Why Do Those Who Are Not Wealthy Support Trump ?

Really? Obama was capable of finishing a coherent thought. In essence that was his problem. He was smart, meticulous, communicative and.... ultimately boring. Black people thought he was to white, white people thought he was to black, those who believed his message of change figured him to much a politician. Trump is his anti synthesis, that is not a coincidence. You have a reality star that treats the office as the Apprentice, and predictable certain people like that way better then an episode of the West Wing without any of the juicy bits.

Obama was capable of finishing a coherent thought.

He read a decent teleprompter.
Without one, he often turned into a stuttering fuck.
Give me 1 example? 1 example of Obama sounding incoherent?

This is a particular interview this thing was lifted from.
Explain how Obama is incoherent in it, I dare you.

He read a decent teleprompter.
Without one, he often turned into a stuttering fuck.

Repeating your previous statement doesn't magically prove it's validity.
Obama was capable of finishing a coherent thought.

He read a decent teleprompter.
Without one, he often turned into a stuttering fuck.
Give me 1 example? 1 example of Obama sounding incoherent?

This is a particular interview this thing was lifted from.
Explain how Obama is incoherent in it, I dare you.

He read a decent teleprompter.
Without one, he often turned into a stuttering fuck.

Repeating your previous statement doesn't magically prove it's validity.

It proves you can't read.
He's the drunk guy on the last bar stool that solves the worlds problems between his 6th and 7th beer.

And Obama is the guy who solves the world's problems while passing around the joint.
Really? Obama was capable of finishing a coherent thought. In essence that was his problem. He was smart, meticulous, communicative and.... ultimately boring. Black people thought he was to white, white people thought he was to black, those who believed his message of change figured him to much a politician. Trump is his anti synthesis, that is not a coincidence. You have a reality star that treats the office as the Apprentice, and predictable certain people like that way better then an episode of the West Wing without any of the juicy bits.

Obama was capable of finishing a coherent thought.

He read a decent teleprompter.
Without one, he often turned into a stuttering fuck.
Give me 1 example? 1 example of Obama sounding incoherent?

This is a particular interview this thing was lifted from.
Explain how Obama is incoherent in it, I dare you.

I do miss a well spoken President who had actual mature thoughts come out of his mouth. Ah, those were the days.
Give me 1 example? 1 example of Obama sounding incoherent?

This is a particular interview this thing was lifted from.
Explain how Obama is incoherent in it, I dare you.

He read a decent teleprompter.
Without one, he often turned into a stuttering fuck.

Repeating your previous statement doesn't magically prove it's validity.

It proves you can't read.

You are right you didn't say incoherent, you said stuttering. It still does nothing too make Trump not sound incoherent, or makes Obama any less good of a speaker. The need you displayed to post a video that was so heavily edited each clip was only a few seconds, speaks to a certain dishonesty when trying to make a point.
Really? Obama was capable of finishing a coherent thought. In essence that was his problem. He was smart, meticulous, communicative and.... ultimately boring. Black people thought he was to white, white people thought he was to black, those who believed his message of change figured him to much a politician. Trump is his anti synthesis, that is not a coincidence. You have a reality star that treats the office as the Apprentice, and predictable certain people like that way better then an episode of the West Wing without any of the juicy bits.

Obama was capable of finishing a coherent thought.

He read a decent teleprompter.
Without one, he often turned into a stuttering fuck.
Give me 1 example? 1 example of Obama sounding incoherent?

This is a particular interview this thing was lifted from.
Explain how Obama is incoherent in it, I dare you.

I do miss a well spoken President who had actual mature thoughts come out of his mouth. Ah, those were the days.

