Why do people talk about "compassionate conservatism" when the phrase is technically an oxymoron?

Why do people talk about "compassionate conservatism" when the phrase is technically an oxymoron?

"Why do people talk about "liberal bias" when the phrase is technically an oxymoron?"

Hello. I thought this would be the best forum to ask this...

Well it's not. Political Satire Forum is.
After the mid-terms, Libtards are frantically hitting the "re-calculate" button. Ain't gonna work Dante .
Why do people talk about "compassionate conservatism" when the phrase is technically an oxymoron?

"Why do people talk about "liberal bias" when the phrase is technically an oxymoron?"

Hello. I thought this would be the best forum to ask this...

Well it's not. Political Satire Forum is.
After the mid-terms, Libtards are frantically hitting the "re-calculate" button. Ain't gonna work Dante .
stop projecting what the GOP did after 2012
You don't hear Democrats shouting out "let him die" referring to someone who is ill at AT THEIR PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE do you?

You don't hear Democrats rushing to protect gun rights after a massacre at an elementary school.

You don't hear any Democrats saying things like "Feed the poor and they will breed" and "children work better hungry".

You don't see Democrats blackmailing the country into extending tax cuts for the rich.

You don't see Democrats working to cut food stamps for children and veterans.

You didn't see Democrats apologizing to BP and working to keep the president from investigating them after that horrendous oil spill in the gulf.

You could go on and on. The list is endless. The Republicans kneel at the alter of the Church of the Heartless Bastard. Why they deny it is beyond me. It's who they are. They should be proud.
Just what is compassionate about this thread? Compassion is only a word the left use but has no concept of it when they want to DUMP on others which is daily
In January 1993 I drove to Homestead FL to do my bit to help the damage done by Hurricane Andrew. I met four busloads of people from Iowa and having spent a week with them I can confidently say that not a single one of them was a liberal.

Next year I had the good luck to meet folks from Second Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis and again, none of theme claimed or admitted to be Democrat or liberal.

I did devoted 2 weeks a year to volunteer works with Habitat for Humanity in the US and Canada and the number of liberals among my fellow volunteers was about as high as Democrats who who admit that it was Pope John Paul I I and president Reagan and PM ThatCher who brought down the Evil Empire.

Compassionate CONSERVATIVES? YES I have seen a lot.

Compassionate liberals? The few that might have quilted as such were nothing but pretending hypocrites.

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