Why didnt FDR tell VP Truman about the ABomb

One of my books, Introduction to Logic, by Irving M. Copi and Carl cohen defines the fallacy thus: "The fallacy Appeal to Inappropiate Authority arises when the appeal is made to parties that have no legitimate claim to authority in the matter at hand."

If you had finished reading that chapter you would probably have come to 'Appeal to Unnamed Authority.' If you had gotten past the introductory course you might have come to understand that the fallacy ultimately rests upon substituting a referent for an argument.
If you want the names of the 238 historians you might check on the Siena college poll of 2010 but it might take some red tape to get the names. Were I to obtain the names for you your next request would be for addresses, and then names of children and so on.

This nonsense demonstrates why you can't even understand where you're going wrong here.
The method of handling a depression before Hoover was wait it out. But that raised the question, would the American people wait it out? America was getting restless, plans for new type of governments and economic systems were gaining supporters and even vets were making funny noises. Hoover acted: supress the veterans and help business, trickle-down. It did not help. FDR was elected with no plans, but to try to find a solution. Some things he did helped, some did not, some were found unconstitutional. Do we have a plan today that is guaranteed to cure a depression? Absolutely not.
A couple of questions: Are all depressions the same?
Do all depressions have the same causes?
If there is a common cure for depressions what are they?
Have the cures been used a number of times and over a period of time and proven to work?
Why did FDR end the New Deal? And what would be the significance of that move?
Are most economists agreed on causes and cures of depressions?
If there is a tried and true method to cure depressions why didn't Bush use them at first inkling, or Hoover, or FDR or any of the world nations that have economic problems?
Is the solution that Romney suggests, the real tried and true solution? If so what is that solution?

Your knowledge of depressions is terribly lacking...just like FDR's and BO's. You believe in things that are not so.

Ever heard of the Depression of 1920? Of course you have not. Here read this:
The conventional wisdom holds that in the absence of government countercyclical policy, whether fiscal or monetary (or both), we cannot expect economic recovery — at least, not without an intolerably long delay. Yet the very opposite policies were followed during the depression of 1920–1921, and recovery was in fact not long in coming.

The economic situation in 1920 was grim. By that year unemployment had jumped from 4 percent to nearly 12 percent, and GNP declined 17 percent. No wonder, then, that Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover — falsely characterized as a supporter of laissez-faire economics — urged President Harding to consider an array of interventions to turn the economy around. Hoover was ignored.

Instead of "fiscal stimulus," Harding cut the government's budget nearly in half between 1920 and 1922. The rest of Harding's approach was equally laissez-faire. Tax rates were slashed for all income groups. The national debt was reduced by one-third.

The Federal Reserve's activity, moreover, was hardly noticeable. As one economic historian puts it, "Despite the severity of the contraction, the Fed did not move to use its powers to turn the money supply around and fight the contraction."[2] By the late summer of 1921, signs of recovery were already visible. The following year, unemployment was back down to 6.7 percent and it was only 2.4 percent by 1923. The Forgotten Depression of 1920 - Thomas E. Woods, Jr. - Mises Daily

FDR was alive and kicking in 1920, but he also knew nothing about it. FDR was a complete economic IDIOT, just like BO. He knew nothing about the economy and surrounded himself with like minded fools. His continued interventions in the economy only prolonged the depression. Anyone knowledgeable knows government interventions ALWAYS prolong economic downturns.

Citing Bush and Romney only proves your inability to comprehend what is going on. Both men are not free market capitalists. Both men are progressives who have and will use government FORCE to intervene in the economy just as FDR and BO have done.

The solution is simple. Free market capitalism, rule of law, and limited government....just as the actions of Harding and Coolidge PROVED.
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Like it or not the media writes the history books. You can find the truth in the greatest Country in the world but you have to look for it. The liberal media created the FDR myth. His policies were so shockingly bad that it defies explanation but the media created the myth and that's what was taught to generations of kids. Elitist, well educated and rich, FDR was elected in 1932 on a promise to end the emerging recession and under his leadership in his first two terms the recession turned into a soup line depression known as the "great depression". FDR's foreign policy was a shambles. Hitler rose in power around the same time FDR was elected and the US virtually ignored the Nazi saber rattling. The incredible racism at the time led FDR to grossly (criminally?) underestimate the Japanese threat until they managed to sail across the Pacific undetected and attack the US Navy at Pearl Harbor. The liberal media kept the mess of the FDR administration afloat and he was elected to a 3rd and even a 4th term. FDR was so sick that the DNC hand picked a stupid little twerp senator that they could push around when they knew FDR would be elected and die within the first year of his 4th term.

