Who will see an economic lift from Obamacare?


Feb 14, 2011
Obamacare will kill middle class | The Detroit News

Obamacare is the biggest assault ever on the middle class.

If not radically altered or repealed, it will diminish lifestyles and increase the financial struggles of average individuals and families. Combined with other costly government meddling in the economy, it will destroy the concept of an American middle.

Incomes that over the past decade have barely kept pace with inflation will not absorb the surging cost of health insurance that will come for many, if not most people, on Jan. 1.

We’re painfully familiar with Obamacare’s impact on the individual insurance market. Those who buy their own insurance are seeing policies canceled and replaced with ones costing two to three times as much. President Barack Obama’s fake fix won’t provide much relief.

But Obamacare’s pain is spread much broader. Those with employer-provided insurance are also getting stung. Policies that previously asked for manageable contributions from employees will now carry either much higher monthly premiums or outrageous deductibles and co-pays, or both. Out-of-pocket costs are leaping to an average $5,000 to $6,000 annually for individuals, and $10,000 to $12,000 for families.


I keep reminding myself that the extra money people will be paying for insurance is going somewhere, but where?

Someone will benefit from middle class Americans' discretionary income being diverted from buying a new car or making home improvements or taking family vacations, but who will be benefiting?

It won't be doctors or nurses. This won't raise their wages. With more patients on Medicaid and the meager reimbursement rates care providers will receive, medical staff are also feeling the pinch in the pocketbook.

So where is that money going? Who is going to see an economic lift from this?
Obamacare will kill middle class | The Detroit News

Obamacare is the biggest assault ever on the middle class.

If not radically altered or repealed, it will diminish lifestyles and increase the financial struggles of average individuals and families. Combined with other costly government meddling in the economy, it will destroy the concept of an American middle.

Incomes that over the past decade have barely kept pace with inflation will not absorb the surging cost of health insurance that will come for many, if not most people, on Jan. 1.

We’re painfully familiar with Obamacare’s impact on the individual insurance market. Those who buy their own insurance are seeing policies canceled and replaced with ones costing two to three times as much. President Barack Obama’s fake fix won’t provide much relief.

But Obamacare’s pain is spread much broader. Those with employer-provided insurance are also getting stung. Policies that previously asked for manageable contributions from employees will now carry either much higher monthly premiums or outrageous deductibles and co-pays, or both. Out-of-pocket costs are leaping to an average $5,000 to $6,000 annually for individuals, and $10,000 to $12,000 for families.


I keep reminding myself that the extra money people will be paying for insurance is going somewhere, but where?

Someone will benefit from middle class Americans' discretionary income being diverted from buying a new car or making home improvements or taking family vacations, but who will be benefiting?

It won't be doctors or nurses. This won't raise their wages. With more patients on Medicaid and the meager reimbursement rates care providers will receive, medical staff are also feeling the pinch in the pocketbook.

So where is that money going? Who is going to see an economic lift from this?

It'll be used to feed the bureaucracy...By the time the libs wake up it'll be too late:(
Amelia, the latest answer seems to be that insurance companies are going to get all the windfalls in a deal by the president to desparately shore up the aca. He will pay apparently what ever they ask as long as they keep propping the plan up. If it was oil companies getting these windfalls and a repub was pres the deal would be tarred and feathered
Amelia, the latest answer seems to be that insurance companies are going to get all the windfalls in a deal by the president to desparately shore up the aca. He will pay apparently what ever they ask as long as they keep propping the plan up. If it was oil companies getting these windfalls and a repub was pres the deal would be tarred and feathered
True, but the new reinsurance guarantee is not in the law nor has it been authorized by congress. The president cannot pardon civil rulings so he and most of his staff could be facing a class action law suit of epic proportions if the house wants to push it.
Amelia, the latest answer seems to be that insurance companies are going to get all the windfalls in a deal by the president to desparately shore up the aca. He will pay apparently what ever they ask as long as they keep propping the plan up. If it was oil companies getting these windfalls and a repub was pres the deal would be tarred and feathered

This. It is the insurance companies that no longer actually serve a purpose that are going to be sucking up much of the extra money as is the healthcare industry if it sees an uptick of use through cheaper or free services. I am somewhat dubious on the latter though due to many of the plans having really high deductibles.

