Why CERTAIN people should not own Computers....


Jan 30, 2011
New England
My beloved mother has just ruined my weekend. She called me about 10 minutes ago to tell me that her computer has a virus and that I need to drive 75 minutes each way from my home to hers tomorrow to fix it.

How did she get this virus you ask.... She broke one of the CARDINAL RULES of email.... She opened an email with no subject and no text and clicked the link inside that email. Why would she do something that STUPID?!?!?! Because the email came from one of my email accounts (a Hotmail account) that got HACKED on Thursday.

When she got the email account three years ago my two brothers and I wrote her a list of about a dozen "E-Mail Commandments". Among them was the previously stated... "Thou Shalt NOT open ANY email that does not have a SUBJECT, Regardless of WHO it is FROM." and "Thou Shalt NOT click on ANY link in an email unless you KNOW where it's sending you." She's now broken those Commandments 3 or 4 times now.

I'm almost at a point to tell her that we're closing her email account because she can't follow the simple instructions we've given her. It's not like she's in her 80's. She's 65 and works with computers EVERY DAY.

I love my mother, I cannot strangle her.... I love my mother, I cannot strangle her.... I love my mother, I cannot strangle her.... I love my mother, I cannot strangle her.... I love my mother, I cannot strangle her.... I love my mother, I cannot strangle her.... I love my mother, I cannot strangle her....

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Yes it does. I HAD plans to get a bunch of stuff done around the apartment tomorrow, but now that's totally out the window because I'll end up spending most of the afternoon down there trying to remedy an issue that never should have come up.
My beloved mother has just ruined my weekend. She called me about 10 minutes ago to tell me that her computer has a virus and that I need to drive 75 minutes each way from my home to hers tomorrow to fix it.

How did she get this virus you ask.... She broke one of the CARDINAL RULES of email.... She opened an email with no subject and no text and clicked the link inside that email. Why would she do something that STUPID?!?!?! Because the email came from one of my email accounts (a Hotmail account) that got HACKED on Thursday.

When she got the email account three years ago my two brothers and I wrote her a list of about a dozen "E-Mail Commandments". Among them was the previously stated... "Thou Shalt NOT open ANY email that does not have a SUBJECT, Regardless of WHO it is FROM." and "Thou Shalt NOT click on ANY link in an email unless you KNOW where it's sending you." She's now broken those Commandments 3 or 4 times now.

I'm almost at a point to tell her that we're closing her email account because she can't follow the simple instructions we've given her. It's not like she's in her 80's. She's 65 and works with computers EVERY DAY.

I love my mother, I cannot strangle her.... I love my mother, I cannot strangle her.... I love my mother, I cannot strangle her.... I love my mother, I cannot strangle her.... I love my mother, I cannot strangle her.... I love my mother, I cannot strangle her.... I love my mother, I cannot strangle her....


I send out e-mails without subjects all the time. But just to a few special people.

Yes it does. I HAD plans to get a bunch of stuff done around the apartment tomorrow, but now that's totally out the window because I'll end up spending most of the afternoon down there trying to remedy an issue that never should have come up.

I think all of us spend a good per cent of our lives remedying issues that should never come up. No :eusa_boohoo: sympathy for you......

Yes it does. I HAD plans to get a bunch of stuff done around the apartment tomorrow, but now that's totally out the window because I'll end up spending most of the afternoon down there trying to remedy an issue that never should have come up.

I think all of us spend a good per cent of our lives remedying issues that should never come up. No :eusa_boohoo: sympathy for you......

Why be a jerk about it? :confused:
My mother forwards chain letters. I've told her to stop but parents these days never listen.

My mom does that too.

But at least she's stopped calling on the phone to tell me she has sent me an email, and asking if I want her to read it to me.
My mother forwards chain letters. I've told her to stop but parents these days never listen.

Mine did that for a while as well. Chain Letters were nearly a daily occurance for a while until I added the links to two Urban Legends sites to her Favorites.

Couldn't a hacker put something in the subject column that could apply to anyone? What's the big deal?

Interestingly enough they rarely seem to do that. Of course the second step is that you never touch a link without knowing where it leads, so that should have been a hint as well.

Don't you love those e-mails with 30 or 40 other addresses attached. I feel so special!

Yep. That too.
My mother forwards chain letters. I've told her to stop but parents these days never listen.

Don't you love those e-mails with 30 or 40 other addresses attached. I feel so special!

