Why do Christians Strongly Disagree with Science and Distrust Scientists

Why do Christians Strongly Disagree with Science and Distrust Scientists

I'm some kind of christian, and I don't strongly disagree with science or distrust scientists.

Now what can we argue about?

You don't fit the description mentioned above in the OP, which was my opinion. I wrote, TEND TO, a lot to try and demonstrate that not ALL Christians are this way.

Why do you think that many Christians do tend to discredit science's methods and distrust scientists?

Why do YOU think that MANY Christians dend to discredit sciences methods and distrust scientists?

I don't think that and I knew one hell of a lot of Christians in my life.

I think that many self proclaiming Christians online are fucking idiots who don't understand their OWN religion, though, if that helps.

Now maybe the question is Why are these brainwashed minions so over represented online?

I think the answer to that is because in real life people start laughing so hard at them, when they start to speak for the Jesus, that they can't be heard over the laughter of their fellow Chrisians who DO have a clue.

Now I have a question for you...

Why are some atheists so bent on debating theology with these confused self identifying fundamentalist idiots?

Do they really think that people who have obviously already rejected logic and facts are suddenly going to GET IT?

Do they really think that just because they tell them the same damned things that their fellow christians have been telling them for years, somehow these people are going to reject the lifetime of dislogical conditioning that got them to that sorry state to begin with?

Fundamentalism and anti-intellectualism is a cancerous tumor which has matastacized and is killing the American body poltic.

Now why THAT's happening is the really interesting question.

I blame it on the SOCIAL LIBERALS, to be honest.

Seriously, as a political movement the social liberals have GOT TO BE the most arrogantly dense intelligent people on earth.

For one thing a LOT of us like to taunt these propaganda victims by mocking their religious beliefs.

And while less intelligent people might never be able to best one in an intellectual debate about God and religion, they are quite capable of hating you forever for making them feel stupid.

You see where I'm headed with this little lecture of mine, amigo?

Hopefully, that old adage about the efficacy of catching flies with honey versus vinegar should be starting to form in your mind.
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I'm some kind of christian, and I don't strongly disagree with science or distrust scientists.

Now what can we argue about?

You don't fit the description mentioned above in the OP, which was my opinion. I wrote, TEND TO, a lot to try and demonstrate that not ALL Christians are this way.

Why do you think that many Christians do tend to discredit science's methods and distrust scientists?

Probably for the same reason that science worshippers try to discredit religion.

You can't prove religion with science.

In fact, science proves religion is man made, just like global warming. :lol:
You don't fit the description mentioned above in the OP, which was my opinion. I wrote, TEND TO, a lot to try and demonstrate that not ALL Christians are this way.

Why do you think that many Christians do tend to discredit science's methods and distrust scientists?

Probably for the same reason that science worshippers try to discredit religion.

You can't prove religion with science.

In fact, science proves religion is man made, just like global warming. :lol:

Science proves that religion is man made?

I'd like to see that scientific proof, please.

Not that I necessarily disagree with the theory, merely that I doubt science has proven it...or for that matter even bothers to TRY to prove it.

Science has bigger fish to fry.
I don't think the issue is between science and religion, I think it's who has any authority over what is or isn't the truth. The "Truth" is the issue. It comes down to who do you trust?
Does a rationale, scientific approach, led by an assortment of PhD's in white coats, lead one to the truth or does pious or charismatic people supposedly under the influence of divine guidance take you there? There's good reason to be skeptical regarding either direction you take. We've got holy men encouraging people to commit suicide (and take others with them) in the name of God and scientists building nuclear weapons and instruments that invade every crevice of our privacy.
The arguement of science vs religion is a perceived difference but there really isn't a difference. It's like the issue of race, there really isn't a difference except that we perceive it to be so.
The "truth" will be the truth no matter what perspective you look at it from and I don't believe there is only one way to it.
I've noticed a lot of Christians on this forum who seem to have a strong emotional reaction to science. They don't just disagree with some of science's theories which conflict with their religious beliefs, but they seem to think science is actually a bad thing altogether and leading humankind down a terrible path to extinction.

