a problem. Religion feels it has the OBLIGATION to bypass the process. It basicly isn't different from sharia law in the middle east, it's view of moral right or wrong is absolute. Who do you feel thinks of himself as the more Godlike person?
OK, let's use your example of abortion.
Neither you nor I know when a fetus becomes a free thinking human being.
So the only moral decision to make is you must error on the side of life.

But there is that M word. Moral.

If there is no God, your version of morality is just as valid as Pol Pot's or Osama Bin Ladens. To argue point is just intellectual dishonesty.
Society decides these issues for a reason you know. Morality is by definition fluid if you don't believe me, read the bible again. I'm pretty sure you'll find plenty of parts that don't mesh with modern day understanding of it. The way we learned to deal with it is that we appoint representatives and judges to reflect and judge on what's right or wrong. As to your other point. How far you want to take that argument? Should I be considered a mass murderer because I've jerked of in my life? Should my wife be put in prison because she takes birth control? Like I said the line is arbitrary.
You create strawmen to support your position, I said no such things. I merely pointed out you use humans to judge God.

And again you display your delusion and hatred. No one, believers and nonbelievers knows 100% of Gods existence.

Can you answer the question of what is the downside of one believing in Jesus or not?
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
You create strawmen to support your position, I said no such things. I merely pointed out you use humans to judge God.

And again you display your delusion and hatred. No one, believers and nonbelievers knows 100% of Gods existence.

Can you answer the question of what is the downside of one believing in Jesus or not?
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
I'm an atheist and I certainly don't feel that I'm a god. I do however believe in the fact that there are no absolute answers. I'll illustrate using abortion. The Cristian right believes that abortion is wrong, period. I feel I am not qualified to judge when we can talk about a living person. How I see it it's always gonna be an arbitrary line. Is a sperm cell alive, it has after all dna. Is it alive when the cell starts to divide, I don't know. Lucky for me there are bioligist and judges who make those decisions for me. Here is where religion becomes a problem. Religion feels it has the OBLIGATION to bypass the process. It basicly isn't different from sharia law in the middle east, it's view of moral right or wrong is absolute. Who do you feel thinks of himself as the more Godlike person?
OK, let's use your example of abortion.
Neither you nor I know when a fetus becomes a free thinking human being.
So the only moral decision to make is you must error on the side of life.

But there is that M word. Moral.

If there is no God, your version of morality is just as valid as Pol Pot's or Osama Bin Ladens. To argue point is just intellectual dishonesty.
Society decides these issues for a reason you know. Morality is by definition fluid if you don't believe me, read the bible again. I'm pretty sure you'll find plenty of parts that don't mesh with modern day understanding of it. The way we learned to deal with it is that we appoint representatives and judges to reflect and judge on what's right or wrong. As to your other point. How far you want to take that argument. Should I be considered a mass murderer because I've jerked of in my life. Should my wife be put in prison because she takes birth control? Like I said the line is arbitrary.
More strawman arguments about the Bible. Either cite specific verses or drop your boring fantasy versions.

But you saying morality is fluid if there is no God is exactly my point, thank you. Charles Manson's version of morality is just as valid as yours if there is no God.
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
I'm an atheist and I certainly don't feel that I'm a god. I do however believe in the fact that there are no absolute answers. I'll illustrate using abortion. The Cristian right believes that abortion is wrong, period. I feel I am not qualified to judge when we can talk about a living person. How I see it it's always gonna be an arbitrary line. Is a sperm cell alive, it has after all dna. Is it alive when the cell starts to divide, I don't know. Lucky for me there are bioligist and judges who make those decisions for me. Here is where religion becomes a problem. Religion feels it has the OBLIGATION to bypass the process. It basicly isn't different from sharia law in the middle east, it's view of moral right or wrong is absolute. Who do you feel thinks of himself as the more Godlike person?
They think they are always right. Why? Because God endorses them.

Religious people always think their right, yet you claim you're always right.
Religious people are not smart, yet when pointed out the greatest minds were religious you say never mind.
Religious people are judgemental, yet every post you make is judgemental.
First of I didn't claim I was always right, I claimed that I don't feel I'm qualified to make decisions for everybody, that's why I'm happy to live in a society that has ppl available and trained in making decisions that are based on rational thinking.
Everybody judges and the way I see it, when I judge I always try to put in, it's my opinion for the simple reason that I know there's always the chance I'm wrong. Like my last post suggested I have no problem admitting that I don't have the answer to all questions. Wich is even if I do say so myself more then a religious person is usually wiling to admit.
Do you know what the definition of Israel is? To struggle with God. As in God, you really ticked me off or God I don't agree with this or God do you exist.

