Why Are RWers So Dangerously Partisan?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Glenn Beck would use the term "uberpartisan. "

Recently the RW got their panties in a bunch for a total of two...TWO black dudes, in their OWN black district keeping watch at the polls and the RW nutters term it "voter intimidation." Although not ONE credible witness can be or has been brought forth with such an account.

More recently we had a an incident where their God Sarah Palin apparently was shouted at while holding her baybay...Trigg in her arms. The RW nutters went bananas railing and squealing that "LWers were screaming abuses at her baby." Although not one shred of evidence supports that BOGUS claim.

Now today we have evidence in the form of live video footage of a a FEMALE no less being violently thrown to the grown and kicked by a MAN no less, clearly a supporter of Rand Paul, brandishing the Shirt clear and broad as well as a sign supporting his latest RW God.

However, The Right expects us to ignore it, dismiss it and wait for the "full story" before we even comment about it. Meanwhile very FEW of them have bashed it, although they were first in line to bash the Libs and/or the perps they perceived to be in the wrong for the two above mentioned scenarios which have been BOTH proven fake. So the fake stuff the Left does needs to be totally attacked and condemned by everyone in the world, but the ACTUAL atrocities committed by the Right people need to wait for the full story, nuance and context...then dismiss it as something..."dumb" or "silly." Nothing to see here.

Why are these people like this? CON$...why ARE you people like this?
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Sometimes Marc you confuse the hell out of me.
How you can pose a question of two situations that are so clearly wrong...and make excuses for one and ask why others are excusing the other...in a thread about being partisan.

You seem intelligent...but yet...so exceedingly blind at the same time.
I just don't understand how your thought processes work.
Sometimes Marc you confuse the hell out of me.
How you can pose a question of two situations that are so clearly wrong...and make excuses for one and ask why others are excusing the other...in a thread about being partisan.

You seem intelligent...but yet...so exceedingly blind at the same time.
I just don't understand how your thought processes work.

He seems intelligent? Are you high?
Sometimes Marc you confuse the hell out of me.
How you can pose a question of two situations that are so clearly wrong...and make excuses for one and ask why others are excusing the other...in a thread about being partisan.

You seem intelligent...but yet...so exceedingly blind at the same time.
I just don't understand how your thought processes work.

In Dr. Doolittle, the above was examplified by an animal called a 'push-me, pull you'.
Sometimes Marc you confuse the hell out of me.
How you can pose a question of two situations that are so clearly wrong...and make excuses for one and ask why others are excusing the other...in a thread about being partisan.

You seem intelligent...but yet...so exceedingly blind at the same time.
I just don't understand how your thought processes work.

If you're talking about the two situation I presented before the 3rd atrocity on the right, I have to ask you to be honest and fair for once in your life.

For the umpteenth time, the TWO NBP members were NOT engaging in voter intimidation. Just ask the Bush Administration why THEY dismissed the case.

For the twentyeleventh time, protesters were NOT "screaming abuses" at Sarah Palin's baybay Trigg.

When you first acknowledge those FACTS...then come talk to me.
Conservatism is never wrong. And since it's never wrong, every action is defended. I havent found one issue that isnt defended or deflected to Clinton, Obama or Carter. Not all RWer's do it, but the most vocal ones in the media do it often enough to project that "all rwer's do it" meme.
I think eetz cuz they be RACEEEEESTS! Oh and DA BOOOOOOOOOOSH too!! Shockingly dumb post. GEESH!
Sometimes Marc you confuse the hell out of me.
How you can pose a question of two situations that are so clearly wrong...and make excuses for one and ask why others are excusing the other...in a thread about being partisan.

You seem intelligent...but yet...so exceedingly blind at the same time.
I just don't understand how your thought processes work.

He seems intelligent? Are you high?

He is articulate, his wording is well laid out, has a solid vocabulary etc.
It is beyond me how a person of reasonable intelligence can be so blind to such obvious fallacies in his own post.

Lay out the issues you have with my argument.

Let's hash this out.
I forgot Bush dropped those voter intimidation charges against the NBP. See how history can be changed just from repeating lies. But I listen to Rush, Hannity and post on this board and everyone makes it seem like Obama was "protecting the brothers" like some sort of conspiracy.

Sometimes Marc you confuse the hell out of me.
How you can pose a question of two situations that are so clearly wrong...and make excuses for one and ask why others are excusing the other...in a thread about being partisan.

You seem intelligent...but yet...so exceedingly blind at the same time.
I just don't understand how your thought processes work.

If you're talking about the two situation I presented before the 3rd atrocity on the right, I have to ask you to be honest and fair for once in your life.

For the umpteenth time, the TWO NBP members were NOT engaging in voter intimidation. Just ask the Bush Administration why THEY dismissed the case.

For the twentyeleventh time, protesters were NOT "screaming abuses" at Sarah Palin's baybay Trigg.

When you first acknowledge those FACTS...then come talk to me.

I don't need someone to tell me that two men hanging out in front of a voting precinct wearing military style clothing down to wearing jack boots and insignia while carrying clubs has intimidating motives.
I don't give a rats ass that it was decided not to prosecute them - they goddamn well should have been.
And ANYONE who looks at those pictures/videos and can say to themselves, let alone to others that these two jack asses were not trying to intimidate people must, MUST have underlying reasons that blinds their objectivity.

You get my message?
Seems to me that whining lefties criticizing whining righties is a case of the pot calling the kettle, hmmmm, black.
I dunno why we're like this. Let's listen to NPR and hear what Juan Williams has to say about it

You won't find Juan there anymore. He was fired (and it was past due) because he couldn't play his part as him employer demanded he do.
Sometimes Marc you confuse the hell out of me.
How you can pose a question of two situations that are so clearly wrong...and make excuses for one and ask why others are excusing the other...in a thread about being partisan.

You seem intelligent...but yet...so exceedingly blind at the same time.
I just don't understand how your thought processes work.

If you're talking about the two situation I presented before the 3rd atrocity on the right, I have to ask you to be honest and fair for once in your life.

For the umpteenth time, the TWO NBP members were NOT engaging in voter intimidation. Just ask the Bush Administration why THEY dismissed the case.

For the twentyeleventh time, protesters were NOT "screaming abuses" at Sarah Palin's baybay Trigg.

When you first acknowledge those FACTS...then come talk to me.

I don't need someone to tell me that two men hanging out in front of a voting precinct wearing military style clothing down to wearing jack boots and insignia while carrying clubs has intimidating motives.
I don't give a rats ass that it was decided not to prosecute them - they goddamn well should have been.
And ANYONE who looks at those pictures/videos and can say to themselves, let alone to others that these two jack asses were not trying to intimidate people must, MUST have underlying reasons that blinds their objectivity.

You get my message?
Isn't your premise that these guys are intimidating white people? How does that square away with the fact that's its in a predominantly black district? Let's be totally honest for a moment. If I'm not mistaken, the NBPers were "on guard" to stave off Republican attempts of voter repression which had been known to happen there previously?

Also...you didn't mention the Sarah/Trigg incident. Are you willing to admit that the RW made up the outrage yet?
Why Are RWers So Dangerously Partisan?

The answer is simple. They are dangerously stupid which dovetails nicely with their choices of leadership and direction. They know they are mentally challenged so they do at least try to get help..in all the wrong places. Big chunks of information choke them so they have to subsist on baby bites of mental pablum. One could be kind and suggest they mean well but being a dupe is just being a "good German" in any setting.

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