why do we hate fat girls?

I find appealing any woman who happens to weigh less than do I.

Physics can be fun, or it can also be a laborious challenge.

Close to the bone is tastier ...everybody knows that...

you know what i mean
I'm all for freedom of speech, and dark comedy, and the right to be politically incorrect. I love off-color jokes and racial humor and jokes about Nazis and dead babies. But here's the thing: "Scumbag Fat Girl. Is. Not. Funny".
Many participants here agree this point of view.
The message this is sending is that fat girls need to understand that by existing, they are a problem. The entire meme is based around teaching fat girls "their place."

Some overweight women have great voices and can out sing anyone.

Some overweight women have much better personalities than skinner women.

Some overweight women are more reliable than skinnier women, and are act more like adults and have much better responsibility.

One overweight woman in most places.......is much more advantageous than 20 women of much less weight.

Now, the social and confidence problems for overweight women are not so good.

Some obese men are women are predisposed.....it is a fact of life, that no matter how hard they try diet and exercise do them no good in attempting to loose weight.

Don't make fun or laugh at someone, they be the ones whom......drag you out of a burning vehicle, give you a ride on a rainy day, help you make that deadline for work, offer information and assistance, give you a great tip and savings information for the vacation you discuss, make your life easier......or harder at work.

Walk a mile in the other persons shoes.......see if it was hard or easy.

Shadow 355
If they (overweight men and women) walked a mile to two every day, they wouldn't be overweight.

Why you got to be so fucking nasty?
Are you serious? Saying that if you have a weight problem walking one or two miles a day will help, maybe even eliminate it, is mean? Seriously? Walking at an average pace for one mile takes 20 minutes. I'm suggesting someone with a weight problem walk for 20 to 40 minutes a day and I'm nasty? Go talk to a doctor,who will recommend the same, or even to walk an hour a day. Is the doctor being nasty? Or is the doctor suggesting the person do something to improve their health?

If you think suggesting an overweight person walk a couple miles a day is 'nasty,' then you are a fool. It is not okay to be highly overweight or obese: it is a health problem. Fat acceptance is not okay. As has been said above, we should not accept obesity as okay any more than we accept alcoholism, drug addiction or smoking as okay. They are all serious health problems.

He is a troll. I wouldn't take him seriously at all.
when it comes to men I like bulk and big and all that...i don't know about women I don't swing that way

but I know that slim and delicate and small is good. :)

I am all that so....

I'm ok LOL no problems here
but fat girls with an amazing beautiful face are fine! :)

it takes away from the


all the ugliness
I will make this more clear if I can.... she is famous ok her maternal grandparents were the children's author Roald Dahl and the American actress Patricia Neal.

but she has a beautiful face

so she is forgiven ....yes?

lol ok you know what i mean now ?? one hopes so....kind of...

having said that

what really breaks my heart is wonderful slim that's what I love...

better say nothing more,,,,,

Audrey rocks my world

Good Night I guess...
I will make this more clear if I can.... she is famous ok her maternal grandparents were the children's author Roald Dahl and the American actress Patricia Neal.

but she has a beautiful face

so she is forgiven ....yes?

lol ok you know what i mean now ?? one hopes so....kind of...

This lady is not fat--she's normal.

Audry Hepburn is not slim, she's skinny.

Women don't need to look like Hepburn. They should be at a healthy weight though. The woman in this pic is at a healthy weight. The problem for both men and women, especially in the US, but it's spreading (pun not intended) around the world, is obesity. Obesity is defined as being 20% over your recommended weight. Doctors' recommend weight. Hepburn is at a healthy weight, but the average person does not need to be that thin.
I am not an expert on this subject but...

if those fat girls have a beautiful face

they can get away with it

...only my opinion

but they have to be really very beautiful...otherwise it doesnt work...

again dont really know ..I am slim.

Those are the only fat girls who matter, the ones with pretty faces

FAT AND UGLY means she is not qualified for LOVE
you are right Esmeralda Dahl is not fat ..and she has a beautiful face,,,,that counts


Audrey is a doll ....she will always be the best ....for all models

fragile and gorgeous....

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