Who will pay for Zion´s desired regime changes in Iran and Syria?


Nov 14, 2012
Slaves from Bolton to Trump are carrying out Israel´s boundless foreign polcies. But besides the peoples targeted, who pays the bill? It is us Europeans! FUCK ZION! FUCK PHRUMP! Watch out! Everything now can be an Iranian attack on Israel, even a fly crossing the Syrian-Israeli border. Israel is already amassing troops for a possible ground offensive. Putin does nothing, as always.

"BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:00 P.M.) – US security experts warning about the serious consequences of carrying out regime change in Iran and the Middle East, at the New Horizon international conference in Tehran on Tuesday.

Former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Military Intelligence officer Philip Giraldi did not think that the United States’ exit from the Iran nuclear deal could be the catalyst for war. However, Israeli manoeuvres in the region combined with what he perceives as, US Donald Trump’s diplomatic impulsiveness, could be the trigger for a wider conflict.

Dr. Scott Bennett, ex-serviceman from the U.S. Army 11th Psychological Operations Battalion feared that European political leaders were not alive to the dangers of conflict in the Middle East.

“If Syria and Iran have regime change, we’ll have a massive human tragedy and catastrophe of forced migration and it would cause severe problems for Europe,” explained Bennett.

Another senior US security policy analyst Michael Maloof, this time from the Department of Defense, believed the world was looking at a “repeat of 2003”, only a wider scale drawing in other regional and world powers."

US security experts warn against all-out war against Iran
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So people rise against the regime in Iran and the Ayatollahs decide to blame it on Israel?
Wow,, that must be new.
“If Syria and Iran have regime change, we’ll have a massive human tragedy and catastrophe of forced migration and it would cause severe problems for Europe,” explained Bennett.
...but...that's the point.
Strike for the USA. They are weakening just everyone.
Well, the US is run by Zionists, both Christian and Jewish. The Jews (US & Israel) don't want hostile Muslims around Israel. The Christian Zios just want Jesus to rapture them to eternal summer camp so they can eat popcorn and watch the rest of us burn below. The Europeans, as secular humanists (cuckolds) have been effectively prepped for this since the end of WWII. As such, they will begrudgingly accept the hoards into their continent....just...like...before.
So people rise against the regime in Iran and the Ayatollahs decide to blame it on Israel?
Wow,, that must be new.
Of course, provocateurs also incite against the leadership but this is only a part of the framework of measures which are sanctions, isolation, terrorism and open war.
“If Syria and Iran have regime change, we’ll have a massive human tragedy and catastrophe of forced migration and it would cause severe problems for Europe,” explained Bennett.
...but...that's the point.
Strike for the USA. They are weakening just everyone.
Well, the US is run by Zionists, both Christian and Jewish. The Jews (US & Israel) don't want hostile Muslims around Israel. The Christian Zios just want Jesus to rapture them to eternal summer camp so they can eat popcorn and watch the rest of us burn below. The Europeans, as secular humanists (cuckolds) have been effectively prepped for this since the end of WWII. As such, they will begrudgingly accept the hoards into their continent....just...like...before.
They are all crazed, suffer from chronic Jerusalem Syndrome and are fit for the mental house.
So people rise against the regime in Iran and the Ayatollahs decide to blame it on Israel?
Wow,, that must be new.
Of course, provocateurs also incite against the leadership but this is only a part of the framework of measures which are sanctions, isolation, terrorism and open war.

The last resort of any dictator in the middle east is to blame any kind of challenge to his rule by blaming it on Israel. It's just easier that way to murder opposition.

Iran is quiet open about their intentions regarding Israel, if You want to blame someone for an open war -change the address.
So people rise against the regime in Iran and the Ayatollahs decide to blame it on Israel?
Wow,, that must be new.
Of course, provocateurs also incite against the leadership but this is only a part of the framework of measures which are sanctions, isolation, terrorism and open war.

The last resort of any dictator in the middle east is to blame any kind of challenge to his rule by blaming it on Israel.

Iran is quiet open about their intentions regarding Israel, if You want to blame someone for an open war -change the address.
If an Iranian pees, it is Iran creating a Shiite crescent that threatens the world.
So people rise against the regime in Iran and the Ayatollahs decide to blame it on Israel?
Wow,, that must be new.
Of course, provocateurs also incite against the leadership but this is only a part of the framework of measures which are sanctions, isolation, terrorism and open war.

The last resort of any dictator in the middle east is to blame any kind of challenge to his rule by blaming it on Israel.

Iran is quiet open about their intentions regarding Israel, if You want to blame someone for an open war -change the address.
If an Iranian pees, it is Iran creating a Shiite crescent that threatens the world.


