Why do people get bent out of shape about the obvious?

Sep 12, 2008
Right now Obama is getting chewed on by his own side about the minister who is going to give the prayer at the inaugural. There are lots of reasons to have issues with this, but the thing that is bending the press out of shape is the fact that Christians believe non believers are going to hell.

Hello, how is this news?

What is even more bothersome is that some folks are trying to wash this reality away. Christianity is based on sacred texts. You either take them as a whole, as the whole is divinely inspired, or you dump the whole, as not worth your time.

If you are not a christian, my advice is to invest in asbestos. That is the reality. You don't want my kool aid, fine, I won't force it on you, but that is the basis of the religion ever since the texts were standardized.

If you don't believe in the christian doctrine, why are you praying to the christian gd? What is the point of that hypocrisy?

Personally, I don't like the idea of blessing the Obama administration with a prayer at the beginning. Why does everyone have to have it both ways?

(BTW, this particular rant is not exclusively at the left or the Obama people. The prayers of the right seem often to be little more than vultures saying grace before a meal)

Anyway, you either believe or you don't, if you don't, don't pretend that you do.
Right now Obama is getting chewed on by his own side about the minister who is going to give the prayer at the inaugural. There are lots of reasons to have issues with this, but the thing that is bending the press out of shape is the fact that Christians believe non believers are going to hell.

Hello, how is this news?

What is even more bothersome is that some folks are trying to wash this reality away. Christianity is based on sacred texts. You either take them as a whole, as the whole is divinely inspired, or you dump the whole, as not worth your time.

If you are not a christian, my advice is to invest in asbestos. That is the reality. You don't want my kool aid, fine, I won't force it on you, but that is the basis of the religion ever since the texts were standardized.

If you don't believe in the christian doctrine, why are you praying to the christian gd? What is the point of that hypocrisy?

Personally, I don't like the idea of blessing the Obama administration with a prayer at the beginning. Why does everyone have to have it both ways?

(BTW, this particular rant is not exclusively at the left or the Obama people. The prayers of the right seem often to be little more than vultures saying grace before a meal)

Anyway, you either believe or you don't, if you don't, don't pretend that you do.

God Bless America! :rofl:

Though seriously, one can take parts of many religions and implement them in their own lives. The religions highly popular in the US are for the most part the same except with a few minor differences. (When I say minor I mean things that really seperate one from another.)
What is even more bothersome is that some folks are trying to wash this reality away. Christianity is based on sacred texts. You either take them as a whole, as the whole is divinely inspired, or you dump the whole, as not worth your time.


So, if I become a christian, I can have a wife and I can have concubines?

Hallelujah, and praise the Lord!!!

-"Marriage shall not impede a man's right to take concubines in addition to his wife or wives". (II Sam 5:13; I Kings 11:3; II Chron 11:21)

-A marriage shall be considered valid only if the wife is a virgin. If the wife is not a virgin, she shall be executed. (Deut 22:13-21)
Right now Obama is getting chewed on by his own side about the minister who is going to give the prayer at the inaugural. There are lots of reasons to have issues with this, but the thing that is bending the press out of shape is the fact that Christians believe non believers are going to hell.

Hello, how is this news?

What is even more bothersome is that some folks are trying to wash this reality away. Christianity is based on sacred texts. You either take them as a whole, as the whole is divinely inspired, or you dump the whole, as not worth your time.

If you are not a christian, my advice is to invest in asbestos. That is the reality. You don't want my kool aid, fine, I won't force it on you, but that is the basis of the religion ever since the texts were standardized.

If you don't believe in the christian doctrine, why are you praying to the christian gd? What is the point of that hypocrisy?

Personally, I don't like the idea of blessing the Obama administration with a prayer at the beginning. Why does everyone have to have it both ways?

(BTW, this particular rant is not exclusively at the left or the Obama people. The prayers of the right seem often to be little more than vultures saying grace before a meal)

Anyway, you either believe or you don't, if you don't, don't pretend that you do.

I don't think it's news to anyone that Christians believe not being a Christian will send you to Hell. I think they're pissed off at Obama BECAUSE everyone knows those horrible, intolerant Christians believe that, so how can he be so crass and non-progressive as to actually include any of them in his Inauguration?

So, if I become a christian, I can have a wife and I can have concubines?

Hallelujah, and praise the Lord!!!

-"Marriage shall not impede a man's right to take concubines in addition to his wife or wives". (II Sam 5:13; I Kings 11:3; II Chron 11:21)

-A marriage shall be considered valid only if the wife is a virgin. If the wife is not a virgin, she shall be executed. (Deut 22:13-21)
Concubines don't have to be virgins, do they?
Concubines don't have to be virgins, do they?

