Why I am not upset


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
Florida elections: A Republican gov replaced a Republican gov...no change.

My Dem Representative handily won reelection: No Change.

National elections: Florida voted in a Republican Senator to replace a Republican Senator: no change.

The US voted in Republicans to rule the House: No change, because the Dems couldn't get anything done, anyway.

Basically, nothing has changed, except: I get to play offense...defense was getting stale.


And I know the Reps will be too cowardly to do away with welfare, food stamps, SS, medicare, medicaid.

As they were last time around. :lol:
Complacency is good.

Keep it up, Ravi - all the way through the 2012 election cycle. Twill serve your cause quite well.

Actually Ravi and I agree, once again for like the 3rd time, all politics are local, at least those that matter.
Actually Ravi and I agree, once again for like the 3rd time, all politics are local, at least those that matter.
My locality seems to have revolted against the Democrats...even the dogcatcher.
Florida elections: A Republican gov replaced a Republican gov...no change.

My Dem Representative handily won reelection: No Change.

National elections: Florida voted in a Republican Senator to replace a Republican Senator: no change.

The US voted in Republicans to rule the House: No change, because the Dems couldn't get anything done, anyway.

Basically, nothing has changed, except: I get to play offense...defense was getting stale.


And I know the Reps will be too cowardly to do away with welfare, food stamps, SS, medicare, medicaid.

As they were last time around. :lol:

But all those gains in Republican Govenorships will aid the Republicans during the re-districting. so you ass is too DUmb to be upset. We like it that way. How do you like Senator Rubio?
Florida elections: A Republican gov replaced a Republican gov...no change.

My Dem Representative handily won reelection: No Change.

National elections: Florida voted in a Republican Senator to replace a Republican Senator: no change.

The US voted in Republicans to rule the House: No change, because the Dems couldn't get anything done, anyway.

Basically, nothing has changed, except: I get to play offense...defense was getting stale.


And I know the Reps will be too cowardly to do away with welfare, food stamps, SS, medicare, medicaid.

As they were last time around. :lol:

Damn. I was looking forward to some epic meltdowns and gnashing of teeth... it's good entertainment no matter which side does it. Haven't seen any of that in the active topics, so this is kind of disappointing right now.

Not much changed Federally for my state either. My district re-elected the Republican, neither Senator was running this time, and it's looking like our Republican governor will be replaced with a Democrat... but the margin is really close and I think it's going to trigger an automatic recount. Only one of the state's Fed districts flipped parties--blue to red. But at the state level, both chambers went from Democrat to slightly Republican.

None of this disappointing. I don't like when a single part controls both chambers AND the executive, at either the state or federal level. Hopefully someone other than Baby Beonher becomes House speaker, and Reid steps aside for someone else to be majority leader.

If House Republicans don't even make a seriuos attempt a addressing the structural deficit issues--beyond the trite "pork and waste" cliche--I'm going to end up posting teapartysamaroid levels of lol's.
Florida elections: A Republican gov replaced a Republican gov...no change.

My Dem Representative handily won reelection: No Change.

National elections: Florida voted in a Republican Senator to replace a Republican Senator: no change.

The US voted in Republicans to rule the House: No change, because the Dems couldn't get anything done, anyway.

Basically, nothing has changed, except: I get to play offense...defense was getting stale.


And I know the Reps will be too cowardly to do away with welfare, food stamps, SS, medicare, medicaid.

As they were last time around. :lol:

But all those gains in Republican Govenorships will aid the Republicans during the re-districting. so you ass is too DUmb to be upset. We like it that way. How do you like Senator Rubio?
Like I said...he won Mel Martinez's seat. No difference.
Florida elections: A Republican gov replaced a Republican gov...no change.

My Dem Representative handily won reelection: No Change.

National elections: Florida voted in a Republican Senator to replace a Republican Senator: no change.

The US voted in Republicans to rule the House: No change, because the Dems couldn't get anything done, anyway.

Basically, nothing has changed, except: I get to play offense...defense was getting stale.


And I know the Reps will be too cowardly to do away with welfare, food stamps, SS, medicare, medicaid.

As they were last time around. :lol:

But all those gains in Republican Govenorships will aid the Republicans during the re-districting. so you ass is too DUmb to be upset. We like it that way. How do you like Senator Rubio?
Like I said...he won Mel Martinez's seat. No difference.

Crist would have been no difference.
Florida elections: A Republican gov replaced a Republican gov...no change.

My Dem Representative handily won reelection: No Change.

National elections: Florida voted in a Republican Senator to replace a Republican Senator: no change.

The US voted in Republicans to rule the House: No change, because the Dems couldn't get anything done, anyway.

Basically, nothing has changed, except: I get to play offense...defense was getting stale.


And I know the Reps will be too cowardly to do away with welfare, food stamps, SS, medicare, medicaid.

As they were last time around. :lol:

But all those gains in Republican Govenorships will aid the Republicans during the re-districting. so you ass is too DUmb to be upset. We like it that way. How do you like Senator Rubio?
Like I said...he won Mel Martinez's seat. No difference.

How long has Martinez been gone?
But all those gains in Republican Govenorships will aid the Republicans during the re-districting. so you ass is too DUmb to be upset. We like it that way. How do you like Senator Rubio?
Like I said...he won Mel Martinez's seat. No difference.

Crist would have been no difference.

Crist was an effen demonRat, he promised to caucus with the demonRats. get out!

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