The other benefactor is going to be the special interest groups and political sticking points. There will be more examples of things like the ‘free’ birth control pills where one drug company or the other will ‘convince’ the government that their product is so wonderful that it must be given away for ‘free’ to all who want it. That is one of the reasons that I oppose this mess of a law – it is going to turn into a special interest nightmare. Or at least more of one than it already is.
Amelia, the latest answer seems to be that insurance companies are going to get all the windfalls in a deal by the president to desparately shore up the aca. He will pay apparently what ever they ask as long as they keep propping the plan up. If it was oil companies getting these windfalls and a repub was pres the deal would be tarred and feathered

If ACA had been supported by both parties this would have been a massive success. It still will be later on but fighting about it has caused issues. Right now the insurance companies will make a lot of money. That in turn will create more jobs. Taxes can then go down. The more people that sign up the more money in the pot, the lower the premiums, and the higher the benefits . Thats how insurance works.
Amelia, the latest answer seems to be that insurance companies are going to get all the windfalls in a deal by the president to desparately shore up the aca. He will pay apparently what ever they ask as long as they keep propping the plan up. If it was oil companies getting these windfalls and a repub was pres the deal would be tarred and feathered

If ACA had been supported by both parties this would have been a massive success. It still will be later on but fighting about it has caused issues. Right now the insurance companies will make a lot of money. That in turn will create more jobs. Taxes can then go down. The more people that sign up the more money in the pot, the lower the premiums, and the higher the benefits . Thats how insurance works.

Explain, exactly, what this fabled support by republicans would have accomplished that would turn the ACA so successful?

IF Romney had become president, we would all be shitting bricks of gold and live in eternal bliss. That is about as substantial as claiming that the ACA would have been so much better if the republicans would simply agree with what the democrats want.
Amelia, the latest answer seems to be that insurance companies are going to get all the windfalls in a deal by the president to desparately shore up the aca. He will pay apparently what ever they ask as long as they keep propping the plan up. If it was oil companies getting these windfalls and a repub was pres the deal would be tarred and feathered

If ACA had been supported by both parties this would have been a massive success. It still will be later on but fighting about it has caused issues. Right now the insurance companies will make a lot of money. That in turn will create more jobs. Taxes can then go down. The more people that sign up the more money in the pot, the lower the premiums, and the higher the benefits . Thats how insurance works.

Explain, exactly, what this fabled support by republicans would have accomplished that would turn the ACA so successful?

IF Romney had become president, we would all be shitting bricks of gold and live in eternal bliss. That is about as substantial as claiming that the ACA would have been so much better if the republicans would simply agree with what the democrats want.

More people would have signed up immediately. As it stands now its going to take longer to build confidence in the system.

The more people that sign up the more money in the pot, the lower the premiums, and the higher the benefits . Thats how insurance works.
The more people that sign up the more money in the pot, the lower the premiums, and the higher the benefits . Thats how insurance works.

Ya well sorta,your not factoring the additional exposure the insurance comp.will face with new and more mandated coverages

Thats how insurance works.
Amelia, the latest answer seems to be that insurance companies are going to get all the windfalls in a deal by the president to desparately shore up the aca. He will pay apparently what ever they ask as long as they keep propping the plan up. If it was oil companies getting these windfalls and a repub was pres the deal would be tarred and feathered

If ACA had been supported by both parties this would have been a massive success. It still will be later on but fighting about it has caused issues. Right now the insurance companies will make a lot of money. That in turn will create more jobs. Taxes can then go down. The more people that sign up the more money in the pot, the lower the premiums, and the higher the benefits . Thats how insurance works.

If the ACA had been supported by Republicans, people's rates and deductibles wouldn't be sky-rocketing?

Somehow I doubt that. However, if it's true, then it's a shame that Democrats lied so much while they were crafting the law and didn't act in good faith to bring the nation on board with them so that Republicans could have supported it.

Sorry, but there's nothing supportable about a law Democrats had to lie about and do parliamentary tricks to pass because what they were doing was causing such distress across the nation that liberal Massachusetts elected a Republican to try to stop it. Do you have no conception of how bad things had to be for Massachusetts to send a Republican to fill the Kennedy seat? Seriously?
Obamacare will kill middle class | The Detroit News

Obamacare is the biggest assault ever on the middle class.

If not radically altered or repealed, it will diminish lifestyles and increase the financial struggles of average individuals and families. Combined with other costly government meddling in the economy, it will destroy the concept of an American middle.

Incomes that over the past decade have barely kept pace with inflation will not absorb the surging cost of health insurance that will come for many, if not most people, on Jan. 1.

We’re painfully familiar with Obamacare’s impact on the individual insurance market. Those who buy their own insurance are seeing policies canceled and replaced with ones costing two to three times as much. President Barack Obama’s fake fix won’t provide much relief.

But Obamacare’s pain is spread much broader. Those with employer-provided insurance are also getting stung. Policies that previously asked for manageable contributions from employees will now carry either much higher monthly premiums or outrageous deductibles and co-pays, or both. Out-of-pocket costs are leaping to an average $5,000 to $6,000 annually for individuals, and $10,000 to $12,000 for families.


I keep reminding myself that the extra money people will be paying for insurance is going somewhere, but where?

Someone will benefit from middle class Americans' discretionary income being diverted from buying a new car or making home improvements or taking family vacations, but who will be benefiting?

It won't be doctors or nurses. This won't raise their wages. With more patients on Medicaid and the meager reimbursement rates care providers will receive, medical staff are also feeling the pinch in the pocketbook.

