Whole Brain Teaching


Silver Member
Jul 18, 2010
Whole Brain Teaching: The Basics

Is this stuff for real?

This looks like Whole Brain Stupidity to me.

LOL I'm not sure what to make of this, but having recently been in a few pre school classes, it can get the students involved and learning. And the classes - or whatever you call them for the little ones - were active and not boring. But the teacher wasn't doing this - as far as I know - but was repeating and involving the whole class in a similar way. How many of us have sat in class drifting off to dreamland as a boring talk or problem was solved. Weird, it made me remember teachers close to fifty years ago who would often in language or literature class go down each aisle having each student read Latin or Shakespeare - seemed to work a bit better than boredom, staring out the window or thinking of girls, which was my usual school day. ;)

I confess to only listening to a few minutes of this...

Getting students actively involved in the process is a good thing.

However, there are times when kids just have to listen and not be involved.

There's a lot of goofy notions in education, folks.

They come and then they go.

This looks like one of those.
did you see how much fun the people were having?

The key to teaching anything is getting people to LOVE to Learn.

The best instructor I ever had used hints of this.

when he sensed he was losing his audience ( in other words he could tell people were fading and not listening) he did this wierd thing where he leaned back with his face looking at the ceiling and would let out this odd, lound Awwwhhaww sound. Boom the class all was shocked into attention.

I thought he had some condition at first. He was an awesome lecturer and I was Always glued to his every word. It took me a while to realize what he was doing.

This guy reminds me of him a little.
What stuck out for me was MICRO TEACH. Between all the Power Stuff, How much subject teaching is really going on?

A good teacher can do this with inflections of the subject matter, have students get up and reteach what the teacher has taught (which keeps the students attention, while the teacher sits in the back and acts like a student whose sleeping, lol)

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