Why do the New York Dems want Weiner to stay?

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Because it means they get to keep their district.

It is looking more likely that Rep. Anthony Weiner, embroiled in a sexting scandal, could lose his 9th Congressional District as part of a redistricting deal, multiple New York Democratic sources told CNN on Wednesday. New York will lose two seats when the U.S. House gets reconfigured to reflect population shifts recorded in the 2010 U.S. census. The state's redistricting will be decided by the New York State Assembly in Albany, the capital, with the expected result being an overhaul that would cut a Republican seat upstate and a Democratic seat downstate.

Weiner could lose his home base in redistricting deal, sources say - CNN.com
Because alot of them have some same wierd thing going on too
Because he's a damn good Congressman...plain and simple.
Democrats are living in the past. They think they can get away with the same stuff the Kennedy people got away with in the Cronkite days and Bubba Bill got away with in the Dan Rather days.
rightwingnuts don't toss their own ... even for outing CIA agents.

but want to get rid of an effective leftleaning congressman?



They want to put up fat, slovenly, double-chinned womanizers like Gingrich for President.

They want bonafide sexual deviants like Vitter to stay and give him standing ovations in Senate when he returns "triumphant" from not resigning.

They defend closeted homosexuals like that creepy Senator "Wide Stance" Craig.

They call creepy closeted Underpants Sniffers like BriteBart who walks around with multiple snapshots of men's penises on his smartphone "righteous."

It's a motley crew of sexual deviants, closeted freaks and homos (no offense) and sexually repressed degenerate losers. The entire GOP leadership.
rightwingnuts don't toss their own ... even for outing CIA agents.

but want to get rid of an effective leftleaning congressman?



Did you ever read the article in my OP?

Did anyone who replied to this thread?

Or did you all just assume this was an attack on Democrats?
Not too sure what that has to do with Dems wanting him to stay...

OK. somebody read the article.

Think about it, they can eliminate his seat and not actually loose the seat of a Democrat that anyone likes. I know a few of the far left moonbats here love the guy, but he has been pissing off people on both sides of the aisle for years.
Why is the Underpants Sniffer BriteBart walking around with KAWK pics of another man on his phone?

Is it because he wants to familiarize himself with Weiner's weiner?

That closeted Underpants Sniffer BritBart's got some 'splainin' to do!!!

rightwingnuts don't toss their own ... even for outing CIA agents.

but want to get rid of an effective leftleaning congressman?



They want to put up fat, slovenly, double-chinned womanizers like Gingrich for President.

They want bonafide sexual deviants like Vitter to stay and give him standing ovations in Senate when he returns "triumphant" from not resigning.

They defend closeted homosexuals like that creepy Senator "Wide Stance" Craig.

They call creepy closeted Underpants Sniffers like BriteBart who walks around with multiple snapshots of men's penises on his smartphone "righteous."

It's a motley crew of sexual deviants, closeted freaks and homos (no offense) and sexually repressed degenerate losers. The entire GOP leadership.

"Double chinned"? Your hatred is definitely getting in the way of cognitive thinking. Let the pervert stay in office. It gives us a chance to see how far the radical left will go and what startling avenues of hate speech the left is willing to persue to defend a pervert who already confessed.
Is Gingrich a PERV?

Is Senator "Wide Stance" Craig a PERV??

How about Vitter...he a PERV too?!??

Democrat or Republican who gives a shit, this is about the morals of America.

And the kids are watching
Because he's a damn good Congressman...plain and simple.

So lying, using taxpayer dollars for your fetishes and not following protocol is ok with you and contributes to why you think he is "damn good". These are not traits anyone should want in a US Congressman....you disagree??? Ignoring these character flaws and deeming him "damn good" reeks of a partisan drone.
rightwingnuts don't toss their own ... even for outing CIA agents.

but want to get rid of an effective leftleaning congressman?



The "but they did it too" defense is weak. He lied and wasted taxpayer dollars as he was on the clock when he was tweeting and calling. ANY politician that does these unprofessional things have no business handling the business of the country. If he lied about this, what else would he lie about? If his actions are ok with you, pretty sad commentary from the left. Repub Chris Lee sent only a pic of him shirtless....he resigned. We can't pick and choose who stays and who goes when they have very similar problems. Both sides have got to address their unprofessional and unethical party members or the entire process becomes a joke. When that happens, voters loose faith in the system and the downward spiral continues. You disagree? If so, why? What makes him different from Lee.
We need consistency and we should expect more from our leaders regardless of party affiliation. Geithner cheated on his taxes as did Rangel and I an sure some "R's" too who are still in positions of power.
No con ever called for Vitter to resign. He frequented whore houses in DC and New Orleans for sure. It's illegal in both those places.
I can still see his humiliated wife in her leopard dress...poor baby.
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