Why does the press promote the regressive agenda?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
The answer to the press’ myopia lies elsewhere, and nobody has produced a better argument for how the national media missed the Trump story than FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver, who pointed out that the ideological clustering in top newsrooms led to groupthink. “As of 2013, only 7 percent of [journalists] identified as Republicans,” Silver wrote in March, chiding the press for its political homogeneity. Just after the election, presidential strategist Steve Bannon savaged the press on the same point but with a heartier vocabulary. “The media bubble is the ultimate symbol of what’s wrong with this country,” Bannon said. “It’s just a circle of people talking to themselves who have no fucking idea what’s going on.”

The Media Bubble Is Real — And Worse Than You Think

So I've listened to how much money was spent by the democrooks to lose a seat no one in the GOP really gives a shit about or spent a lot of money on. These rich assholes dump millions of dollars into TV airtime so some democrook political whore can come walking into a scenic pasture on CNN between the 30 minute Trump Hate Show commercial segments, and talk like a conservative republican with an AR under his bed who loves his wife, apple pie, and 'Merica. Prattle for 10 seconds about making everything fair and work properly in government.

You can see videos on YouTube of them talking in a high school gym about supporting gay marriage, gun control, single payer HC, and parrot all sort of inane libturd shit to the same echo chamber.

Just like that meat puppet faggot acted like the last thing he wanted to do was fuck with our gun rights, and when on a national stage pretended to be John McCain in political perspectives, only not repulsive. At a fund raiser in San Fransicko he shared his contempt of armed white Christians while among leftist billionaires. It wasn't in the media's interest to inform people of that little sound byte. Leftist billionaires and millionaire entertainers pump billions into TV adds every major election cycle and it's money that just goes ....


By that I mean the democrook political whore loses usually, all that airtime, all those millions and billions of dollars pissed away and piped right into the 401k of "journalists" who had been reporting the pending win of the democrook and encouraged political donations with claims that the higher the fund raising, the more evidence of a (LOL...) Blue Swirl Wave. In TX they're dumping millions into the media for Beto ads and signs, just like they did with Abortion Barbie.


I think the media deliberately supports leftist losers maybe just as much because they dump money into the pockets of the media companies themselves. Perhaps that's a never ending supply of cash in the eyes of the media corporations. Promote stupid political whores who can never get anything done in exchange for cash donated by trust fund billionaires and over paid entertainment industry moonbats.
The answer to the press’ myopia lies elsewhere, and nobody has produced a better argument for how the national media missed the Trump story than FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver, who pointed out that the ideological clustering in top newsrooms led to groupthink. “As of 2013, only 7 percent of [journalists] identified as Republicans,” Silver wrote in March, chiding the press for its political homogeneity. Just after the election, presidential strategist Steve Bannon savaged the press on the same point but with a heartier vocabulary. “The media bubble is the ultimate symbol of what’s wrong with this country,” Bannon said. “It’s just a circle of people talking to themselves who have no fucking idea what’s going on.”

The Media Bubble Is Real — And Worse Than You Think

So I've listened to how much money was spent by the democrooks to lose a seat no one in the GOP really gives a shit about or spent a lot of money on. These rich assholes dump millions of dollars into TV airtime so some democrook political whore can come walking into a scenic pasture on CNN between the 30 minute Trump Hate Show commercial segments, and talk like a conservative republican with an AR under his bed who loves his wife, apple pie, and 'Merica. Prattle for 10 seconds about making everything fair and work properly in government.

You can see videos on YouTube of them talking in a high school gym about supporting gay marriage, gun control, single payer HC, and parrot all sort of inane libturd shit to the same echo chamber.

Just like that meat puppet faggot acted like the last thing he wanted to do was fuck with our gun rights, and when on a national stage pretended to be John McCain in political perspectives, only not repulsive. At a fund raiser in San Fransicko he shared his contempt of armed white Christians while among leftist billionaires. It wasn't in the media's interest to inform people of that little sound byte. Leftist billionaires and millionaire entertainers pump billions into TV adds every major election cycle and it's money that just goes ....


By that I mean the democrook political whore loses usually, all that airtime, all those millions and billions of dollars pissed away and piped right into the 401k of "journalists" who had been reporting the pending win of the democrook and encouraged political donations with claims that the higher the fund raising, the more evidence of a (LOL...) Blue Swirl Wave. In TX they're dumping millions into the media for Beto ads and signs, just like they did with Abortion Barbie.


