Why Don't We Have Rayguns Yet?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Seriously. Lasers are like 60+ years old. With how technology miniturizes things you'd think we'd have a man-portable energy weapon by now. What's the hold up? :)
Well, rayguns would require money to fund the scientific pursuit of such. Such highly focused enterprises are the result of a need, which sets into motion a collective objective and MOST of that went out the window, when the Left saddled us with "THE GREAT SOCIETY".

Now don't take my word for it... just do your home work and look back upon the great race into flight and space and see where it stopped.

And while some people will point to the space shuttle as proof that such spanned beyond the TGS, the Space shuttle was a profound rationalization, which was developed as a means to stretch the dwindling resources available for such.

So thank your local dregs, who are sucking the life out of the pursuit of scientific achievement through their incessant demand that everyone else pony up to find their endless subjective needs and their absolute refusal to do a dam' thing for themselves.

OH and LEGALIZE POT! Because hardly anyone can find any right now and we need to free those fertile minds to invent cool shit like Rayguns, in their minds.
As to money funds research, everyone into guns wants a raygun. So it's not that. If someone wanted to make money making them, the market's primed and ready to reward such an innovation.
The Navy has one still in the development stage, but they managed to shoot down a target drone with it.
When I was just a pup The Jetsons was a staple of Saturday morning cartoon fun. I calculated that my adulthood would be in the time of The Jetsons.

According to that cartoon, we would all have flying cars that fold up into a briefcase, a robotic maid that is sassy, devices that would shower and shave anyone, condos raised above the atmosphere and giant television sets.

I've got the television set. But that's about it.
It was Obama who killed the Death Star

Obama crushes Death Star dreams Defense Tech

Yes, the White House broke the hearts of more than 34,000 Americans who signed an online petition requesting President Obama to deliver a Death Star by 2016. The White House left Paul Shawcross, the chief of the Science and Space branch at the White House Office of Management and Budget, to explain why.
His excuse was typical for a Washington bureaucrat, the budget. Shawcross estimated that it would cost approximately $852,000,000,000,000,000 to build the Death Star citing a “study” by Lehigh University economics students.
Shawcross also said building a Death Star would strike against the White House policy against “blowing up planets.”

Read more: http://defensetech.org/2013/01/14/obama-crushes-death-star-dreams/#ixzz3HeoINmND
I'd prefer this:

New invisibility cloak device can hide almost anything


New invisibility cloak device can hide almost anything Digital Trends
Rayguns require major power sources, which can be unstable in the best of situations.

Cruise thru YouTube and see the videos of what idiots do with guns. A standard firearm is a pretty simple and safe tool. Only one way to activate it. Only one way the projectile comes out (if properly loaded). And a few very simple rules negate almost all accidents.

Now imagine those idiots with something far more complex. Add in an unstable power supply. Yeah, maybe not.
The military has mostly been responsible for the evolution of weapons and handguns. Since an effective laser firearm hasn't been developed it seems that the equipment is either too cumbersome, the effectiveness isn't worth it or the technology just hasn't been able to come up with a reasonable system.

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