Why did the Democrats and Obama fail this election cycle this year?

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
I'm going to tell you why, our president tried too damn hard to be the president of everyone, reaching out and being too generous with a Republican Party that has little to no respect for him as a politician and leader of this country. Its a known fact that the "solutions" of the Republican Party don't work so it was senseless to reach out to those monkeys while simultaneously reminding the American people of how bad 8 years of Bush and the Republicans were, it sends a confusing message to the American people. You don't do compromises and deals with the devil and expect to come out on the better end of it, his willingness to compromise with the Republicans on the extension of the Bush tax cuts further underlines my point, let the damn things expire and move on.

As for some of the rest of the Democrats, especially the Bluedogs, they got voted out because they sold out the people they were supposed to represent all in the name of retaining their power. Its no surprise that only the more liberal Democrats retained their sets and the so called "conservative" Democrats lost out. Instead of distancing themselves from Obama to save their seats they should have stood up for the people that put them in office, instead when they saw the low poll numbers of Obama they thought they could hustle themselves into keeping their seats by being more "conservative."
So the reason the left of center Democrats lost to the right of center Republicans is because the Democrats were not far enough to the left?

Please please please tell me the DNC actually thinks this and not just some random partisan.
Lol!! Is that the latest model of thinking by the elite libs? Good luck with that but I'd be planning on an extinction level event in a couple of years if I were a lib....with that line of thinking.
A lack of substantive change and some unpopular political positions shifted a lot of moderates in many districts who may have voted democrat in 08 to Republican in 10. The reason the ultra-liberals kept their offices is because their districts are ultra-liberal. Of course Republicans will not prove much better, I think Obama will win in 2012 and the real losers in the end will be the American people.
There are several reasons.

First, during the 2006 and 2008 elections, the US punished Republicans for what they had done to the country. The two failed wars, not getting Bin Landen, the disasastous economy, what they did after Katrina, the no bid contracts, tax cuts for the rich, the drugs for votes bill, the list is endless.

This can be demonstrated by the number of districts held by Democrats who voted for John McCain. Something like 46 or 49.

Then there were the "Blue Dogs". Very conservative Democrats who vote all the time with Republicans. Remember, even though there are NO liberals in the Republican Party, the Democrats have many conservatives.

The numbers of the Blue Dogs were cut in half. Because they voted against the Public Option, which was wanted by 70% of the country.

Add in the vast amount of money. Just from the Chamber of Commerce, 75 million dollars. Remember, this was an organization the went around the country during the Bush administration, with Republicans to teach American business how to outsource jobs to China plus they helped the Repubicans move 2.4 million jobs to China from just 2001 to 2008. Of course they are going to support Republicans who have done so much for them.

Then Karl Rove poured 85 million dollars into Republican campaigns. Some say all that money came from as few as 7 donars. You get what you pay for.

Finally, the only white demographic that voted in the majority for Obama were the 18 to 29 year olds and they never vote during midterms.

Then from day one, Republicans and Fox news riled up their base with "Obama is a Nazi, Communist, terrorist, Marxist, Muslim, Kenyan, man child who wants death panels and who wants to take your job and open the country for foriegn invaders". Of course, you have to be the dumbest of racist retards to believe any of that. Unfortunately, the Republican Party is 90% white and mostly Christian. The vast majority can't see past the skin color. At least those over 29.

And finally, the country is angry at Democrats for not being able to clean up Republicans mess fast enough. They are impatient and felt 2 years was plenty of time. Don't forget, the Republicans favorable rating is like 30%. Hardly a mandate.

So Republicans were able to take the house without a single idea or solution. They caused the mess and benefited from the mess they caused.
Lol, had the blue dogs not caved in and not voted for that travesty hc bill they'd probably still be holding their seat. There was never anything conservative about them.
Well you're all wrong. True that Obama made health care for all his centerpiece campaign issue and he was determined to keep the promise. But he failed to recognize that the mood of the country because of the drastic economic downturn was also in no mood to get into a predictable bloody political battle over health care reform as a total package and ignore the rest of the economic indicators (health care costs being just one) that continued to plague us.

Ironically, it was Joe Biden who strongly warned of the repercussions if Obama went headlong into health care, but Obama preferred to listen to Rahm Emannuel and Nancy Pelosi. He's now paying the price for not listening to someone (Biden) who has had his finger on the pulse of the county for 35 years and knew exactly what he was talking about.
Over half of the remaining Dems in Congress represent California, New Jersey, New York, or New England. The Dems aren't a legit party in the South and Plains.

I voted for Obama, and might do it again because the Republican candidates look terrible. But he was so arrogant when he came into office with his "I won" comments and had no clue how to get anything done. Pelosi did all the work for health care, and he and Biden took credit. The Republicans are also full of it - they claim to be against socialized medicine - yet expanded Medicare dramatically and refuse to make significant cuts to that program. Yet they sell this message of "limited government" very well, even though they don't practice it for a second.