I agree with most of that, but regarding ignoring Hitler and the Japanese, I dispute your findings. FDR desperately wanted war with Hitler and did all he could to instigate it with his naval actions in the N. Atlantic in 1940/1941 and his supplying the Brits with war material. He pushed the Poles into confronting Hitler ultimately leading to Germany invading, which FDR knew about before it occurred and failed to warn anyone. He also instigated war with the Japanese by refusing to negotiate trade deals in the hopes the Japanese would attack.

Much has been written about whether FDR knew the Japanese were going to hit Pearl Harbor before it occurred. I believe he did and he purposely failed to warn our commanders. He did this to force the American people to war and save his worthless political career.

He was one demented disgusting pompous A-hole....much like most of our presidents including the current one.
Well Republicans should investigate the Pearl Harbor attack.

It is too bad when people develop their opinions based solely along party lines.

The reality is BOTH parties suck and both will continue to do great damage, but many Americans are not capable of understanding this or the reasons why.
Well Republicans should investigate the Pearl Harbor attack.

It is too bad when people develop their opinions based solely along party lines.

The reality is BOTH parties suck and both will continue to do great damage, but many Americans are not capable of understanding this or the reasons why.

Pearl Harbor has been investigated at least ten times, perhaps more. One investigation was headed the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and certainly investigations involved Republicans. What are the conclusions of these investigations?
FDR was determined to keep our American political system and economic system intact.

Oh really? Is that why he devoted himself fully to changing them into something they had never been?

Of course, FDR made some changes to our economic and political system, it is the nature of presidents to make changes: Washington, Jackson, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Taft, Hoover and many other presidents if not all made changes to both our economic and political systems. But when FDR died we still had capitalism as our basic economic system.
The method of handling a depression before Hoover was wait it out. But that raised the question, would the American people wait it out? America was getting restless, plans for new type of governments and economic systems were gaining supporters and even vets were making funny noises. Hoover acted: supress the veterans and help business, trickle-down. It did not help. FDR was elected with no plans, but to try to find a solution. Some things he did helped, some did not, some were found unconstitutional. Do we have a plan today that is guaranteed to cure a depression? Absolutely not.
A couple of questions: Are all depressions the same?
Do all depressions have the same causes?
If there is a common cure for depressions what are they?
Have the cures been used a number of times and over a period of time and proven to work?
Why did FDR end the New Deal? And what would be the significance of that move?
Are most economists agreed on causes and cures of depressions?
If there is a tried and true method to cure depressions why didn't Bush use them at first inkling, or Hoover, or FDR or any of the world nations that have economic problems?
Is the solution that Romney suggests, the real tried and true solution? If so what is that solution?

Your knowledge of depressions is terribly lacking...just like FDR's and BO's. You believe in things that are not so.

Ever heard of the Depression of 1920? Of course you have not. Here read this:
The conventional wisdom holds that in the absence of government countercyclical policy, whether fiscal or monetary (or both), we cannot expect economic recovery — at least, not without an intolerably long delay. Yet the very opposite policies were followed during the depression of 1920–1921, and recovery was in fact not long in coming.

The economic situation in 1920 was grim. By that year unemployment had jumped from 4 percent to nearly 12 percent, and GNP declined 17 percent. No wonder, then, that Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover — falsely characterized as a supporter of laissez-faire economics — urged President Harding to consider an array of interventions to turn the economy around. Hoover was ignored.

Instead of "fiscal stimulus," Harding cut the government's budget nearly in half between 1920 and 1922. The rest of Harding's approach was equally laissez-faire. Tax rates were slashed for all income groups. The national debt was reduced by one-third.

The Federal Reserve's activity, moreover, was hardly noticeable. As one economic historian puts it, "Despite the severity of the contraction, the Fed did not move to use its powers to turn the money supply around and fight the contraction."[2] By the late summer of 1921, signs of recovery were already visible. The following year, unemployment was back down to 6.7 percent and it was only 2.4 percent by 1923. The Forgotten Depression of 1920 - Thomas E. Woods, Jr. - Mises Daily

FDR was alive and kicking in 1920, but he also knew nothing about it. FDR was a complete economic IDIOT, just like BO. He knew nothing about the economy and surrounded himself with like minded fools. His continued interventions in the economy only prolonged the depression. Anyone knowledgeable knows government interventions ALWAYS prolong economic downturns.

Citing Bush and Romney only proves your inability to comprehend what is going on. Both men are not free market capitalists. Both men are progressives who have and will use government FORCE to intervene in the economy just as FDR and BO have done.

The solution is simple. Free market capitalism, rule of law, and limited government....just as the actions of Harding and Coolidge PROVED.

What is free market capitalism, when was it practiced in the United States?
What nations in the world practice free market capitalism today?
FDR's former VP, Henry Wallace was FDR's compliment. He was a flaming liberal who called Russia's communism "the march to freedom" and he hoped to take America in that direction. And he touted that even after touring the slave camps of east Russia.

