Why don't we just waterboard the unborn?

Where in God's name do you hear the left chanting to butcher the unborn?

Is it that you hear media types (Limbaugh and OReilly) saying that the left chant this? I do not know a SINLGE PERSON who thinks abortion is a good thing.

Shhhhh! Don't let reality get in the way of a good fantasy rant.
since the "right" has been in power for 8 years.....why didnt they ban abortion...i will tell you why...the majority of americans support limited abortion rights...so before you start yelling its all the left..perhaps you should figure out why the "right" has not banned all abortions? btw there is no way to stop abortions...women not have the abitlity to do them at home..without medical aid...so the choice i see....is safe abortions vs. self induced abortions..but i doubt you care about the woman carrying the fetus...byw...i find you people to be pro birth...you cannot have it both ways....if you breed them feed them...then force people to have kids...but i dont expect you to see the irony in those positions....

The people of South Dakota, a very conservative state, had the opportunity to vote last year to make abortion illegal, a crime...and they voted against doing so.

What does that say?

(Of course, the radicals can always go out and shoot down a few more doctors....in church)
since the "right" has been in power for 8 years.....why didnt they ban abortion...i will tell you why...the majority of americans support limited abortion rights...so before you start yelling its all the left..perhaps you should figure out why the "right" has not banned all abortions? btw there is no way to stop abortions...women not have the abitlity to do them at home..without medical aid...so the choice i see....is safe abortions vs. self induced abortions..but i doubt you care about the woman carrying the fetus...byw...i find you people to be pro birth...you cannot have it both ways....if you breed them feed them...then force people to have kids...but i dont expect you to see the irony in those positions....

NOt to mention that the GOP can't afford to lose abortion as a means to get voters to the polls, iow they can't afford to overturn RvW!
"Between 1995 and 2003, abortion rates dropped more in developed than in developing countries. And although it may be difficult for some to accept, rates fell most sharply in countries where abortion is legally available on broad grounds and widely available in practice."
Cohen, Susan A. “New Data on Abortion Incidence, Safety Illuminate Key Aspects of Worldwide Abortion Debate“ Guttmacher Institute. 2007. Volume 10. 4. http://www.ippf.org/NR/rdonlyres/8D...2A/0/Death_Denial_unsafe_abortion_poverty.pdf
You don't have the right to unplug the respirator in the critical care room just because it is inconvenient for you that this particular person live. Nor should you have the right to terminate a fetus just because it is inconvenient for you that it live.

I'd also bet that about fifty percent plus of women seeking an abortion are being pressure dby the guy who got them pregnant because he doesn't want o have to pay to help raise a baby he helped create.
hmm garyd you do have that right to unplug someone...depends on the conditions and how do you think you get organs for donations? from the dead????
You don't have the right to unplug the respirator in the critical care room just because it is inconvenient for you that this particular person live. Nor should you have the right to terminate a fetus just because it is inconvenient for you that it live.

I'd also bet that about fifty percent plus of women seeking an abortion are being pressure dby the guy who got them pregnant because he doesn't want o have to pay to help raise a baby he helped create.

Given the well placed passion above and the knowledge* that making something 'illegal' does not make it simply go away, wouldn't the option most in line with ideals behind freedom be to educate the people on accepting the consequences of their behavior while keeping all choices, including the choice of last resort, safe and legal?

* The word 'knowledge' is not used lightly here, it is based on the industry we are discussing and the fact of illegal abortions being a regular practice when abortion was illegal, as well as the facts relating to the thirteen years of prohibition, and the continuing war on drugs. Americans do not let "laws" get completely in the way of their freedom to choose. We never have and we never will.

since the "right" has been in power for 8 years.....why didnt they ban abortion...i will tell you why...the majority of americans support limited abortion rights...so before you start yelling its all the left..perhaps you should figure out why the "right" has not banned all abortions? btw there is no way to stop abortions...women not have the abitlity to do them at home..without medical aid...so the choice i see....is safe abortions vs. self induced abortions..but i doubt you care about the woman carrying the fetus...byw...i find you people to be pro birth...you cannot have it both ways....if you breed them feed them...then force people to have kids...but i dont expect you to see the irony in those positions....

