Why Do Blacks Dislike, Distrust, Whites?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. One need not be too prescient to realize that race relations in America could stand a bit of improvement.

a. Considering ‘Brown vs. Board of Education,’ the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, affirmative action, etc., how to explain this?

2. The problem is complex, as are the answers. Why is it that so many blacks distrust the country, and whites in particular? And what evidence that they feel this way? Consider the following…

a. “We learned too well during the upheavals of that decade [the Sixties] how to be America’s pre-eminent victims.” Glenn Loury, "Black Political Culture after the Sixties," in Second Thoughts: Former Radicals Look Back at the Sixties, P. Collier and D. Horowitz, eds., p. 143

b. The activist Dick Gregory, a comedian who long ago gave up laughs for conspiracy theories, also blames King's death on a government plot, as he does the mysterious murder of twenty-eight blacks in Atlanta in 1979-81 (which he ascribes to government scientists' taking the tips of their penises to use in a serum for countering cancer). Conspiracy Theories Everywhere - Conspiracy: How the Paranoid Style Flourishes and Where It Comes From - by Daniel Pipes

c. “Jesse Jackson claimed that the murders were part of a nationwide racial conspiracy” and claimed it was ‘open season on black people.’ 40. The Atlanta Murders No matter that the killer turned out to be a black man.

d. The disproportionate incidence of AIDS and drug use among blacks prompts prominent figures to endorse a conspiracy theory that the U.S. government is behind these epidemics. The comedian Bill Cosby asserts that AIDS was "started by human beings to get after certain people they don't like." The movie director Spike Lee announced (in an advertisement for the Benetton clothing shops, of all places) that "AIDS is a government-engineered disease." On late-night television, rap singer Kool Moe Dee portrayed AIDS as a genocidal plot against blacks, with no dissent from host Arsenio Hall. A mass-circulation magazine for blacks ran as its cover story, "AIDS: Is It Genocide?" Steven Cokely, a well-known former Chicago municipal official, gave the plot an antisemitic twist, telling of Jewish doctors who injected black babies with AIDS as part of a plot to take over the world. Conspiracy Theories Everywhere - Conspiracy: How the Paranoid Style Flourishes and Where It Comes From - by Daniel Pipes

e. Can the overwhelming support of the President by his black constituents, at a time when his polls are falling everywhere else, a kind of racism?

Why, at a time when racism is arguably at its lowest ebb, has black resentment actually grown?
You mean why do some Black people fear and distrust Whites?

Gee, I don't know...because they understand the difference between shit and shinola, maybe?

And then too, White hatemongers don't have a monopoly on selling hate to gullible people, do they?
Two hundred years of slavery and a home continent expoited by Europeans (whites) might have something to do with it.
Two hundred years of slavery and a home continent expoited by Europeans (whites) might have something to do with it.

1. To what extent do our liberal friends get the nod for the ill feelings, or do you believe that almost half a century of telling our black brothers that all of their ills are the fault of whites had no effect...?
And I'm betting that more of the black population hears and knows about the fabricated discrimination by whites, than know the history of the continent of Africa.

a. While the intentions of modern liberals in this regard is estimable, their outlook and prudence may leave much to be desired. The premise of radical egalitarianism presumes that without discrimination, there would be equality of results in every area of endeavor, since cultural relativism insists that no culture is superior to any other: for decades liberals have assured blacks that their problems were caused entirely by racism.

b. On the contrary, years of segregation and discrimination had produced educational, attitudinal, and cultural disadvantages. Consider this, by LBJ, “You do not take a person who, for years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him up to the starting line of a race, and say ‘you are free to compete with all the others.’…”

c. But the question that is never addressed by the left, is how long does the period of transition, the period of preferences, last, before it becomes bias and discrimination against white males?

2. And while I am doling out blame, in directions that haven't occurred to you, how about the Black Studies in universities, that teach feel-good false history that also chalks up all ills to whites.

a. Mary Lefkowitz was a classics professor at Wellesley, who taught courses on ancient Greek culture, who spoke out against Professor Anthony Martin, of Africana Studies at Wellesley College, who had been teaching that Greek culture was stolen from Africa, Socrates and Cleopatra were black, and that the Jews were responsible for the slave trade, and myths such as that Aristotle stole manuscripts from the library at Alexandria- which was built after his death.

Truth was irrelevant: all that mattered was ‘white racism,’ and the belief that black students’ self-esteem is raised by teaching them false history of their race. Professor Lefkowitz was roundly attacked for exposing same. A fuller narration can be found at :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Martin_(professor) and at Adam Holland: Mary Lefkowitz' battle against a bigot and in Professor Lefkowitz’s book, “Not out of Africa: How Afrocentrism Became An Excuse To Teach Myth As History.”

The fact that most are cowards when it comes to exposing the 'false history' indicates to blacks that this bogus mythology is true...and this a great deal of the attitude.

BTW, Professor Gates defended Lefkowitz, and was called by Martin "Henry Louis Gates, “America’s most notorious Judeophile.”
They dont distrust whites they distrust the republicans

And if the Republicans are black they're deemed "Uncle Toms" aka race traitors.

Is there an unfriendlier act than pulling up the ladder to success behind oneself and spitting on generations below?
Possibly padlocking the door to the bathroom at a beer bash...but the consequences are not as long lasting.
They dont distrust whites they distrust the republicans

And if the Republicans are black they're deemed "Uncle Toms" aka race traitors.

Is there an unfriendlier act than pulling up the ladder to success behind oneself and spitting on generations below?
Possibly padlocking the door to the bathroom at a beer bash...but the consequences are not as long lasting.

You have evidence that such a thing is happening or has happened?

Is your position that all blacks are racist? Are all whites racist? Are some blacks and whites racist?
At least not the Southern whites.

Prove it.

They seceded from the nation and started war to prove they were better than the slaves.

And lost.

Proof enough?

Thanks for revealing your ignorance to everyone, although I already knew you were ignorant. Although slavery was a small part of the dispute the main reason for the Civil war was because the Confederate States felt that each state should govern themselves. In a nutshell is was about "states rights". But an ignorant fuck like you will never understand it.
Prove it.

They seceded from the nation and started war to prove they were better than the slaves.

And lost.

Proof enough?

Thanks for revealing your ignorance to everyone, although I already knew you were ignorant. Although slavery was a small part of the dispute the main reason for the Civil war was because the Confederate States felt that each state should govern themselves. In a nutshell is was about "states rights". But an ignorant fuck like you will never understand it.

That's a bullshit excuse cooked up by the same people who convinced the dumb fuckers that they should go out and fight and die so that wealthy plantation owners could maintain their lives of opulence and free labor.

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