I think the media deliberately supports leftist losers maybe just as much because they dump money into the pockets of the media companies themselves. Perhaps that's a never ending supply of cash in the eyes of the media corporations. Promote stupid political whores who can never get anything done in exchange for cash donated by trust fund billionaires and over paid entertainment industry moonbats.
all of the media is wrong, and Only the right wing is right?
Back in the day, journalists had to pinch and scrape to make a living.

Nowadays every talking head reading the teleprompter on television is a multi-millionaire. Most of em are lawyers.

Turn them off.
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When's the last time we heard any of em talk about that 21 trillion dollar can we're kicking down the road?
The media pushes the leftist agenda because that was the goal of 1950's communism. Looks like they've achieved their goals...

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
You can't slip a piece of paper between the Democratic Leadership and the Media. They are joined at the hip. Beware the government-media complex. Another motivating factor for the Media attack on Donald Trump is this:

His Presidency is a constant reminder of how wrong they were. They feel that they have to remove him to restore their own destroyed credibility.
The media pushes the leftist agenda because that was the goal of 1950's communism. Looks like they've achieved their goals...

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
Why do you care, right wingers? You have your, Ministry of Truth and Wikileaks.
The answer to the press’ myopia lies elsewhere, and nobody has produced a better argument for how the national media missed the Trump story than FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver, who pointed out that the ideological clustering in top newsrooms led to groupthink. “As of 2013, only 7 percent of [journalists] identified as Republicans,” Silver wrote in March, chiding the press for its political homogeneity. Just after the election, presidential strategist Steve Bannon savaged the press on the same point but with a heartier vocabulary. “The media bubble is the ultimate symbol of what’s wrong with this country,” Bannon said. “It’s just a circle of people talking to themselves who have no fucking idea what’s going on.”

The Media Bubble Is Real — And Worse Than You Think

So I've listened to how much money was spent by the democrooks to lose a seat no one in the GOP really gives a shit about or spent a lot of money on. These rich assholes dump millions of dollars into TV airtime so some democrook political whore can come walking into a scenic pasture on CNN between the 30 minute Trump Hate Show commercial segments, and talk like a conservative republican with an AR under his bed who loves his wife, apple pie, and 'Merica. Prattle for 10 seconds about making everything fair and work properly in government.

You can see videos on YouTube of them talking in a high school gym about supporting gay marriage, gun control, single payer HC, and parrot all sort of inane libturd shit to the same echo chamber.

Just like that meat puppet faggot acted like the last thing he wanted to do was fuck with our gun rights, and when on a national stage pretended to be John McCain in political perspectives, only not repulsive. At a fund raiser in San Fransicko he shared his contempt of armed white Christians while among leftist billionaires. It wasn't in the media's interest to inform people of that little sound byte. Leftist billionaires and millionaire entertainers pump billions into TV adds every major election cycle and it's money that just goes ....


By that I mean the democrook political whore loses usually, all that airtime, all those millions and billions of dollars pissed away and piped right into the 401k of "journalists" who had been reporting the pending win of the democrook and encouraged political donations with claims that the higher the fund raising, the more evidence of a (LOL...) Blue Swirl Wave. In TX they're dumping millions into the media for Beto ads and signs, just like they did with Abortion Barbie.


I think the media deliberately supports leftist losers maybe just as much because they dump money into the pockets of the media companies themselves. Perhaps that's a never ending supply of cash in the eyes of the media corporations. Promote stupid political whores who can never get anything done in exchange for cash donated by trust fund billionaires and over paid entertainment industry moonbats.
Real journalists don’t promote anything
( except Fox but there aren’t any real journalists there) the free press just reports the news and try to keep up with the plethora of Trump’s lies.
The media pushes the leftist agenda because that was the goal of 1950's communism. Looks like they've achieved their goals...

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
Your source is even more absurd than Infowars and The Gateway Pundit.
Why not just put a KICK ME sign on your back.
The media pushes the leftist agenda because that was the goal of 1950's communism. Looks like they've achieved their goals...

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
Why do you care, right wingers? You have your, Ministry of Truth and Wikileaks.

Wikileaks is not associated with the American conservative movement. Need I remind you? You leftists cheered them when they released stories of waterboarding terrorists while GW was President.
The media pushes the leftist agenda because that was the goal of 1950's communism. Looks like they've achieved their goals...

