Why Conservatives Want to be 'PC' on Race

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Be Nice, or We'll Crush You | Jewcy.com

You forget how lonely conservatives are. The flame of thoughtful, responsible American conservatism burns low, and needs constant careful attention. In the folk mythology of present-day America, conservatism is associated with Jim Crow and the persecution of racial minorities. I have not the slightest doubt that many millions, probably tens of millions, of Americans believe that, say, Pat Buchanan is a secret member of the Ku Klux Klan.

I live in an ordinary middle-middle-class New York suburban neighborhood. My neighbors all know I am a conservative commentator. A couple of them will not speak to me on that account. The others just think I am mildly nuts—a thing associated in their minds, somehow, with my being British-born. They regard me with a sort of amused sympathy. The nearest conservative I know lives about eight miles away.

Anyone running a mainstream conservative magazine has to constantly demonstrate ideological purity in matters of race. They have to show repeatedly, by indirect means of course (I mean, it would be no use to just stamp “THIS IS NOT AN ANTISEMITIC MAGAZINE! WE DO NOT FAVOR THE RETURN OF JIM CROW LAWS!” in Day-Glo letters on the cover) that they are ideologically pure in this zone. Otherwise, they won’t be taken seriously by the cultural establishment.

And that matters. In America, persons who have, or are suspected to have, incorrect opinions on race, are low-status. Human beings are primarily social animals, and we are intensely conscious of status rankings within the groups we belong to.
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William Joyce, if you were a tree, what kind of a tree would you be?
To your next point (I am working from the bottom up again) that my professed fear of ticking off Jews is some kind of affectation or pose, I can only assure you that this is not so. Almost the first thing you hear from old hands when you go into opinion journalism in the U.S. is, to put it in the precise form I first heard it: “Don’t f*ck with the Jews.” (Though I had better add here that I was mixing mainly with British expats at that point, and the comment came from one of them. More on this in a moment.)

Joe Sobran expressed it with his usual hyperbole: “You must only ever write of us as a passive, powerless, historically oppressed minority, struggling to maintain our ancient identity in a world where all the odds are against us, poor helpless us, poor persecuted and beleaguered us! Otherwise we will smash you to pieces.”
I'm conservative, completely un-PC, and racially insensitive.

Ha! But, you would say that all races are equal in terms of intelligence and ability, right? Derbyshire is saying that THIS is the point conservatives are afraid of going near, among others.
Only if all other, inferior trees were cleared from the forest. Can't have any of those brown trees mucking up the genetics, y'know.:lol:

LOL! I completely missed that visual. Thanks!
I was thinking John Birch Society.
I do not think Pat Buchanan is a racist.

About you, William, I have far less confidence.

You have posted things here that are overtly racist AFAIAC.

I might go so far as the believe you don't think your a racist, though.

Having been in the position of thinking much like you appear to today, decades ago, I know perfectly well I didn't think I was particularly racist at the time.

But then too, I was once a libertarian ...long before the term was coined.

Life and experience has a way of making us rethink our cherished values.
I do not think Pat Buchanan is a racist.

About you, William, I have far less confidence.

You have posted things here that are overtly racist AFAIAC.

I might go so far as the believe you don't think your a racist, though.

Having been in the position of thinking much like you appear to today, decades ago, I know perfectly well I didn't think I was particularly racist at the time.

But then too, I was once a libertarian ...long before the term was coined.

Life and experience has a way of making us rethink our cherished values.

You give him far too much credit. WJ is a proud racist and KKK'er.... he's actually the only one who's honest about it. There's a reason he chose the name of Lord Haw Haw, the traitor and nazi, as his nic.
"Racist" is a pejorative term that doesn't mean anything more than "an ignorant, unnecessarily mean-spirited person."

I'm not ignorant.

Nor am I unjustifiably, or unnecessarily, mean.


I believe that there are inherent differences between the racial groups. And I believe those differences render impossible the notion that we can all live together under a political system that seeks equality.

And and, within that general worldview, that whites are getting pretty royally screwed.

Those are all positions of conscience that are more than adequately supported by genetic data, sociological information and plain old human observation.

Though they are, at the same time, wildly controversial. People -- especially WHITES -- absolutely break down and BAWL LIKE BABIES at the thought that races might not actually be "equal." It seems "mean" to think so, and whites don't want to seem mean... they want to seem nice.

But hey... it's a free country, more or less, and you should be free to think for yourself. Do you really think you as a white person are going to be better off as a minority in America?
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