Why are jews so hyper-sensitive to criticism?

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
And cry "anti-semitism" at the slightest bit of criticism of their actions, but act like pious people when accusing others? For all that Jews have suffered, they have done some very big wrongs in history, one of them is financially playing a role in the Atlantic Slave trade of blacks and being the owners Hollywood cinema companies that created and ran racist cartoons about blacks. MGM, for example, was owned by Jews and ran a huge amount of racist cartoons that played upon racist stereotypes of blacks, for example, the "Black Mammy" on Tom and Jerry.
And cry "anti-semitism" at the slightest bit of criticism of their actions, but act like pious people when accusing others? For all that Jews have suffered, they have done some very big wrongs in history, one of them is financially playing a role in the Atlantic Slave trade of blacks and being the owners Hollywood cinema companies that created and ran racist cartoons about blacks. MGM, for example, was owned by Jews and ran a huge amount of racist cartoons that played upon racist stereotypes of blacks, for example, the "Black Mammy" on Tom and Jerry.

That's pretty funny. You are asking why Jews are so sensitive and crying that blacks get mistreated.
That's pretty funny. You are asking why Jews are so sensitive and crying that blacks get mistreated.

No, that information was given as an example of their wrongdoing and how they fail to recognize it. If the Bass led a protest against this, Jews would be calling him an anti-Semite, but Jews can run and sue almost anyone for reparations from the Holocaust when they like. They want others to pay up, but don't like having to pay up when the same logic is applied to them, thats hypocrisy.
No, that information was given as an example of their wrongdoing and how they fail to recognize it. If the Bass led a protest against this, Jews would be calling him an anti-Semite, but Jews can run and sue almost anyone for reparations from the Holocaust when they like. They want others to pay up, but don't like having to pay up when the same logic is applied to them, thats hypocrisy.

Are you applying for the position of biggest victim?

It may sound harsh, but slavery was legal at the time. I'm not certain that gassing people was.
Are you applying for the position of biggest victim?

It may sound harsh, but slavery was legal at the time. I'm not certain that gassing people was.

And the Holocaust was legal too, so whats the point? Something should be excused because its legal?
And the Holocaust was legal too, so whats the point? Something should be excused because its legal?

Was it legal? Please link it.

No, of course it can't be excused. But reparations for slavery is a pipe-dream because there would be no end to it. We'd have to give them to native Americans, women, and any other group we've exploited over the years.
The way you posed the question pretty much answers it, doesn't it?

Because of bullshit questions like yours in some part

Jews? What you mean every Jew alive, or what?

The Racism bullshit coming from this board' resident contingents of NAZIs and the Zionist racists is an embarrassment to Jews and non-Jews alike.

Face it, you racists need each other.

You share more in common with the people you hate than you share with most Americans.

I'd suggest that you ought to feel shame, but racists of every stripe are too emotionally and intellectually brain damaged to have such governors on their behaviors.
Actually, the holocaust wasn't legal, dimbulb...that's why there was something called the Neuremberg Trials.


It was legal in Germany, Nazi Germany to be exact. The fact that the world says it was war crimes is a whole different matter because the ones who tried the Nazis did so after Nazi Germany was overthrown.
Im going to offer my theory, take it or leave it.

I think it stems from something akin to a cultural post traumatic stress disorder. it's JUST LIKE blacks playing the race card at the slightest criticism. Jews and blacks are just as human as the rest of us and are capable of both good and bad in the spectrum of human behaviour. Bad shit has happened to both groups. It's not a shock that jews refuse to ever set foot in germany again or that blacks insist on reperations.

Truly, the zionism is no less racist as the nazi standard but I think the western acceptance of one and not the other illustrates how social repression is in the eye of the beholder. If europe were populated by non-aryans and germans made the same case that israel does I have to wonder how different the hisotry books would read. Indeed, having a germanic jesus would go a long way too. Nazi's could also claim that they were defending their Aryan traditions from those who disregard their racial standard. Sounds crazy but ask yourself why the state of israel does the exact same thing when deciding who is jewish enough to count.

