Why I Am A Liberal


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2011
Inside Mac's Head
There has been quite a bit of discussion here lately about what defines a liberal. I thought I'd use recent events to construct a SIMPLE chart that illustrates the differences between liberals and nutters. Forgive me if this chart has formatting issues. I'm not sure how it will display. There are many more............here are just a few.

Liberal / Nutter

Knee-jerk response is to defend: Martin / Zimmerman

Feels sorry for: Fluke / Limbaugh

Thinks medical care is: A right / A privilege

Thinks 2 people who love each other need: Just love / Only 1 penis.

It would be great if the world had: Religious freedom / One religion
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I was almost certain the answer was going to be because your a douche bag! That is what I thought that answer was!

There has been quite a bit of discussion here lately about what defines a liberal. I thought I'd use recent events to construct a SIMPLE chart that illustrates the differences between liberals and nutters. Forgive me if this chart has formatting issues. I'm not sure how it will display. There are many more............here are just a few.

Liberal Nutter

Knee-jerk response is to defend: Martin Zimmerman

Feels sorry for: Fluke Limbaugh

Thinks medical care is: A right A privilege

Thinks 2 people who love each other need: Just love Only 1 penis.

It would be great if the world had: Religious freedom One religion
There has been quite a bit of discussion here lately about what defines a liberal. I thought I'd use recent events to construct a SIMPLE chart that illustrates the differences between liberals and nutters. Forgive me if this chart has formatting issues. I'm not sure how it will display. There are many more............here are just a few.

Liberal Nutter

Knee-jerk response is to defend: Martin Zimmerman

Feels sorry for: Fluke Limbaugh

Thinks medical care is: A right A privilege

Thinks 2 people who love each other need: Just love Only 1 penis.

It would be great if the world had: Religious freedom One religion

You could be right.

Especially after that ass-kicking you gave us in 2010. :lol:
There has been quite a bit of discussion here lately about what defines a liberal. I thought I'd use recent events to construct a SIMPLE chart that illustrates the differences between liberals and nutters. Forgive me if this chart has formatting issues. I'm not sure how it will display. There are many more............here are just a few.

Liberal / Nutter

Knee-jerk response is to defend: Martin / Zimmerman

Feels sorry for: Fluke / Limbaugh

Thinks medical care is: A right / A privilege

Thinks 2 people who love each other need: Just love / Only 1 penis.

It would be great if the world had: Religious freedom / One religion

It most likely doesn't matter to you but, I forgive you.
Liberal / Nutter

Knee-jerk response is to defend: Martin / Zimmerman

Feels sorry for: Fluke / Limbaugh

Thinks medical care is: A right / A privilege

Thinks 2 people who love each other need: Just love / Only 1 penis.

It would be great if the world had: Religious freedom / One religion

Zimmerman = Due process even when it feels bad

Fluke / Limbaugh = Free Speech. How does it work ? Live by the Coochie. Judged by Coochie.

Medical care = Not Federal. 10th says then States = Yeah Romney-care & States Rights !

Religious freedom = Yep the old sword instead of shield. As free to exempt to contraceptatives, ban display of women's faces, forbid female education, and require female circumcision.

Two way streets. How do they work ?
There has been quite a bit of discussion here lately about what defines a liberal. I thought I'd use recent events to construct a SIMPLE chart that illustrates the differences between liberals and nutters. Forgive me if this chart has formatting issues. I'm not sure how it will display. There are many more............here are just a few.

Liberal / Nutter

Knee-jerk response is to defend: Martin / Zimmerman

Feels sorry for: Fluke / Limbaugh

Thinks medical care is: A right / A privilege

Thinks 2 people who love each other need: Just love / Only 1 penis.

It would be great if the world had: Religious freedom / One religion
you forgot to mention that you hate private ownership,the right to bare arms,and capitalism ,and you also forgot to mention that your testosterone levels are low and your home smells like cat piss !!
Why I am mostly liberal?