I know, and here you have people like Todd, desperately trying to downplay Obama's skills at an essential part of the job, so Trump becomes acceptable.
Many of Trumps supports who voted for him and are sticking by him are not well off. While it is true that the further up the income ladder you go, the great support the support for Trump was in 2016, amazingly 41 % of those earning under $30K and 42% of those earning between $30 and $50K voted for him:


Yes, during the campaign, he made many promises to the working middle class which, of course went out the window in the form of the recent tax giveaway to the wealthy. Yet, I have seen little evidence that those people are abandoning him in large numbers

What is going on here? Trump once said, ' I love the poorly educated" Yes, he does and for good reason. They have been easily duped into supporting him, and continuing to support him despite the fact that everything that Trump does and everything that he says indicates that it is the wealthy and privileged - who tend to be better educated that he really "loves". The connection between education and wealth /income is irrefutable


High and rising income inequality in the United States has recently been widely commented upon. What has not been as widely discussed is the role educational attainment has played in these disparities. Indeed, America is in some ways two different countries economically, segregated by educational achievement.

Or ….. are there other forces at work that intersect at Trump . Let’s consider cognitive abilities*- which are highly indicative of educational level- and race


Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right wing ideology

Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology.
They also found poor abstract reasoning skills were related to homophobic attitudes which was mediated through authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.

What this study and those before it suggests is not necessarily that all liberals are geniuses and all conservatives are ignorant. Rather, it makes conclusions based off of averages of groups. The idea is that for those who lack a cognitive ability to grasp complexities of our world, strict-right wing ideologies may be more appealing.

Bottom line: Lower intelligence equals low income Trump Supporters who have a marked tendency toward racism.

Those same people tend to own guns as well and Trump is not a big fan of gun control:


There’s is a positive correlation between symbolic racism amongst white Americans and gun ownership, according to the results of a new international study published in PLoS One, the peer-reviewed scientific journal

The study, “Racism, Gun Ownership and Gun Control: Biased Attitudes in US Whites May Influence Policy Decisions,” conducted by researchers from Britain’s Manchester University and Australia’s Monash University, collected data from white U.S. voters and found that for each one point increase (on a scale from one to five) in symbolic racism there was a 50 percent increase in the odds that the respondent had a firearm in the home. This political reality did not spring up overnight.

The picture is almost complete: A high correlation between support for Trump, low cognitive ability, racism and now guns. But there is one more variable to consider, the role of religion. We know that a good deal of Trumps support comes from religious zealots, namely the Evangelicals. Why is that? It turns out that it ties in very neatly with the intelligence factor:


A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior. For college students and the general population, means of weighted and unweighted correlations between intelligence and the strength of religious beliefs ranged from −.20 to −.25 (mean r = −.24). Three possible interpretations were discussed. First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma. Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs. Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

So there we have it the complete picture -Intelligence and cognitive ability, Race, Guns, and now Religion. My work is done here.

* https://www.education.com/reference/article/iq-school-achievement/
Redistribution is for pussies like yourself
1) They are white and want to secure an existence for them and their children.
2) They don't want to be looted by the democrat party.
Lack of education.

That covers those who voted for Trump and Hillary.

I don't consider any of very bright.

The best word to describe the 120,000,000 that voted for a majority party in 2016 is....


Well I can't argue with that. I often felt like we should have gotten primary do over because Trump and Hilary may have been the worse choices we've ever gotten for a presidential election.
I was wishing there would be a massive movement to refuse to vote, all over the country. Have such low attendance the parties would have had to notice. Too many partisans and money bags around though. We are good sheep on both sides.

Because the poor do not want to stay poor... they want to move forward in life, not be stuck in Obamas new normal...

'Get out of the country!': Navajo lawmaker harassed by Arizona Trump supporters accusing him of being here 'illegally'


OLDLADY, one word------------->opportunity!

When do you care if your neighbor makes 4 million dollars a year? When you make 1.5 million, or when you make 25,000?

Point is---------> anyone can become rich here, as long as you have the opportunity! Nobody should be poor here, and that is fact.........and by world standards, nobody is.

I would ask----------> where do Leftists think it is poor in the world? I know, how about Cuba, their bastion of Socialism they love so much!