The people of South Dakota, a very conservative state, had the opportunity to vote last year to make abortion illegal, a crime...and they voted against doing so.

What does that say?

(Of course, the radicals can always go out and shoot down a few more doctors....in church)

My personal feeling is that social issues like abortion, gay rights, recreational drugs, etc will never be decided on a national level - we are way to diverse a people.

If 75% of us can't agree on something at the national level we should kick it down to the states. If 75% of the people of a state can't agree, give it to the counties, if there is still no consensus, give it to the neighborhoods. If 75% of you and your neighbors can't agree on what you should be able to do with your own body in your own community, perhaps it is a choice best left up to individuals.

Isn't that what 'freedom' is?

abortion is too big an industry for the gop or democrats to outsource...plus approx. 25% are now chemical abortions...no longer clinics....once the clinics close you wont know which doctors to kill now will you....odd i didnt see any objections to the killing of abortions doctors in the ops post.
Here is the real truth about abortion and who is behind it and their hidden agenda.

Zionist Jews have used a lie to murder over 50 million Gentile babies since 1973 when the Supreme Court decided to grant the Jews their murderous demand in the Abortion-Rights case of Roe Vs Wade.

Yes - over a half a million Gentile babies have been murdered by the “Jewish” decision of the Supreme Court Justices in theRoe Vs Wade case. Even today, there is a Jewish Pro-Abortionist feminist on the Supreme Court bench by the name of Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

For it was the Jewish feminists such as Betty Friedan, Susan Sontag (Rosenblatt), and their NOW & NARAL organizations, that pushed for the abortion law. And the National Organization For Women (NOW) is dominated by lesbians. Susan Sontag (Rosenblatt) is herself an admitted lesbian and even brags about having as her lover, the Rothschild heiress, Nicole Stephane Rothschild. It is a known fact that lesbians have a hatred for men and despise their reproductive faculties because it is male dependent.

Both lesbians and Jews don’t care about Gentile babies. According to the Jewish Talmud, Gentiles are nothing more than cattle to be slaughtered. But not very Jewish babies have been murdered by the Jewish abortionists. This is because Jewish women take the pill and most of them get married.

Moses Maimonides is the most respected of all the Jewish Rabbis amongst the Jewish people. Even some “enlightened” Christians have a high regard for this 12th Century rabbi. But what I wish to “enlighten” all Gentiles of is the hatred toward Gentiles that Maimonides harboured:

— “It is the duty of every Jew to exterminate infidels with one’s own hands - infidels such as the pupils of Jesus of Nazareth.” (Maimonides, Book Of Knowledge AKA, The Maimonides Code) —

Many of the murdered babies that the Jewish abortionists treat as objects for the trash can are blacks whom the Jews call “schooks” and “schwartzas.” Maimonides has taught the Jews well on what their attitude should be toward the blacks:

— “Those who are incapable of attaining to supreme religious values include the black coloured people and those who resemble them in their climates. Their nature is like the mute animals. Their level among existing things is below that of a man and above that of a monkey.” (Maimonides, Guide To The Perplexed, Hebrew Version) —

The Jewish Kabbalah is also full of hatred towards the Gentiles: “The Gentiles are to be considered, literally, limbs of Satan. Those few non-satanic individuals among the Gentiles who convert to Judaism are in reality Jewish souls who got lost when Satan violated the Holy Lady. (The female component of the Kabbalistic Godhead).” (Kabbalah: The Zohar) —
See: Jewish History-Jewish Religion, Israel Shahak

Hassidic Jews of the Chabad Movement known as the Lubavitchers, are rabid Gentile-haters. They have a particular bias toward Gentile embryos:

— “All Gentiles are totally Satanic creatures in whom there is absolutely nothing good. Even a Gentile embryo is qualitatively different than a Jewish one. The very existence of the Gentile is non-essential. Whereas the world was created by God solely for the sake of Jews.” (The Hatyana, Fundamental Book of The Chabad Movement) —

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You've got to be fucking kidding me. I'm not a big fan of the Jewish faith and have even been called antisemitic but that's one of the most absurd things I ever heard.

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