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
Your source is even more absurd than Infowars and The Gateway Pundit.
Why not just put a KICK ME sign on your back.

The book that listed those stated goals of communism, was written in 1958.

Even your leftist democraticunderground.com had a discussion about it, although they did a poor job of trying to distance themselves from those 1950's communists.

Is there ANY truth to this article? - Democratic Underground
The media pushes the leftist agenda because that was the goal of 1950's communism. Looks like they've achieved their goals...

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
Why do you care, right wingers? You have your, Ministry of Truth and Wikileaks.

Wikileaks is not associated with the American conservative movement. Need I remind you? You leftists cheered them when they released stories of waterboarding terrorists while GW was President.
We didn't prefer Wikileaks to the Press.
Have you watched Fox News ?

Timmy, the reason I know you're a retard is not because I believe you can't read, it's because you don't read.

As of 2013, only 7 percent of [journalists] identified as Republicans,

So yes, Fox news is ONE example out of a list of media that attempts to appeal to vacuous turds like you. It was pointed out immediately in my post that most media is biased in favor of regressive agendas. You've gone out of your way to prove it and strutted away like a pigeon.

We didn't prefer Wikileaks to the Press.

You did when Bradley Manning was their source, then you treasonous pieces of shit made a celebrity out of it.

The funny part is, now that Wikileaks proved Hitlery and Waterhead Schultz colluded to fuck Bernie out of the primary Wikileaks sucks now....

The answer to the press’ myopia lies elsewhere, and nobody has produced a better argument for how the national media missed the Trump story than FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver, who pointed out that the ideological clustering in top newsrooms led to groupthink. “As of 2013, only 7 percent of [journalists] identified as Republicans,” Silver wrote in March, chiding the press for its political homogeneity. Just after the election, presidential strategist Steve Bannon savaged the press on the same point but with a heartier vocabulary. “The media bubble is the ultimate symbol of what’s wrong with this country,” Bannon said. “It’s just a circle of people talking to themselves who have no fucking idea what’s going on.”

The Media Bubble Is Real — And Worse Than You Think

So I've listened to how much money was spent by the democrooks to lose a seat no one in the GOP really gives a shit about or spent a lot of money on. These rich assholes dump millions of dollars into TV airtime so some democrook political whore can come walking into a scenic pasture on CNN between the 30 minute Trump Hate Show commercial segments, and talk like a conservative republican with an AR under his bed who loves his wife, apple pie, and 'Merica. Prattle for 10 seconds about making everything fair and work properly in government.

You can see videos on YouTube of them talking in a high school gym about supporting gay marriage, gun control, single payer HC, and parrot all sort of inane libturd shit to the same echo chamber.

Just like that meat puppet faggot acted like the last thing he wanted to do was fuck with our gun rights, and when on a national stage pretended to be John McCain in political perspectives, only not repulsive. At a fund raiser in San Fransicko he shared his contempt of armed white Christians while among leftist billionaires. It wasn't in the media's interest to inform people of that little sound byte. Leftist billionaires and millionaire entertainers pump billions into TV adds every major election cycle and it's money that just goes ....


By that I mean the democrook political whore loses usually, all that airtime, all those millions and billions of dollars pissed away and piped right into the 401k of "journalists" who had been reporting the pending win of the democrook and encouraged political donations with claims that the higher the fund raising, the more evidence of a (LOL...) Blue Swirl Wave. In TX they're dumping millions into the media for Beto ads and signs, just like they did with Abortion Barbie.


I think the media deliberately supports leftist losers maybe just as much because they dump money into the pockets of the media companies themselves. Perhaps that's a never ending supply of cash in the eyes of the media corporations. Promote stupid political whores who can never get anything done in exchange for cash donated by trust fund billionaires and over paid entertainment industry moonbats.
What agenda are you talking about.

Describe it.
You can't slip a piece of paper between the Democratic Leadership and the Media. They are joined at the hip. Beware the government-media complex. Another motivating factor for the Media attack on Donald Trump is this:

His Presidency is a constant reminder of how wrong they were. They feel that they have to remove him to restore their own destroyed credibility.
There is journalism and Truth, and then there is propaganda and the worst propaganda we have ever seen is Fox Rush Etc. At this point there is the fox story and then there is journalism around the world... Who are pretty damn cowardly...

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