Whose Views are These?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
1. Government will meet the needs of the great majority of our people and lay the basis for solving our social, economic and environmental problems

2. Join the movement to amend the Constitution, and undo the damage of Citizens United. Because people, not corporations, are people.

3. Contact Super Committee co-chairs to tell them "No" cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, "Yes" to slashing Pentagon war spending!

4. As greenhouse gases continue to accumulate in the atmosphere, the world is nearing dangerous tipping points...if the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada's tar sands goes through, the additional emissions of greenhouse gases means "essentially game over" for limiting climate change.

A. Democrat Party
B. Communist Party
C. Both A & B
D. You're a mean poopyhead for always pointing out how there's no difference between Dems and Communists
E. Both C&D
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Let me guess, judging from your usual baiting bullshit... Vladimir Lenin? Adolph Hitler? Mao Tse Tung? Pol Pot?

OK.... real guess? Bernie Sanders.

Hey... I was closer with the first ones.... The Communist Party USA....

Like I said... baiting douchebaggery bullshit... congratulations.
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Let me guess, judging from your usual baiting bullshit... Vladimir Lenin? Adolph Hitler? Mao Tse Tung? Pol Pot?

OK.... real guess? Bernie Sanders.

Hey... I was closer with the first ones.... The Communist Party USA....

Like I said... baiting douchebaggery bullshit... congratulations.

You go right to the "Who's Who of Progressive Heroes" for this Whose View Thread

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