No, but many people still follow the practice that if a wife isn't a virgin on her wedding night then it brings great shame and dishonor upon the family which results in the family killing the daughter.

Also known as honor killings in one of it's forms.
Okay first off, some of you people clearly need to read the Bible a little better especially the New Testament part where in Peter and Paul both specifically set aside dietary conditions and all other works on your part as a means to salvation.
I am going to grump about the move. This is not about religion, this is the politics of that character from Casablanca who was shocked about the gambling going on as the croupier hands him his winnings.

If you believe in free economics, then bailouts aren't just stupid, they are evil. If you believe in Darwin, then extinction is just part of the process.

Politicians change like the weather because we let them. Every other october they say one thing and do something else the rest of the time, and we vote them back in because they promise to fix the problems they made.
There are lots of reasons to have issues with this, but the thing that is bending the press out of shape is the fact that Christians believe non believers are going to hell.

I'm a Christian, and I don't necessarily believe that non Christians go to hell.

You either take them as a whole, as the whole is divinely inspired, or you dump the whole, as not worth your time.

I'll do as I see fit. If that means taking some and not taking others so be it.

If you are not a christian, my advice is to invest in asbestos. That is the reality. You don't want my kool aid, fine, I won't force it on you, but that is the basis of the religion ever since the texts were standardized.

If you are a Christian, my advice is to try being more forgiving.

If you don't believe in the christian doctrine, why are you praying to the christian gd? What is the point of that hypocrisy?

Following the principles set out by Jesus is a great deal different to rigidly adhering to the political deal that came out of the Council of Nicea. If you want to talk about hypocrisy, start in 325 A.D.

Anyway, you either believe or you don't, if you don't, don't pretend that you do.
And if you do, don't make out that only you have a window through which to see the will of God.

Far too many Christians, in their rabid adherence to the supposed meaning of God's word, forget those things that are clear and unambiguous. Such as "Do unto others..."
Why do people get bent out of shape about the obvious?

Mostly because the obvious is all they understand well enough to can get bent out of shape about, would be my guess.
But no shellfish. :eusa_whistle:

Not quite Robert, but I can hear how easily one can get confused about these rules.

Observant Jews can't EAT shellfish.

Observant Christians can't BE selfish.

How this plays out can be most interesting and sometimes very wasteful, too.

For example, an observant Jew and and observant Christian have before them a plate with only one truly delicious Oyster Rockefeller left.

Slaves to their respective religion obligations, neither of them can eat this wonderful morsel. The Jew because it's shellfish, the Christan because he can't appear selfish.

That's one of the reasons that atheists are always welcome to the party.

They're not slaves to such goofiness.
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Why would they order oysters when one of them couldn't eat shellfish? And if there were only one left, that means the Christian ate all of the others since the Jew couldn't have any and if the Christian ate the last one, it wouldn't make him selfish -- it would make him a glutton.
I'm a Christian, and I don't necessarily believe that non Christians go to hell.

I'll do as I see fit. If that means taking some and not taking others so be it.

Then how do you explain the stuff you do not follow?
Then how do you explain the stuff you do not follow?

I don't.

To be more clear, I don't explain it. I don't analyze it. I don't debate it. I don't try to prove or disprove anything. I take what I believe on faith.

As such, I take a few key points (such as "Love thy God above all others" and "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you") and I try and live my life according to them.

I don't try and force my views on others, and only voice my disagreement when I see a post or hear someone say something that is diametrically at odds with one of these key principles.

That is the cornerstone of my faith and on the day I am judged, I will be happy to stand on these principles.
Didn't the Rabbi Hillel say those were the key points of the law, 200 years before Jesus? And then Jesus came along and added, "Unless you believe in me you'll go to Hell?" I don't mean this to sound like a personal attack, but I wonder what is specifically Christian about your faith? Is it that the liturgy of your preferred Christian denomination is one you're more comfortable with than, say, at a Jewish temple? Or do you not want to seem "weird" by accepting Judaism as your faith?

Were you baptized as an adult, or confirmed, and if so, did you declare before your God that you believed you would go to Hell without his salvation? How do you reconcile that with honoring him above all else?

Sorry to be picking on you ... as an atheist, myself, I find it easier to discern hypocrisy in those professing religious belief. And I agree with the initial poster (based on my reading of the New Testament) that Hell seems to be the central message of the Christian faith.
No hypocrisy there get back to me when you find someone who can perfectly obey just the ten commandments...

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