So where is that money going? Who is going to see an economic lift from this?

I've said it from the beginning, as others have, that it's the middle class that the ACA expects to pay for this mess. The poor will have to pay little to nothing for insurance. The rich have enough money to go out and buy a fantastic insurance policy outside the ACA. Why would they go into the exchange? I wouldn't. So, they want the middle class to have to purchase the insurance through ACA, and I believe this is a huge reason they made it so insurance companies would have to drop so many people from their plans.

I'm able to keep my employer plan, which is a very good one. But if I'd ended up losing it like so many others have, I could not afford to purchase the insurance through ACA...the premiums alone would be anywhere from $400 to over $700 a month (I pay $160 through my employer!), and then the deductibes are so high, and max out of pocket is crazy!!! So if they're depending on us middle class people to support this thing, I can't see it going very far!
If ACA had been supported by both parties this would have been a massive success. It still will be later on but fighting about it has caused issues. Right now the insurance companies will make a lot of money. That in turn will create more jobs. Taxes can then go down. The more people that sign up the more money in the pot, the lower the premiums, and the higher the benefits . Thats how insurance works.

Explain, exactly, what this fabled support by republicans would have accomplished that would turn the ACA so successful?

IF Romney had become president, we would all be shitting bricks of gold and live in eternal bliss. That is about as substantial as claiming that the ACA would have been so much better if the republicans would simply agree with what the democrats want.

More people would have signed up immediately. As it stands now its going to take longer to build confidence in the system.

The more people that sign up the more money in the pot, the lower the premiums, and the higher the benefits . Thats how insurance works.

So the promises would still have been broken, but people would have signed up immediately for budget-breaking premiums and deductibles because Republicans encouraged them to do so?

Will you also blame Republicans for the identity theft which is going to occur because of the insecure site?

This is off topic though. My question is where is all the extra money going? My nurse friend isn't getting it. Because of Obamacare she didn't get a raise this year. All that cost-cutting in medical facilities and still premiums are rising, taking money out of the local economy since people will have less discretionary income. So where is that money being funneled to? That is the question of this thread.
If ACA had been supported by both parties this would have been a massive success. It still will be later on but fighting about it has caused issues. Right now the insurance companies will make a lot of money. That in turn will create more jobs. Taxes can then go down. The more people that sign up the more money in the pot, the lower the premiums, and the higher the benefits . Thats how insurance works.

Explain, exactly, what this fabled support by republicans would have accomplished that would turn the ACA so successful?

IF Romney had become president, we would all be shitting bricks of gold and live in eternal bliss. That is about as substantial as claiming that the ACA would have been so much better if the republicans would simply agree with what the democrats want.

More people would have signed up immediately. As it stands now its going to take longer to build confidence in the system.

The more people that sign up the more money in the pot, the lower the premiums, and the higher the benefits . Thats how insurance works.

No they wouldn't have....first of all, the website still has problems. Some who think they're signed up really aren't. Won't they be surprised when they find out!

And, the majority of conservatives were against this from the beginning. It wouldn't have mattered if the Republicans had agreed to everything....it was the "people" that matters. They did not want it.
If ACA had been supported by both parties this would have been a massive success. It still will be later on but fighting about it has caused issues. Right now the insurance companies will make a lot of money. That in turn will create more jobs. Taxes can then go down. The more people that sign up the more money in the pot, the lower the premiums, and the higher the benefits . Thats how insurance works.

Explain, exactly, what this fabled support by republicans would have accomplished that would turn the ACA so successful?

IF Romney had become president, we would all be shitting bricks of gold and live in eternal bliss. That is about as substantial as claiming that the ACA would have been so much better if the republicans would simply agree with what the democrats want.

More people would have signed up immediately. As it stands now its going to take longer to build confidence in the system.

The more people that sign up the more money in the pot, the lower the premiums, and the higher the benefits . Thats how insurance works.

Based on what? More wishes?

No, we would not have seen higher enrolments or even more confidence as the roll out was a disaster and would still have been a disaster. Enrolments were always going to be low in the beginning – that is how this works. Most will wait up until the deadline. All the other problems would have been there and the media was not going to sit on the sidelines when the government is giving them such fresh meat to serve to the ratings.

The problems with the ACA are NOT confidence problems. They are real issues with the structure of the law and the government mishandling of its rollout.
Amelia, the latest answer seems to be that insurance companies are going to get all the windfalls in a deal by the president to desparately shore up the aca. He will pay apparently what ever they ask as long as they keep propping the plan up. If it was oil companies getting these windfalls and a repub was pres the deal would be tarred and feathered

There is a small problem with that thinking. Insurance companies are now required to spend 80% of all premiums on actual healthcare. If not, they have to reimburse policyholders. Insurance companies are not going to see a windfall other than from the fact that they will eventually have more policyholders paying them, but their profit margin is not likely to increase much from the approximate 5% they now see.

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