I don't know if it's political since Christians tend to vote Conservative and the GOP has always refuted global warming, but Christians tend not to, generally, believe in man-made global warming, or global warming at all. They don't believe in evolution (a scientific fact) or the Theory of Evolution through Natural Selection (a theory). They don't think the Big Bang is how the Universe began (though scientists would say we don't know if that's how if began or not, there is just a lot of evidence suggesting it). I would assume that if science ever proved that homosexuality had a genetic source, Christians would either deny the science, discredit the scientist or methods used, or claim it was a congenital or genetic birth defect.

Christians readily accept science's results. They drive cars, watch tv, listen to the radio, go to hospital, go to online forums to present their case against global warming and evolution, live in modern homes, work in engineering fields, support troops using the most advanced weapons and equipment, and go about their daily lives surrounded by the millions of advancements that science has brought in the form of technology. But for some reason, every other aspect of science seems to be suspect, and even insidious and dangerous.

Along with this, Christians seem to utterly distrust scientists (except Einstein for some reason) who are the very people who have wrought such a deeper understanding of reality and with it, the technological advances Christians enjoy each day. They tend to believe that scientists are in the pay of politicians and are therefore the pawns of politicians who wish to use science to push their agendas. Now, I wouldn't say that doesn't ever happen, but not on the grand scale with which Christians tend to believe. Or they think that scientists have some sort of personal ulterior motives for coming up with basless theories or discoveries which are supporting evidence. As though the scientists want to believe that evolution is a fact, instead of accepting that it is.

What gets me is that scientists refuse to believe in something which can't be proved using the scientific method and Christians use this as an argument against science even though there is absolutely not one shred or tiny fragment of scientific proof that their religious beliefs are true. Since we can't prove common origin of species, Christians refuse to believe it, despite all of the supporting evidence, some of which is very convincing. Yet, Christians will believe that what The Bible says is absolute, irrefutable truth. Same with the Big Bang, etc. etc.

I'm curious. Why is it that Christians so strongly and emotionally disagree with science and distrust scientists? Is it because science doesn't prove Christianity is truth, and even demonstrates that some of what the Bible claims is in error with scientific evidence? Is it because scientists tend not to be Christians? Is it that Christians tend not to be (and this is total speculation) very scientificaly minded and this is an emotional reaction to something they, as individuals, didn't do well during their education and/or don't understand well presently? What do Christians have against science?

All Christians don't believe in the same things. Why is it that you assume they do? Bigotry?

All christians believe in a fantasy. Therefore no christian can be trusted. Nothing personal you are just to unhinged to make sound decisions others may have to depend on.
I wouldn't say that Christians are hostile to science but evangelicals tend to reject it when science contradicts their deeply held beliefs.

Right. Science both contradicts and undermines the worldview of many fundamentalist/literists. Many of them are hostile to science because (the classic example) the assertion of evolution contradicts Genesis, which to them is the literal word of God.

Tagging all Christians with this view is certainly overgeneralization.
All Christians don't believe in the same things. Why is it that you assume they do? Bigotry?

I was generalizing yes, but I didn't write "ALL Christians believe this." Generally, many of them do. Right? wrong Well, that's why I was generalizing, because it would've gotten tiring to read, over and over again, "Generally, Christians...."

this whole addiction of yours of why do christians do this, that and the other thing is pretty tiresome. knock yourself if you want to, but it's pretty clear that you have not much interest in hearing any viewpoints other than the ones that confirm your opinions. as i said, it's pretty tiresome.
The "truth" will be the truth no matter what perspective you look at it from and I don't believe there is only one way to it.

Isn't that a bit of a contradiction ?

I don't think so. If a "Truth" exists, it's universal. And what are all the sciences and various forms of religion really doing? Looking for the truth. Doesn't matter if your a particle physicist looking for the "God" particle or a monk sitting on a mountain top waiting for a lightning strike, your still looking for the same thing.
The problem comes when one or the other claims to "know" the truth. I believe we all know bits and pieces but I don't believe anyone knows the whole truth.
Even the Bible tells us that all of man's wisdom is foolishness to God.
Probably for the same reason that science worshippers try to discredit religion.

You can't prove religion with science.

In fact, science proves religion is man made, just like global warming. :lol:

Science proves that religion is man made?

I'd like to see that scientific proof, please.

Not that I necessarily disagree with the theory, merely that I doubt science has proven it...or for that matter even bothers to TRY to prove it.

Science has bigger fish to fry.

How long does religion say man has been on this planet? 6000 years?


Adam and Eve? Or did we crawl out of the ocean?

