WHO'S racist? Here's a secret


Dangerous Attack Poster
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2017
I'm lyin... it's only a secret to those bucket heads on the far left.
The republican party started out in part because of slavery. They ended slavery and those democrats fought like rabid honey badgers to keep and even expand it. A republican president signed the bill that made it all good and official and a democrat blew a chunk of his head away for it.
Here's some more... the 13th amendment passed in 1865 (despite lefties howling in outrage and pain) with 100% of the repubs support and 23% of the dems support.
Then came along the 14th amendment which declared those newly freed slaves citizens. Vote was 94% for the repubs support and a whopping ZERO once again for those of lefty bent.
Oh my garsh and holy frogs balls! Then those wicked wicked repubs with their awful, spiteful and racist ways passed the 15th amendment in 1868 with another 100% approval rate as opposed to ZERO for the compassionate critters on the left.
Every time I fart sideways, I've been called racist for the past 8 years and it's bullshit.
The KKK was mainly started by and continued to be mostly southern dems. And back then they were a lot nastier while they hid under those fashionable hoods.
Gotta answer the door... be back!
So strange, that with that history, it's today's republican party that celebrates the confederate flag, denounces civil rights, calls Lincoln a tyrant, and endorses xenophobic ideas in opposition of minority groups they claim to be proud of having defended a lifetime ago.
I'm not racist, but today, I had to go get my black grapes myself. The wife called from work and asked me to go get her some black grapes so I said ok. My daughter called up and said she was coming over later so I asked if she would mind getting the black grapes. She wasn't sure what they were and I said well you know there's green ones and the purplish red ones and then black ones. She said she didn't know they had black grapes. I said yeah and do you know how to tell the black ones from the dark purple red ones? She said no. I said the black grapes have really big lips.

So I had to get get them myself.
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I'm lyin... it's only a secret to those bucket heads on the far left.
The republican party started out in part because of slavery. They ended slavery and those democrats fought like rabid honey badgers to keep and even expand it. A republican president signed the bill that made it all good and official and a democrat blew a chunk of his head away for it.
Here's some more... the 13th amendment passed in 1865 (despite lefties howling in outrage and pain) with 100% of the repubs support and 23% of the dems support.
Then came along the 14th amendment which declared those newly freed slaves citizens. Vote was 94% for the repubs support and a whopping ZERO once again for those of lefty bent.
Oh my garsh and holy frogs balls! Then those wicked wicked repubs with their awful, spiteful and racist ways passed the 15th amendment in 1868 with another 100% approval rate as opposed to ZERO for the compassionate critters on the left.
Every time I fart sideways, I've been called racist for the past 8 years and it's bullshit.
The KKK was mainly started by and continued to be mostly southern dems. And back then they were a lot nastier while they hid under those fashionable hoods.
Gotta answer the door... be back!

There a lot of examples out there but nowdays they hide that information in books and such. Let's get a lil closer to these days...It was Eisonhower's deal to push thru the Civil Rights Act. Not a democrat. LBJ said (I shit you not) "I'll have those ******* voting democrat for the next 200 years" Shit... that's a daisy, ain't it? Democrats have been embarking on a filthy trail of lies, equating any opposition to their welfare state to racism. Ole LBJ sure knew the ins and outs of black hearted racism. Before his crippling programs to ,help the blacks out, illegitimacy rates were 23% and rose in a frightening manner to 72% in not that much time at all.
Democratics that support ill conceived programs such as affirmative action tell the black people they are inferior and cannot succeed on a level playing field.

The examples go on and on and on... but I think I've made my point.
An added bonus friends, neighbors and lefties! Read at your leisure when not engaged in burning half your city down...
KKK politicians

Byrd,dem. Was titled Kleagle. (Jumpin Jesus in a sidecar... who thought up those moronic names)
Hugo Black, dem Supreme Court Justice
Theodore Bilbo, dem Senator
Rice Means, repub senator
Clarence Morley, repub gov of Colorado
Bibb Graves, dem (yeah, I said Bibb) gov of Alabama Get this... Exalted Cyclops! LOLOL! That's too precious!
Clifford Walker, dem gov Georgia
George Gordon, dem congressman grand dragon
John Brown dem senator
John Porter, dem mayor of LA
And our grand prize racist son of a bitch award gets flung at David Duke who actually belongs to both parties.