So OLDLADY, you decide to take a trip to Cuba to enjoy the beaches, the rum, the men, or whatever you decide to go there for. So they ask you, are you a RICH American? What do you say OLDLADY? (and no need to answer that question here)

So, you tell them how awful the US is to their poor people. They have 1 or 2 large screen televisions, 1 or 2 cars produced after 2000, most are overweight, have heat, have air conditioning, and have medical care. They get up when they want. Watch what they want. Have a cellphone. And these are the POOREST people in America!

What do you think that Cuban, Mexican, Honduran, or El Salvadoran is going to say?

Do you realize what the difference is between those that work for a living as middle class, and those on the dole actually is OLDLADY?

Owning a house, a new/newer car, designer clothes, newer/better furniture, and better beef or pork cuts. THINK ABOUT IT!

Do you work now? What are you working for if you are not making 200,000 dollars a year? How much MORE are you getting than those who live off your taxes? How many hours do people work to own their home? Buy a nice car, better furniture, or designer clothes?

If we settled for less, we could stay home too!

Thing is.............you are WORTH A LOT! How much of your LOT are you willing to give, so that our government can give those who are virtually USELESS, 2 free televisions, a car, cellphone, and a reasonably stocked refrigerator......so stocked, most of them are overweight!

Opportunity arises very seldom, and what you do with it is a very, personal, choice in life. If you have to pack your bags when it knocks on your door, you have probably missed the opportunity train! Always have something ready for when it happens-)

And so I ask YOU as a thinking individual-------------->why would people come here, to a racist, homophobic, white privileged society? WHY WOULD BROWN PEOPLE DO THAT? Why fight to get into a place that HATES you!

Because it is a lie, lol! And even if they fail, YOU will pay for their 2 TVs, their car, and their house with heat and air.............which is far better than what they have now, for if it was not, why would they leave to come to a land that is RACIST............if you actually believe what some of these people are feeding you.

OPPORTUNITY is an amazing thing! It allows people to move up to their own house, and others to get 2 tvs on the dole that take their place. The problem is----------->that those who moved up, don't want to support those who are now on the dole, because they KNEW what they did when they were there. How about YOU OLDLADY? How much you willing to give? Trump just gave you back some cash. Want to reinvest it in those on the DOLE?

I say----------->invest it in Fidelity, Capital, Appreciation, but you do what you want-)
Many of Trumps supports who voted for him and are sticking by him are not well off. While it is true that the further up the income ladder you go, the great support the support for Trump was in 2016, amazingly 41 % of those earning under $30K and 42% of those earning between $30 and $50K voted for him:


Yes, during the campaign, he made many promises to the working middle class which, of course went out the window in the form of the recent tax giveaway to the wealthy. Yet, I have seen little evidence that those people are abandoning him in large numbers

What is going on here? Trump once said, ' I love the poorly educated" Yes, he does and for good reason. They have been easily duped into supporting him, and continuing to support him despite the fact that everything that Trump does and everything that he says indicates that it is the wealthy and privileged - who tend to be better educated that he really "loves". The connection between education and wealth /income is irrefutable


High and rising income inequality in the United States has recently been widely commented upon. What has not been as widely discussed is the role educational attainment has played in these disparities. Indeed, America is in some ways two different countries economically, segregated by educational achievement.

Or ….. are there other forces at work that intersect at Trump . Let’s consider cognitive abilities*- which are highly indicative of educational level- and race


Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right wing ideology

Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology.
They also found poor abstract reasoning skills were related to homophobic attitudes which was mediated through authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.

What this study and those before it suggests is not necessarily that all liberals are geniuses and all conservatives are ignorant. Rather, it makes conclusions based off of averages of groups. The idea is that for those who lack a cognitive ability to grasp complexities of our world, strict-right wing ideologies may be more appealing.

Bottom line: Lower intelligence equals low income Trump Supporters who have a marked tendency toward racism.