Cause I am not filled with hate and fear and am not mean enough to be a conservative?

just waiting for a con to call me dick breath or someuch :D
Fuck........the formatting sucks......glad it was able to be understood.

Well, you didn't really "explain" why you were a liberal. But I understood the things you were for......which makes you a nutter.

Hmm. I think I made my point. And.......please.....don't try to change the meaning of words. "Nutter" is reserved for folks like you. Own it. Embrace it.
There has been quite a bit of discussion here lately about what defines a liberal. I thought I'd use recent events to construct a SIMPLE chart that illustrates the differences between liberals and nutters. Forgive me if this chart has formatting issues. I'm not sure how it will display. There are many more............here are just a few.

Liberal / Nutter

Knee-jerk response is to defend: Martin / Zimmerman

Feels sorry for: Fluke / Limbaugh

Thinks medical care is: A right / A privilege

Thinks 2 people who love each other need: Just love / Only 1 penis.

It would be great if the world had: Religious freedom / One religion
you forgot to mention that you hate private ownership,the right to bare arms,and capitalism ,and you also forgot to mention that your testosterone levels are low and your home smells like cat piss !!

Which brings up a good point. Most liberals don't own guns. If a big problem ever happens here in the US what will a liberal do to protect themselves or at least have a chance to survive?
Why I am mostly liberal?

Cause I am not filled with hate and fear and am not mean enough to be a conservative?

No. In your case it is because you are not filled with a keen intellect or an appreciation for logic. You revel in the petty appearances of lib group think and are uncomfortable with confronting the illogic of the modern American version of liberalism.
Liberalism is a stepping stone for Elitism. Not a good thing.
Why be liberal if you don't have to be? It makes no sense to me at all. I say this with Sincerity, not animosity.
I'm not talking social issues. I have no problem with folks just being who they are.
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Why I Am A Liberal

In your case, LonelyLaughable, it is because you are dull, trite, incapable of critical thinking and you are flatly stupid.

You, a dummy, ought to know your place. You cannot hang with me............so you say dumb shit like that.

999, BABY!

No need to so quickly confirm my point, LonelyLaughable. You are already a known quantity: 10 pounds of dumb shit in a five pound thin skin.
There has been quite a bit of discussion here lately about what defines a liberal. I thought I'd use recent events to construct a SIMPLE chart that illustrates the differences between liberals and nutters. Forgive me if this chart has formatting issues. I'm not sure how it will display. There are many more............here are just a few.

Liberal / Nutter

Knee-jerk response is to defend: Martin / Zimmerman

Feels sorry for: Fluke / Limbaugh

Thinks medical care is: A right / A privilege

Thinks 2 people who love each other need: Just love / Only 1 penis.

It would be great if the world had: Religious freedom / One religion
you forgot to mention that you hate private ownership,the right to bare arms,and capitalism ,and you also forgot to mention that your testosterone levels are low and your home smells like cat piss !!

I own a business, a home, 4 cars and....................a Rossi.

I have a stock portfolio, some income generating real estate, and three kids, each of whom will be able to buy YOU 10 years from now.

I do have a cat.........and he does piss. So you may have something there.
In your case, LonelyLaughable, it is because you are dull, trite, incapable of critical thinking and you are flatly stupid.

You, a dummy, ought to know your place. You cannot hang with me............so you say dumb shit like that.

999, BABY!

No need to so quickly confirm my point, LonelyLaughable. You are already a known quantity: 10 pounds of dumb shit in a five pound thin skin.

Really? Thin skin? Prove it.
* * * *

I own a business, a home, 4 cars and....................a Rossi.

I have a stock portfolio, some income generating real estate, and three kids, each of whom will be able to buy YOU 10 years from now.

I do have a cat.........and he does piss. So you may have something there.

Of course you do.

This is the internetz, so you can be anybody you WANT to be.


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