Why don't people watch films?

A whole lot of people love and watch old movies.

You don't need much more proof than going to the forums on bluray.com
For some reason, this TV Forum seems to not get much activity, why I'm not sure.
I believe most of the people on USMB are primarily interested in the Pollical forum where they can state their opinion to hundreds of others who have no interest other than to state their own opposing opinions usually ending up a shouting match and accomplishing absolutely nothing. I guess people drift over here when they are tired of the nonsense.
I believe most of the people on USMB are primarily interested in the Pollical forum where they can state their opinion to hundreds of others who have no interest other than to state their own opposing opinions usually ending up a shouting match and accomplishing absolutely nothing. I guess people drift over here when they are tired of the nonsense.

People seem to have a basic human need to hurl expletives.

I for one would love to discuss TV shows.
I generally don't like watching black and white.

Beyond that, a lot of old movies will have language and/or themes which are simply dated. They don't resonate with someone who wasn't an adult, or even alive, when they were made.

I'm sure that younger people feel the same way about some of the movies I enjoy from my youth. :)
Depending on whether you're a film buff which I am. I like moves made in the thirties and even some silent moves which certainly are before my time. The Forty's are my favorite era because of WWII but I love movies from eras.

B&W is a great medium for some movies. It cast a mood that you can't get with color such as in Citizen Cane The Third Man, To Kill a Mocking Bird, Paper Moon, The Last Picture Show, 12 Angry Men, or Shindler's List .

However it would hard to imagine moves like Sound of Music, Days of Heavens, The Leopard, Doctor Zhivago, The Red Shoes, The Godfather, Tree of LIfe, or The Mood of Love not being in color.
People seem to have a basic human need to hurl expletives.

I for one would love to discuss TV shows.
Well this is the forum.

And the need to express their opinions. I imagine that USMB is loaded with people whose wives refuse to listen to them, whose coworkers dodge them and talk show hosts say God it's him again. USMB provides these people with a means to spread their ideas, and rant and rave to their hearts content. So I guess it does serve some usefully purpose.
I’m watching the producers. Did you like it?
Which version, the 2005 movie are the 1967 movie. Both are really good.

I thing Dick Shawn in 1967 version playing the role of Hitler and the Spring Time for Hitler was hilarious.

Which version, the 2005 movie are the 1967 movie. Both are really good.

I thing Dick Shawn in 1967 version playing the role of Hitler and the Spring Time for Hitler was hilarious.

67. I need to see the newer one next. Didn't love the 67 one. When I was a kid I HATED Gene Wilder and couldn't understand why they put such an ugly man as the lead character. Today I appreciate him but still wonder that same question.
67. I need to see the newer one next. Didn't love the 67 one. When I was a kid I HATED Gene Wilder and couldn't understand why they put such an ugly man as the lead character. Today I appreciate him but still wonder that same question.
I thing both were excellent. Mel Brooks wrote the 67 version and produced 05 version
I would probably watch a classic over a Marvel movie; but I'm pretty behind on both any more.
Like many action adventure movies today, the acting, the screen play, and character development is secondary to the CGI. I prefer movies with characters and situations the audience can identify, in short good acting, directions, a good screen play with well developed characters. So many movies and series today are mindless romps thru adolescent or people blowing up stuff apparently intended for teens and young adults.
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