Those same people tend to own guns as well and Trump is not a big fan of gun control:


There’s is a positive correlation between symbolic racism amongst white Americans and gun ownership, according to the results of a new international study published in PLoS One, the peer-reviewed scientific journal

The study, “Racism, Gun Ownership and Gun Control: Biased Attitudes in US Whites May Influence Policy Decisions,” conducted by researchers from Britain’s Manchester University and Australia’s Monash University, collected data from white U.S. voters and found that for each one point increase (on a scale from one to five) in symbolic racism there was a 50 percent increase in the odds that the respondent had a firearm in the home. This political reality did not spring up overnight.

The picture is almost complete: A high correlation between support for Trump, low cognitive ability, racism and now guns. But there is one more variable to consider, the role of religion. We know that a good deal of Trumps support comes from religious zealots, namely the Evangelicals. Why is that? It turns out that it ties in very neatly with the intelligence factor:


A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior. For college students and the general population, means of weighted and unweighted correlations between intelligence and the strength of religious beliefs ranged from −.20 to −.25 (mean r = −.24). Three possible interpretations were discussed. First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma. Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs. Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

So there we have it the complete picture -Intelligence and cognitive ability, Race, Guns, and now Religion. My work is done here.

* https://www.education.com/reference/article/iq-school-achievement/
Democrats are losing voters because they haven’t done anything for the poor or working class.
Does that answer your question?
Many of Trumps supports who voted for him and are sticking by him are not well off. While it is true that the further up the income ladder you go, the great support the support for Trump was in 2016, amazingly 41 % of those earning under $30K and 42% of those earning between $30 and $50K voted for him:


Yes, during the campaign, he made many promises to the working middle class which, of course went out the window in the form of the recent tax giveaway to the wealthy. Yet, I have seen little evidence that those people are abandoning him in large numbers

What is going on here? Trump once said, ' I love the poorly educated" Yes, he does and for good reason. They have been easily duped into supporting him, and continuing to support him despite the fact that everything that Trump does and everything that he says indicates that it is the wealthy and privileged - who tend to be better educated that he really "loves". The connection between education and wealth /income is irrefutable


High and rising income inequality in the United States has recently been widely commented upon. What has not been as widely discussed is the role educational attainment has played in these disparities. Indeed, America is in some ways two different countries economically, segregated by educational achievement.

Or ….. are there other forces at work that intersect at Trump . Let’s consider cognitive abilities*- which are highly indicative of educational level- and race


Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right wing ideology

Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology.
They also found poor abstract reasoning skills were related to homophobic attitudes which was mediated through authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.

What this study and those before it suggests is not necessarily that all liberals are geniuses and all conservatives are ignorant. Rather, it makes conclusions based off of averages of groups. The idea is that for those who lack a cognitive ability to grasp complexities of our world, strict-right wing ideologies may be more appealing.

Bottom line: Lower intelligence equals low income Trump Supporters who have a marked tendency toward racism.

Those same people tend to own guns as well and Trump is not a big fan of gun control:


There’s is a positive correlation between symbolic racism amongst white Americans and gun ownership, according to the results of a new international study published in PLoS One, the peer-reviewed scientific journal

The study, “Racism, Gun Ownership and Gun Control: Biased Attitudes in US Whites May Influence Policy Decisions,” conducted by researchers from Britain’s Manchester University and Australia’s Monash University, collected data from white U.S. voters and found that for each one point increase (on a scale from one to five) in symbolic racism there was a 50 percent increase in the odds that the respondent had a firearm in the home. This political reality did not spring up overnight.

The picture is almost complete: A high correlation between support for Trump, low cognitive ability, racism and now guns. But there is one more variable to consider, the role of religion. We know that a good deal of Trumps support comes from religious zealots, namely the Evangelicals. Why is that? It turns out that it ties in very neatly with the intelligence factor:


A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior. For college students and the general population, means of weighted and unweighted correlations between intelligence and the strength of religious beliefs ranged from −.20 to −.25 (mean r = −.24). Three possible interpretations were discussed. First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma. Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs. Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

So there we have it the complete picture -Intelligence and cognitive ability, Race, Guns, and now Religion. My work is done here.

* https://www.education.com/reference/article/iq-school-achievement/

Why would I hate someone who was successful, provided products, services, and jobs, and became wealthy? Good for him.