The crescent has already been created.
And there're many countries challenging it as You see.
So people rise against the regime in Iran and the Ayatollahs decide to blame it on Israel?
Wow,, that must be new.
Of course, provocateurs also incite against the leadership but this is only a part of the framework of measures which are sanctions, isolation, terrorism and open war.

The last resort of any dictator in the middle east is to blame any kind of challenge to his rule by blaming it on Israel.

Iran is quiet open about their intentions regarding Israel, if You want to blame someone for an open war -change the address.
If an Iranian pees, it is Iran creating a Shiite crescent that threatens the world.


The crescent has already been created.
And there're many countries challenging it as You see.
Where is the crescent?
So people rise against the regime in Iran and the Ayatollahs decide to blame it on Israel?
Wow,, that must be new.
Of course, provocateurs also incite against the leadership but this is only a part of the framework of measures which are sanctions, isolation, terrorism and open war.

The last resort of any dictator in the middle east is to blame any kind of challenge to his rule by blaming it on Israel.

Iran is quiet open about their intentions regarding Israel, if You want to blame someone for an open war -change the address.
If an Iranian pees, it is Iran creating a Shiite crescent that threatens the world.


The crescent has already been created.
And there're many countries challenging it as You see.
Where is the crescent?


*With the latest addition of Yemen, which unlike the previous is not depicted on this map.
Of course, provocateurs also incite against the leadership but this is only a part of the framework of measures which are sanctions, isolation, terrorism and open war.

The last resort of any dictator in the middle east is to blame any kind of challenge to his rule by blaming it on Israel.

Iran is quiet open about their intentions regarding Israel, if You want to blame someone for an open war -change the address.
If an Iranian pees, it is Iran creating a Shiite crescent that threatens the world.


The crescent has already been created.
And there're many countries challenging it as You see.
Where is the crescent?


*With the latest addition of Yemen, which unlike the previous is not depicted on this map.
The triangle of Zion:

The last resort of any dictator in the middle east is to blame any kind of challenge to his rule by blaming it on Israel.

Iran is quiet open about their intentions regarding Israel, if You want to blame someone for an open war -change the address.
If an Iranian pees, it is Iran creating a Shiite crescent that threatens the world.


The crescent has already been created.
And there're many countries challenging it as You see.
Where is the crescent?


*With the latest addition of Yemen, which unlike the previous is not depicted on this map.
The triangle of Zion:


Do You see IDF troops messing at the borders of Iraq, Iran and Saudia?
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If an Iranian pees, it is Iran creating a Shiite crescent that threatens the world.


The crescent has already been created.
And there're many countries challenging it as You see.
Where is the crescent?


*With the latest addition of Yemen, which unlike the previous is not depicted on this map.
The triangle of Zion:


Do You see IDF troops messing at the borders of Iraq, Iran and Saudia?
Iran is in Syria at the request of the Syrian government to help fighting terrorists backed by Nato/Gulf/Israel. So if they didn´t want Iran in Syria, they should have thought twice about their Sunni adventure.


The crescent has already been created.
And there're many countries challenging it as You see.
Where is the crescent?


*With the latest addition of Yemen, which unlike the previous is not depicted on this map.
The triangle of Zion:


Do You see IDF troops messing at the borders of Iraq, Iran and Saudia?
Iran is in Syria at the request of the Syrian government to help fighting terrorists backed by Nato/Gulf/Israel. So if they didn´t want Iran in Syria, they should have thought twice about their Sunni adventure.

I understand You need to succumb to the usual "Zionist conspiracies"
taken that You defend Iran which is open about their intentions and war with Israel.

You can try selling me a Persian rug, but do it in Iran, not on my border.


Q. What message do You think it sent to the Ayatollahs that day?
Where is the crescent?


*With the latest addition of Yemen, which unlike the previous is not depicted on this map.
The triangle of Zion:


Do You see IDF troops messing at the borders of Iraq, Iran and Saudia?
Iran is in Syria at the request of the Syrian government to help fighting terrorists backed by Nato/Gulf/Israel. So if they didn´t want Iran in Syria, they should have thought twice about their Sunni adventure.

I understand You need to succumb to the usual "Zionist conspiracies"
taken that You defend Iran which is open about their intentions and war with Israel.

You can try selling me a Persian rug, but do it in Iran, not on my border.


Q. What message do You think it sent to the Ayatollahs that day?
Iran is not at your border because your regime´s Al-Qaeda and ISIS terrorists still reside there.

