Why Does a Judge Think Only 6 Commandments Should Be Displayed?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Why Does a Judge Think Only 6 Commandments Should Be Displayed?

5/10/12 by The O'Reilly Factor

Wednesday on The Five, the hosts discussed the case brought by the ACLU on behalf of a student in Giles County, Virginia and U.S. District Judge Michael Urbanski’s suggestion that the first 4 commandments be removed and only 6 be displayed. Greg came up with 4 “P.C. Commandments” of his own to replace the ones that were nixed:

•Thou shalt not take the Obama’s name in vain

•Thou shall honor thy father and thy mother, or mother and mother, or father and father, or transgender father and transgender mother

•Thou shalt not steal, unless it’s from the rich who are not paying their fair share

•Thou shalt not commit adultery, unless you offer to pay for their birth control
Watch reaction from The Five here and tune in to the O’Reilly Factor tonight at 8/11p ET.

Why Does a Judge Think Only 6 Commandments Should Be Displayed? | Fox News Insider

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I think the 10 Commandments should not be displayed in gov't buildings unless there are displays representing other religions as well.

I was glad to see Judge Roy Moore removed from his position as Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court for refusing to remove his 2 ton 10 Commandment monument from the courthouse lobby.

And before accusations fly, I am a Christian and fairly conservative in my views.

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