Why is it that leftists hate the rich? Jealousy? Greed? Envy? I never understood that aspect of them.
Like Trump University?? Like by stiffing contractors? Like trying to keep black people out of his building??
Many of Trumps supports who voted for him and are sticking by him are not well off. While it is true that the further up the income ladder you go, the great support the support for Trump was in 2016, amazingly 41 % of those earning under $30K and 42% of those earning between $30 and $50K voted for him:


Yes, during the campaign, he made many promises to the working middle class which, of course went out the window in the form of the recent tax giveaway to the wealthy. Yet, I have seen little evidence that those people are abandoning him in large numbers

What is going on here? Trump once said, ' I love the poorly educated" Yes, he does and for good reason. They have been easily duped into supporting him, and continuing to support him despite the fact that everything that Trump does and everything that he says indicates that it is the wealthy and privileged - who tend to be better educated that he really "loves". The connection between education and wealth /income is irrefutable


High and rising income inequality in the United States has recently been widely commented upon. What has not been as widely discussed is the role educational attainment has played in these disparities. Indeed, America is in some ways two different countries economically, segregated by educational achievement.

Or ….. are there other forces at work that intersect at Trump . Let’s consider cognitive abilities*- which are highly indicative of educational level- and race


Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right wing ideology

Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology.
They also found poor abstract reasoning skills were related to homophobic attitudes which was mediated through authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.

What this study and those before it suggests is not necessarily that all liberals are geniuses and all conservatives are ignorant. Rather, it makes conclusions based off of averages of groups. The idea is that for those who lack a cognitive ability to grasp complexities of our world, strict-right wing ideologies may be more appealing.

Bottom line: Lower intelligence equals low income Trump Supporters who have a marked tendency toward racism.

Those same people tend to own guns as well and Trump is not a big fan of gun control:


There’s is a positive correlation between symbolic racism amongst white Americans and gun ownership, according to the results of a new international study published in PLoS One, the peer-reviewed scientific journal

The study, “Racism, Gun Ownership and Gun Control: Biased Attitudes in US Whites May Influence Policy Decisions,” conducted by researchers from Britain’s Manchester University and Australia’s Monash University, collected data from white U.S. voters and found that for each one point increase (on a scale from one to five) in symbolic racism there was a 50 percent increase in the odds that the respondent had a firearm in the home. This political reality did not spring up overnight.

The picture is almost complete: A high correlation between support for Trump, low cognitive ability, racism and now guns. But there is one more variable to consider, the role of religion. We know that a good deal of Trumps support comes from religious zealots, namely the Evangelicals. Why is that? It turns out that it ties in very neatly with the intelligence factor:


A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior. For college students and the general population, means of weighted and unweighted correlations between intelligence and the strength of religious beliefs ranged from −.20 to −.25 (mean r = −.24). Three possible interpretations were discussed. First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma. Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs. Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

So there we have it the complete picture -Intelligence and cognitive ability, Race, Guns, and now Religion. My work is done here.

* https://www.education.com/reference/article/iq-school-achievement/
Democrats are losing voters because they haven’t done anything for the poor or working class.
Does that answer your question?
Are they loosing voters? I don't know that for a fact and if you are going make an assertion like that , you need to document it.
Democrats need a permanent underclass of poverty-stricken stricken voters while Republicans want more voters climbing the ladder.
View attachment 173699

That's the impression they give. Less about actually getting the poor out of poverty, more about crumbs to keep them poor and dependent.