Al-Qaeda with IDF soldiers at captured UNDOF point:


UNDOF soldiers captured by Al-Qaeda:

A. You don´t know what the two discussed. Putin is still trying to appease. Bibi had surely something to offer in exchange for denying Syria their long awaited S-300 systems once again.

*With the latest addition of Yemen, which unlike the previous is not depicted on this map.
The triangle of Zion:


Do You see IDF troops messing at the borders of Iraq, Iran and Saudia?
Iran is in Syria at the request of the Syrian government to help fighting terrorists backed by Nato/Gulf/Israel. So if they didn´t want Iran in Syria, they should have thought twice about their Sunni adventure.

I understand You need to succumb to the usual "Zionist conspiracies"
taken that You defend Iran which is open about their intentions and war with Israel.

You can try selling me a Persian rug, but do it in Iran, not on my border.


Q. What message do You think it sent to the Ayatollahs that day?
Iran is not at your border because your regime´s Al-Qaeda and ISIS terrorists still reside there.

Al-Qaeda with IDF soldiers at captured UNDOF point:


UNDOF soldiers captured by Al-Qaeda:

A. You don´t know what the two discussed. Putin is still trying to appease. Bibi had surely something to offer in exchange for denying Syria their long awaited S-300 systems once again.

There're a number of groups in the buffer zone, separating Israel and Jordan from Iran it's militias.

In regards to Israel, there're places where Shia militias are messing at a distance of about 5-10 kilometers, other at the distance of about 20-40 kilometers.

This is the position of Iranian forces on 29/11/17

This is the situation on May 9th:


Q. What do You think will happen in case Iran gets closer to Israel and Jordan?
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The triangle of Zion:


Do You see IDF troops messing at the borders of Iraq, Iran and Saudia?
Iran is in Syria at the request of the Syrian government to help fighting terrorists backed by Nato/Gulf/Israel. So if they didn´t want Iran in Syria, they should have thought twice about their Sunni adventure.

I understand You need to succumb to the usual "Zionist conspiracies"
taken that You defend Iran which is open about their intentions and war with Israel.

You can try selling me a Persian rug, but do it in Iran, not on my border.


Q. What message do You think it sent to the Ayatollahs that day?
Iran is not at your border because your regime´s Al-Qaeda and ISIS terrorists still reside there.

Al-Qaeda with IDF soldiers at captured UNDOF point:


UNDOF soldiers captured by Al-Qaeda:

A. You don´t know what the two discussed. Putin is still trying to appease. Bibi had surely something to offer in exchange for denying Syria their long awaited S-300 systems once again.

There're a number of groups in the buffer zone, separating Israel and Jordan from Iran it's militias.

In regards to Israel, there're places where Shia militias are messing at a distance of about 5-10 kilometers, other at the distance of about 20-40 kilometers.

This is the position of Iranian forces on 29/11/17

This is the situation on May 9th:


Q. What do You think will happen in case Iran gets closer to Israel and Jordan?
A. Nothing. Iran could use the Israeli-Lebanese border as well. The terrorists will be removed. The faster this happens, the faster Iran will leave Syria.
Do You see IDF troops messing at the borders of Iraq, Iran and Saudia?
Iran is in Syria at the request of the Syrian government to help fighting terrorists backed by Nato/Gulf/Israel. So if they didn´t want Iran in Syria, they should have thought twice about their Sunni adventure.

I understand You need to succumb to the usual "Zionist conspiracies"
taken that You defend Iran which is open about their intentions and war with Israel.

You can try selling me a Persian rug, but do it in Iran, not on my border.


Q. What message do You think it sent to the Ayatollahs that day?
Iran is not at your border because your regime´s Al-Qaeda and ISIS terrorists still reside there.

Al-Qaeda with IDF soldiers at captured UNDOF point:


UNDOF soldiers captured by Al-Qaeda:

A. You don´t know what the two discussed. Putin is still trying to appease. Bibi had surely something to offer in exchange for denying Syria their long awaited S-300 systems once again.

There're a number of groups in the buffer zone, separating Israel and Jordan from Iran it's militias.

In regards to Israel, there're places where Shia militias are messing at a distance of about 5-10 kilometers, other at the distance of about 20-40 kilometers.

This is the position of Iranian forces on 29/11/17

This is the situation on May 9th:


Q. What do You think will happen in case Iran gets closer to Israel and Jordan?
A. Nothing. Iran could use the Israeli-Lebanese border as well. The terrorists will be removed. The faster this happens, the faster Iran will leave Syria.

There's no indication that Iran is planning to leave Syria- quiet the opposite.
There's plenty of indication of Iran's goal to destroy Israel.

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