Why are perceived liberals who...

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
have sex with children victims of sex panics, but priests who do the same thing criminals?

Columbia University has a “director of the center for gender and sexuality law” by the name of Katherine Franke who is considered an authority on sexual matters by The New York Times. Her position seems to be that recent scandals in the news are not really scandalous, except in terms of being sensationalized and overblown by the media. She told the paper that Kevin Clash and David Petraeus were victims of a “sex panic” when they resigned from their respective positions.
The Times story written by Elizabeth Jensen and Brian Stelter is noteworthy for the claim that Clash, the man behind Elmo of “Sesame Street” fame, is merely accused of having “underage sexual relationships.” This is how the New York Times refers to homosexual pedophilia and child sexual abuse.
Franke, a lesbian law professor, believes that children “are sexual beings” and that “gay children” in particular need to learn more about “healthy sexuality.”
Strangely enough, the treatment of these scandals coincided with the appointment of a new CEO of The New York Times, Mark Thompson, who has raised eyebrows by issuing a denial that he was involved with suppressing a child sex abuse scandal while in his previous position as Director General of the BBC.
Cecil Singleton, who filed the complaint against the Elmo puppeteer, says that he was 15 years old when he engaged in “sexual encounters” with Clash, who was then in his 40s. Another accuser, who later recanted, said he was 16 when he engaged in sexual acts with Clash, then 45. Clash is now 52.
Columbia Prof Minimizes Scandals :: Accuracy In Academia
What are the ages of consent in those cases? You do know there is a difference between statutory rape, and molestation, correct?

It really doesn't matter, if he used the internet to meet them, which is what is alleged, he violated Federal law even if the arbitrary age of consent made the sex legal.
you are kidding right?

1) you completely missed the point of the article.
2) its not a valid comparison

Clashes Accuser was after money or something for being butthurt. The second accuser was in it for money period. Don't forget the first one ( that i know of) recanted his story.

The general was nothing more than a middle age man having an affair...Its because of who he was that the story mattered at all.

These two stories are nothing like Priests who touch little kids, nor the cover ups thats happened afterwords.

Context and the details matter.
The bbc thing is just a joke. I don't mean that as a deflection. I mean how they handled that whole thing is just sad. That is more in line with the Priest scandal here, But the difference is it is over in England, so Americans by in large don't give a shit.
You'll also get a pass for raping children if you're a good film maker...

my favorite Polanski apologist is the Washington Post’s Anne Applebaum, who finds it “bizarre” that anyone is still pursuing this case.

Reminder: Roman Polanski raped a child - Salon.com

is this different from moving bishops around in order to cover up the kids they touched?

Well yes....One is a lot worse, and that would be the priests

Someone is saying what the priests did was okay? I don't think so...and that's the point. Polanski has supporters. If he wasn't a film maker, but a corporate CEO instead, do you think the Left would support him? Of course not.
You'll also get a pass for raping children if you're a good film maker...

Reminder: Roman Polanski raped a child - Salon.com

is this different from moving bishops around in order to cover up the kids they touched?

Well yes....One is a lot worse, and that would be the priests

Someone is saying what the priests did was okay? I don't think so...and that's the point. Polanski has supporters. If he wasn't a film maker, but a corporate CEO instead, do you think the Left would support him? Of course not.

depends on the ceo honestly.
is this different from moving bishops around in order to cover up the kids they touched?

Well yes....One is a lot worse, and that would be the priests

Someone is saying what the priests did was okay? I don't think so...and that's the point. Polanski has supporters. If he wasn't a film maker, but a corporate CEO instead, do you think the Left would support him? Of course not.

depends on the ceo honestly.

Correct. A lefty Dem CEO would get a pass. Come on, you see the hypocracy. If Polanski were not a darling of the Left, you think his raping a child could be overlooked? Please.
you are kidding right?

1) you completely missed the point of the article.
2) its not a valid comparison

Clashes Accuser was after money or something for being butthurt. The second accuser was in it for money period. Don't forget the first one ( that i know of) recanted his story.