Why do YOU think that MANY Christians dend to discredit sciences methods and distrust scientists?

I'm not exactly sure. I would think that, like most things, there are a number of contributing factors.

1. Science is not absolute and provides evidence which contradicts the teachings of religious texts, namely one: The Bible. Since faith isn't based in reason but in emotion, Christians react emotionally to science. And because faith is absolute belief, any potential doubt is unwelcome.

2. Conservatives in this country tend to descredit global warming which lends more apparent validity to fundamentalists' idea that science shouldn't be trusted.

3. Some fundamentalist churches demonize science and its methods because they don't fully understand science.

And there are probably more reasons for it.

I don't think that and I knew one hell of a lot of Christians in my life.

I think that many self proclaiming Christians online are fucking idiots who don't understand their OWN religion, though, if that helps.

That seems to make sense from my perspective.

Now maybe the question is Why are these brainwashed minions so over represented online?

I think the answer to that is because in real life people start laughing so hard at them, when they start to speak for the Jesus, that they can't be heard over the laughter of their fellow Chrisians who DO have a clue.

So its a reaction. That's logical. Or illogical... What I mean is it makes sense.

Now I have a question for you...

Why are some atheists so bent on debating theology with these confused self identifying fundamentalist idiots?

Do they really think that people who have obviously already rejected logic and facts are suddenly going to GET IT?

There's always hope... Its also kinda fun. I know, that isn't a good reason, but who said liberals have a monopoly on logic and good reasons? Oh, liberals do.

Do they really think that just because they tell them the same damned things that their fellow christians have been telling them for years, somehow these people are going to reject the lifetime of dislogical conditioning that got them to that sorry state to begin with?

No. Not really. I guess you're right.

Fundamentalism and anti-intellectualism is a cancerous tumor which has matastacized and is killing the American body poltic.

Which is one of the reasons why I start all of these religion threads. I don't think its just, as you say, killing the American body politic, but is also harming US culture and negatively influencing world culture. I want to see well-made movies, like those of 50s, 60s, 70s, and even the 80s and 90s. I want a return to well-made music like before the era of super-pop music. The same for books and all forms of art. Not that there aren't brilliant works of art being produced now, its just that because of the dumbing down of American culture and the nature of capitalism, that these brilliant works of art are not being exposed and therefore supported. There's less incentive to experiment and push the social envelope. And that's just art, only one aspect of the many facets of culture.

Now why THAT's happening is the really interesting question.

My uncle, a rocket scientist, literally, recommended this book to me: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/11/books/11kaku.html?pagewanted=print

Susan Jacoby explores that very question in this book, and, according to my uncle, she makes a very good case for her argument.

I blame it on the SOCIAL LIBERALS, to be honest.

Seriously, as a political movement the social liberals have GOT TO BE the most arrogantly dense intelligent people on earth.

For one thing a LOT of us like to taunt these propaganda victims by mocking their religious beliefs.

And while less intelligent people might never be able to best one in an intellectual debate about God and religion, they are quite capable of hating you forever for making them feel stupid.

Good point.

You see where I'm headed with this little lecture of mine, amigo?

Yeah, yeah, I do.

Hopefully, that old adage about the efficacy of catching flies with honey versus vinegar should be starting to form in your mind.

Like always, you're right. But how does one lure the dogmatic mind which takes comfort in absolutes and in an anthropocentric Universe to the cold, dark, emptiness, unemotional logic, doubt, difficult to see beauty and less-comforting spirituality that one gets when one attempts to perceive reality purely scientifically, and knowing that the Universe doesn't seem to have the purpose to be here for us, and nor does it seem that we be the reason for it?

I don't think you can. Like in Dune, by Frank Herbert, only the trained and prepared mind can drink the Water of Life and perceive the true essence of cruelty and kindness of human nature and its role, not purpose, in the Universe. All others will reject what they learn because they can't accept it emotionally.
Why do Christians Strongly Disagree with Science and Distrust Scientists

I'm some kind of christian, and I don't strongly disagree with science or distrust scientists.

Now what can we argue about?

You don't fit the description mentioned above in the OP, which was my opinion. I wrote, TEND TO, a lot to try and demonstrate that not ALL Christians are this way.

Why do you think that many Christians do tend to discredit science's methods and distrust scientists?

I agree with Del. Your agenda is showing and it isn't a pretty sight.

