Why does the Right feel the need to label anyone not attacking Islam- as defending Islam?


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2014
So today another asshole Islamic terrorist attacked Americans.

And predictably bigoted Contards are claiming that the Left is defending Islam- just because rational people are not attacking all of Islam for the actions of the fanatic few.

Why the bigots feel that anyone who doesn't attack all of Islam whenever anyone commits an attack and is even suspected of being a Islamist terrorist- is just a reflection of their own bigotry- and frankly more resembles ISIS than mainstream America.

ISIS tries to convince Muslims- the ones they are attacking- that anyone who doesn't attack America is a bad Muslim- and the enemy.

Just like the bigots try to convince Americans that every Muslim is a terrorist- and that Americans must hate and fear all Muslims.

And that anyone who doesn't share their religious bigotry and fear- is the enemy.
So today another asshole Islamic terrorist attacked Americans.

And predictably bigoted Contards are claiming that the Left is defending Islam- just because rational people are not attacking all of Islam for the actions of the fanatic few.

Why the bigots feel that anyone who doesn't attack all of Islam whenever anyone commits an attack and is even suspected of being a Islamist terrorist- is just a reflection of their own bigotry- and frankly more resembles ISIS than mainstream America.

ISIS tries to convince Muslims- the ones they are attacking- that anyone who doesn't attack America is a bad Muslim- and the enemy.

Just like the bigots try to convince Americans that every Muslim is a terrorist- and that Americans must hate and fear all Muslims.

And that anyone who doesn't share their religious bigotry and fear- is the enemy.

you got something upon which to base your idiotic allegation?. My sense is
that you know nothing about history, about islam or about that which IS islam
or about that which BANGLA DESHI muslims "know". You have
DOUBTLESS never MET a bangla deshi---------I have---feel free to ask
questions. Is it reasonable to state "I think that lots of people who grew up
in the deep south in the 1930s supported segregation"? Were you around in
the early 1970s for the Pakistani civil war? I was. Were you around
Pakistanis at that time? I was. Feel free to ask questions-----BTW--I never
met a SINGLE person of normal intellect who stated "ALL MUSLIMS
ARE TERRORISTS" I have met LOTS of very intelligent Pakistanis who
TRULY believed lots of things that they learned as children.
So today another asshole Islamic terrorist attacked Americans.

And predictably bigoted Contards are claiming that the Left is defending Islam- just because rational people are not attacking all of Islam for the actions of the fanatic few.

Why the bigots feel that anyone who doesn't attack all of Islam whenever anyone commits an attack and is even suspected of being a Islamist terrorist- is just a reflection of their own bigotry- and frankly more resembles ISIS than mainstream America.

ISIS tries to convince Muslims- the ones they are attacking- that anyone who doesn't attack America is a bad Muslim- and the enemy.

Just like the bigots try to convince Americans that every Muslim is a terrorist- and that Americans must hate and fear all Muslims.

And that anyone who doesn't share their religious bigotry and fear- is the enemy.

I don't think every Muslim is a terrorist.

I think everyone of them is dumber than dirt...smell like a camel...
and are royally fucked up...but they're not all a Terrorist.
So today another asshole Islamic terrorist attacked Americans.

And predictably bigoted Contards are claiming that the Left is defending Islam- just because rational people are not attacking all of Islam for the actions of the fanatic few.

Why the bigots feel that anyone who doesn't attack all of Islam whenever anyone commits an attack and is even suspected of being a Islamist terrorist- is just a reflection of their own bigotry- and frankly more resembles ISIS than mainstream America.

ISIS tries to convince Muslims- the ones they are attacking- that anyone who doesn't attack America is a bad Muslim- and the enemy.

Just like the bigots try to convince Americans that every Muslim is a terrorist- and that Americans must hate and fear all Muslims.

And that anyone who doesn't share their religious bigotry and fear- is the enemy.

I don't think every Muslim is a terrorist.

I think everyone of them is dumber than dirt...smell like a camel...
and are royally fucked up...but they're not all a Terrorist.

Try again-----most muslims in the world are just people. Most muslims
in the world are exposed to an education regarding THE HISTORY
OF THE WORLD and their place in the course of human events that
would crush the mind of MOST PEOPLE. Some manage to overcome
very well. For fun-----read "THE REPUBLIC" by Plato (the great professor
of logic and reason) He was not bigoted----he just preached that anyone
who did not speak greek as his native language was a TOOL to be used
like animated furniture. Alexander ate it up. An interesting factoid is that
there is a MUSLIM teaching that Alexander, who sought to "GREEKIFY"
the entire world------was actually a MUSLIM....sorta
So today another asshole Islamic terrorist attacked Americans.

And predictably bigoted Contards are claiming that the Left is defending Islam- just because rational people are not attacking all of Islam for the actions of the fanatic few.

Why the bigots feel that anyone who doesn't attack all of Islam whenever anyone commits an attack and is even suspected of being a Islamist terrorist- is just a reflection of their own bigotry- and frankly more resembles ISIS than mainstream America.

ISIS tries to convince Muslims- the ones they are attacking- that anyone who doesn't attack America is a bad Muslim- and the enemy.

Just like the bigots try to convince Americans that every Muslim is a terrorist- and that Americans must hate and fear all Muslims.

And that anyone who doesn't share their religious bigotry and fear- is the enemy.

I don't think every Muslim is a terrorist.

I think everyone of them is dumber than dirt...smell like a camel...
and are royally fucked up...but they're not all a Terrorist.