The general was nothing more than a middle age man having an affair...Its because of who he was that the story mattered at all.

These two stories are nothing like Priests who touch little kids, nor the cover ups thats happened afterwords.

Context and the details matter.

How, exactly, did I miss the point of the article? Is it suddenly impossible to reach different, but not contradictory, conclusions from the same set of facts? Are priests that engage in sexual relationships with younger males also victims of sexual panic that comes from trying to shove sex back into the bedroom instead of allowing it to flow naturally in public where it belongs in a healthy society?

Tell me something, does this sound like a CYA statement, or dies it sound like PBS and Sesame Workshop think Elmo was wrong to engage in illegal activities with minors? Is part of teaching children to reach their highest potential involve fucking them now? Is that part of the new sex ed curriculum?

“Sesame Workshop’s mission is to harness the educational power of media to help all children the world over reach their highest potential. Kevin Clash has helped us achieve that mission for 28 years, and none of us, especially Kevin, want anything to divert our attention from our focus on serving as a leading educational organization. Unfortunately, the controversy surrounding Kevin’s personal life has become a distraction that none of us want, and he has concluded that he can no longer be effective in his job and has resigned from Sesame Street. This is a sad day for Sesame Street.”
For the record, I entirely got the point of the op ed, it is clear that you totally missed my point though.
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It does matter if you are attempting to compare Priests who rape little boys, and men who take advantage of gay teens.

I agree both are illegal, and both morally wrong, however they are not equal.

Excuse me? It doesn't matter if the pedophiles use puppets or vestments, they always say they love the kids they abuse, and that it is consensual. I don't see how the fact that I am pointing this out makes me the bad guy.
What are the ages of consent in those cases? You do know there is a difference between statutory rape, and molestation, correct?

It really doesn't matter, if he used the internet to meet them, which is what is alleged, he violated Federal law even if the arbitrary age of consent made the sex legal.

If the sex was legal, what does the internet have to do with it. Are dating sites illegal?
You'll also get a pass for raping children if you're a good film maker...

my favorite Polanski apologist is the Washington Post’s Anne Applebaum, who finds it “bizarre” that anyone is still pursuing this case.
Reminder: Roman Polanski raped a child - Salon.com

is this different from moving bishops around in order to cover up the kids they touched?

Well yes....One is a lot worse, and that would be the priests

The Sandusky case started with a single complaint, didn't it? Pedophiles usually go to places where they get access to children, which is why a lot of them are teachers, priests, coaches, or even operate puppets on popular children's TV shows.
What are the ages of consent in those cases? You do know there is a difference between statutory rape, and molestation, correct?

It really doesn't matter, if he used the internet to meet them, which is what is alleged, he violated Federal law even if the arbitrary age of consent made the sex legal.

If the sex was legal, what does the internet have to do with it. Are dating sites illegal?

It is illegal to use the US Mail, or any means of electronic communication, in order to solicit sex with anyone under the age of 18. The complaint alleges that they first met in an internet chat room, and that makes what they did a violation of federal law.
It does matter if you are attempting to compare Priests who rape little boys, and men who take advantage of gay teens.

I agree both are illegal, and both morally wrong, however they are not equal.

Excuse me? It doesn't matter if the pedophiles use puppets or vestments, they always say they love the kids they abuse, and that it is consensual. I don't see how the fact that I am pointing this out makes me the bad guy.

There is a difference between pedophila and statutory rape.
Someone is saying what the priests did was okay? I don't think so...and that's the point. Polanski has supporters. If he wasn't a film maker, but a corporate CEO instead, do you think the Left would support him? Of course not.

depends on the ceo honestly.

Correct. A lefty Dem CEO would get a pass. Come on, you see the hypocracy. If Polanski were not a darling of the Left, you think his raping a child could be overlooked? Please.

oh i see it and understand it. Both sides tend to cover up things to a degree. My point is that one tends to be worse.

Catholic priests tend to be worse than one director. The BBC guy is worse than the director.

I think making it political football isnt in the best interest of anyone.

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