Truman was picked as the VP b/c he saved the country $15 billion in cutting war waste while he led the Truman Committee.

He brought credibility to a ticket and saved it from a loss. FDR did not like Truman at all though.
FDR's former VP, Henry Wallace was FDR's compliment. He was a flaming liberal who called Russia's communism "the march to freedom" and he hoped to take America in that direction. And he touted that even after touring the slave camps of east Russia.

Truman was picked as the VP b/c he saved the country $15 billion in cutting war waste while he led the Truman Committee.

He brought credibility to a ticket and saved it from a loss. FDR did not like Truman at all though.

Vice presidents are not picked because they are liked, they are picked to bring in votes.
You have to take in the whole pre-war context under the FDR administration. We did have a foreign policy during the depression even if it was a joke. Hitler existed and America's ambassador to Berlin was relieved of duty when he made too much noise about Nazi atrocities including the beating of Americans in public for failing to perform the Hitler salute. The foreign policy regarding Japan was insane. After the US finally entered the war alongside England the Brits were shocked to find that America had no intelligence network. There was no espionage or counter espionage network existing in the US prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor. Hollywood went to work to create a fake image of the "FBI in War and Peace" but it was mostly a fictional account intended to justify the American negligence. When Wild Bill Donovan's amateur OSS started up it was up to Congress to decide which network would have charge of espionage and counter espionage during the War and amazingly it was Hoover's FBI that got the nod even though they had no idea of the intricacies of espionage. During the war a high ranking Nazi indicated his willingness to cooperate and the US threw the opportunity away and God knows how many other opportunities because Hoover was a cop and his motivation was arrest and trial. In the mean time the FDR administration showed it's profound ignorance and bigotry with the incarceration of American citizens based on the color of their skin and the slant of their eyes. The media supported the executive order to arrest innocent Americans and that's all it took to violate everything the US Constitution stood for.
So are you saying for all those years since the constititution was ratified America did without an espionage system until FDR created one? Pretty amazing.
Well Republicans should investigate the Pearl Harbor attack.

It is too bad when people develop their opinions based solely along party lines.

The reality is BOTH parties suck and both will continue to do great damage, but many Americans are not capable of understanding this or the reasons why.

Pearl Harbor has been investigated at least ten times, perhaps more. One investigation was headed the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and certainly investigations involved Republicans. What are the conclusions of these investigations?

Yeah....you keep believing government investigations of the government. The same government that continually lies to us, but you keep believin.

Is it any wonder governments from the beginning of time commit all kinds of fraud and suffering, when you have people willing to believe whatever they are told by that same government.

I suppose you believe the Warren Commission findings too.
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The method of handling a depression before Hoover was wait it out. But that raised the question, would the American people wait it out? America was getting restless, plans for new type of governments and economic systems were gaining supporters and even vets were making funny noises. Hoover acted: supress the veterans and help business, trickle-down. It did not help. FDR was elected with no plans, but to try to find a solution. Some things he did helped, some did not, some were found unconstitutional. Do we have a plan today that is guaranteed to cure a depression? Absolutely not.
A couple of questions: Are all depressions the same?
Do all depressions have the same causes?
If there is a common cure for depressions what are they?
Have the cures been used a number of times and over a period of time and proven to work?
Why did FDR end the New Deal? And what would be the significance of that move?
Are most economists agreed on causes and cures of depressions?
If there is a tried and true method to cure depressions why didn't Bush use them at first inkling, or Hoover, or FDR or any of the world nations that have economic problems?
Is the solution that Romney suggests, the real tried and true solution? If so what is that solution?

Your knowledge of depressions is terribly lacking...just like FDR's and BO's. You believe in things that are not so.

Ever heard of the Depression of 1920? Of course you have not. Here read this:
The conventional wisdom holds that in the absence of government countercyclical policy, whether fiscal or monetary (or both), we cannot expect economic recovery — at least, not without an intolerably long delay. Yet the very opposite policies were followed during the depression of 1920–1921, and recovery was in fact not long in coming.

The economic situation in 1920 was grim. By that year unemployment had jumped from 4 percent to nearly 12 percent, and GNP declined 17 percent. No wonder, then, that Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover — falsely characterized as a supporter of laissez-faire economics — urged President Harding to consider an array of interventions to turn the economy around. Hoover was ignored.

Instead of "fiscal stimulus," Harding cut the government's budget nearly in half between 1920 and 1922. The rest of Harding's approach was equally laissez-faire. Tax rates were slashed for all income groups. The national debt was reduced by one-third.