I think you misunderstand TheRegressiveParasite. I don't think he's disagreeing with your statement that “Democrats need a permanent underclass of poverty-stricken stricken voters…”. What he is disagreeing with is the premise that there is anything wrong with that, or that it is better to give such voters the opportunity to become more productive and self-sufficient. Self-sufficient voters are much less likely to support the causes that he supports.
Many of Trumps supports who voted for him and are sticking by him are not well off. While it is true that the further up the income ladder you go, the great support the support for Trump was in 2016, amazingly 41 % of those earning under $30K and 42% of those earning between $30 and $50K voted for him:


Yes, during the campaign, he made many promises to the working middle class which, of course went out the window in the form of the recent tax giveaway to the wealthy. Yet, I have seen little evidence that those people are abandoning him in large numbers

What is going on here? Trump once said, ' I love the poorly educated" Yes, he does and for good reason. They have been easily duped into supporting him, and continuing to support him despite the fact that everything that Trump does and everything that he says indicates that it is the wealthy and privileged - who tend to be better educated that he really "loves". The connection between education and wealth /income is irrefutable


High and rising income inequality in the United States has recently been widely commented upon. What has not been as widely discussed is the role educational attainment has played in these disparities. Indeed, America is in some ways two different countries economically, segregated by educational achievement.

Or ….. are there other forces at work that intersect at Trump . Let’s consider cognitive abilities*- which are highly indicative of educational level- and race


Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right wing ideology

Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology.
They also found poor abstract reasoning skills were related to homophobic attitudes which was mediated through authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.

What this study and those before it suggests is not necessarily that all liberals are geniuses and all conservatives are ignorant. Rather, it makes conclusions based off of averages of groups. The idea is that for those who lack a cognitive ability to grasp complexities of our world, strict-right wing ideologies may be more appealing.

Bottom line: Lower intelligence equals low income Trump Supporters who have a marked tendency toward racism.

Those same people tend to own guns as well and Trump is not a big fan of gun control:


There’s is a positive correlation between symbolic racism amongst white Americans and gun ownership, according to the results of a new international study published in PLoS One, the peer-reviewed scientific journal

The study, “Racism, Gun Ownership and Gun Control: Biased Attitudes in US Whites May Influence Policy Decisions,” conducted by researchers from Britain’s Manchester University and Australia’s Monash University, collected data from white U.S. voters and found that for each one point increase (on a scale from one to five) in symbolic racism there was a 50 percent increase in the odds that the respondent had a firearm in the home. This political reality did not spring up overnight.

The picture is almost complete: A high correlation between support for Trump, low cognitive ability, racism and now guns. But there is one more variable to consider, the role of religion. We know that a good deal of Trumps support comes from religious zealots, namely the Evangelicals. Why is that? It turns out that it ties in very neatly with the intelligence factor:


A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior. For college students and the general population, means of weighted and unweighted correlations between intelligence and the strength of religious beliefs ranged from −.20 to −.25 (mean r = −.24). Three possible interpretations were discussed. First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma. Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs. Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

So there we have it the complete picture -Intelligence and cognitive ability, Race, Guns, and now Religion. My work is done here.

* https://www.education.com/reference/article/iq-school-achievement/
Democrats are losing voters because they haven’t done anything for the poor or working class.
Does that answer your question?
Are they loosing voters? I don't know that for a fact and if you are going make an assertion like that , you need to document it.
You’ll see it again in the midterms. :)
Many of Trumps supports who voted for him and are sticking by him are not well off. While it is true that the further up the income ladder you go, the great support the support for Trump was in 2016, amazingly 41 % of those earning under $30K and 42% of those earning between $30 and $50K voted for him:


Yes, during the campaign, he made many promises to the working middle class which, of course went out the window in the form of the recent tax giveaway to the wealthy. Yet, I have seen little evidence that those people are abandoning him in large numbers

What is going on here? Trump once said, ' I love the poorly educated" Yes, he does and for good reason. They have been easily duped into supporting him, and continuing to support him despite the fact that everything that Trump does and everything that he says indicates that it is the wealthy and privileged - who tend to be better educated that he really "loves". The connection between education and wealth /income is irrefutable


High and rising income inequality in the United States has recently been widely commented upon. What has not been as widely discussed is the role educational attainment has played in these disparities. Indeed, America is in some ways two different countries economically, segregated by educational achievement.

