why do we support saudi arabi again

The alternative might be worse

This is a perpetual problem with US foreign policy, and has been since I don't know how far back. This was the excuse used for propping up the Cuban government against the revolution there in 1917, and I am sure even Washington had his doubts about dealing with Katherine the Great.

This was something that I think Condi Rice was trying to fix, but just might not be fixable.

And this is one of the reasons I support Nuke power and Palin's "Drill Drill Drill" shrill. The less money going to Saudi, the better.
Cheap gas. We get the cheapest gas in the world, something now is biting us in the ass as the prices go up,l and our infrastructure for mass transit isn't up with the times.

When we were paying .99 cents a gallon (ah, the good old days :lol:) other countries were paying what we pay now
Cheap gas. We get the cheapest gas in the world, something now is biting us in the ass as the prices go up,l and our infrastructure for mass transit isn't up with the times.

When we were paying .99 cents a gallon (ah, the good old days :lol:) other countries were paying what we pay now

Price for a barrel of oil was much cheaper back then, and other countries were taxing the hell out of a gallon of gas, just like what they are doing now.
Mass transit won't catch on for the most part Gregg. We are a country of autos, and the American people like it like that.
We support Saudi Arabia because we have a bunch of politicians in Congress and a President who refuses to accept the fact that we need to drill domestically for oil.
Cheap gas. We get the cheapest gas in the world, something now is biting us in the ass as the prices go up,l and our infrastructure for mass transit isn't up with the times.

When we were paying .99 cents a gallon (ah, the good old days :lol:) other countries were paying what we pay now
Even cheaper, America installed and maintains the house of saud as kings of Saudi Arabia, under one condition, they ONLY accept US Dollars as payment for oil, any country that wants to buy oil needs to send goods to the USA, who then pay with paper with green ink on it
and that cost the usa how much?
Follow the oil, as long as we are dependent on foriegn oil we will have to kiss ass.

Is that why we kissed saddam's ass and neve
r intervened when he invaded Iraq Part 2? Is that why we have never invaded nor occupied Iraq Part 1?
Follow the oil, as long as we are dependent on foriegn oil we will have to kiss ass.

Is that why we kissed saddam's ass and neve
r intervened when he invaded Iraq Part 2? Is that why we have never invaded nor occupied Iraq Part 1?

WTF are you talking about?....stay on topic will you curveleft. Reread the OP, OK?
Follow the oil, as long as we are dependent on foriegn oil we will have to kiss ass.

Is that why we kissed saddam's ass and neve
r intervened when he invaded Iraq Part 2? Is that why we have never invaded nor occupied Iraq Part 1?

WTF are you talking about?....stay on topic will you curveleft. Reread the OP, OK?

Take the rusty pineapple out of your ass and stop whining long enough to pay attention. Your lack of comprehension is not an automatic license to deem what is on or off topic.
Its the price you pay for not having alternative energy
except to enrich the contractors involved in the saudi money laundering scheme between them and the dept of treasury?

Police in Saudi Arabia rid stores of red roses, heart-shaped things as Valentine's Day nears | New Orleans Metro Real Time News - - NOLA.com

AFTER world war I, we realized how important it was for our military defense, to have oil and made a pact, a deal with the devil so to say, with SA from that point forward and turned a blind eye to their atrocities committed towards their people.

When we ran out of oil(And the oil market crashed here) in the usa in the 80's, we began another push for SA oil security.

It is also one of the few middle eastern countries that is not pledging to drive Israelis in to the sea.

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