Try again-----most muslims in the world are just people. Most muslims
in the world are exposed to an education regarding THE HISTORY
OF THE WORLD and their place in the course of human events that
would crush the mind of MOST PEOPLE. Some manage to overcome
very well. For fun-----read "THE REPUBLIC" by Plato (the great professor
of logic and reason) He was not bigoted----he just preached that anyone
who did not speak greek as his native language was a TOOL to be used
like animated furniture. Alexander ate it up. An interesting factoid is that
there is a MUSLIM teaching that Alexander, who sought to "GREEKIFY"
the entire world------was actually a MUSLIM....sorta

They can't even make my BMT properly.
So today another asshole Islamic terrorist attacked Americans.

And predictably bigoted Contards are claiming that the Left is defending Islam- just because rational people are not attacking all of Islam for the actions of the fanatic few.

Why the bigots feel that anyone who doesn't attack all of Islam whenever anyone commits an attack and is even suspected of being a Islamist terrorist- is just a reflection of their own bigotry- and frankly more resembles ISIS than mainstream America.

ISIS tries to convince Muslims- the ones they are attacking- that anyone who doesn't attack America is a bad Muslim- and the enemy.

Just like the bigots try to convince Americans that every Muslim is a terrorist- and that Americans must hate and fear all Muslims.

And that anyone who doesn't share their religious bigotry and fear- is the enemy.

I don't think every Muslim is a terrorist.

I think everyone of them is dumber than dirt...smell like a camel...
and are royally fucked up...but they're not all a Terrorist.

Try again-----most muslims in the world are just people. Most muslims
in the world are exposed to an education regarding THE HISTORY
OF THE WORLD and their place in the course of human events that
would crush the mind of MOST PEOPLE. Some manage to overcome
very well. For fun-----read "THE REPUBLIC" by Plato (the great professor
of logic and reason) He was not bigoted----he just preached that anyone
who did not speak greek as his native language was a TOOL to be used
like animated furniture. Alexander ate it up. An interesting factoid is that
there is a MUSLIM teaching that Alexander, who sought to "GREEKIFY"
the entire world------was actually a MUSLIM....sorta

They can't even make my BMT properly.

cultural disadvantage
Syriously you are liar and dumb as a box of rocks. The Muslim few are nothing less than many. It COULD be your incompetence that kills us all but more than likely it is your intent. You are either with us or against us.
So today another asshole Islamic terrorist attacked Americans.

And predictably bigoted Contards are claiming that the Left is defending Islam- just because rational people are not attacking all of Islam for the actions of the fanatic few.

Why the bigots feel that anyone who doesn't attack all of Islam whenever anyone commits an attack and is even suspected of being a Islamist terrorist- is just a reflection of their own bigotry- and frankly more resembles ISIS than mainstream America.

ISIS tries to convince Muslims- the ones they are attacking- that anyone who doesn't attack America is a bad Muslim- and the enemy.

Just like the bigots try to convince Americans that every Muslim is a terrorist- and that Americans must hate and fear all Muslims.

And that anyone who doesn't share their religious bigotry and fear- is the enemy.

Their ignorance is due to poor upbringing and poor education.
Actual liberals:




You're defending Islam just by making this thread, stupid!

I have a better question: why do liberal idiots assume that terrorism is the ONLY problem Islam causes? It's an ideology of pure hate, they have rape epidemics, baby-tantrum riots over trivia, death threats, pathological liars, being ingrates that make demands of their host societies, massive wife-beating, massive 1st-cousin inbreeding. This is the only religion WHICH STONES WOMEN TO DEATH, teaches children to be suicide bombers and beheads at the drop of a hat.
You're defending Islam just by making this thread, stupid!

I have a better question: why do liberal idiots assume that terrorism is the ONLY problem Islam causes? It's an ideology of pure hate, they have rape epidemics, baby-tantrum riots over trivia, death threats, pathological liars, being ingrates that make demands of their host societies, massive wife-beating, massive 1st-cousin inbreeding. This is the only religion WHICH STONES WOMEN TO DEATH, teaches children to be suicide bombers and beheads at the drop of a hat.
They hate the Christian West, THAT much.
Why does the left feel the need to label those who have a concern about Islamic terrorism a bigot ? There are a number extremely disturbing polls in the Muslim populations around the world that show support for terrorist organizations and their actions. Some can argue that those are just a small percentage of the Muslims but you have to remember the number of adherents of Islams stands at around 1.8 billion add the numbers together and you have 100's of millions of people around the world who believe killing in the name of Alliah is justified. If that doesn't bother you your a goddamned moron.
Democrats defend Islamic hate and violence because they have made Islamist part of the Democrat coalition of hate.
The Democratic Party coalition is pretty much anyone outside the large urban areas.
The Democrat sanctuary cities are off the charts racist.
The Dirty Dems are protecting illegal alien human traffickers, drug dealers, robbers, rapist, pedocreeps, murderers, and telling American citizens F U to their faces.
So today another asshole Islamic terrorist attacked Americans.

And predictably bigoted Contards are claiming that the Left is defending Islam- just because rational people are not attacking all of Islam for the actions of the fanatic few.

Why the bigots feel that anyone who doesn't attack all of Islam whenever anyone commits an attack and is even suspected of being a Islamist terrorist- is just a reflection of their own bigotry- and frankly more resembles ISIS than mainstream America.

ISIS tries to convince Muslims- the ones they are attacking- that anyone who doesn't attack America is a bad Muslim- and the enemy.

Just like the bigots try to convince Americans that every Muslim is a terrorist- and that Americans must hate and fear all Muslims.

And that anyone who doesn't share their religious bigotry and fear- is the enemy.
Maybe because they exemplify everything you claim to hate about Christianity every minute of every day, and not just select sects or regions of radicals?

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