Why do you oppose the social safety net?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
I thought it might be useful to understand where our opponents are coming from. If you're one of those fighting national healthcare or food stamps or taxpayer supported shelters, I want to hear from you. What is your reasoning? How do you propose we ensure the daily survival of the poor without feeding and housing them? How did you come to those conclusions?

Also, have you ever had to live in those conditions yourself? Do you know anyone who had to do so? Family? Friends? Associates? Can you tell us about your background at all? I only ask because it's hard not to notice how many of those people opposing these things have little personal experience with poverty or understanding of the lifestyle those programs enable.
Few oppose a 'safety net' in the most basic sense, but history has shown how easily one may fashion such a net into a collar and shackles. It's the history of the democrat party.
Few oppose a 'safety net' in the most basic sense, but history has shown how easily one may fashion such a net into a collar and shackles. It's the history of the democrat party.

The social safety net of this nation never prevented anyone from finding a way out of poverty so your "collar and shackles" are all in your imagination.

Furthermore it is a bipartisan social safety net. You cannot blame only one party when both have not only funded it but also passed legislation regarding it at various points in time. Why didn't the GOP eliminate it altogether when they had control of both houses and the Oval office under the prior administration?

Oh, and the bulk of the social safety net in this nation requires that you, or an immediate family member, work in order to qualify for benefits.

Social safety net benefits like foodstamps and housing subsidies primarily go to those who work but who are paid too little to afford the basics of food and shelter for themselves and their families. If you want to reduce that dependence simply increase the minimum wage to one that means anyone who works 8 hours a day can afford food and shelter. That makes a whole lot more sense than whining about the social safety net which wouldn't be necessary if those hard working Americans were being paid a living wage.

And ask yourself this question, why are we subsidizing corporations by providing them with workers who depend upon your taxes for food and shelter? Why shouldn't corporations be paying the true cost of those workers and passing the cost along to the consumers instead of you having to subsidize their workers with your taxes?

The fault here lies with capitalism failing to pay a living wage, not the social safety net.
Few oppose a 'safety net' in the most basic sense, but history has shown how easily one may fashion such a net into a collar and shackles. It's the history of the democrat party.
It's called the democratic party there chief....And shackles that are made voluntarily is not the problem of a political party....
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The welfare state is not a partisan issue, at least as it applies to the two major parties. Both agree it is necessary. The partisan bitching is just noise designed to deceive.
We're not only slaves for this government, but to a bunch of lazy asses in this country who don't feel like working. And then if you complain any about it you get beat down for it with goofy threads like this

what a country. forced SLAVERY
If the government wants to be in the business of paying people to be lazy, they are going to have to increase their wage scale if they want me.
We're not only slaves for this government, but to a bunch of lazy asses in this country who don't feel like working. And then if you complain any about it you get beat down for it with goofy threads like this

what a country. forced SLAVERY
Whats your highest level of education, and hardest job youve ever worked?

Seems to me, you talk more for the ideology you see on radio and TV then you do for the life you live.

Go look in a fucking mirror and meditate.
We're not only slaves for this government, but to a bunch of lazy asses in this country who don't feel like working. And then if you complain any about it you get beat down for it with goofy threads like this

what a country. forced SLAVERY
Oblama is letting the states set the bar on welfare....
Im pretty sure that Nations will be an antiquated piece of human history in about another buck fifty here.
Im pretty sure that Nations will be an antiquated piece of human history in about another buck fifty here.
So the future is City States? Singapore is the only contemporary example I can think of which has ever lasted. Only because they are a Chinese culture surrounded by Malaya.

No one I know opposes helping the poor....but having the government do it is the most wasteful, least effective way to do it and it empowers the most corrupt people in our society...politicians who use the money to increase their own power while short changing the very people they claim they want to help...

Throw in the waste, fraud and abuse in the system and we waste billions while the people who most need help get just enough to stay in poverty with no way out....but that does make them need those same greedy politicians......

The federal government should not be involved in helping poor people...it is just an extra layer of corruption.....if anything, welfare programs should be a states job....that is because it is closer to the people actually paying the bill for the welfare programs....where the greed and corruption are closer to home.....

As to national healthcare....everyone wants everyone to have healthcare.......democrats don't care about quality...they just want everyone to have the word "Healthcare" and it doesn't matter if they actually get treatment or not......we had a system that over 80% of the people were happy with.....but again...healthcare and the money and power associated with it are too tempting for democrats......they want the power over people...rather than quality healthcare for everyone....

The fix of our healthcare problems were inexpensive and easy...for those people without it...you could have given them vouchers to buy healthcare.....especially those with preexisting conditions....but that isn't what they did is it...no....they have created a way to destroy our current system in order to put the feds in charge...so they can make the decisions and tell you what kind of healthcare you have to have....

So no one is against healthcare for everyone.......they are opposed to the federal government being in charge of it.....again, the waste, fraud, abuse is just going to be incredible...and the quality of healthcare for everyone is going to go down...

Look at the V.A.....you have a small population of people served by this government healthcare agency.....and they can't even get it right for that small group of deserving people...people who gave up their health for this country and us.....and you have waste, fraud and abuse......

And then they want V.A. style healthcare for all American...........that is why we oppose that kind of federal involvement in something so important......

We want people to have food, clothing, shelter and healthcare....we just know how important it is that the feds don't run those programs.....

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