Why can blacks use the N Word against another black


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
and it is no big deal?

never understood that one

maybe the culture...................................
and it is no big deal?

never understood that one

maybe the culture...................................

I don't get that, either, unless they really want to stay as divided as many of them are acting. Maybe one of our resident persons of color can explain???
and it is no big deal?

never understood that one

maybe the culture...................................

Chris Rock explained it best...

Two fat girls can joke about being fat and it is no big deal
If a skinny girl jokes about them being fat......its just plain mean

Two poor people can laugh about how poor they are
But if a rich person does it......it's just plain mean

Same goes for blacks calling each other n*gger
and it is no big deal?

never understood that one

maybe the culture...................................

Thanks for the laugh! It's an "ethnic thing" as well as context being king. An Italian guy can call a friend of his a "fucking wop" or a "fucking Guinea, Dago, or Wop" but let someone outside of that ethnic group call them that amd there's a problem!
and it is no big deal?

never understood that one

maybe the culture...................................

Thanks for the laugh! It's an "ethnic thing" as well as context being king. An Italian guy can call a friend of his a "fucking wop" or a "fucking Guinea, Dago, or Wop" but let someone outside of that ethnic group call them that amd there's a problem!

He/she realizes that, they are just mad they aren't brave enough to call blacks ****** as they pass them on the street.
It's a term of endearment between them.

I think it's a filthy word that shouldn't be used by anyone. Wipe it from the lexicon, it won't hurt anything.
Afros can say and do things that whites are not allowed to because no one thinks their species has any ability to act like human beings.
let one of you punks walk by me and call me the N-word,and when I'm finished beating your azz.You will be calling for yo momma.
and it is no big deal?

never understood that one

maybe the culture...................................

Thanks for the laugh! It's an "ethnic thing" as well as context being king. An Italian guy can call a friend of his a "fucking wop" or a "fucking Guinea, Dago, or Wop" but let someone outside of that ethnic group call them that amd there's a problem!

He/she realizes that, they are just mad they aren't brave enough to call blacks ****** as they pass them on the street.

I agree 100%. :lol: I think it's the same or similar sentiment that some of those folks harbor regarding the Martin/Zimmerman case. In my opinion some of those dolts wish that they were "Zimmerman" because they probably have a deep disdain and fear of Black people and wish that they could say and do the things that they want to them, but are too much of a pussy to do so..
and it is no big deal?

never understood that one

maybe the culture...................................

Thanks for the laugh! It's an "ethnic thing" as well as context being king. An Italian guy can call a friend of his a "fucking wop" or a "fucking Guinea, Dago, or Wop" but let someone outside of that ethnic group call them that amd there's a problem!

I don't know about that, years ago I had an Italian friend explain what dago meant, I'd never heard the term before. After that he was always a Dago, Wop was just so passe'.
and it is no big deal?

never understood that one

maybe the culture...................................

Thanks for the laugh! It's an "ethnic thing" as well as context being king. An Italian guy can call a friend of his a "fucking wop" or a "fucking Guinea, Dago, or Wop" but let someone outside of that ethnic group call them that amd there's a problem!

I don't know about that, years ago I had an Italian friend explain what dago meant, I'd never heard the term before. After that he was always a Dago, Wop was just so passe'.

So would he just smile if some random person called him a "Dago" in a demeaning manner?
Thanks for the laugh! It's an "ethnic thing" as well as context being king. An Italian guy can call a friend of his a "fucking wop" or a "fucking Guinea, Dago, or Wop" but let someone outside of that ethnic group call them that amd there's a problem!

I don't know about that, years ago I had an Italian friend explain what dago meant, I'd never heard the term before. After that he was always a Dago, Wop was just so passe'.

So would he just smile if some random person called him a "Dago" in a demeaning manner?

He would, yeah. He had nothing to prove and it didn't bother him if anyone else wanted to show their ignorance, I find that true with most enlightened, self confident people. Damn, the best ethnic jokes are told by those who the joke is about.
Blacks calling each other the N word has fallen out of use in my majority African American high school.

Our black female principal puts up with no shit and requires everyone to wear their pants up over their ass where they belong, keep weapons and drugs out of the building, treat each other with respect, and come to school to learn or go the hell home, regardless of skin color.
and it is no big deal?

never understood that one

maybe the culture...................................

I don't get that, either, unless they really want to stay as divided as many of them are acting. Maybe one of our resident persons of color can explain???

Because we can. You can go into public and call blacks, *******. It's not illegal.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7S5BP-tvR8"]Yes you can![/ame]
The n-word is a no no to Blacks being called that by whites,you will get killed for doing that.In my city at least.

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