Or ….. are there other forces at work that intersect at Trump . Let’s consider cognitive abilities*- which are highly indicative of educational level- and race


Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right wing ideology

Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology.
They also found poor abstract reasoning skills were related to homophobic attitudes which was mediated through authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.

What this study and those before it suggests is not necessarily that all liberals are geniuses and all conservatives are ignorant. Rather, it makes conclusions based off of averages of groups. The idea is that for those who lack a cognitive ability to grasp complexities of our world, strict-right wing ideologies may be more appealing.

Bottom line: Lower intelligence equals low income Trump Supporters who have a marked tendency toward racism.

Those same people tend to own guns as well and Trump is not a big fan of gun control:


There’s is a positive correlation between symbolic racism amongst white Americans and gun ownership, according to the results of a new international study published in PLoS One, the peer-reviewed scientific journal

The study, “Racism, Gun Ownership and Gun Control: Biased Attitudes in US Whites May Influence Policy Decisions,” conducted by researchers from Britain’s Manchester University and Australia’s Monash University, collected data from white U.S. voters and found that for each one point increase (on a scale from one to five) in symbolic racism there was a 50 percent increase in the odds that the respondent had a firearm in the home. This political reality did not spring up overnight.

The picture is almost complete: A high correlation between support for Trump, low cognitive ability, racism and now guns. But there is one more variable to consider, the role of religion. We know that a good deal of Trumps support comes from religious zealots, namely the Evangelicals. Why is that? It turns out that it ties in very neatly with the intelligence factor:


A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior. For college students and the general population, means of weighted and unweighted correlations between intelligence and the strength of religious beliefs ranged from −.20 to −.25 (mean r = −.24). Three possible interpretations were discussed. First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma. Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs. Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

So there we have it the complete picture -Intelligence and cognitive ability, Race, Guns, and now Religion. My work is done here.

* https://www.education.com/reference/article/iq-school-achievement/

Another circle jerk thread, tell us how does higher wages = more wealth when figuring cost of living?
Many of Trumps supports who voted for him and are sticking by him are not well off. While it is true that the further up the income ladder you go, the great support the support for Trump was in 2016, amazingly 41 % of those earning under $30K and 42% of those earning between $30 and $50K voted for him:


Yes, during the campaign, he made many promises to the working middle class which, of course went out the window in the form of the recent tax giveaway to the wealthy. Yet, I have seen little evidence that those people are abandoning him in large numbers

What is going on here? Trump once said, ' I love the poorly educated" Yes, he does and for good reason. They have been easily duped into supporting him, and continuing to support him despite the fact that everything that Trump does and everything that he says indicates that it is the wealthy and privileged - who tend to be better educated that he really "loves". The connection between education and wealth /income is irrefutable


High and rising income inequality in the United States has recently been widely commented upon. What has not been as widely discussed is the role educational attainment has played in these disparities. Indeed, America is in some ways two different countries economically, segregated by educational achievement.

Or ….. are there other forces at work that intersect at Trump . Let’s consider cognitive abilities*- which are highly indicative of educational level- and race


Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right wing ideology

Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology.
They also found poor abstract reasoning skills were related to homophobic attitudes which was mediated through authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.

What this study and those before it suggests is not necessarily that all liberals are geniuses and all conservatives are ignorant. Rather, it makes conclusions based off of averages of groups. The idea is that for those who lack a cognitive ability to grasp complexities of our world, strict-right wing ideologies may be more appealing.

Bottom line: Lower intelligence equals low income Trump Supporters who have a marked tendency toward racism.

Those same people tend to own guns as well and Trump is not a big fan of gun control:


There’s is a positive correlation between symbolic racism amongst white Americans and gun ownership, according to the results of a new international study published in PLoS One, the peer-reviewed scientific journal

The study, “Racism, Gun Ownership and Gun Control: Biased Attitudes in US Whites May Influence Policy Decisions,” conducted by researchers from Britain’s Manchester University and Australia’s Monash University, collected data from white U.S. voters and found that for each one point increase (on a scale from one to five) in symbolic racism there was a 50 percent increase in the odds that the respondent had a firearm in the home. This political reality did not spring up overnight.