As it is, jews have a long history of being scattered across the face of the earth. I can understand how this would both consolidate common denominator resolve even if it IS racist as hell. I can understand the focus on that particular piece of land even if the acquisition from the Canaanites is no more noble than any other invasion and raping of a culture for the sake of your own. But it is still racist as fuck. White people cant get away with the kind of race based crap. In America jews, whites, blacks, whatever have an equal standing. One simply cannot say this about israel.

I think it's pretty obvious WHY jews react in auto-pilot labeling at valid criticism. But, it's still a double standard. Irony of ironies: we demonize nazis for treating jews like shit and preserving an ETHNIC standard but rationalize zionists for doing the EXACT SAME THING.
The Bible tells us "There will be those who will call themselves Jews,but are not jews,there
are of the synagouge of Satan"

Those people in Israel,are what I call Russians, and other European imposter Jews.

The original and authentic "Jews" lived in Africa. Uganda,if my historic information is as accurate as I think it is, there is a Ugandan tribe that has yamaka's and reads and writes in Hebrew.This was
on a PBS documentary a few years ago.European and Russian Jews were just religeous converts, not indigenous original Jews.Some Caucasians may have some of this ancient black gene in them,but
the majority of the White Jews,are religeous converts.
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Whatever. The new victim is the white male. Move over, crybabies.

I Agree,although Iam Black, I feel there is to much over persecution of the
America White male. We all can't keep saying all of our problems are the
American White male fault.White men are being used as a scapegoat for many
problems in the World Today, and it is not right.
It was legal in Germany, Nazi Germany to be exact. The fact that the world says it was war crimes is a whole different matter because the ones who tried the Nazis did so after Nazi Germany was overthrown.

Somehow I don't think the Nazis bothered to actually write it down in a law that all Jews had to be exterminated.

Following orders perhaps, but following laws no.

I suppose its good you're not trying to deny the holocaust ever happened, but you could at least recognize the difference between laws and military orders. I am certain murder was still illegal in Nazi Germany, its just that the Nazi soldiers chose to ignore it.

I find it rather disturbing you're bringing up this topic.

Almost everyone is sensitive about their religious beliefs, not just Jews.

ie. If a major newspaper referred to the Christian religion as "Christian mythology" they would get a lot of offended Christians.

The few people who don't get offended are those who either don't take religion seriously, are atheists, or just don't give a damn.

It is a lot harder to insult an atheist. Saying they're going to hell for not believing in Jesus, God, Allah or whatever just makes them laugh.
When people are raised being told they're a minority and that they're persecuted for their beliefs they're bound to be a bit sensitive about people making fun of them or using improper stereotypes.

Example of a Stereotype: American Christians are a bunch of white redneck wackos who love their guns, and hate anything that isn't white and Christian.

And while that stereotype might be true of some American Christians it is certainly not true of all of them. Some of them don't even own guns.

Whatever. The new victim is the white male. Move over, crybabies.

My belly laugh of the day.

Thanks Ravi.

Yeah, us po' Whitefolk eh?

I've even written a verse to express how repressed we really all are. (tuned to: Old Man River)

Move that mouse,
toke that dube
Get a little tired and
we surf itube.
Swill latte,
and pound keyboard
Listen t' hip hop
when we get real

De in-ter-net, De in-ter-net
It's cool as hell, it's dig-i-tal,
De in-ter-net
Keep White boys typing alooooooong

Happy semi-Independence day fellow oppressed po' White men.​

And to all those minorities who continue to oppress us by insisting that they should have the same rights we do?​

Once we build your railroads
Straight and long
Made 'em run on time

Once we build your railroads
Now it's done
Brothers WE got fucked this time.
My belly laugh of the day.

Thanks Ravi.

Yeah, us po' Whitefolk eh?

I've even written a verse to express how repressed we really all are. (tuned to: Old Man River)

Move that mouse,
toke that dube
Get a little tired and
we surf itube.
Swill latte,
and pound keyboard
Listen t' hip hop
when we get real

De in-ter-net, De in-ter-net
It's cool as hell, it's dig-i-tal,
De in-ter-net
Keep White boys typing alooooooong

Happy semi-Independence day fellow oppressed po' White men.​

And to all those minorities who continue to oppress us by insisting that they should have the same rights we do?​

Once we build your railroads
Straight and long
Made 'em run on time

Once we build your railroads
Now it's done
Brothers WE got fucked this time.


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