The Federal Reserve's activity, moreover, was hardly noticeable. As one economic historian puts it, "Despite the severity of the contraction, the Fed did not move to use its powers to turn the money supply around and fight the contraction."[2] By the late summer of 1921, signs of recovery were already visible. The following year, unemployment was back down to 6.7 percent and it was only 2.4 percent by 1923. The Forgotten Depression of 1920 - Thomas E. Woods, Jr. - Mises Daily

FDR was alive and kicking in 1920, but he also knew nothing about it. FDR was a complete economic IDIOT, just like BO. He knew nothing about the economy and surrounded himself with like minded fools. His continued interventions in the economy only prolonged the depression. Anyone knowledgeable knows government interventions ALWAYS prolong economic downturns.

Citing Bush and Romney only proves your inability to comprehend what is going on. Both men are not free market capitalists. Both men are progressives who have and will use government FORCE to intervene in the economy just as FDR and BO have done.

The solution is simple. Free market capitalism, rule of law, and limited government....just as the actions of Harding and Coolidge PROVED.

What is free market capitalism, when was it practiced in the United States?
What nations in the world practice free market capitalism today?

I assume you are an American. So for you to ask such an absurd question, only proves how indoctrinated you are.

Free market capitalism was practiced in America for most of the 19th and early 20th century and it resulted in making America the richest, freest, and most innovative nation the world had ever seen. This all changed when another scumbag POTUS took office....Woodrow Wilson.

Few nations have ever practiced free market capitalism and do you know why? I am guessing you have no clue. You might research how politicians and the elite operate. They don't like free market capitalism.

I do so enjoy educating you. I hope some of it is sinking in, but I fear you are too far gone.
Your knowledge of depressions is terribly lacking...just like FDR's and BO's. You believe in things that are not so.

Ever heard of the Depression of 1920? Of course you have not. Here read this:

FDR was alive and kicking in 1920, but he also knew nothing about it. FDR was a complete economic IDIOT, just like BO. He knew nothing about the economy and surrounded himself with like minded fools. His continued interventions in the economy only prolonged the depression. Anyone knowledgeable knows government interventions ALWAYS prolong economic downturns.

Citing Bush and Romney only proves your inability to comprehend what is going on. Both men are not free market capitalists. Both men are progressives who have and will use government FORCE to intervene in the economy just as FDR and BO have done.

The solution is simple. Free market capitalism, rule of law, and limited government....just as the actions of Harding and Coolidge PROVED.

What is free market capitalism, when was it practiced in the United States?
What nations in the world practice free market capitalism today?

I assume you are an American. So for you to ask such an absurd question, only proves how indoctrinated you are.

Free market capitalism was practiced in America for most of the 19th and early 20th century and it resulted in making America the richest, freest, and most innovative nation the world had ever seen. This all changed when another scumbag POTUS took office....Woodrow Wilson.

Few nations have ever practiced free market capitalism and do you know why? I am guessing you have no clue. You might research how politicians and the elite operate. They don't like free market capitalism.

I do so enjoy educating you. I hope some of it is sinking in, but I fear you are too far gone.

The sad thing is I fail to see any education. A lot of words but nothing.
One more time what is free market capitalism?
So are you saying for all those years since the constititution was ratified America did without an espionage system until FDR created one? Pretty amazing.

We had a better espionage system during the Revolution and the Civil War than we had in the 30's prior to WW2. A baseball player volunteered to go to Japan and look over their defenses but there was never an organized effort to actually spy on Japan. The FDR administration relied on out dated racial bigotry and assumed that the Japanese were near sighted little savages who had a balance problem and couldn't build a plane that would fly much less pilot one. German admiral Canaris offered information to the Allies but they refused him.
So are you saying for all those years since the constititution was ratified America did without an espionage system until FDR created one? Pretty amazing.

We had a better espionage system during the Revolution and the Civil War than we had in the 30's prior to WW2. A baseball player volunteered to go to Japan and look over their defenses but there was never an organized effort to actually spy on Japan. The FDR administration relied on out dated racial bigotry and assumed that the Japanese were near sighted little savages who had a balance problem and couldn't build a plane that would fly much less pilot one. German admiral Canaris offered information to the Allies but they refused him.

America also relied on Magic.
FDR was arguably our WORST president and we have endured many bad ones.

He did not tell the war criminal Truman about the a-bomb because he was a fool, egotist, in ill health, and considered Truman a dunce....even though he was also a dunce.

I believe from about 1943 until his death, Stalin's Stooge was incapable to performing the duties of the presidency due to his health. His doctor had him working only 4 hours a day. He took numerous VACATIONS in the hope of improving his health, all while America was dealing with WWII....though being incapable might have been a good thing, since had he managed the war, he likely would have screwed it up just as he did the Great Depression. Yet, the arrogant asshole ran for a FOURTH TERM in '44 barely able to stand or speak.

And remember, all this was concealed from the American public.

The political class duped the American people just as they are doing today. Amazingly it continues to work.


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