The picture is almost complete: A high correlation between support for Trump, low cognitive ability, racism and now guns. But there is one more variable to consider, the role of religion. We know that a good deal of Trumps support comes from religious zealots, namely the Evangelicals. Why is that? It turns out that it ties in very neatly with the intelligence factor:


A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior. For college students and the general population, means of weighted and unweighted correlations between intelligence and the strength of religious beliefs ranged from −.20 to −.25 (mean r = −.24). Three possible interpretations were discussed. First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma. Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs. Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

So there we have it the complete picture -Intelligence and cognitive ability, Race, Guns, and now Religion. My work is done here.

* https://www.education.com/reference/article/iq-school-achievement/
Democrats are losing voters because they haven’t done anything for the poor or working class.
Does that answer your question?
Are they loosing voters? I don't know that for a fact and if you are going make an assertion like that , you need to document it.
Many of Trumps supports who voted for him and are sticking by him are not well off. While it is true that the further up the income ladder you go, the great support the support for Trump was in 2016, amazingly 41 % of those earning under $30K and 42% of those earning between $30 and $50K voted for him:


Yes, during the campaign, he made many promises to the working middle class which, of course went out the window in the form of the recent tax giveaway to the wealthy. Yet, I have seen little evidence that those people are abandoning him in large numbers

What is going on here? Trump once said, ' I love the poorly educated" Yes, he does and for good reason. They have been easily duped into supporting him, and continuing to support him despite the fact that everything that Trump does and everything that he says indicates that it is the wealthy and privileged - who tend to be better educated that he really "loves". The connection between education and wealth /income is irrefutable


High and rising income inequality in the United States has recently been widely commented upon. What has not been as widely discussed is the role educational attainment has played in these disparities. Indeed, America is in some ways two different countries economically, segregated by educational achievement.

Or ….. are there other forces at work that intersect at Trump . Let’s consider cognitive abilities*- which are highly indicative of educational level- and race


Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right wing ideology

Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology.
They also found poor abstract reasoning skills were related to homophobic attitudes which was mediated through authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.

What this study and those before it suggests is not necessarily that all liberals are geniuses and all conservatives are ignorant. Rather, it makes conclusions based off of averages of groups. The idea is that for those who lack a cognitive ability to grasp complexities of our world, strict-right wing ideologies may be more appealing.

Bottom line: Lower intelligence equals low income Trump Supporters who have a marked tendency toward racism.

Those same people tend to own guns as well and Trump is not a big fan of gun control:


There’s is a positive correlation between symbolic racism amongst white Americans and gun ownership, according to the results of a new international study published in PLoS One, the peer-reviewed scientific journal

The study, “Racism, Gun Ownership and Gun Control: Biased Attitudes in US Whites May Influence Policy Decisions,” conducted by researchers from Britain’s Manchester University and Australia’s Monash University, collected data from white U.S. voters and found that for each one point increase (on a scale from one to five) in symbolic racism there was a 50 percent increase in the odds that the respondent had a firearm in the home. This political reality did not spring up overnight.

The picture is almost complete: A high correlation between support for Trump, low cognitive ability, racism and now guns. But there is one more variable to consider, the role of religion. We know that a good deal of Trumps support comes from religious zealots, namely the Evangelicals. Why is that? It turns out that it ties in very neatly with the intelligence factor:


A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior. For college students and the general population, means of weighted and unweighted correlations between intelligence and the strength of religious beliefs ranged from −.20 to −.25 (mean r = −.24). Three possible interpretations were discussed. First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma. Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs. Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

So there we have it the complete picture -Intelligence and cognitive ability, Race, Guns, and now Religion. My work is done here.

* https://www.education.com/reference/article/iq-school-achievement/
Democrats are losing voters because they haven’t done anything for the poor or working class.
Does that answer your question?
Are they loosing voters? I don't know that for a fact and if you are going make an assertion like that , you need to document it.


Democrats losing voters - Bing

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