The best way to limit government is to divide it. And I think we're in for 6 years of divided government, and it was a dramatic success for the 6 years we had it from 1995 to 2001, so the last two elections are both causes for optimism.
I'm going to tell you why, our president tried too damn hard to be the president of everyone, reaching out and being too generous with a Republican Party that has little to no respect for him as a politician and leader of this country. Its a known fact that the "solutions" of the Republican Party don't work so it was senseless to reach out to those monkeys while simultaneously reminding the American people of how bad 8 years of Bush and the Republicans were, it sends a confusing message to the American people. You don't do compromises and deals with the devil and expect to come out on the better end of it, his willingness to compromise with the Republicans on the extension of the Bush tax cuts further underlines my point, let the damn things expire and move on.

As for some of the rest of the Democrats, especially the Bluedogs, they got voted out because they sold out the people they were supposed to represent all in the name of retaining their power. Its no surprise that only the more liberal Democrats retained their sets and the so called "conservative" Democrats lost out. Instead of distancing themselves from Obama to save their seats they should have stood up for the people that put them in office, instead when they saw the low poll numbers of Obama they thought they could hustle themselves into keeping their seats by being more "conservative."

The dimocrats and obama* lost because they spent too much time dicking around with "health care" and not enough time trying to fix the problems with the economy. They should have worried about the economy first, and they found out the hard way.

If the dimocrats don't wake up, and start realizing that they are part of the problem, obama* will be a one termer who will make Carter look good.

I'm all for obama* being a one termer anyway. Hopefully the adults will be put back in charge in 2012.
Once again in 2010 the safest (elected) thing to be was an incumbent:

"Out of 435 seats, 351 incumbents will be returning to the House in January.

"In the Senate, out of 100 seats, 77 incumbents will return in January.

"As the libertarian Joel Hirschorn puts it, 'Welcome back to the reality of America's delusional democracy where career politicians will continue to foster a corrupt, inefficient and dysfunctional government because that is what the two-party plutocracy and its supporters want for their own selfish reasons.'"

Think how different this conversation would be if that "two party plutocracy" had been challenged two weeks ago.

Just for a minute wrap your minds around the difference 100 - 200 newly elected Greens and Libs would have made in the House.

How about the Change 30 - 40 Green, Independent or Libertarian Senators could deliver?

Maybe ALL Republicans AND Democrats have outlived their usefulness to this Republic?

Time for a Real Mutiny
Well you're all wrong. True that Obama made health care for all his centerpiece campaign issue and he was determined to keep the promise. But he failed to recognize that the mood of the country because of the drastic economic downturn was also in no mood to get into a predictable bloody political battle over health care reform as a total package and ignore the rest of the economic indicators (health care costs being just one) that continued to plague us.

Ironically, it was Joe Biden who strongly warned of the repercussions if Obama went headlong into health care, but Obama preferred to listen to Rahm Emannuel and Nancy Pelosi. He's now paying the price for not listening to someone (Biden) who has had his finger on the pulse of the county for 35 years and knew exactly what he was talking about.

ill go with this over what Magilla Gorilla said......
Over half of the remaining Dems in Congress represent California, New Jersey, New York, or New England. The Dems aren't a legit party in the South and Plains.

I voted for Obama, and might do it again because the Republican candidates look terrible. But he was so arrogant when he came into office with his "I won" comments and had no clue how to get anything done. Pelosi did all the work for health care, and he and Biden took credit. The Republicans are also full of it - they claim to be against socialized medicine - yet expanded Medicare dramatically and refuse to make significant cuts to that program. Yet they sell this message of "limited government" very well, even though they don't practice it for a second.

The best way to limit government is to divide it. And I think we're in for 6 years of divided government, and it was a dramatic success for the 6 years we had it from 1995 to 2001, so the last two elections are both causes for optimism.

in other words BOTH parties SUCK......i agree.....
The dimocrats and obama* lost because they spent too much time dicking around with "health care" and not enough time trying to fix the problems with the economy. They should have worried about the economy first, and they found out the hard way.

If the dimocrats don't wake up, and start realizing that they are part of the problem, obama* will be a one termer who will make Carter look good.

I'm all for obama* being a one termer anyway. Hopefully the adults will be put back in charge in 2012.

Like Bush and the Republicans. They sent millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008 using subsidies and tax cuts for the rich people and given citizenship to corporations.

Once back in office, the Republican leadership will gladly finish the job. If that happens, and it very well might, American will get what it earned, for not taking a good long look at both parties. Republicans are screwy. The listen to a foreign owned news station that lies about everything. 200 million LIES a day.

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