Why Affirmative Action Won't Work

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Races are inherently different, National Review writer notes.

Opinion Column on Human Sciences

That there are natural, intractable differences between the human races seems apparent to me on both rational and empirical grounds.

First, the rational grounds. If a species is divided into separate populations, and those populations are left in reproductive isolation from each other for many generations, they will diverge. If you return after several hundred generations have passed, you will observe that the various traits that characterize individuals of the species are now distributed at different frequencies in the various populations. After a few ten thousands of generations, the divergence of the populations will be so great they can no longer cross-breed; and that is the origin of species. This is Biology 101.

Our species separated into two parts 50, 60, or 70 thousand years ago, depending on which paleoanthropologist you ask.++ One part remained in Africa, the ancestral homeland. The other crossed into Southwest Asia, then split, and re-split, and re-split, until there were human populations living in near-total reproductive isolation from each other in all parts of the world. This went on for hundreds of generations, causing the divergences we see today. Different physical types, as well as differences in behavior, intelligence, and personality, are exactly what one would expect to observe when scrutinizing these divergent populations.

Now, the empirical grounds. We all notice the different physical specialties of the different races in the Olympic Games. There was a run of, I think, seven Olympics in which every one of the finalists in the men's 100 meters sprint was of West African ancestry — 56 out of 56 finalists. You get less pronounced but similar patterns in other sports — East African distance runners, Northeast Asian divers, and so on. These differences even show up within sports, where a team sport calls for highly differentiated abilities in team members — football being the obvious example.

We see the same differences in traits that we don't think of as directly physical, what evolutionary psychologists sometimes refer to as the "BIP" traits — behavior, intelligence, and personality. Two of the hardest-to-ignore manifestations here are the extraordinary differentials in criminality between white Americans and African Americans, and the persistent gaps in scores when tests of cognitive ability are given to large population samples.

There is a huge academic literature on the gaps in cognitive test results, practically all of it converging on the fact that African American mean scores on cognitive tests fall below the white means by a tad more than one white standard deviation. There is in fact so much data on this now that we have meta-studies — studies of the studies: the one best-known to me is the meta-study by Roth et al. in 2001, which covered 39 studies involving nearly six million test-takers. That one standard deviation on cognitive testing has been so persistent across so many decades, a friend of mine, an academic sociologist, calls it "the universal constant of American sociology" — it's like the speed of light in physics.
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This is probably why a recent national poll showed that more than half of white Americans think blacks are less intelligent. Kind of hard not to notice it, especially if you work with them.
thanks for the link. I haven't read anything from Derbyshire in a long while. he is certainly easy to read and doesn't make outlandish claims.

Here are some remarks I delivered at a panel discussion organized by the Black Law Students' Association (BLSA) of the University of Pennsylvania Law School, April 5, 2010. The official title of the event was as above.

These remarks occasioned much comment, most of it negative. I don't know why this should have been so. My statements on biology and paleoanthropology are of a very basic and uncontroversial kind. The empirical data I quoted is surely known to everyone. The LSAC statistics are likewise available for inspection by any inquirer. My appeal to individualism was, I thought, well within a venerable American tradition. If I made some error in fact or logic, I wish someone would point it out to me. To date (May 16, 2010) nobody has.

an easy intro to HBD. moderates will find it interesting but true believers will become infuriated because there is nothing refutable in it. But I would be interested to see the equalitarians try. any of you libbies want to give it a try? hahaha
Races are inherently different, National Review writer notes.

Opinion Column on Human Sciences

That there are natural, intractable differences between the human races seems apparent to me on both rational and empirical grounds.

First, the rational grounds. If a species is divided into separate populations, and those populations are left in reproductive isolation from each other for many generations, they will diverge. If you return after several hundred generations have passed, you will observe that the various traits that characterize individuals of the species are now distributed at different frequencies in the various populations. After a few ten thousands of generations, the divergence of the populations will be so great they can no longer cross-breed; and that is the origin of species. This is Biology 101.

Our species separated into two parts 50, 60, or 70 thousand years ago, depending on which paleoanthropologist you ask.++ One part remained in Africa, the ancestral homeland. The other crossed into Southwest Asia, then split, and re-split, and re-split, until there were human populations living in near-total reproductive isolation from each other in all parts of the world. This went on for hundreds of generations, causing the divergences we see today. Different physical types, as well as differences in behavior, intelligence, and personality, are exactly what one would expect to observe when scrutinizing these divergent populations.

Now, the empirical grounds. We all notice the different physical specialties of the different races in the Olympic Games. There was a run of, I think, seven Olympics in which every one of the finalists in the men's 100 meters sprint was of West African ancestry — 56 out of 56 finalists. You get less pronounced but similar patterns in other sports — East African distance runners, Northeast Asian divers, and so on. These differences even show up within sports, where a team sport calls for highly differentiated abilities in team members — football being the obvious example.

We see the same differences in traits that we don't think of as directly physical, what evolutionary psychologists sometimes refer to as the "BIP" traits — behavior, intelligence, and personality. Two of the hardest-to-ignore manifestations here are the extraordinary differentials in criminality between white Americans and African Americans, and the persistent gaps in scores when tests of cognitive ability are given to large population samples.

There is a huge academic literature on the gaps in cognitive test results, practically all of it converging on the fact that African American mean scores on cognitive tests fall below the white means by a tad more than one white standard deviation. There is in fact so much data on this now that we have meta-studies — studies of the studies: the one best-known to me is the meta-study by Roth et al. in 2001, which covered 39 studies involving nearly six million test-takers. That one standard deviation on cognitive testing has been so persistent across so many decades, a friend of mine, an academic sociologist, calls it "the universal constant of American sociology" — it's like the speed of light in physics.

Genders are inherently different as well.

Women, for example, can lactate. Men can pee standing up.
still no liberal Don Quixotes willing to tilt at this politically incorrect windmill? too bad.
In 2008 the total number of victims of black American murderers was less than 10,000.

August 9th, 1941 white American Harry Truman murdered over 150,000.

In 2008 the total number of victims of black American murderers was less than 10,000.

August 9th, 1941 white American Harry Truman murdered over 150,000.


Who did Harry Truman murder prior to our involvement in WWII?

And how did a senator manage to kill so many people without anyone noticing?
Who did Harry Truman murder prior to our involvement in WWII?

And how did a senator manage to kill so many people without anyone noticing?

We get it. Tell me when you come up with new material.

So you can't answer the questions? Then why bring it up?

Your questions are irrelevant, just like crime statistics related to skin tone.

Black guy shoots other guy over marijuana. Crime.
White guy leads a military into a nation resulting in deaths of 10's of the thousands. Not a crime.

White > Black

We get the shtick. It's stale. We understand it makes your self-esteem and self-worth higher than it should be. Get over it.
We get it. Tell me when you come up with new material.

So you can't answer the questions? Then why bring it up?

Your questions are irrelevant, just like crime statistics related to skin tone.

Black guy shoots other guy over marijuana. Crime.
White guy leads a military into a nation resulting in deaths of 10's of the thousands. Not a crime.

White > Black

We get the shtick. It's stale. We understand it makes your self-esteem and self-worth higher than it should be. Get over it.

Wachoo talkin' 'bout Willis?

I just want to know who Truman murdered in 1941.
In 2008 the total number of victims of black American murderers was less than 10,000.

August 9th, 1941 white American Harry Truman murdered over 150,000.


Why no outrage over August 6, 1945? Is it in your mind that "those" people deserved it?
Funny stuff. A thread on affirmative action ignores AA and instead compares a 65 year old act of war to present day black murder rates. Way to keep on topic.

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