

American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
I just got my Florida Ballot for this election cycle....

:eusa_eh: Did y'all know that there are 12 names on the FL ballot for President? Add in the 'write in' line and we're running a lucky 13!

Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan - REP

Barack Obama & Joe Biden - DEM

Thomas Robert Stevens & Alden Link - OBJ*

Gary Johnson & James P Gray - LBT

Virgil H Goode Jr & James N Clymer - CPF*

Jill Stein & Cheri Honkala - GRE

Andre Barnett & Kenneth Cross - REF*

Stewart Alexander & Alex Mendoza - SOC

Peta Lindsay & Yari Osorio - PSL*

Rosanne Barr & Cindy Sheehan - PFP*

Tom Hoefling & Jonathan D Ellis - AIP*

Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson & Luis J Rodriguez - JPF*

* Whatever the fuck party these 3 letters stand for :dunno:

:eusa_think: Hmmmmmmm....... A vote for "Rocky" means a president with a cool name at least.....
The PFP? Party For Progress? Party for Pussy? I could get behind that...

Whatever... if Rosanne Barr becomes President, the Whitehouse will certainly never be the same :eek:
A third party vote is NOT a vote -- just like the long list posted, and write-in candidates, etc. They are NO votes. Stay at home if you're not going to vote. IMO

The ONLY way to vote against the muslim-in-chief is to vote FOR Romney.

In the last election, I couldn't stand John McCain and was going to sit it out. The one and only thing that got me to the polls was viewing the video of Obama saying, "My muslim faith." That did it -- Obama's own filthy words. If not for that one revealing video, I would have sat it out. My conscience wouldn't let me.

What am I saying? This time around we have a much better candidate than McCain. All I need to know about Romney is that he would NEVER say he stands with Islam first. All I need to know about Obama is that he wrote in his book that he would. Horrible!

Easy choice. Terrorist or NON-Terrorist. You decide. Does America "deserve' another 9/11, which makes Obama smile? I think NOT. grrrr
A third party vote is NOT a vote -- just like the long list posted, and write-in candidates, etc. They are NO votes. Stay at home if you're not going to vote. IMO

The ONLY way to vote against the muslim-in-chief is to vote FOR Romney.

In the last election, I couldn't stand John McCain and was going to sit it out. The one and only thing that got me to the polls was viewing the video of Obama saying, "My muslim faith." That did it -- Obama's own filthy words. If not for that one revealing video, I would have sat it out. My conscience wouldn't let me.

What am I saying? This time around we have a much better candidate than McCain. All I need to know about Romney is that he would NEVER say he stands with Islam first. All I need to know about Obama is that he wrote in his book that he would. Horrible!

Easy choice. Terrorist or NON-Terrorist. You decide. Does America "deserve' another 9/11, which makes Obama smile? I think NOT. grrrr

Wrote in his book? Actions speak more loudly than words. Consider his foreign policy to date...that's an automatic vote against him, as far as I'm concerned. Unless you like the idea of sharia law prevailing in this country.
Unless you like the idea of sharia law prevailing in this country.

Its the pubs who are pushing sharia law and every one of you dupes knows it.

Anyway, we're voting tomorrow.
Roseanne Barr and Cindy Sheehan?


blink blink




Roseanne Barr and Cindy Sheehan?


blink blink





Oh you didn't hear about Roseanne Running? I thought she was trying to get the Green nomination. I guess that didnt work out well for her.

Here is a video that shows you how great a leader she would be:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiLxGPFtDAA]Roseanne: Rich (bankers) Should Be Beheaded If They Don't Give Up Wealth - YouTube[/ame]
Unless you like the idea of sharia law prevailing in this country.

Its the pubs who are pushing sharia law and every one of you dupes knows it.

Anyway, we're voting tomorrow.

Really? This is news to me. Please show where any Republican is pushing for Sharia law.

How could you miss the pubpots pushing for an end to all abortion, no gay marriage and all the various ways they're trying to control and harm women.

Look up the meaning of "sharia law". It is the passage of laws based on religious beliefs. Every backward and anti-American law and control that the pubpots are pushing are based on the fundie beliefs = sharia law.

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