The only ones that make me feel really special are the ones that promise you a gazillion dollars or a major miracle if you forward it to 50 other people within the next two and a half minutes. Or the really important ones that threaten you with death, a major calamity, or your armpits will be infested with the fleas of a thousand camels if you break the chain and don't forward it on.
My beloved mother has just ruined my weekend. She called me about 10 minutes ago to tell me that her computer has a virus and that I need to drive 75 minutes each way from my home to hers tomorrow to fix it.

How did she get this virus you ask.... She broke one of the CARDINAL RULES of email.... She opened an email with no subject and no text and clicked the link inside that email. Why would she do something that STUPID?!?!?! Because the email came from one of my email accounts (a Hotmail account) that got HACKED on Thursday.

When she got the email account three years ago my two brothers and I wrote her a list of about a dozen "E-Mail Commandments". Among them was the previously stated... "Thou Shalt NOT open ANY email that does not have a SUBJECT, Regardless of WHO it is FROM." and "Thou Shalt NOT click on ANY link in an email unless you KNOW where it's sending you." She's now broken those Commandments 3 or 4 times now.

I'm almost at a point to tell her that we're closing her email account because she can't follow the simple instructions we've given her. It's not like she's in her 80's. She's 65 and works with computers EVERY DAY.

I love my mother, I cannot strangle her.... I love my mother, I cannot strangle her.... I love my mother, I cannot strangle her.... I love my mother, I cannot strangle her.... I love my mother, I cannot strangle her.... I love my mother, I cannot strangle her.... I love my mother, I cannot strangle her....
You can get her a MAC. If all she does is surf the internet and email, you can get an older one like a G4 dual 1.25 for around $150.

Yes it does. I HAD plans to get a bunch of stuff done around the apartment tomorrow, but now that's totally out the window because I'll end up spending most of the afternoon down there trying to remedy an issue that never should have come up.

I think all of us spend a good per cent of our lives remedying issues that should never come up. No :eusa_boohoo: sympathy for you......

Why be a jerk about it? :confused:

Never did like 'girlie men' like you.
Guess what?
I still don't! :fu:
My mother forwards chain letters. I've told her to stop but parents these days never listen.

Mine did that for a while as well. Chain Letters were nearly a daily occurance for a while until I added the links to two Urban Legends sites to her Favorites.

Couldn't a hacker put something in the subject column that could apply to anyone? What's the big deal?

Interestingly enough they rarely seem to do that. Of course the second step is that you never touch a link without knowing where it leads, so that should have been a hint as well.

Don't you love those e-mails with 30 or 40 other addresses attached. I feel so special!

Yep. That too.

I did get hit by a virus once that caused me to buy another hard drive and start all over. Fortunately I had just replaced a hard drive less than a year ago and was able to go back to that date through the old drive. I did lose everything else I did for those months though. Now I use a second drive to back everything up which I should have done from the beginning. But I relied on all the security I have which I update daily. That's a mistake!

The virus masked itself as "Microsoft Security Essentials". How do you get around something that looks realistic and from Microsoft?
There WERE times, back when my mother was still alive and walking around with a sign engraved on her forehead that read:


When I wanted to lock her up for her own good.​

My mother worked damned hard her whole life and never made much money.​

But no stray dog, no lost child, no sorry story, no confidence man ever got turned away when they sought her help.​

I recall her giving HALF her bank account to some guy she hadn't seen since they went to high school together.​

I mean, friends, she didn't make the RENT that month, and she KNEW that would happen and that she'd have to suffer to catch up financially, but she gave that man half of everything she had just because HE NEEDED IT MORE THAN SHE DID.

Well guess what? He never paid her back and she never heard from him again.​

And then about five years later, he died and left her $43,000 (from some kind of RR pension money) in his will.​

Now that was twice as much as she'd EVER made in a year, and about 100 times the amount she'd lent him. She was rich by her standards and that was still enough in those days to buy a nice cottage somewhere​

But one year later?​

Well everybody BUT HER had some of that money and she was still renting a small apartment on the wrong side of town.​

My mother was one of society's natural born VICTIMS.​

When I looked out from the podium at her memorial service?​

About half the mourners there were somebody who she'd helped, many of whom never managed to paid her back.​

And I was very surprised to see them there.​

As I suspect, assuming her spirit was there, too, she was not.

Happy Easter, chums.

Oh, incidently...my mother was some kind of animist, and NOT a Christian.

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my mother began having problems with her computer....like this...she couldnt shut down vista properly and the program had to be reloaded...she would pay someone 30 bucks to do this....
then she could not understand wireless...then she boxed up her computer and gave it away...

i drive 35 miles to see her in the assisted living facility where i had to place her when her condition became too bad for her to hide any longer....

drive to see her and perhaps look about to see if other things are falling by the way side

i really hope she is just being slack on the computer ...but be aware...

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