Why can't something good happen for a change?

You know, I think back to 1976 when we celebrated the bi-centenial. I was a teenager then, and most likely blind to what was really going on in the world, but I remember that 4th of July (even remember where my family celebrated it) but it seemed to me that America was one back then.

Wow. You must have been really young back then. Our country was completely in the shitter. A President had resigned, Weathermen were blowing up police stations, our veterans were home from East Asia and being treated like shit, the country was completely demoralized and polarized after a decade of race riots, sit-ins, bra-burnings, Watergate hearings, assassinations, illegal CIA wiretappings, oil embargoes, wage and price freezes, long gas lines, urban blight, runaway inflation, and a stagnant economy. And in 1976 there was no light at the end of the tunnel yet.

America was one? Hell, we haven't been that divided since 1865.

I am glad your parents kept you insulated from all that, but you should know our history. It will give you perspective.

I went through the 70's, too (I 'spect I might even be older than you)... and, yeah, it had all those things you said... but you've blown the bad stuff all outta proportion... the 70's were actually a pretty cool time to be alive... too bad the 70's sucked for you...

I'm glad to know that I am not the only one that feels that life was a hell of a lot better then than it is today.


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