Why does it matter to the Liberal who is lying? a lie is a lie right?


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2011
I have been told in another Post that the biggest lie that re-elected BHO was the ones Romney told?
To start with no-one has been specific with that claim
But why allow BHO to get away with the ones that are harming us the worst?
Hell Romney could not lie about the future of this country, its not his mess

It is OBAMAS and his lying about it boggles the mind as to why you liberals let him get away with it
would you let your boss lie to you that way and get away with it?
your son, daughter?
your Husband?

What the hell is wrong with you people?
Obama waged perhaps the most nastiest lying campaign in my memory. To liberals the ends justify the means. Starting a campaign by making fun of a woman with MS is beyond pale it is depravity at its finest. But that is what the Obama side did, they should have been punished but instead the fools rewarded him for his lack of decorum.
Obama waged perhaps the most nastiest lying campaign in my memory. To liberals the ends justify the means. Starting a campaign by making fun of a woman with MS is beyond pale it is depravity at its finest. But that is what the Obama side did, they should have been punished but instead the fools rewarded him for his lack of decorum.

Two things come to mind
1) the 2000 election. No matter what it takes to get even and no matter what harm it does to our country, go do it
2) I used defend BHO when people would call him a Marxist. One of there key activities to promote there plan as it may is to re peat the same lie over and over until it becomes the truth. BHO added 500+- billion to GWB last baseline budget and began blaming the deficit in him immediately. 4 years later the cliff which is 80% BHO is still over 50% being blamed on W. it is the most unjust event in my life time done to another human being without violence or disease being part of it
Obama waged perhaps the most nastiest lying campaign in my memory. To liberals the ends justify the means.

SFTU and open your stupid little eyes.

Your guy got his ass handed to him in two debates and got caught on camera saying nearly haft the country were freeloaders.

Dumb scum watching Fox.
Obama waged perhaps the most nastiest lying campaign in my memory. To liberals the ends justify the means.

SFTU and open your stupid little eyes.

Your guy got his ass handed to him in two debates and got caught on camera saying nearly haft the country were freeloaders.

Dumb scum watching Fox.

Dude chill out
he is just telling the truth
at no time in my 50 years have I witnessed our president lie as bad as BHO has
what does fox news have to do with that?
chill out dude
its BHO who is lying to you
not anyone else
Obama waged perhaps the most nastiest lying campaign in my memory. To liberals the ends justify the means.

SFTU and open your stupid little eyes.

Your guy got his ass handed to him in two debates and got caught on camera saying nearly haft the country were freeloaders.

Dumb scum watching Fox.

what does fox news have to do with the liberals in the democratic party as well as MSNBC not telling the truth?
GM and who saved it
Deficit and who created it
job creation
the buffet tax analysis
it is a simple truth that the only thing fox news has done is tell the truth on some of these matters
chill out
Everyone knows everything about Obama and the radical Left is a lie.

But his supporters go along with it.

In the final analysis, it is all about extracting free stuff from the gubmint.
Everyone knows everything about Obama and the radical Left is a lie.

But his supporters go along with it.

In the final analysis, it is all about extracting free stuff from the gubmint.

Why do you think to the liberal the truth does not matter?
Is it from the 2000 election?
Marxism teaches the end justifies the means to get there
I use to defend BHO when my friends would call Obama a Marxist
but it is true
Obama waged perhaps the most nastiest lying campaign in my memory. To liberals the ends justify the means.

SFTU and open your stupid little eyes.

Your guy got his ass handed to him in two debates and got caught on camera saying nearly haft the country were freeloaders.

Dumb scum watching Fox.

Dude chill out
he is just telling the truth
at no time in my 50 years have I witnessed our president lie as bad as BHO has
what does fox news have to do with that?
chill out dude
its BHO who is lying to you
not anyone else
Bush got us into two wars. Two. One on non existing and's and we lost thousands of Americans because if it and he was better than obama? We were almost in a depression because of bush and he was better than obama? You sir are a fucking idiot.
You know what. Fuck you hard right people. Obama won again. Eat it. Neener neener and ha ha.
Obama waged perhaps the most nastiest lying campaign in my memory. To liberals the ends justify the means. Starting a campaign by making fun of a woman with MS is beyond pale it is depravity at its finest. But that is what the Obama side did, they should have been punished but instead the fools rewarded him for his lack of decorum.

Propaganda 101 again.

Y'all are gettin' pretty good at it.
I have been told in another Post that the biggest lie that re-elected BHO was the ones Romney told?
To start with no-one has been specific with that claim
But why allow BHO to get away with the ones that are harming us the worst?
Hell Romney could not lie about the future of this country, its not his mess

It is OBAMAS and his lying about it boggles the mind as to why you liberals let him get away with it
would you let your boss lie to you that way and get away with it?
your son, daughter?
your Husband?

What the hell is wrong with you people?

Doofus. How could either one of them lie about the future when nobody knows what the future holds?

Those weren't lies. They were predictions, suppositions, opinions....but not lies.

Jeez. You'd think that would be obvious. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
I have been told in another Post that the biggest lie that re-elected BHO was the ones Romney told?
To start with no-one has been specific with that claim

PolitiFact | Lie of the Year: the Romney campaign's ad on Jeeps made in China

your joking right?
Jeep had discussed moving some jobs to china and Fiat does own Jeep
okay it was a 1/2 lie and was stupid as stupid could be.
you prove my point better than I could ever

BHO did not save GM
He created no jobs in the private sector
He created most of the deficit we live with every year
Buffet tax

all of these where huge lies
they got him re--elected
yet you ignore them
I have been told in another Post that the biggest lie that re-elected BHO was the ones Romney told?
To start with no-one has been specific with that claim

PolitiFact | Lie of the Year: the Romney campaign's ad on Jeeps made in China

your joking right?

You wanted to know which of Romney's many lies hurt him the most, his little fib about Jeeps was one of them. It underscored the desperation of his campaign in the closing days, pegged him (again) as a man lacking in character, and alienated the Rust Belt voters he needed to have any shot at victory.

He wasn't going to have his campaign dictated by fact-checkers. Maybe he should have.
SFTU and open your stupid little eyes.

Your guy got his ass handed to him in two debates and got caught on camera saying nearly haft the country were freeloaders.

Dumb scum watching Fox.

Dude chill out
he is just telling the truth
at no time in my 50 years have I witnessed our president lie as bad as BHO has
what does fox news have to do with that?
chill out dude
its BHO who is lying to you
not anyone else
Bush got us into two wars. Two. One on non existing and's and we lost thousands of Americans because if it and he was better than obama? We were almost in a depression because of bush and he was better than obama? You sir are a fucking idiot.

The US senate voted for both wars to include 29 Dems in 2002, October
so did the house with many Dems voting for (Iraq, to remove Saddam)
also did the same by 100% in 1998 as I recall

what did GWB do to cause the financial meltdown?
Could you please refer us to the legislative event?

If the govt created the wealth bubble, then why cannot they undo it?

F------ idiot?
is that the best you can do?
Your proving my point better than I can
2 lies that helped BHO elected in 2008, both are lies

Congress as well as GWB went to war with reason
There was no event during his presidency other than the fed keeping rates the same they are now
the Fed did that, not GWB nor BHO
The left doesn't care about the truth. A conservative and a liberal can say the same thing, and they only condemn the conservative for it.


The left doesn't care about the truth. A conservative and a liberal can say the same thing, and they only condemn the conservative for it.



The level of hate from the Liberals as well as the media id out of control
I do not understand it
Hate for W? all BHO has done is double down on Ws policies
I never seen the hate that this country had for W before and for what?
ask them and they cannot answer it

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