Why are the two major political parties in the United States above the law?

Well after the dismal proformance by Bush II and the Republican Congress, of COURSE there's tremendous support for the Dem candidate.

What would you expect from the electorate?

The man's gotten us into two land wars in Asia.

He pissed away our budget surplus and put us back into deficiet spending,.

His administration failed spectacularly in New Orleans.

The middle class are going broke.

Our national debt increase by TRILLIONS of dollars during his watch.

What you sense as tremendous support for Obama, is more tremendous disgust with the Republican Party.

Bush has so digusted people that long time, true blue, well know, famous Republicans are jumping ship and supporting Obama.

Few of us think Obama is any kind of messiah, we just know perfectly well he's FAR better than McCain, and let's face it, Palin is a fucking bad joke.

I swear to God, I'm convinced that the Republican masters WANT to lose this election based on nothing more that the selection of Sarah Palin as VP.

Given the mess that Obama is inheriting from Bush II, I can't honestly say I blame them.

You are correct. I don't understand why the GOP has such a fascination with neoconservatives. Now we're going to get Obama and a Congress controlled by Democrats. Will the pain never end?
Historically speaking, the USA has never really embraced more than two political factions at a time. Whenever a third faction gained a tipping point of popular support, one of the current big two would be Darwined.

Today a third faction is tough to get off the ground because they are so narrowly focused. Take the "peace and freedom party" or the "veterans party" as an example. The problem is that if they broaden their platform they become a stunted or deformed clone of one of the big two. And again, Darwin Rules.
Historically speaking, the USA has never really embraced more than two political factions at a time. Whenever a third faction gained a tipping point of popular support, one of the current big two would be Darwined.

Today a third faction is tough to get off the ground because they are so narrowly focused. Take the "peace and freedom party" or the "veterans party" as an example. The problem is that if they broaden their platform they become a stunted or deformed clone of one of the big two. And again, Darwin Rules.

Exactly---as long as they continue to look like special interest groups and the same old politicians who want jobs they ain't going anywhere. I'll still take Joe the plumber over all of them.
What is needed IMO is a change in philosophy. The idea being that there are folks in each party that think alike. And, if you can formulate a philosophy of say rational thought, you can disagree on things but agree on the whole. IF you can spread the philosophy, perhaps organizing a new party might work.
What is needed IMO is a change in philosophy. The idea being that there are folks in each party that think alike. And, if you can formulate a philosophy of say rational thought, you can disagree on things but agree on the whole. IF you can spread the philosophy, perhaps organizing a new party might work.

Agreed---a number of people who can think ( and live ) outside of the silly duoploy we're stuck with now as opposed to some man who says "trust me-I'm from team A and I have this great idea and it's better than your only other oprion which is Team B"
I'm thinking an A-political .org. A site that mirrors thomas and specifically questions the users to get the ol critical thinking skills going. Think moveon without the slant. The open question of course is: Have your representatives kept thier promises?
why are they above the law? because they have all the concentrated money and power.

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