Whoo whoooo! Ain't this fun?
LBJ said (I shit you not) "I'll have those ******* voting democrat for the next 200 years" Shit... that's a daisy, ain't it?

First, it's "doozy" dummy, not "daisy." Second, that quote is fake.

No stupid... I said daisy and meant daisy as in "You're a daisy if you do. Next time I'll let you know when I'm wrong so you won't look so stupid.
LBJ said (I shit you not) "I'll have those ******* voting democrat for the next 200 years" Shit... that's a daisy, ain't it?

First, it's "doozy" dummy, not "daisy." Second, that quote is fake.

No stupid... I said daisy and meant daisy as in "You're a daisy if you do. Next time I'll let you know when I'm wrong so you won't look so stupid.
"You're a daisy if you do?" How long have you know that you are gay?
LBJ said (I shit you not) "I'll have those ******* voting democrat for the next 200 years" Shit... that's a daisy, ain't it?

First, it's "doozy" dummy, not "daisy." Second, that quote is fake.

No stupid... I said daisy and meant daisy as in "You're a daisy if you do. Next time I'll let you know when I'm wrong so you won't look so stupid.
"You're a daisy if you do?" How long have you know that you are gay?

Hey Noschool... Are you using a gay smack? How special. So you think gays are stupid, annoying, wrong, .... what IS it you mean when you call me gay as an insult? How long have you been a homophope?
LBJ said (I shit you not) "I'll have those ******* voting democrat for the next 200 years" Shit... that's a daisy, ain't it?

First, it's "doozy" dummy, not "daisy." Second, that quote is fake.

No stupid... I said daisy and meant daisy as in "You're a daisy if you do. Next time I'll let you know when I'm wrong so you won't look so stupid.
"You're a daisy if you do?" How long have you know that you are gay?

Hey Noschool... Are you using a gay smack? How special. So you think gays are stupid, annoying, wrong, .... what IS it you mean when you call me gay as an insult? How long have you been a homophope?
At least you admitted to being stupid, annoying, and wrong.
LBJ said (I shit you not) "I'll have those ******* voting democrat for the next 200 years" Shit... that's a daisy, ain't it?

First, it's "doozy" dummy, not "daisy." Second, that quote is fake.

No stupid... I said daisy and meant daisy as in "You're a daisy if you do. Next time I'll let you know when I'm wrong so you won't look so stupid.
"You're a daisy if you do?" How long have you know that you are gay?

Hey Noschool... Are you using a gay smack? How special. So you think gays are stupid, annoying, wrong, .... what IS it you mean when you call me gay as an insult? How long have you been a homophope?
At least you admitted to being stupid, annoying, and wrong.

Not so Noschool. I said no such thing. Learn to read. Sesame Street may be of help.

You've had fun snarking about. I assume you agree with the post content or you would have mentioned it.
The Dems and Repubs have evolved their philosophy over time, oddly, swapping sides in the question of liberalism.
Yes, the Repubs were Abolitionists, and opposed by the Dems, but this ancient history is totally irrelevant, and, as noted above, the Repubs are now the party of xenophobia and fear.
First, it's "doozy" dummy, not "daisy." Second, that quote is fake.

No stupid... I said daisy and meant daisy as in "You're a daisy if you do. Next time I'll let you know when I'm wrong so you won't look so stupid.
"You're a daisy if you do?" How long have you know that you are gay?

Hey Noschool... Are you using a gay smack? How special. So you think gays are stupid, annoying, wrong, .... what IS it you mean when you call me gay as an insult? How long have you been a homophope?
At least you admitted to being stupid, annoying, and wrong.