Very few atheists will say they there is a probability God exists. That's intellectual dishonesty with ones self.
I'll say there is a possibiity god exist. There are questions science more then likely will be never able to answer, and in those cases god is as good an answer as any i suppose. Having said that in the more likely answer is, we have no way to collect enough data to get to a reasonable assumption, let alone an answer. The big bang comes to mind.
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
I'm an atheist and I certainly don't feel that I'm a god. I do however believe in the fact that there are no absolute answers. I'll illustrate using abortion. The Cristian right believes that abortion is wrong, period. I feel I am not qualified to judge when we can talk about a living person. How I see it it's always gonna be an arbitrary line. Is a sperm cell alive, it has after all dna. Is it alive when the cell starts to divide, I don't know. Lucky for me there are bioligist and judges who make those decisions for me. Here is where religion becomes a problem. Religion feels it has the OBLIGATION to bypass the process. It basicly isn't different from sharia law in the middle east, it's view of moral right or wrong is absolute. Who do you feel thinks of himself as the more Godlike person?
They think they are always right. Why? Because God endorses them.

Religious people always think their right, yet you claim you're always right.
Religious people are not smart, yet when pointed out the greatest minds were religious you say never mind.
Religious people are judgemental, yet every post you make is judgemental.
First of I didn't claim I was always right, I claimed that I don't feel I'm qualified to make decisions for everybody, that's why I'm happy to live in a society that has ppl available and trained in making decisions that are based on rational thinking.
Everybody judges and the way I see it, when I judge I always try to put in, it's my opinion for the simple reason that I know there's always the chance I'm wrong. Like my last post suggested I have no problem admitting that I don't have the answer to all questions. Wich is even if I do say so myself more then a religious person is usually wiling to admit.
Nobody is asking you to, we are a nation of laws, he'll a world of laws. Who do you think makes them?

Curious, when you avoid a serious scenario, do you thank anyone?

Me, I thank god, you?
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
I'm an atheist and I certainly don't feel that I'm a god. I do however believe in the fact that there are no absolute answers. I'll illustrate using abortion. The Cristian right believes that abortion is wrong, period. I feel I am not qualified to judge when we can talk about a living person. How I see it it's always gonna be an arbitrary line. Is a sperm cell alive, it has after all dna. Is it alive when the cell starts to divide, I don't know. Lucky for me there are bioligist and judges who make those decisions for me. Here is where religion becomes a problem. Religion feels it has the OBLIGATION to bypass the process. It basicly isn't different from sharia law in the middle east, it's view of moral right or wrong is absolute. Who do you feel thinks of himself as the more Godlike person?
OK, let's use your example of abortion.
Neither you nor I know when a fetus becomes a free thinking human being.
So the only moral decision to make is you must error on the side of life.

But there is that M word. Moral.

If there is no God, your version of morality is just as valid as Pol Pot's or Osama Bin Ladens. To argue point is just intellectual dishonesty.
Society decides these issues for a reason you know. Morality is by definition fluid if you don't believe me, read the bible again. I'm pretty sure you'll find plenty of parts that don't mesh with modern day understanding of it. The way we learned to deal with it is that we appoint representatives and judges to reflect and judge on what's right or wrong. As to your other point. How far you want to take that argument. Should I be considered a mass murderer because I've jerked of in my life. Should my wife be put in prison because she takes birth control? Like I said the line is arbitrary.
More strawman arguments about the Bible. Either cite specific verses or drop your boring fantasy versions.

But you saying morality is fluid if there is no God is exactly my point, thank you. Charles Manson's version of morality is just as valid as yours if there is no God.
Don’t Get Married: 1st Corinthians 7:27 NASB

Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be released. Are you released from a wife? Do not seek a wife.

Prayer (not doctors) if You’re Sick: James 5:14 NASB

Is anyone among you sick? Then he must call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up.

Women Should Shut Up in Church: 1st Corinthians 14:34 NASB

The women are to keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak.

The Wealthy Will Be Condemned by God: James 5:1-5 NASB

Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries which are coming upon you. Your riches have rotted… Your gold and your silver have rusted; and their rust will… consume your flesh like fire. You have lived luxuriously on the earth and led a life of wanton pleasure; you have fattened your hearts in a day of slaughter.