I would have a really, really hard time coming up with anything that "most" Christians do or don't do and I was raised in an entirely Christian environment (AFAIK).

Personally, I don't see any need for conflict between things like evolution and creation. I think both can be valid ways of explaining the same thing. If that just doesn't work for you, maybe you could try to be more open-minded to the possibilities. Srsly, you are coming off more and more close-minded all the time, and becoming sort of the poster boy for what cons see as the hypocrisy of libs. I don't say this as a flame, I actually like you, and I find this divergence into religion bashing as being out of character for you. I expect this from trolls like YWN666, but not you.
All Christians don't believe in the same things. Why is it that you assume they do? Bigotry?

I was generalizing yes, but I didn't write "ALL Christians believe this." Generally, many of them do. Right? wrong Well, that's why I was generalizing, because it would've gotten tiring to read, over and over again, "Generally, Christians...."

this whole addiction of yours of why do christians do this, that and the other thing is pretty tiresome. knock yourself if you want to, but it's pretty clear that you have not much interest in hearing any viewpoints other than the ones that confirm your opinions. as i said, it's pretty tiresome.

Well, then, don't read or reply to my threads. There, problem solved.
I've noticed a lot of Christians on this forum who seem to have a strong emotional reaction to science. They don't just disagree with some of science's theories which conflict with their religious beliefs, but they seem to think science is actually a bad thing altogether and leading humankind down a terrible path to extinction.

Could you please verify your statements with evidence? Please provide links to the comments by these christians who think science is a 'bad thing' and is 'leading humankind down a terrible path to extinction'.

I had to laugh whenever I saw the thread title. I knew immediately who the author was, what a surprise. :lol:
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I was generalizing yes, but I didn't write "ALL Christians believe this." Generally, many of them do. Right? wrong Well, that's why I was generalizing, because it would've gotten tiring to read, over and over again, "Generally, Christians...."

this whole addiction of yours of why do christians do this, that and the other thing is pretty tiresome. knock yourself if you want to, but it's pretty clear that you have not much interest in hearing any viewpoints other than the ones that confirm your opinions. as i said, it's pretty tiresome.

Well, then, don't read or reply to my threads. There, problem solved.

the problem's not mine.
carry on.
I've noticed a lot of Christians on this forum who seem to have a strong emotional reaction to science. They don't just disagree with some of science's theories which conflict with their religious beliefs, but they seem to think science is actually a bad thing altogether and leading humankind down a terrible path to extinction.

I don't know if it's political since Christians tend to vote Conservative and the GOP has always refuted global warming, but Christians tend not to, generally, believe in man-made global warming, or global warming at all. They don't believe in evolution (a scientific fact) or the Theory of Evolution through Natural Selection (a theory). They don't think the Big Bang is how the Universe began (though scientists would say we don't know if that's how if began or not, there is just a lot of evidence suggesting it). I would assume that if science ever proved that homosexuality had a genetic source, Christians would either deny the science, discredit the scientist or methods used, or claim it was a congenital or genetic birth defect.

Christians readily accept science's results. They drive cars, watch tv, listen to the radio, go to hospital, go to online forums to present their case against global warming and evolution, live in modern homes, work in engineering fields, support troops using the most advanced weapons and equipment, and go about their daily lives surrounded by the millions of advancements that science has brought in the form of technology. But for some reason, every other aspect of science seems to be suspect, and even insidious and dangerous.

Along with this, Christians seem to utterly distrust scientists (except Einstein for some reason) who are the very people who have wrought such a deeper understanding of reality and with it, the technological advances Christians enjoy each day. They tend to believe that scientists are in the pay of politicians and are therefore the pawns of politicians who wish to use science to push their agendas. Now, I wouldn't say that doesn't ever happen, but not on the grand scale with which Christians tend to believe. Or they think that scientists have some sort of personal ulterior motives for coming up with basless theories or discoveries which are supporting evidence. As though the scientists want to believe that evolution is a fact, instead of accepting that it is.

What gets me is that scientists refuse to believe in something which can't be proved using the scientific method and Christians use this as an argument against science even though there is absolutely not one shred or tiny fragment of scientific proof that their religious beliefs are true. Since we can't prove common origin of species, Christians refuse to believe it, despite all of the supporting evidence, some of which is very convincing. Yet, Christians will believe that what The Bible says is absolute, irrefutable truth. Same with the Big Bang, etc. etc.