Not so Noschool. I said no such thing. Learn to read. Sesame Street may be of help.

You've had fun snarking about. I assume you agree with the post content or you would have mentioned it.
LOL! He knows how to read, he's just a liar.
The Dems and Repubs have evolved their philosophy over time, oddly, swapping sides in the question of liberalism.
Yes, the Repubs were Abolitionists, and opposed by the Dems, but this ancient history is totally irrelevant, and, as noted above, the Repubs are now the party of xenophobia and fear.

The Dems and Repubs have evolved their philosophy over time, oddly, swapping sides in the question of liberalism.
Yes, the Repubs were Abolitionists, and opposed by the Dems, but this ancient history is totally irrelevant, and, as noted above, the Repubs are now the party of xenophobia and fear.

What a crock of yak crap. Democrats have done more to screw this country up since they first grabbed a little pile of power, but not to call it a job well done and behave... they're still screwing the people over today
I just wandered around google for awhile and found some interesting reading on LBJ. The quote is correct and there are plenty other examples of nasty assed racism coming out of the man. He DID work towards civil rights but he was also a flaming racist . One bill he and others were discussing was simply refered to as "the ****** bill"
I'm lyin... it's only a secret to those bucket heads on the far left.
The republican party started out in part because of slavery. They ended slavery and those democrats fought like rabid honey badgers to keep and even expand it. A republican president signed the bill that made it all good and official and a democrat blew a chunk of his head away for it.
Here's some more... the 13th amendment passed in 1865 (despite lefties howling in outrage and pain) with 100% of the repubs support and 23% of the dems support.
Then came along the 14th amendment which declared those newly freed slaves citizens. Vote was 94% for the repubs support and a whopping ZERO once again for those of lefty bent.
Oh my garsh and holy frogs balls! Then those wicked wicked repubs with their awful, spiteful and racist ways passed the 15th amendment in 1868 with another 100% approval rate as opposed to ZERO for the compassionate critters on the left.
Every time I fart sideways, I've been called racist for the past 8 years and it's bullshit.
The KKK was mainly started by and continued to be mostly southern dems. And back then they were a lot nastier while they hid under those fashionable hoods.
Gotta answer the door... be back!
Seriously? You calling me an idiot?
I'm lyin... it's only a secret to those bucket heads on the far left.
The republican party started out in part because of slavery. They ended slavery and those democrats fought like rabid honey badgers to keep and even expand it. A republican president signed the bill that made it all good and official and a democrat blew a chunk of his head away for it.
Here's some more... the 13th amendment passed in 1865 (despite lefties howling in outrage and pain) with 100% of the repubs support and 23% of the dems support.
Then came along the 14th amendment which declared those newly freed slaves citizens. Vote was 94% for the repubs support and a whopping ZERO once again for those of lefty bent.
Oh my garsh and holy frogs balls! Then those wicked wicked repubs with their awful, spiteful and racist ways passed the 15th amendment in 1868 with another 100% approval rate as opposed to ZERO for the compassionate critters on the left.
Every time I fart sideways, I've been called racist for the past 8 years and it's bullshit.
The KKK was mainly started by and continued to be mostly southern dems. And back then they were a lot nastier while they hid under those fashionable hoods.
Gotta answer the door... be back!
Seriously? You calling me an idiot?
Point, match, set.
The Dems and Repubs have evolved their philosophy over time, oddly, swapping sides in the question of liberalism.
Yes, the Repubs were Abolitionists, and opposed by the Dems, but this ancient history is totally irrelevant, and, as noted above, the Repubs are now the party of xenophobia and fear.
A lie.
Democratic Party =/= "Left" or "Liberal"
Republican Party =/= "Right" or "Conservative".

Ideologies are separate from party party identity. If the best you can do to paint the left as racist is travel 50-150 years into the past, you're just making a fool of yourself.

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