Why Europe hates Trump more than Iran


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
As I've noted before, Europe's bounding leap into the arms of socialism shortly after the Wall came down should have been the wake-up call concerning allied relationships, but it seems many are just now figuring this out.

No one saw the Iranian escalation coming. Within hours of Soleimani's assassination, Europe’s shock over the Iranian general’s killing morphed into anger at Trump.

Why Europe hates Trump more than Iran
From the moment Trump was sworn in as POTUS, he has attacked the NATO alliance, interfered in its elections, bashed its leaders and has been far friendlier to Putin than the alliance leaders. Trump has a disdain for Europe and Europeans know it. Is it any wonder it is now being reciprocated by many?

Europeans value stability. Trump likes chaos. Never shall the Twain meet.
From the moment Trump was sworn in as POTUS, he has attacked the NATO alliance, interfered in its elections, bashed its leaders and has been far friendlier to Putin than the alliance leaders. Trump has a disdain for Europe and Europeans know it. Is it any wonder it is now being reciprocated by many?

Europeans value stability. Trump likes chaos. Never shall the Twain meet.
Trumps antics , his classless messages,the lying, the tweets, pretty much everything about him screams gutter. Europe is unlikely to cheer actions that merely deflect from his impeachment.
Europeans hate themselves...that is why they are doing everything they can to kill themselves and their cultures.
Europeans fear the USA as does the rest of the world. Rightly so. The Empire has a long history of mass murder. Now under Donnie, it is ever more dangerous.
From the moment Trump was sworn in as POTUS, he has attacked the NATO alliance, interfered in its elections, bashed its leaders and has been far friendlier to Putin than the alliance leaders. Trump has a disdain for Europe and Europeans know it. Is it any wonder it is now being reciprocated by many?

Europeans value stability. Trump likes chaos. Never shall the Twain meet.

Europeans value "stability" as long as Americans are paying for it.

Look, Frances contribution to the world of liberty can't be overstated. As a nation they have done a great deal for all of us, including ensuring America succeeded in their infancy. I still have an admiration for their culture and historic libertarians, their contributions during the Renaissnce Period and of course during the occupation in WW2. UK, Germany et al others all sided with America vs the communists and it ensured capitalism won and the West remained free. That was then this is now.

There has always been a big push by Russia and now China to drag the EU into big government worship, they've given the politicians a taste of the "good life" at the expense of capitalism and individual liberty. Ditto for much of the world the last, most important stand was U.S.A. Communists know it's much easier to bribe and buy an all powerful politician than it is to destabilize a diverse, dynamic, self running economy. They want you to be centrally run, it makes their job easier.

Trump has prevented the global socialists from succeeding. He was so feared because the big power structures knew, probably from their intel agencies, that Trump honestly might just be that one, insanely strong headed guy to resist them. It's why after he won, CNN and others were trying to take the "well, maybe he will just be like every other politician and he was saying stuff on the campaign trail but he will really get in line like other RINOs and sign the Paris Accord, not confront China and global socialists, not build a wall". You could sense they were reverting to Plan B which was "assume and hope he is just another politician".

The funniest method they used was some sort of advanced psychology, hoping Trump and his team might be listening, "we are out asking Trump supporters, and they don't really believe he will do the things he says, they just want him to succeed" etc. Of course, they extrapolate details. Maybe Trump supporters didn't expect a cash payment from Mexico, but they certainly expected a wall. Ditto for dealing with China, walking away from the Paris Accord, renegotiating NAFTA, to a lesser extent, reshaping the Iran deal. However, CNN was trying to signal to everyone, "hey, no need to do all that Trump, your supporters don't care".

Pure malarkey. Now they realize he is real, and the global socialists, especially in Europe feel they have been called out. They can't rely on America to fund all their ballroom parties and yacht cruises. No more "take from us, while you support threats against us, willingly or unwittingly".

Truly America is back, as long as you can avoid drawn out conflict and weak leadership. All of the Western world is better for this, I assure you.

Thank you for your time.
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That's a pretty good speech- clap, clap, clap- if only it were true. Our biggest threat, therefore the world's biggest threat, is ourselves and the feckless arrogance in the District of Criminals which Trump surrounds himself with- don't think for a second that the powers that be in the District will roll over and play dead- one *might* investigate just a tad before declaring victory.
As I've noted before, Europe's bounding leap into the arms of socialism shortly after the Wall came down should have been the wake-up call concerning allied relationships, but it seems many are just now figuring this out.

No one saw the Iranian escalation coming. Within hours of Soleimani's assassination, Europe’s shock over the Iranian general’s killing morphed into anger at Trump.

Why Europe hates Trump more than Iran

The European Left Wing hates ANYBODY who challenges them. They love Macron why? He's a left leaner though the French People now know that he isn't much chop. They HATE BoJo because he is a conservative; they hate ANYONE who isn't one of "them". But they are being challenged by their own people. The days of leftism and centralised authority are frankly seen for what they've always been; troughs for woke elitists. The Working Class is awakening and it is conservative. This is because of the respect between Capital and Labour; something that has always been in healthy societies; even medieval times.

When that is out of kilter then you have unrest and that occurs when there is an imbalance in power so that workers don't get inspirational wages and conditions. It is CRAZY that a Billionaire Playboy has matured into a beast who has brought the Working Class in the US back from the brink; it is the woke leftist elitists who nearly buried them!!

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The ground for all of this was broken back in the early seventies as a result of the oil shortage. First the French, then the rest of the European economic community joined an initiative in conjunction with the Arab league called the Europe-Arab dialogue which might as well be called "whoring for oil", in which Europeans drew closer to the Arab world in order to ensure continuing supply. The idea was to make Europe beholden to Arab interests in terms of geopolitics as well as trade.

Now, Iran is obviously not Arab, but is an oil exporter, and falls under the same general reference. For 5 decades, now, the European press has acted as a satellite for oil producing interests to the point that most Europeans are now reflexively sympathetic to all the various interests of those who supply them their oil.
As I've noted before, Europe's bounding leap into the arms of socialism shortly after the Wall came down should have been the wake-up call concerning allied relationships, but it seems many are just now figuring this out.

No one saw the Iranian escalation coming. Within hours of Soleimani's assassination, Europe’s shock over the Iranian general’s killing morphed into anger at Trump.

Why Europe hates Trump more than Iran
Right wing bigotry doesn't work as foreign policy?
As I've noted before, Europe's bounding leap into the arms of socialism shortly after the Wall came down should have been the wake-up call concerning allied relationships, but it seems many are just now figuring this out.

No one saw the Iranian escalation coming. Within hours of Soleimani's assassination, Europe’s shock over the Iranian general’s killing morphed into anger at Trump.

Why Europe hates Trump more than Iran
You're generalizing. Not all European countries hate Trump. Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Italy like him and the newly elected right of England are fine with him.. The rest are the George Soros Globalist puppets clinging to the EU, destined to eventually become part of a European Islamic Caliphate.

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