Why Democrats fear our NEXT SC Justice so much!


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
So, you think this is just all about one seat do you? You believe this is about women's rights, sexual harassment, or attempted rape?

No-no-no it is not!

There was an article written very astutely about this which I read, and it boiled it down to what it actually is. I wish I could remember the site or author, but I am positive he was 100% correct after he showed and explained, how we got here in the 1st place. Please follow along!

EXPLANATION------------> The Far Left has been unable to invoke its will forever. Whenever they try through referendum, running for office, etc...…..they consistently get slapped down. Oh sure, they put some in office including Obama, but then what happens? The RED wave comes in to rebalance.

Think back, just think--------->what happened even in California over giving illegals healthcare, or what happened there and across the country when they wanted gay marriage, or men in womens bathrooms, or even Obamacare?

They got hosed when the voters chimed in, defeated EVERY TIME!

So then, how is it all of this crap is now in place?

JUDGES, plain and simple. That is why they need control of the courts. Remember-----------> it is far easier to convince 1 person in a black robe, then it is 300 million Americans! And if the robe is already left leaning, they got a winner. The LEFT NEEDS THE COURTS, because the American people overwhelmingly reject their nonsense; which has been proven over, and over, and over, again!

Let us look if I am correct; or actually if the original author is correct, shall we!

1. Gay marriage with equal benefits-----> As far as I know, when put on the ballot, not ONE state approved it, and if they did, then good for them. California rejected it, so what did the Dems do? Go to court to over turn the will of the state.

2. Obamacare----------> Chief Justice Roberts re-wrote the statute to keep it in place, even though the Obama administration INSISTED it wasn't a tax, till they needed it to be to pass muster.

3. The Feds have total control of illegal immigration policy, until a Republican is elected-----------> Judges, plain and simple.

And the list goes on, and on, and on, and on!

The Left can NOT convince Americans, so they just go to a Judge who over rides the will of the people, AND their representatives. Not to mention, they SHAMLESSLY switch their edicts, depending upon the political party in control of the executive branch, or congress.

This is exactly why the Democrats are panicked over what is happening in the SC, and every other court Trump is putting people in at. NOT TO MENTION----------> Not wishing ill on anyone, but what if Ginsburg retires or dies while Trump is in office? That changes the court from 5 to 4, to 6 to 3! What that means is----------->they will have to convince YOU, the American people, that their path is correct! They will have to win elections here, there, and everywhere to invoke their craziness, not just on the coasts. No longer can they rely on the courts to INVOKE THEIR WILL UPON YOU, they will have to convince you with logic. So far, the American people have said, "No way, Jose" and they know it.

We have all seen the power of Judges. They can over ride the President; or so it appears, anytime they wish! And who is the final arbiter of these rulings? THE SUPREME COURT!

And so---------> the truth is...……..the left wants judges to invoke their policies, and could care less how YOU vote! Which is why the LEFT is in such a panic, and by their own words need to stop Trumps nominee by "any means!" (their own words)

Until we all realize that the Left doesn't care how you vote...……...unless you vote for them; and if you do NOT, they are going to over turn your will, and the will of the representatives YOU elected, you do not understand the mentality of the Left.

Want to understand the mentality of the far Left known as Democrats?

Then watch the NEW project Veritas videos, and how those charming and delightful people are SUBVERTING your will. And oh, by the way, they are from the same vein as Cortez, Sanders, Warren, and Gillibrand. Watch, and you will be INFURIATED!

If that doesn't get you off your a** to vote, then you do not love your kids and grandkids!

These people need to be hosed, and hosed PUBLICLY in an election of ideas!

In case you don't know how to use a search engine, I will post the site. Remember----------->these aren't words of an un named source, or words of reporter; these are the words of people who ACTUALLY in WASHINGTON DC, and are out to screw you, and care less how you voted, while smugly saying that "they can't be FIRED!" Surprise, a few already have been!

Project Veritas – Investigating and exposing corruption in both public and private institutions.

STICK IT UP THEIR CANS folks! And remember, it is your children, your grandchildren, and you who has a country on the line!
It’s perfectly appropriate and warranted to oppose the Kavanaugh nomination.

Like most conservatives, Kavanaugh is a rightwing extremist and ideologue, hostile to the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.

And as a frightened reactionary Kavanaugh would rule to allow government to disadvantage women, minorities, and immigrants through force of law, and return America to its hateful, bigoted, racist past.
Why Democrats fear our NEXT SC Justice so much!


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It’s perfectly appropriate and warranted to oppose the Kavanaugh nomination.

Like most conservatives, Kavanaugh is a rightwing extremist and ideologue, hostile to the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.

And as a frightened reactionary Kavanaugh would rule to allow government to disadvantage women, minorities, and immigrants through force of law, and return America to its hateful, bigoted, racist past.

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It’s perfectly appropriate and warranted to oppose the Kavanaugh nomination.

Like most conservatives, Kavanaugh is a rightwing extremist and ideologue, hostile to the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.

And as a frightened reactionary Kavanaugh would rule to allow government to disadvantage women, minorities, and immigrants through force of law, and return America to its hateful, bigoted, racist past.
Kavanaugh is a moderate Constitutionalist. This exposes you as the radicalized extreme leftist you truly are.
one, he's a politico, and not neutral...

two, he's a liar... he claimed he never saw the STOLEN democratic documents in his last hearing but this hearing documents released SHOW that the stolen democratic documents passed through him....

he also could be lying about Dr. Ford

three, his rulings show he favors corporations OVER individual citizens

Fourthly, he believes Presidents, are kings, and above the Law.

plenty of reasons to believe he's not a great pick for this LIFETIME position on the supreme court

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