Women: Don’t Dress Up, Fix Your Hair, or Wear Jewelry: 1st Peter 3:3 The Good News Translation

You should not use outward aids to make yourselves beautiful, such as the way you fix your hair, or the jewelry you put on, or the dresses you wear.

Return Runaway Slaves to Their Owners: Philemon 1:12 The Message

I’m sending (the slave Onesimus) back to you… I wanted in the worst way to keep him here… But I didn’t want to do anything behind your back… Maybe it’s all for the best that you lost him for a while. You’re getting him back now for good—and no mere slave this time, but a true Christian brother!

Gouge Out Your Eyeball: Matthew 5:29 New Living Translation

So if your eye—even your good eye—causes you to lust, gouge it out and throw it away.

Cut Off Your Own Hand: Matthew 5:30 New Living Translation

And if your hand—even your stronger hand—causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away.

Never Swear an Oath: Matthew 5:34 God’s Word Translation

Don’t swear an oath at all. (puts a new slant on the Pledge of Allegiance)

Don’t Defend Yourself if Attacked: Matthew 5:39 Amplified Version

But I say to you, Do not resist the evil man [who injures you]; but if anyone strikes you on the right jaw or cheek, turn to him the other one too.

Give Anything You Have to Anyone Who Asks: Matthew 5:42 Common English Bible

Give to those who ask, and don’t refuse those who wish to borrow from you.

Do NOT Pray in Public: (Matthew 6:6) Common English Bible

When you pray, go to your room, shut the door, and pray to your Father… in that secret place.

Don’t Save Your Money: (Matthew 6:19) New Living Translation

Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal.

Don’t Plan for The Future: Matthew 6:34 NASB

So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself.

Do Not Marry a Divorced Woman: Matthew 5:32 NASB

Whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

Don’t Wear Nice Clothes: Matthew 6:28-29 NASB

And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you?

Hate Your Family: Luke 14:26 NASB

If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters… he cannot be My disciple.

Give Away EVERYTHING You Own: Luke 14:33 NASB

So then, none of you can be My disciple who does not give up all his own possessions.
As to your second point. Charles Manson society deems a criminal.
saying my version of morality equals his only holds water if I would say law doesn't apply to me.
I don't decide what is moral ,society does.Hence it's fluid. Point and case slavery. Morally right into the 19th century, now we find it reprehensible.
In thi
You create strawmen to support your position, I said no such things. I merely pointed out you use humans to judge God.

And again you display your delusion and hatred. No one, believers and nonbelievers knows 100% of Gods existence.

Can you answer the question of what is the downside of one believing in Jesus or not?
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
You create strawmen to support your position, I said no such things. I merely pointed out you use humans to judge God.

And again you display your delusion and hatred. No one, believers and nonbelievers knows 100% of Gods existence.

Can you answer the question of what is the downside of one believing in Jesus or not?
What's the downside to believing I'm a God?

What's the downside to not believing? You can't threaten hell because then that's not really belief. Then you just scared me into not thinking.

If "they" can convince you of that what can't they convince you?
Atheists do believe they are Gods, and that's your decision.
I'm an atheist and I certainly don't feel that I'm a god. I do however believe in the fact that there are no absolute answers. I'll illustrate using abortion. The Cristian right believes that abortion is wrong, period. I feel I am not qualified to judge when we can talk about a living person. How I see it it's always gonna be an arbitrary line. Is a sperm cell alive, it has after all dna. Is it alive when the cell starts to divide, I don't know. Lucky for me there are bioligist and judges who make those decisions for me. Here is where religion becomes a problem. Religion feels it has the OBLIGATION to bypass the process. It basicly isn't different from sharia law in the middle east, it's view of moral right or wrong is absolute. Who do you feel thinks of himself as the more Godlike person?
They think they are always right. Why? Because God endorses them.
I believe the basic difference between religious ppl and atheists is the simple fact that to a religious person "I don't know" is a scary concept. That's the whole basis of religion. It has an answer to every question, there is no uncertianty for a religious person he is secure in the knowledge of god. For me, not knowing isn't all that scary and alot of times it's exiting, because it gives me the chance to look for answers. At the same time I don't have a problem with the knowledge that I won't know the answer to some questions. I've seen that for most religious ppl that last sentence becomes unbearable.
And all I'm saying is their answers make me uncomfortable. I think it's creepy ignorant naive wishful thinking.

Now I don't go around telling religious people that's what I think.

Guy earlier said sir Isaak Newton believed in God. I'm sure he did. So did I before the internet.

I hope us humans evolve out of these ancient organized religions.

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