I'm curious. Why is it that Christians so strongly and emotionally disagree with science and distrust scientists? Is it because science doesn't prove Christianity is truth, and even demonstrates that some of what the Bible claims is in error with scientific evidence? Is it because scientists tend not to be Christians? Is it that Christians tend not to be (and this is total speculation) very scientificaly minded and this is an emotional reaction to something they, as individuals, didn't do well during their education and/or don't understand well presently? What do Christians have against science?

All Christians don't believe in the same things. Why is it that you assume they do? Bigotry?

He's a complete joke, the further I read, the more I laughed. There are so many strawmen in that post there are too many to count. :lol: Complete and total intellectual dishonesty from someone who claims to be an intellectual.
Could you please verify your statements with evidence? Please provide links to the comments by these christians who think science is a 'bad thing' and is 'leading humankind down a terrible path to extinction'.

Ugh. Do you know how much work that would be, trying to track down each post I've read over the past 6 or 7 months that says as much? Too much. I took it as accepted that many people, Christians and others, have seen such comments.

If you don't believe me, well, sorry, I'm not willing to go through the trouble to convince you.

I had to laugh whenever I saw the thread title. I knew immediately who the author was, what a surprise. :lol:

Of course, Newby! Only YWN666 and I post all these "religion" threads about the aspects of religion we really find intolerable. You know that.
some wouldn't have indicated the level of it on this board.

why not let people choose their own words?

Good way to derail the discussion and not answer his question, though.

It's a discussion based on totally false presumptions, perhaps he should first prove his presumptions as fact. After all, isn't that what a scientist would do before coming too and stating any conclusion?
Could you please verify your statements with evidence? Please provide links to the comments by these christians who think science is a 'bad thing' and is 'leading humankind down a terrible path to extinction'.

Ugh. Do you know how much work that would be, trying to track down each post I've read over the past 6 or 7 months that says as much? Too much. I took it as accepted that many people, Christians and others, have seen such comments.

If you don't believe me, well, sorry, I'm not willing to go through the trouble to convince you.

I had to laugh whenever I saw the thread title. I knew immediately who the author was, what a surprise. :lol:

Of course, Newby! Only YWN666 and I post all these "religion" threads about the aspects of religion we really find intolerable. You know that.

Well, since there are so many, it really shouldn't be that difficult, especially when someone supposedly made such a ridiculous remark that apparently represents most Christians. I want to see the "but they seem to think science is actually a bad thing altogether and leading humankind down a terrible path to extinction" remark, where is it? Where are all of these comments?
I agree with Del. Your agenda is showing and it isn't a pretty sight.

I wasn't trying to hide my agenda. I put it right out in the open! I wanted to stir up the nest a bit, and I like arguing religion.

I would have a really, really hard time coming up with anything that "most" Christians do or don't do and I was raised in an entirely Christian environment (AFAIK).

Jeez. I should've substituted "Religious Fundamentalist" in for "Christian". Just go back and read it that way, or assume it as such for the rest of the thread. That goes for the rest of you, too!

Personally, I don't see any need for conflict between things like evolution and creation. I think both can be valid ways of explaining the same thing. If that just doesn't work for you, maybe you could try to be more open-minded to the possibilities.

Hey, I don't think there needs to be either! That's one reason why I started this thread. If Christians accepted scientific theories with as much credulity as scientists do, wouldn't that be nice? At least scientists can back up what they claim with evidence!

Srsly, you are coming off more and more close-minded all the time, and becoming sort of the poster boy for what cons see as the hypocrisy of libs. I don't say this as a flame, I actually like you, and I find this divergence into religion bashing as being out of character for you. I expect this from trolls like YWN666, but not you.

I'm not close-minded, Amanda. I like to think of myself as very open-minded. Read my posts on some of the other religion threads I've started. You can see my mind changing. I even perceive "faith" much more positively than I used to.

I don't think this is a religion bashing thread, so much as a, "In my opinion, this is one aspect of Christianity that I have experienced which seems hypocritical and I thought I'd bring it to everyone's attention to see what others think about it" thread.

Where's my hypocrisy? I don't see it (not saying it isn't there, just point it out to me so I can see it too).

And really, Amanda, you're not one to talk. I've seen what you've had to say about homosexuals, and from a liberal perspective, you're becoming a posterchild for our perception of rightwing homophobia.

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