Why do you care?


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2008
What celeb is doing what with whom, what reality show they are dancing/singing/blowing/lying/trying not to get fired by the Donald/surviving/deep sea diving/jiving/crying/mining/whining/sighing/frying/trying to..............

Why do you give a $hit?

If you didn't, the tabloids and reality shows would go out of business! :clap2:
okay oddly enough....i watched something on hbo....about a 14 yr old kid who is a photographer...they explained why...our society....has become a society of loners...we dont join clubs or do social things outside our families....so we like to keep up with celebs....gives you a sense of togetherness blah blah and all this blah...that was what they said...
The quality of television and sleb culture was much, much better in the '80s and '90s. None of this 'reality' nonsense clogging-up the airwaves.
Can't stand the shit. I never watched one episode of "Lost" because I thought it was another reality show. Little did I know that I missed out on a good series. Ah well too late now. It's passe.

I do like "Behind the Music". Sort of a biography of entertainers' lives.

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