Why Hillary is popular outside of the US

'Outside' is the operative word. Inside the US she serves as a foil for the conservatives and right wingnuts, they love her today because she can't do good things that oppose the status quo. Funny how Satan can change colors in politics.

"Not only does there seem to be widespread social fragmentation and disillusionment with democracy in the United States, but the possibility of reversing this sense of alienation appears to many of us to be already lost. Any democratic president who wants to institute the desperately needed reforms in health, welfare and the environment faces one of two options. He can stick by his reform program and suffer a loss of public confidence through orchestrated campaigns to publicly portray him as 'too liberal' and ineffectual (the Carter image) or too indecisive or sexually indiscreet (the Clinton image). Alternatively, a reforming democratic president can move further to the Right, forget his promises and become part of the propaganda campaign. Given the history of democratic propaganda in the United States, some of us doubt that another Roosevelt or New Deal is possible. The political system is now so attuned to business interests that this kind of reformer could no longer institute the substantial health, welfare, education, environmental and employment reforms the country needs." Andrew Lohrey Introduction "Taking the Risk Out of Democracy"
yes. she should be. but she isn't.

on the other hand, if she were in power, the right would be in full hysteria about her, too.

perhaps, but the country wouldn't be fucked.

what did that to the country was the last election.

i completely agree. neither major party put forth a candidate who is fit to hold the office. it seems to be a trend, sadly.
She should be President.

yes. she should be. but she isn't.

on the other hand, if she were in power, the right would be in full hysteria about her, too.

perhaps, but the country wouldn't be fucked.

and she would be a better leader....we would not have what has become the Grand Canyon separating the sides....i know many Conservatives that wanted her over Corpse McCain,and felt the Dems screwed her over to get Obama in....im sure unlike Obama,she would have told Pelosi were to stick it.....just doing that alone would have gotten her a standing ovation from all kinds of people from across the political spectrum....

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